This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 448 The Scarlet Campaign Begins! Crazy Harvest!

Luoshui City.

The army of natural disasters is gathering.

The threshold for this mission is set low.

Those who are above level 28 are eligible to register.

There are currently about 42,000 players in the territory who meet this condition, and at least 90% of them have chosen to participate in the war.

It can be seen from this.

Scourge players.

Everyone attaches great importance to this battle.

This challenge is no small matter and one must be fully prepared.

The Scourge Army held a pre-war meeting at the corps commander level in advance.

More than forty corps commanders gathered together.

"This meeting today is mainly to prepare for the Battle of Scarlet City, to make united front planning and necessary preparations in advance!"

"Time is running out!"

"Several corps commanders please."

"I will explain war planning, tactics, preparations, and various contingency plans to everyone!"


The first is Brother Black Eyed Rui.

He is responsible for explaining aspects of combat readiness.

Brother Heitongrui said: "This battle is different from the past. Not only do we have to face enemies we have almost never fought against, but we are also seriously deficient in intelligence."

"How many combat units are there in Scarlet City, what top-level combat capabilities are there, what military deployments are there, what kind of traps are there, etc."

"These are all unknown!"

"Because of time constraints, we cannot obtain information through a little trial and error, so we can only adapt to the situation during the war!"

"Of course, this does not mean that we have to act recklessly. We can still make preparations by obtaining their information through several contacts with the Scarlet Tribe."

"Based on the contact between the Scourge Army and the Scarlet Tribe."

"The biggest feature and troublesome thing about this evil god's minions is that they are difficult to kill. Even if their health bar is cleared, they will turn into blood and seep into the ground, and then be resurrected during the battle or after the battle."

Everyone looked solemn when they heard this.

This feature of the Scarlet Tribe is really tricky.

If you cannot quickly eliminate the enemy's vitality on the battlefield, you will fall into endless consumption.

Isn't this how the Scourge has always dealt with their enemies in the past? Who would have thought that in this large-scale battle, it would be the Scourge Army's turn to worry about this.

Brother Rui with black eyes continued: "Although the Scarlet Beloved do have the secret method of feigning death to save their lives and quickly resurrecting, it is not that there are no ways to deal with them!"

"First of all, the scarlet family member's method of suspended animation is to transform the body into a kind of blood. We call this special blood scarlet blood."

"If we can evaporate the blood quickly enough during the conversion process, we can kill it directly."

"Based on testing!"

"Fire attribute attacks are the most effective!"

"Because the fire is powerful enough to instantly evaporate the scarlet blood, preventing them from entering a state of suspended animation."

"Secondly, there is another way, which is to give priority to killing a unit called the 'Scarlet Priest' on the battlefield."

"The Scarlet Tribe cannot resurrect on their own initiative, and they need the cooperation of the Scarlet Priest's secret skills."

"If we can kill a sufficient number of scarlet priests at the first time, those scarlet tribesmen who are in a state of suspended animation will fall into complete death soon."

“However, this move will be somewhat difficult to implement.”

"Because there must be more than one scarlet priest, and they often hide themselves in the center of the army, or simply hibernate underground or other safe places."

"We can't judge the specific situation on the battlefield, and we don't know how many scarlet priests will appear at that time. We can only put more effort into the first option."

"Able to learn fire attribute skills."

"Then seize the time and study quickly."

"As for soldiers who mainly rely on pure physical or non-attribute combat skills to output, they will most likely be severely restrained when facing the Scarlet Clan, but there is no solution."

Brother Heitongrui took out a bottle of special elixir.

"This is the Mad Flame Pill developed by Divine Doctor Zhang. It can greatly increase the attack power of fire-attribute combat skills. We have placed an order with the five major alchemy workshops in the main city one day in advance. Please prepare at least one pill for each participant! "

At this time, a corps leader couldn't help but ask: "If you don't have fire-attribute combat skills, even if you take this kind of amplifying medicine, I'm afraid it won't be effective!"

"Don't worry about this!" Huang Tianlong, the commander of the Tianlong Dynasty's regiment, said: "Don't forget, the commander in charge of the army this time is Zhang He, a small soldier!"

Several doubtful people suddenly realized.

One of the most powerful and buggy abilities of Zhang He is Xiaobingxian.

He can change the attack attributes of the army at any time according to changes in the battlefield situation.

When the thunder attribute damage is more effective, Zhang He will switch all the damage dealt by the entire army to the thunder attribute.

When the ice attribute damage is more beneficial, Zhang He will switch all the damage dealt by the entire army to ice attribute.

All common properties.

All can be switched freely.

This is Xiao Bingxian’s heaven-defying method!

Such means.

No matter in any battle.

All can play a vital role.

This is especially true in this battle!

After all, among the Scourge Legion, players who are good at spell combat account for less than half of the total!

