This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 421: Let's have some shocking news!

When Hang Yu felt that the time was right, he released the game announcement without any ink, which immediately attracted the attention and discussion of netizens.

Within the official website forum.

"Latest breaking news!"

"The plane mercenary gameplay is officially launched!"

"After the competition and dungeons, there is another major gameplay update. Everyone, go check it out!"

"Holy shit! It's true! The plane mercenary gameplay is really online! Wouldn't all the corps bosses try it out soon?"


In order to develop plane mercenary gameplay for players.

Hang Yu had been preparing two months ago to create a territorial union for this purpose. After the situation in the Shouyang Mountain area was settled, he deliberately released relevant news, so there has been attention and discussion for a long time.

Officially released now.

All parties have predicted the future of mercenary gameplay.

A very well-known occultist in a forum posted:

"After the rumors about the mercenary gameplay became known, it finally came out after being asked for it!"

"I believe that both game enthusiasts and connoisseurs like us are full of expectations for the plane mercenary gameplay."

"Different from simple gameplay updates in dungeons and competitions, I think the emergence of plane mercenaries has a deeper meaning and impact, and will bring at least two major changes."

“First, the territory’s capacity is expected to rise rapidly!”

"Theoretically, the abyssal planes are infinitely large and there are infinitely many. When the plane mercenary gameplay is enabled, territorial corps will be able to come to various places to spawn monsters."

"Although judging from the content of the announcement, there are many restrictions and inconveniences, objectively it does greatly increase the scope of territorial hunting and monster killing."

"The emergence of this gameplay will greatly improve the territory's resources, the players' sense of experience will also be greatly increased, and the number of the Scourge Army will also rapidly expand."

"Second, this is a major development of the game's worldview!"

"As we all know, the game world view of the Three Kingdoms is composed of abyss and stars. We have entered the star city-state more than once and learned about the settings of the stars, but we have never truly entered other abyss planes."

"The opening of the plane mercenary gameplay now allows players to come to other human leaders to participate in actions. Although the time and space for each action will be limited, there is definitely a chance for us to see different scenery."

"Whether it's the expansion of the world view or the improvement of gameplay, it's huge."

"We hope that the major natural disaster corps will bring us the latest information as soon as possible."

It won't take a while.

The entire forum is filled with discussions about the new gameplay.

At the same time, speeches or representatives of the major Scourge Corps also publicly stated on forums or in the media that they had applied to participate in the plane mercenary operation, and they believed that they would soon be able to provide first-hand information to the melon-eating netizens.


Abyssal world.

A certain human race leader.

It has been one hundred and twenty-eight years since Gao Yang became the lord.

This is a lord who has some qualifications among the human race.

He broke through and became a fourth-level lord twenty years ago. There are currently six abyss maps in his territory, but the total population so far is only three to four hundred thousand.

Among them, there are less than 10,000 people in the third-level dependent clan.

There are only a pitiful 800 people in the fourth-level clan tribe.

Every soldier is cultivated through hard work and frugality.

This was Lord Gaoyang's fortune accumulated over decades. Every time he launched any important battle, he had to carefully prepare for one or two months.

Be fully prepared as much as possible, or be reluctant to send troops. Once you choose to send troops, you must win quickly, and try to use units recruited from the recruitment building to fight to ensure the integrity of the family troops to the greatest extent.

The death of any senior soldier is a huge loss.

Because of this, we are cautious and walking on thin ice.

Gao Yangling's development of the abyss map can be said to be extremely slow, which can be described as squeezing out toothpaste.

The sixth map he activated before breaking through to the fourth level, which means that this area has been developed for twenty years, but most of the areas and most of the strongholds are still inactive.

Why is this happening?

There is a polluted indigenous city blocking a key location on the new map.

This city is very difficult to conquer and seriously affects the development of the entire region.

Gao Yang had been preparing for many years, but he still could not find a way to conquer this city, which meant that he was unable to develop resources on new maps, which severely hindered the development of his territory.


The abyssal plane in which it is located.

A shallow abyss located in the twilight zone.

The luck gathered in this plane is very thin. Not only the natives of the plane, but also the core pollution sources, are basically monsters with no IQ. It is difficult to breed local abyssal forces, and the influence of the outer gods of the abyss is also difficult to reach.


The extremely dark day breaks out.

Or meet the dependents of foreign gods to establish their power.

This fragile territory has long since been destroyed.

There is no way to continue like this. We must find a way to remove this obstacle as soon as possible.

Gao Yang thought of many ways to solve this problem. In addition to trying to save money to purchase high-end recruitment-type buildings to gradually strengthen the territory's military strength, he also purchased a piece of a request for help, built an abyss buoy, and launched a request for help within the organization.

