This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 441: Encirclement and suppression of the Dragon Slayer Society! Dark Dragon Commander Zhang

Northeast of Jieqiao area.

There is a complex underground cave.

At least 4,000 elites of the Dragon Slayer Society gather here.

Ninety percent are level 4, and the other 10% are level 5 masters, all of whom are elite or core members of the Dragon Slayer Society.

This is the headquarters of the Dragon Slayer Society.

Of course.

As an underground resistance organization.

The headquarters of the Dragon Slayer Society is not fixed.

It changes almost every once in a while, and there are many backup locations to prevent being discovered by the minions of the stars.


A scout entered the cave.

"Report to the leader, Dragon General Yan Liang and Wen Chou led the crowd and have blocked three exits at this moment. They are sweeping the outer defense line we deployed. The brothers outside are about to be unable to hold on!"

All the members of the Dragon Slayer Society looked unhappy when they heard this.

Among these people, there are two people with strong auras, who are obviously the leaders of this group of people, and they are the leader and deputy leader of the Dragon Slayer Society.

One of them was wearing golden armor, holding a golden sword, and even his skin had a light metallic texture. He was nearly ten feet tall, with a noble temperament and a great appearance.

This person was Yuan Shao, the leader of the Dragon Slayer Society.

The other person was wearing silver-white armor, holding a silver spear, and his skin had cracked textures of flames. He was also heroic and powerful.

He was Gongsun Zan, the deputy leader of the Dragon Slayer Society.

Both of them looked different from ordinary people, but this was normal in the abyss.

For people who have lived for hundreds of years and have long been meditating in the abyss to comprehend the power of skills, it is difficult for them not to be affected by the abyss.

At the least, their appearance and temperament will change, and at the worst, their minds will be completely distorted, their bodies will be deformed, and they will eventually be polluted and degraded into evil.

"Yan Liang, Wen Chou..."

Gongsun Zan, who was dressed in silver, said in a rather yin-yang tone: "These two old subordinates of yours have been fighting more and more fiercely over the years, and they have really spared no effort in attacking our Dragon Slayer Society!"

Hearing such words,

Yuan Shao's expression certainly wouldn't be good.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were the most capable and trusted generals under his command.

"Gongsun Zan, what do you mean? These two were once important members of the Dragon Slayer Society and made great contributions. Do you think this situation is what I want to see?"

Yan Liang and Wen Chou are considered the elders of the Dragon Slayer Society.

In a dangerous battle about eighty years ago.

They were captured by the stars to cover Yuan Shao's evacuation, and were eventually transformed into dark dragons and brainwashed by the stars.

This is undoubtedly a major loss for the Dragon Slayer Society!

Because Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He and others were once elders of the Dragon Slayer Society, their rebellion dealt a huge blow to the Dragon Slayer Society, so that the scale of the organization is getting smaller and smaller now.

"Now is not the time to talk about this."

When he saw the strange atmosphere between the leader and the deputy leader, an old man with a goat beard and white hair and beard at the scene couldn't stand it anymore.

This person is Chen Lin, one of the four protectors.

He said: "The outside is about to be overwhelmed. We can't keep this headquarters. We need to evacuate as soon as possible."

Yuan Shao asked: "How long do we need to evacuate completely?"

Chen Lin said: "This attack was too sudden. It will take at least one day to transport all the supplies."

"One day?"

Yuan Shao said in a deep voice: "It is definitely not an easy task to stop Yan Liang and Wen Chou for one day."

Gongsun Zan also said: "Huh, Yan Liang and Wen Chou are just the vanguards under the dark dragon commander Zhang He. Once they find our main force, Zhang He and other dragon generals will probably kill us immediately."

All the members of the Dragon Slayer Club had solemn expressions.

Zhang He is one of the dragon commanders of the Dragon Leader. His unpredictable military tactics have caused the Dragon Slayer Club a lot of suffering. If he personally intervenes in the battlefield, there is a risk of being wiped out.

What's more.

Behind Zhang He.

There is also the huge Star Dragon Leader.

These star dragons who are proficient in space magic have too strong mobility. Countless painful lessons have taught the Dragon Slayers that they must not have any fluke mentality when facing them.

Gongsun Zan: "In this situation, we can only give up all resources. Our elites are getting fewer and fewer every year. We can't lose more people."

Yuan Shao hesitated.

