This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 419 The first batch of Wood Saint equipment has been delivered!

Zou Wan is 100% loyal to Hang Yu, so she will not refuse any instructions from the Lord. Moreover, transplanting and upgrading the divine spiritual root will benefit her.

"I will leave it to the Lord!"

Hang Yu nodded: "Don't worry about it. We still need to make some preparations. Let's wait for this Lord to take a look at the equipment of the Wood Saint Gate."


The Wood Saint Gate is an important refining institution in the territory.

Recently, because the number of cities occupied by the territory has increased greatly, the upper limit of facilities for refining medicine, refining, cooking, and construction has also been greatly improved, and the scale of employees that can be recruited has increased significantly.

And because of the war fortune.

So that the territory's financial reserves are abundant.

Hang Yu plans to take out no less than 20 million magic crystals as special funds to improve and improve infrastructure.

This includes the construction of infrastructure in various blessed lands, building walls for all destroyed cities and towns, repairing houses, and other infrastructure.

In addition, barrier towers, reconnaissance towers, spell towers, and basic war facilities, warehouses, skill towers, refining workshops and other common facilities will be built for key cities.

And comprehensively improve the territory's storage capacity, barracks capacity, production capacity, recruiting new soldiers, etc.

Look at it this way.

20 million magic crystals are not a lot.

It just meets basic needs.

There is even a large gap.

The development and expansion speed of Hangyu Territory is too fast.

Under this situation, it is inevitable that the foundation is insufficient, so that the construction level of many areas is not enough, and crazy spending of money and resources is just to make up for it.

And to complete the full construction.

One 20 million magic crystal is far from enough.

At least four or even five are required.

Hangyu can't take out so much money for the time being. Although more than 30 million magic crystals were earned in the process of conquering Xiwei and Dongyou, 10 million of them were used in the transformation of Dongyou people and various governance.

The expenditure of purifying the curse of more than 2 million Taiyou people alone can be as high as several million magic crystals.

In other words.

Although the conquest of Shouyang Mountain made a lot of money.

But there are also quite a lot of places that need to be spent and invested.

How to use fiscal reserves reasonably is very important for the development of the territory.

The 20 million magic crystal special fund has been almost spent.

A considerable part of it is used to improve the productivity of the territory. Only by comprehensively improving and strengthening the productivity of the territory can a continuous cash flow be created.


Hangyu Territory's production capacity has increased greatly.

At present, there are 120 alchemy workshops of no less than level 3, 100 refining workshops of no less than level 3, 100 abyss canteens of no less than level 3, and 20 construction workshops in the territory.

The current territory has more than 1,200 star alchemists and refining masters, nearly 1,000 cooks, and even 120 construction masters.

Such a large production team.

The monthly salary expenditure alone is an astronomical figure.

However, most employees do not need salary, or return it double after receiving salary.

As a result, supporting such a large production team not only does not cause any burden on the finances, but can generate at least tens of millions of income every month.

The current refining team is divided into two parts.

One part is led by the chief refining master Yan Ling.

This part of the weapon refiners focuses on serving the territory, with the main purpose of meeting the weapon refinement needs of the people and the players of the Scourge Army.

Another part is led by the weapon refiner Ma Jun.

This part of the weapon refiners is based on the Wood Saint Gate. Although they will repair or refine equipment for players on a daily basis, their main task is not to serve, but to make money for the territory.

Their task is to study weapon refinement technology, and at the same time, under the leadership of the Wood Saint Gate, participate in the creation of Wood Saint equipment.

Thereby creating enough outlets for the territory.

When Hang Yu came to the Wood Saint Gate.

He immediately saw hundreds of brand new Wood Saint crossbows.

This Wood Saint crossbow is the current flagship product of Hang Yu Territory.

Ten elite units can launch this kind of equipment, and the attack triggered is enough to kill the fourth-level overlord at a long distance.

Hang Yu asked: "How many have been built so far?"

Zou Wan said respectfully: "Report to the lord, in the past less than four days, more than 500 refiners from the Wood Saint Sect and the territory have worked hard."

"Currently, 1,500 improved versions of the Wood Saint Crossbow, 500 array-breaking machines, and 500 giant shield machines have been built!"

When he heard this number.

Hang Yu also felt refreshed.

Thinking back then, the disciples of the Wood Saint Sect worked hard, even if the materials were sufficient, it would take at least a few days to make a Wood Saint Crossbow without sleep.

Such efficiency.

Let alone exporting the equipment.

Even if they use it themselves, it is not enough.

Now, in less than seven days, a total of 2,500 devices have been built. The huge explosion of production capacity can be imagined.

This is certainly supported by the territory, with 500 refiners invested in assistance, but the more important reason is that the division of labor in the territory has been initially established.

Various relatively cumbersome parts.

Currently, they are outsourced to other territories.