If the boss sends troops over.

Maybe it can solve this problem.

But the financial situation of the territory is very tight.

There are simply not many magic crystals available as bounties.

This is another level 4 map. Even if there are no large indigenous forces or abyss forces, many of the polluted aborigines and various creatures have reached the level 4, which is quite dangerous for any territory.

Gao Yang is only level 4 as a lord.

The territory cannot receive reinforcements above the lord level.

Even if there are level 5 bosses willing to help, they can only send the level 4 soldiers of the territory.

Everyone is willing to take such a risk.

After all, the risk is not proportional to the benefit.

Gao Yang's call for help has been sent for several months, and no territory has contacted it. Even he himself has no hope. He is ready to hold back for ten or eight years, and then push through with his own strength.

Who would have thought.

At this time.

Lord Hangyu responded to the call for help.

A 2,000-man force is being sent to assist Lord Gaoyang in the battle.

This news made Lord Gaoyang stunned for several minutes. He couldn't believe this fact.

Lord Hangyu?

This name is like thunder in my ears!

He is the rising star of Shengcang, the newest vice president of the Humane Alliance, and has recently created an equipment refining industry chain, leading dozens of lords to make a fortune together.

Even though the rise of Hang Yuling is extremely fast, his time and qualifications are not worth mentioning compared with other lords, but no one dares to underestimate him, he is definitely a big boss.

Before Gao Yang could think about it.

This army arrived.

It came out of the star teleportation station of the territory.

"Is this the other human leader?"

"Strange, why does it look so shabby!"

"Didn't they say that this territory has a history of more than a hundred years?"


Gao Yang hurriedly took his men to greet them, but when he saw the army in front of him, he had a strange and disappointed expression.

Among this army, there are very few fourth-level units, and most of them are second- and third-level.

Second- and third-level combat units.

I am afraid that they will not be able to play a role.

But think about it, although Hang Yu is a top boss, he has been a lord for too short a time.

At this time, a general headed by Hang Yuling caught Gao Yang's attention. This person was not an ordinary human. He was wearing a tattered cloak, and inside it was a skeleton filled with mist. He was a demonized human.


He hid his breath.

It was impossible to tell whether he was strong or weak.

This person was definitely not from the Star Clan.

He was probably a native of the naturalized human race.

Gao Yang thought of the rumors about Lord Hang Yu. This famous new star of Sheng Cang was a lord of the kingly way. The reason why he could counterattack in the lord competition and defeat the existence of Gu Sheng Cang Yue was because he had a top-level native people.

Is it Jia Xu?

Or Dian Wei?

Or Zhang Zhongjing?

These people are all on the Sheng Cang hero list.

Especially Zhang Zhongjing, who ranked as high as ninth. If there is such a person to help, it may indeed play a huge role.

Gao Yang couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation, so he stepped forward and asked: "I am the lord Gao Yang here, what is your name?"

"Hang Yuling, Sima Yi!"

Sima Yi?

Never heard of him?

Gao Yang felt a little disappointed.

The leader of this natural disaster army is no one else.

It is Sima Yi who has just established the Anti-You Corps.

In fact, Sima Yi is also very busy. His current main position is the acting governor of Dongyou Kingdom. He must fully integrate the population and resources of Dongyou Kingdom for the territory within a limited time.

Time is tight.

The task is heavy.

It should be very busy.

Why did Sima Yi participate in this event?

There are two main reasons.

The first one is of course that the integration of Dongyou Kingdom is smoother than expected. At present, most of the Taiyou people have left the dark faith and joined the territory.

The second is that Sima Yi recently encountered something that bothered him very much.

He thought that with his fame, it should be easy to recruit a full army, but the process of recruiting new soldiers was not smooth. This group of natural disaster soldiers did not seem to like him very much.

One side is indirect attack.

Sima Yi finally knew the reason.

It was because his image and reputation were not very good among the natural disaster army.

Sima Yi heard that the natural disaster army was a group of time travelers from the future.

The timeline of these people was not distorted by the will of the abyss. They were quite dissatisfied with their roles and actions in historical time, so that some natural disaster army refused to become his direct subordinates.

In this regard.

Sima Yi felt a little wronged.

But it would be easy to deal with it if he found out the reason.

The world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit.

There was no principled conflict between this group of natural disaster army and himself. As long as he could create enough benefits for his subordinates, this group of profit-seeking natural disaster army would eventually rush to surrender.

At this moment.

The army led by Sima Yi.

There were seven or eight hundred new recruits of Sima Yi's Niyou Corps.