The materials hoarded in this headquarters almost account for 30% of the entire Dragon Slayers' reserve resources. If they are abandoned, the loss will be too great.

"Now is not the time to hesitate!"

Gongsun Zan said in a deep voice: "If the resources are gone, they can be collected again. If the people are gone, it will be difficult to get replenishment in a short time."

Chen Lin: "I think what the deputy leader said is very true."

Although Yuan Shao was unwilling.

But there was no way.

The Star Dragon Territory's control over this world is getting higher and higher.

Although this world still has a population of one or two million, these people have basically been controlled by the Star Territory. At present, there are only tens of thousands of people left in the entire Dragon Slayers.

This number of people.

Can't bear large-scale losses.


As soon as Yuan Shao gave the order, a voice came from the front: "Don't rush to retreat!"

"Who is it?!"

Whether it was Yuan Shao or Gongsun Zan, when they heard this strange voice, their faces changed drastically and they immediately became alert.

Several figures.

Came out of the maze-like cave.

The leader was a beautiful woman holding a long staff, followed by a skeleton with a shadowy aura all over her body, and there was another familiar figure.

It was Chun Yuqiong, one of the eight hall masters of the Dragon Slayer Society.

Yuan Shao: "Master Chunyu, how come you are here, and who is this person?"

The woman introduced herself: "The assistant to Lord Hang Yu, the leader of the human race, the Lord's Castle Master, Luoshui Yin Zouwan."

This person is Zou Wan who is beside Hang Yu.

When they learned Zou Wan's identity, these members of the Dragon Slaying Association were surprised, even though they had already learned the relevant information about Hang Yuling.


Based on intelligence.

This is where the stars are located.

It is the east of this world.

How could he come here in such a short time?

It's actually not complicated.

It's nothing more than using space magic.

The long staff Zou Wan is holding at the moment is a fifth-level teleportation staff with greatly enhanced power!

Not only does this teleportation staff have a shorter cooldown.

And it can be transmitted thousands of kilometers at a time.

The shadow skeleton next to Zou Wan is a permanent puppet transformed from a skeleton of dead bones. It is also considered Jia Xu's favorite puppet.

Although the Shadow Skeleton is not very powerful and is still only at the level of a first-class overlord, his Shadow March is still easy to use and can enter most areas regardless of obstacles.

There is Chunyu Qiong as a guide.

There is also the secret shadow puppet transformed from Gan Ning.

The cave maze where the main hall is located is naturally no obstacle, and Zou Wan arrived at the scene easily.

"Human leader?"

"What kind of human leader?"

"It's stars! Another star!"


There were many members of the Dragon Slayer Club present.

Due to time constraints, most of them still don’t know about the human race leader. This news is undoubtedly very explosive!

The members of the Dragon Slayer Club face the forces of the stars.

It’s hard for them not to be resentful or even resentful.

But what appeared in front of us was a brand new star force, and it was also a human being.

This has never happened before.

Everyone's mood at this moment is undoubtedly very complicated.

Gongsun Zan: "What is your purpose for coming here?"

Zou Wan: "I will build a temporary portal here and summon territorial troops to join the battle to fight against foreign enemies and buy time for you."

Yuan Shao was stunned: "Teleportation gate? You actually have such a method!"

Gongsun Zan looked suspicious: "We, the Dragon Slayer Guild, are not related to your territory, but you took the initiative to summon soldiers and horses to help. This move is too generous."

Zou Wan said: "You can also think of it as a territory, a sincerity released for potential cooperation."

Several senior executives discussed for a while.

I just felt that there was absolutely no reason to refuse.

Just take this opportunity to learn the details of this group of stars.

Zou Wan was taken to an open cave. The cave was open enough to accommodate at least several thousand people at the same time.

Chen Lin said: "Master Zou, please invite me."

Zou Wan wasted no time and immediately activated the Star Construction Technique to create a Star Construction Formation in the center of the cave.

This formation is a prototype, with a radius of more than one hundred meters, and is composed of countless complex runes and formations.

"This...this is..."

Chen Lin's eyes widened when she saw this scene.

Among the four guardians of the Dragon Slayer Association, Chen Lin is the weakest in combat power, but she is the top talent in the Dragon Slayer Association who is best at spell formations!

It can be said.