Most of the officers of the Scourge Army use combat skills as their main fighting methods. Especially among the top experts, at least two-thirds are combat skill players.

Under this situation.

Directly defeated by the Scarlet Tribe!

Not strong enough fire damage.

The scarlet blood cannot be evaporated in advance.

These Scarlet Tribes have been resurrected repeatedly, and it is impossible for the Scourge Army to win this battle.

But if Zhang He, the little soldier immortal, is present, he can reverse all the damage caused by the Scourge Army into fire damage, which can greatly increase the killing efficiency.


This battle still has to be fought!

Brother Black Eyed Rui continued: "In addition to several kinds of elixirs, we also need to prepare some talismans, such as at least 200 epileptic giant summoning talismans."

"This talisman is a precious consumable item obtained in the Sea of ​​Eternal Darkness at that time. It can summon the epileptic giant with level 4 commander strength."

"These fire giants have a large attack range and strong attack power, and the attacks they release are all fire-type attacks. They can play a key role on the battlefield at critical times!"


It's not just the Flame Giant summoning talisman.

The Scourge Army has also specially prepared at least seven different types of fire-attribute flame talismans. If all of them are added up, more than 2,000 fourth-level talismans have been prepared for this battle.

Other than that.

There are many other consumables and resources.

It is not difficult to see that the Scourge Legion deeply understands the importance of this battle to the territory, so they are determined to win this battle!

After Brother Heitongrui finished talking about combat preparations.

Several other group leaders spoke separately to explain tactics, strategies, and team deployment issues.

These top group leaders have already exchanged plans in private, and with them taking the lead in deploying operations, other regiments are also convinced.

Everyone quickly reached a consensus.

Planning was carried out according to the established plan at the first time.

Soon after.

Everyone received a system notification.

[Ding, the battle of Scarlet City is about to begin. All players participating in the action are requested to arrive at the giant ship of the God Machine within thirty minutes! 】

"Is it finally opening?"

"Although it's not the first time we've had a fight!"

“But I still feel inexplicably excited and nervous!”

"come on!"

"Honor belongs to the Scourge!"

"The Scourge Legion will win, and the human leader will win!"

"Go, go, go!"


All the players have adjusted their status to the best at this moment, and immediately teleported to the divine machine giant ship through blessing.

Less than a quarter of an hour before and after.

Forty thousand natural disaster troops gathered on the divine machine giant ship.

Although the Shenji giant ship has been upgraded and the deck area has increased a lot, it can now accommodate not only 40,000 natural disaster troops, but also 20,000 elite Black Tiger Guards.

A total of sixty thousand people.

All crowded on a huge ship.

This giant ship is sailing at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

It is conceivable that anyone who sees such a scene will be shocked. It is really majestic.

Although the Scourge Legion is composed of a group of out-of-the-box players, they have gradually developed basic military literacy after training and baptism in many battles.

on the one hand.

At this moment, most players who have reached level four know this.

This game is by no means just a game. It is too important for yourself, the country, and mankind.


No one dares to be careless.

on the one hand.

Even if you put aside the meaning of the game itself, just look at it from the perspective of the player.

This kind of large-scale battle is related to collective honor and more directly related to personal interests!

The spoils of war!

mission rewards!

This is the best way to distance yourself from other players!

Who doesn't want to perform better in large battles? Nowadays, the price of contribution points is frighteningly expensive. If you earn a few hundred more contribution points, you can wash your feet until they are bald by going to a foot-washing city in the real world!

Regarding significant personal interests and gaming experience.

And about collective honor and development.

Anyone who causes trouble at this time will only be ostracized by other players and will not only be punished by the laws of the territory, but also sanctioned by the players association!

At this time, three generals appeared on the general platform.

One of them, a man with crystallization all over his body and six arms, who looked like a demon, was none other than Dian Wei, the most powerful general in the territory!

The other man was wearing heavy armor, carrying an oversized shield, holding a big sword with both hands, and his whole body seemed to be airtight. He was none other than Wenpin, the territory's first defense general!

Finally, there is Zhang He standing in the C position.

The appearance of Zhang He, the Little Soldier Immortal, is not particularly recognizable. He wears a brand new set of light armor, and the weapon he holds is a majestic black trident.

This trident.

Some players have seen it.

It is the Demon Lord's Ceremonial Halberd from the Hundred-Headed Demon Lord in Taican Ridge, Shouyang Mountain. It was originally a powerful fourth-level purple weapon, but now it has been repeatedly strengthened and transformed.

Its power is greater than before.

At least several times more powerful.

The moment Zhang He appeared in front of everyone, his two core qi movement skills, "Aura of the Immortal Soldier" and "A Variety of Military Forces", enveloped everyone present.

When I saw this scene.

Dian Wei and Wenpin couldn't help showing admiration.