Among the other more than a thousand people, there were some individual players and some players from various corps.

Sima Yi hopes to change his prejudice against the Scourge Army through such activities. After all, he wants to become the commander of the Scourge Army!

At this moment.

The players saw this human territory.

Everyone showed disbelief.

How could a dignified fourth-level territory be so shabby?

This century-old territory's main city, scale and area are slightly larger than Luoshui's main city.


It's just an appearance.

You will find it if you observe carefully.

More than 80% of the buildings in this territory are ordinary self-built buildings. Although some of them look quite towering, they do not have any extraordinary atmosphere.

It can be said.

Both are fourth-level leaders.

The scale of the extraordinary buildings of the stars in Gaoyang Lord City is not even one-fifth of Hangyu Lord City.

Not only that.

In Lord Gaoyang City.

Humans make up less than a third.

The other two-thirds are a strange race.

The image of this race is similar to that of the orcs in Warcraft, with green-skinned hunks and muscular bodies, but if you look closely, you will find that their bodies are made of wood fibers rather than flesh and blood.

[Tree Orc], a level 15 ordinary unit... Introduction: This is the main race in this plane, an intelligent tree-born creature with a strong physique and strong recovery power.

"What a strange race!"

"Orcs growing out of trees?"

"This method of reproduction is really special!"


Players also took note.

Most of these tree orcs are controlled.

In the main city of Gaoyang Territory, there are many enslavement towers. The function of such buildings is to force enslavement.

Gaoyang Ling is obviously taking the hegemonic route. Among the nearly 400,000 people he has, 300,000 are local tree orcs.


This kind of tree orc.

Their reproduction methods, living customs and other aspects are completely different from humans, and can even be said to conflict with them.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to get them to surrender willingly. It is too difficult and costly to influence them with the royal method, so they have to use violent methods to tame them.

Tree Orcs have a very strong reproductive capacity.

Gao Yang also built facilities such as arenas and execution grounds in his territory to control the population through various consumption methods and recover resources from them.

no doubt.

From an indigenous perspective.

Lord Gaoyang is definitely a tyrant.

However, plane mercenaries have rules for plane mercenaries, the first of which is to respect and not interfere with the internal affairs of each territory.

"Hey, these tree orcs are so pitiful."

"There is no way, nine out of ten star lords are like this. This is the true appearance of most star lords."

"After all, lords like us are in the minority."

"There is nothing to sympathize with. They are just aliens. There is nothing to say about the weak and the strong."


Everyone was talking about it.

Sima Yi was also communicating with Gao Yang.

"We can only stay here for two days, so I hope to take action immediately!"

Gao Yang glanced at the crowd.

His brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

"Lord Gaoyang, don't worry. No matter how much damage this operation causes, Hang Yu will not ask for additional compensation in any way."

Sima Yi saw Gao Yang's worries: "But at the same time, all the conventional trophies, special pollution sources, and resources we obtained during the operation belong to our Hang Yu leader."

He paused and continued to ask: "What do you think?"

Gao Yang nodded: "As it should be!"

That being the case.

You're welcome then.

Gao Yang personally used the teleportation staff to bring Sima Yi and his party into the target area and arrived in front of the target city.

Along the way.

Players see many novel scenery.

The species and ecology of this world are completely different from those of the Three Kingdoms of the Abyss and other places.

I was even more surprised when I saw the city.

"Is this a city?"

A giant tree made of some kind of mycelium appeared in front of me. Its height was more than 800 meters. There were many artificial tree house buildings scattered on it, which had a strong exotic style.

Gao Yang said: "The aboriginal people in this world are mainly tree beastmen. The life and reproduction of these indigenous people are inseparable from this big tree."

Based on understanding.

Only the players know.

Tree Orcs are special intelligent creatures that reproduce asexually.

This race does not distinguish between male and female.

Such tribal trees will appear where they live.

Every tree orc is conceived from a tribal tree. Death will be absorbed into the tree, and the tribal tree will give birth to more newborns as it grows.

Gao Yang said: "Due to the pollution, this tree orc tribe has been completely deformed. They are completely integrated with the tree, making it very difficult to deal with."

This tree-orc homeland has a population of tens of thousands.

At this moment, the monster that was polluted by the abyss has become one with the tribal tree. It is like a parasite growing on the tree. Although it cannot move, it has very strong recovery and defense capabilities. Once it is on the verge of death, it will hide in the tree and be difficult to attack.

Therefore, it is difficult for Gaoyang Ling to conquer.

After all, although Lord Gaoyang is a fourth-level lord, his territory is not very strong. There is only a small population and only about forty blessing points. His strength does not even exceed that of a super-first-rate overlord.