Hang Yuling is only responsible for three or two core components and overall assembly.

This greatly reduces the time required, and naturally greatly improves production efficiency.

"This wooden sacred crossbow seems to have changed from the original."

"Exactly!" Zou Wan introduced: "The original wooden sacred crossbow consisted of nineteen components, and now one more has been added, for a total of twenty."

"What changes have been made in performance?"

"According to Ma Jijiu's description, this new component has a locking function, which allows the heavy arrow to chase and lock the target within a certain range and time after it is shot."

Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Although only one component has been added, the performance of the wooden sacred crossbow has become much stronger, especially suitable for accurately sniping the enemy's high-level combat power on the battlefield.

These 1,500 wooden sacred crossbows.

Hang Yu decided to keep 500 and put 200 on the Shenji giant ship to increase the firepower of this strategic weapon.

The other 300 will be deployed to the main city and various important cities, and cities bordering the unknown abyss dream.

To increase the defense of these cities.

Of course, if you want to fully arm the entire territory, the number of 500 alone is still not enough, but Hang Yu can't swallow all the first batch of works.

You have to invest a part in the market.

To verify the commercial value and recover cash.

Hang Yu asked Xiao Ba to calculate the cost of the wooden sacred crossbow.

The wooden sacred crossbow consists of a total of 20 components, including 17 third-level components and 3 fourth-level components.

All third-level components are outsourced.

The purchase price is about 180 magic crystals per piece.

The three core fourth-order components are self-produced, and the material cost is discounted to 300 magic crystals. The labor cost of the territory refiner is about 90 magic crystals per frame.

It is not difficult to calculate.

The cost of a wooden holy crossbow is 4050 magic crystals.

The cost of the array-breaking machine and the giant shield machine is slightly lower.

The cost of the former is about 2220 magic crystals, and the cost of the latter is about 2000 magic crystals.

In other words, the total cost invested by Hangyu to build this batch of wooden holy equipment is about 10 million magic crystals, of which more than 80% is paid to suppliers.

Suppliers in various territories are still working overtime to produce parts, and Hangyu Territory will collect as much as they produce.


Even if Hangyu Territory has no money for the time being, it doesn’t matter.

The Humanitarian Alliance provides Hangyu Territory with a low-interest loan of up to 30 million magic crystals to solve the problem of capital turnover for Hangyu Territory and to encourage the production enthusiasm of suppliers to the greatest extent.

"Not bad!"

Just the purchase of seventeen third-level components for the Wooden Holy Crossbow.

He paid a total of about 4.6 million magic crystals to about thirty territory suppliers, with an average income of about 150,000 magic crystals per territory.

For them, it is by no means a small number.

The raw materials of these third-level components are relatively common and cheap third-level green materials.

The average purchase price of each component is about 180 magic crystals.

The cost may be about 80 magic crystals.

Even if the raw materials are purchased from the market for processing, the gross profit can reach a level close to 100%. For such low-end OEM with no technical content, what is the difference between this and giving money?

What's more.

These low-level suppliers.

All are selected third-level territories.

When selecting, two factors were mainly considered.

First, there is enough redundant refining capacity.

Second, the corresponding raw materials can be produced locally.

In this case, the production cost is lower. Using the excess productivity of the territory, plus local material resources, it can exchange for 150,000 magic crystal income in less than ten days.

Such an extra income in ten days.

It is not a small number for most third-level territories!

At least in the past, it was a dream.

Add the formation-breaking machine and the giant shield machine.

There are fifty or sixty supplier territories.

At least half of the 10 million magic crystals currently spent by Hang Yu has become profits shared by these territories.

This wave of operations.

What is the difference between this and throwing money?

Hang Yu Territory has gained efficiency, and these supplier territories have gained profits. It is definitely a win-win cooperation!

These human race territories that cooperate with Hang Yu Territory have all become loyal supporters and hardcore brothers of Hang Yu Territory.

At present, the news has spread within the Humanitarian Alliance.

It makes hundreds of territories envious.

It can be said that.

Now Hang Yu.

is a cash cow and a god of wealth.

Even though he has been the vice president of the Humanitarian Alliance for more than two months, his reputation and influence are increasing rapidly.

It is not enough to make money with a group of younger brothers.

Hang Yu also wants the organization and the top leaders of the organization to join in. Only in this way can the Humanitarian Alliance unite to make this cake bigger.

After a little thought.

Hang Yu left 300 giant shield machines and 200 array-breaking machines to the territory, and the rest were sold together with 1,000 wooden holy crossbows.

As for.

How much.

How to sell?

Hang Yu could of course choose to sell in batches in the market.

With the scale of the Humanitarian Alliance's organized market and 100 basic markets, it would take only a few days to digest this batch of goods.


The payment is too slow.

And it is not wise to fight alone.