Chen Lin's effect on the Dragon Slayer Association was more than the other three high-power guardians combined, because without his spell formations, the Dragon Slayer Association would not be able to build secret halls one after another.


Even him.

When you see the array of stars.

I can't understand the mystery at all.

When the formation was completely formed, all the rune patterns on its surface disappeared, and what was replaced was a mirror surface with rippling and twinkling stars.

As the builder of the territory, Zou Wan, when she summons the territory construction array, various corresponding territory materials begin to be consumed automatically.

Just a moment.

A simple stone platform.

Slowly emerged from it little by little.

Zou Wan took out five more fourth-level advanced teleportation staffs and fixed them in five directions on the stone platform. A new teleportation array was thus constructed.

the whole process.

The members of the Dragon Slayer Club were watching.

An extraordinary facility was created from scratch. The whole process took only a quarter of an hour, and this scene was obviously beyond their imagination.

"Is this what the stars do?"

"I know that this woman is a summoned beast from the stars. I heard that there are such beings in the Star Dragon Territory!"

"This woman is no ordinary builder!"


Zou Wan is indeed not an ordinary builder of stars.

After entering the fifth level and undergoing continuous training, she now possesses so much knowledge and wisdom that even ordinary construction masters will pale in comparison.

This kind of portal.

It is one of Zouwan’s self-research facilities.

Back in Shouyang Mountain, she used the knowledge of the abyss to research the portal, but the portal at that time was only a third-level facility.


Zou Wan built a fourth-level teleportation gate.

It took her several days to create a portal.

Now, with the blessing of fifth-level mana, fifth-level construction skills, the wisdom of the Abyss Mother Tree, and the purple-quality root of the formation.

Plenty of material!

A quarter of an hour is enough!

Hang Yu thinks highly of Zou Wan.

Because as time goes by, Zou Wan will play an increasingly important role in the territory.

As long as she can continue to develop and build DIY facilities like the "Portal", she will have top strategic value in any territory!

And besides that.

Zou Wan has at least two other functions.

First, enhance territorial facilities.

Zou Wan's Earthly Luck and Formation Root talents can effectively improve the performance of territorial facilities, thus creating great value.

Second, transform alien facilities.

The territory is currently engaged in a lord war.

In the future, we will definitely occupy a large number of alien cities and chassis, and there will be many alien buildings and facilities on these chassis.

Because there are differences in the buildings of different races, most of them cannot be used and can only be recycled.


If in the territory.

There are top builders.

Then the situation is different.

Hangyu collar can completely transform the buildings of Star Dragon collar, even the race-specific buildings, and make them become territorial facilities and be used by the territory!

That's it!

It can greatly reduce the cost of territory construction.

It can also allow the territory to have extraordinary facilities beyond the race.


Officially activated.

Compared with the third-level portal, the fourth-level portal has been greatly improved in terms of stability and transmission ability, and the longest transmission distance will reach thousands of kilometers.

Before Zou Wan came here.

She has deployed two portals at the boundary bridge.

At this moment, the three portals are connected in series with each other. The Scourge Army can cross thousands of miles in an instant and descend here from the secret gathering place of the Boundary Bridge.


"Long live the Scourge!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there would be a big battle to fight so soon!"

"I heard that Yan Liang and Wen Chou are going to be beaten this time. Is it true?"

"How can it be false?"

"The Star Dragon Leader should know nothing about us at the moment. We must make good use of this first-mover advantage and achieve a wave of unexpected results first!"


After the portal is in operation.

Territorial combat units came out quickly.

The size of this team is quite large, with eight to nine thousand natural disaster troops among them, all of which are Tier 4 units!

In addition, there are thousands of Xuanhu Guard elites. These Xuanhu Guard elites are all tiger and leopard cavalry from the past Great Wei Dynasty. They are at least fourth-level units. They have grown rapidly after joining the territory, and their strength has improved significantly compared with that time.

Other than that.

There are dozens of warriors of various levels.

The first two people are very special. One is a young man holding two swords, and the other is a giant man with a demonized body.

They are the generals of the territory: Wen Yang and Zhou Cang!

The territorial troops who came to support the Scourge Legion this time were basically from the northern defense zone.

What is the Northern Defense Zone?

They are Xianshan, Heyin and Xiping.

The northern territory where these three original Corpse Witch Territories are located.

Wen Yang was the general stationed in the Xiping area, while Zhou Cang was the general stationed in the Xianshan area.