What is this concept?

Hang Yu leads a second- and third-tier character.

For example, someone like Cao Shuang would not be much weaker than Gao Yang.

They are both lords, and they are also fourth-level human leaders. The difference is not a little bit different!

It can only be said that there is a reason why the human lords have been at the bottom of the contempt chain among the star lords for a long time.

Hang Yu collar is an unprecedented special case, and human collars like Gaoyang collar are the template for most human collars!


"Please give way, Lord."

"Let me handle it next!"

Sima Yi moved in an instant, directly across a distance of tens of thousands of meters, and flashed above the tribal tree, and then a terrifying aura as vast as the sea burst out from his body.

"This is……"

Gao Yang was immediately confused.

Have you ever felt such a terrifying aura?

This Hang Yu collared citizen is definitely the King of the Abyss...and definitely not an ordinary King of the Abyss!

Sima Yi began to release the Dark Corruption, and saw a large mass of dark red mist shrouding it, but within a moment, the entire tribal tree was covered in it.

About half an hour passed.

Sima Yi teleported back.

He said to the Scourge Army around him: "I have used the power of corruption to erode all the targets in this city. They have no power to resist in a short period of time. As for the rest of the work, I will leave it to you."

Can it still be like this?

All the players were shocked.

They did not hesitate to take action immediately.

After all, you can question Sima Yi's character, but you can never question Sima Yi's ability.

After everyone broke into the tribe tree, they saw all kinds of strange abyss undead people and various abyss monsters. At this moment, their whole bodies were eroded by the darkness and corruption, and they were completely paralyzed.

Not only does it lose its attack power!

And the defense is close to 0!

Even a second-level rookie player can cause considerable damage to third- and fourth-level elite monsters.

"That's outrageous!"

"It's like cheating!"

"Is this Sima Yi's terror?"

"Using my own power, I paralyzed tens of thousands of monsters and turned them into meat on chopping boards for anyone to slaughter!"

"This is so cool!"


Most of these players are not high-level, but under the current situation of Sima Yi's town, they can easily harvest monsters whose level and strength are far higher than theirs. This can be said to be unprecedented.


Compared to players.

Gao Yang was even more shocked!

He couldn't imagine how powerful the being in front of him was!

Even if the King of the Abyss can achieve this level, is it too exaggerated? !

This guy named Sima Yi has already reached the epic abyss. Even if he has not reached it, he is still close at hand!

What shocked Gao Yang the most was that for such a terrifying and powerful existence, he had no reputation at all among the stars, and most of the forces did not even know of his existence.

How strong is Hang Yu Ling?

How much strength is still hidden?

Sima Yi adjusted his breath and recovered for half an hour, and most of the mana he had just consumed was restored. Then he came to Lord Gao Yang and said, "Lord Gao Yang, I don't think this city stronghold can be conquered in two hours."

Gao Yang came to his senses.

He quickly said with sincerity and respect: "Thank you, Your Excellency. Thank you Lord Hang Yu. I will prepare an extra thank you gift..."

Such a poor territory.

Who appreciates that little thank you gift?

Sima Yi interrupted him and continued: "Lord Gaoyang has misunderstood. What I mean is that since we are all here, we have two days anyway, so why not help your place clean up?"

Gao Yang was shocked: "What do you mean..."

Sima Yi said: "There should be many unconquered lands in this area? Don't you want the lord to take them all by the way?"

Gao Yang was immediately ecstatic when he heard this: "If it's possible, then I'll do it for you!"

Sima Yi nodded: "Then let's follow the old rules!"

Gao Yang: "Okay, take all the trophies, special sources of pollution, or all materials that can be looted as long as you can take them!"

The human lord was ecstatic at the moment!

Core pollution sources, secondary pollution sources, this kind of fixed nightmare pollution source cannot be taken away.

Hang Yuling's move can help Gao Yang sweep through most areas, allowing him to activate most of the blessing points in this area and grasp the sources of evil in these areas, directly saving more than ten or even decades of energy!

As for resources?

This is not worth mentioning at all.

Monsters will be refreshed anyway.

Only Hang Yu led the way to clear away the obstacles to land reclamation.

Gaoyang Ling can better develop the resources in this area.

It can be said that without the intervention of Hang Yu Ling's reinforcements, it would have taken Gaoyang Ling years of the monkey to complete this round of development!

Gao Yang at this moment.

I have nothing but endless gratitude and admiration for Hang Yu!

"From now on, President Hang will be my great benefactor, Gaoyang Leader!" (End of Chapter)

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