At present, Hang Yu does not pursue profit maximization, but fast payment, expansion of production capacity, and opening up the market.

He did not do this, but prepared to hand over all of this batch of wooden holy equipment to the Humanitarian Alliance for recycling, and then Bei Chenguang and other great lords would subscribe or distribute them.

As for pricing?

Take the wooden holy crossbow as an example.

Because the business has just started, the current cost is still quite high, and there is still a lot of room for compression in the future. Even at the current standard of 4,000 magic crystals, it can create a considerable profit space.

The value of the Wooden Holy Crossbow lies mainly in its ability to attack from a very long distance, plus its destructive power that is enough to kill a Tier 4 Overlord unit with one strike.

Whether it is for attacking an enemy or defending a city.

All can play a huge role.

But in terms of tactical value.

It is slightly inferior to special equipment such as the teleportation staff.

The current value of an ordinary teleportation staff is about 30,000 magic crystals, and the value of the wooden holy crossbow may be lower.

Hang Yu expected.

If you sell it yourself.

It would be good if one can be sold for around 15,000 magic crystals.

But if a social expert like Bei Chenguang is allowed, he will definitely find a market with deep pockets. It will not be difficult to sell the wooden holy crossbow for 20,000 yuan based on its scarcity and demand.

Consider all aspects.

Hang Yu decided to negotiate with the organization.

They will be recycled at a price of 12,000 magic crystals.

After the Humane League obtains the goods at wholesale prices, it then allows Bei Chenguang and other big bosses to subscribe or distribute them internally. This can not only increase the strength of the organization's territory, but also allow everyone to make money, and those who can get more.

negotiation process.

Very smooth.

Because Hang Yu now only wants to become bigger and stronger.

Therefore, both upstream and downstream companies should provide enough sincerity and concessions.

Whether it is a small territory or a large lord, both will make money. No one or force will refuse such cooperation.

Who dares to object?

Who dares to cause trouble?

That is to be an enemy to the interests of the entire Humanity Alliance and all human lords!

There is no need for Hang Yu to come forward in person.

The conference presidents and elders tore it up.

In the end, 1,000 wooden holy crossbows were delivered at a price of 12 million magic crystals, and 200 giant shield machines and 300 formation-breaking machines were also delivered at a total price of 5 million.

A total of 17 million magic crystals were withdrawn.

Hang Yu is very satisfied, the organization is very satisfied, and all the large and small territories along the entire interest chain are very satisfied.

On the surface.

Hang Yu's cumulative cost is about 10 million magic crystals.

In the end, after working hard for so many days, I only earned 17 million magic crystals, and the profit didn't seem to be very good.


If Hang Yu does not leave 500 wooden holy crossbows, 300 giant shield machines, and 200 formation-breaking machines for his territory, but instead takes action on them all, he can get back at least 28 million magic crystals.

Such profit margins are already exaggerated.

Hangyu can integrate the supply chain at any time in the future to compress costs to a more reasonable space and adjust wholesale shipping prices according to market conditions.

The top priority is to make the cake bigger.

In the long run, this is at least a super cake with an annual output value of several billion. In the future, how will the cake be divided, how much will be eaten, and to whom.

After all.

Hang Yu alone has the final say.

At present, Hang Yuling's production capacity is not at full capacity, and there is still room for further improvement in overall production capacity. He is recruiting and training more weapon refiners.


Hang Yu is not in a hurry to use the money he earns for construction.

He decided to double the size of his supplier base.

There are already fifty or sixty third-level human leaders working for Hang Yu. If the territory is doubled based on this, there will be hundreds of territories working for Hang Yu.

Hang Yu’s order.

These will be the territories of the future.

the most important source of fiscal revenue.

Under this situation, these territories can only follow Hang Yu's lead and stand firmly with the interests of Hang Yu.

At this time.

The Humane Alliance Bei Chenguang is included.

All the elders and president-level figures sent congratulations to Hang Yu.

Because facts have proven that Hang Yu’s plans for the common prosperity of mankind and the Humane League’s industrial chain are highly implementable.

Making money by yourself is not a skill.

It is extremely difficult to start a win-win business.

The appearance of Hang Yu will not only bring vitality to hundreds or thousands of human beings, but may also improve the status of the entire human race in the near future. Such a genius is hard to come by in a million years!

"Where have we been? This is just the beginning!"

Hang Yu felt that these people were making too much fuss.

Ma Jun's creativity has not yet been fully tapped.

As the territory develops in the future, more and better forging equipment inventions will surely appear.

In addition, Hang Yuling's power is not only for refining weapons, but also for refining medicine. His potential is not bad, or even higher.

Zhang Zhongjing has begun to try to develop unique new drugs. Once a breakthrough is made in this area, there will be even more room for imagination in the future, because drugs are consumables and the demand is a bottomless pit. (End of chapter)

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