The two led a group of elites to help.

There are two main reasons.

First, Wen Yang and Zhou Cang both wanted to make meritorious deeds, but the protection period of their territory had not yet expired, so there were no potential dangers even if they left the garrisoned area.

Secondly, they need to collect intelligence about the Star Dragon Territory for the territory and the northern defense zone, and accumulate combat experience with the Star Dragon Territory!


in the future.

The northern defense zone will be the main force against the Star Dragon Territory.

Hang Yu leads five risky territories, including two in the northern defense zone alone, and the territory currently borders not three but four new maps.


Three of them are deterministic regions.

They are Quyang to the west of Shouyang Mountain, Shouchun to the west of Luoshui River, and Jieqiao to the west of Woniu Mountain.

On the boundary bridge.

There is also a map.

This map is connected to Xiping in the north and Xian Mountain in the east. According to player exploration, it is known that this is a place called "Sanyang".

The scale of this image is not very large.

It is smaller than the Wancheng area.

It is currently determined to be the territory developed earlier by Star Dragon Territory.

In the future, when the Hangyu Territory fights against the Star Dragon Territory, this shallower Shanyang Land may be a breakthrough.

at the same time.

Hundreds of miles away.

There is a large military camp here.

There are tens of thousands of soldiers in the barracks, all of them are burly, covered with black scales, look ferocious and domineering, and exude the power of the Dark Dragon.

"Report to Commander Long!"

A messenger ordered the dragon soldiers to run quickly into the middle tent.

He knelt on the ground with a plop and said respectfully: "Yan Liang, Wen Chou and the two generals have now led five thousand elites into the gang's lair and broke through several peripheral defense lines."

In the middle tent.

There are several dragon generals with extremely powerful auras.

The first one is taller than ordinary dragonmen, and each scale is covered with profound and complex runes. He is the supreme commander of this dragonman camp.

Dark Dragon Commander Zhang He!

At this moment, Long Commander Zhang He opened his dark golden eyes, his pupils as cold as a lizard or snake without any emotion.

"Long Shuai!"

"The Lord has an order!"

"No need to hold back this time!"

"In order to deal with the new star collar appearing in the east, we must clear out these remaining ants as soon as possible."


One by one, the powerful dragon generals spoke.

Among these dragon generals, there are naturally some top figures, such as Gao Lan, Ju Yi, Yan Gang, Guo Tu, Shen Pei and so on.

Why can the Dragon Slaying Society exist for so long?

One of the reasons is, of course, that the Dragon Slayers can hide, just like cockroaches everywhere, so it is difficult to eliminate them all.

But there is another important reason that cannot be ignored, that is, the Star Dragon Territory intends to keep some of them.

After all, the Dragon Slayers will also train a lot of senior figures every year.

After these senior figures are transformed into dragon people.

They are ready-made super soldiers!

However, at this moment, the Dragon Slayers are no longer necessary. Although this force does not pose a big threat, it is a small hidden danger in the process of confronting foreign lords.

Dragon General Zhang He said lightly: "Since it is the will of the Lord, we will naturally carry it out to the end."

Gao Lan: "Although Yan Liang and Wen Chou are brave, I am afraid that they alone cannot catch the thieves in one fell swoop!"

Ju Yi: "I am willing to lead a troop to reinforce."

Yan Gang: "Long General, let me go, my flying dragon cavalry is faster!"


Several other dragon generals also volunteered.

"No need to fight for merit, a small gang of thieves is just a bunch of insignificant thieves."

Dragon Commander Zhang He said lightly: "Compared to this group of thieves, there are plenty of opportunities to make merit in the next Star Wars!"

Speaking of it.

A little confused.

According to what he learned.

The Eastern Lord has been here for more than two days.

Why hasn't any intelligence information been collected yet, and even the other party's race is unknown.

Could it be that.

The other party is extremely cautious.

And the means of hiding are extremely sophisticated?

Otherwise, as long as there is contact, it is impossible not to find it.

Or is it that the opponent who appeared this time is a coward, and he doesn't even have the courage to send troops to a new area?

In any case.

Since this unknown lord has not made any big moves.

That just gives the Star Dragon Territory time to clean up the place.

If the Star Dragon Territory is all-out to encircle and suppress the Dragon Slayer, this group of insignificant existence will fall apart in a few days. (End of this chapter)

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