Because among Hang Yu's leaders, except for Zhang He, no general's luck skills could be effective on 60,000 people at the same time.

"This ship is about to arrive near the Scarlet City!"

Wenpin shouted to everyone: "However, because there are very strong barriers and restrictions near the Scarlet City, for the sake of the safety of the divine machine giant ship, we cannot directly enter the Scarlet City."

Zhang He continued: "Our army's landing location is twenty miles northeast of the Scarlet City. The first phase of the mission is to attract the effective forces of the Scarlet Tribe and then annihilate them outside the city as much as possible."

"Do not worry!"

"We are fully prepared!"

"This battle will definitely beat the crap out of these Scarlet Familias!"


The generals of the Scourge Army were full of confidence.

Wenpin and Zhang He looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Zhang He: "Leave the rear to General Wen!"

Wenpin: "Don't worry, I am personally in charge of the Shenji giant ship. Even if the Scarlet Clan attacks with all its strength, it will not be so easy to break through!"

The divine machine giant ship has been upgraded to the fifth level.

Many facilities have undergone a round of upgrades.

Now there are four fifth-level barrier towers alone, plus nearly a hundred giant shield machines forming a defensive array, which is enough to form a powerful defense.

Not only that.

Wenpin's luck skills.

Greatly enhance the defense effect.

In addition, there are 20,000 elite Xuanhu Guards deployed on it.

It is by no means an easy task to pose a threat to a giant ship under such circumstances.

"let's go!"

Zhang He lightly stamped his foot, and a huge formation quickly extended in all directions with him as the center.

Less than a minute.

The entire Scourge Army was enveloped in it.

All the Natural Disaster Army players, including Zhang He, disappeared into the formation and were transferred directly to the ground.


"What method is this?"

"You can actually transfer so many people at once!"


"Scarlet City!"


The soldiers of the Scourge Army discovered that the location where they appeared was a red desert.

Amidst the wind and sand.

A desert city with a strange shape, strange painting style, and a structure that is completely different from a human city appears in front of you. People are shocked at the first sight.

This mysterious city of outer gods.

It was the first time to appear in front of the Scourge Army at such a close distance.

Before the Scourge Army could take a closer look, abnormal auras suddenly came from the desert beneath their feet.

next moment.

Wisps of blood.

Rising from the sand on all sides.

These blood energy quickly condensed in the air, and eventually turned into thousands of densely packed Scarlet Familia.


"Run out so quickly."

"The reaction of these evil god's minions is too fast!"

"It's probably just the outer garrison!"

The Scourge Army looked at the Scarlet Familiars around them and found that since the Scarlet Clan were transformed from different monsters, their appearances were often different.

Can be used as a member of the evil god's family.

Its image and characteristics will naturally be close to evil gods.

If we had to look for characteristics in these strange-shaped scarlet tribes, they would all have the characteristics of insects or arthropods.

Some look like mosquitoes, praying mantises, spiders, and centipedes, and some look like scorpions, crabs, and shrimps.

This is inevitably confusing.

What exactly is the Scarlet Mother? Is it a monster spliced ​​together by billions of arthropods?

Of course, no one thought much about it.

The forms of evil gods are often very abstract.

Therefore, the true image of the Scarlet Mother cannot be guessed at all.


"What a courage!"

"How dare you invade the City of Blood with a large army!"

"Are you going to tear up the contract?"


These Scarlet Families obviously did not expect that humans would gather so many generals, nor did they expect that the human army would suddenly appear without warning.

Everyone was shocked and angry!


What a contract.

Are they indigenous to this place?

What kind of collusion does it have with these Scarlet Familia?

Ye Limeng: "Don't talk nonsense to them yet, take advantage of their instability and attack first!"

Slashing a street: "That's right! Kill him directly!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"All the evil gods' lackeys must die!"

"Show them how powerful the Scourge Army is!"


This natural disaster army could not hold back for a long time. Now seeing that the opponent's position was not stable, they immediately launched a charge.

40,000 natural disaster troops VS more than 10,000 scarlet tribe!

Obviously the advantage is mine!

Dian Wei: "Hey! It's interesting! I'll go and play too!"

Zhang He stopped him and said: "General Dian is our strongest combat force, now is not the time to take action!"

There is always a war in the territory.

Basically, the Scourge Army rushes first.

This is already an established rule.

After all, using the Scourge Army to test the depth of the enemy is undoubtedly the cheapest and safest.

The Scourge Army can also create more profits!

Dian Wei had no choice but to give up.

Zhang He activated his Qi Movement skill, and when the two sides were in close combat, he switched all the combat skill attributes of the Scourge Army to fire attributes on the spot.

I saw Gu Zhou holding a blood-stained sword and transforming into hundreds of figures. Each figure can move freely and has the ability to attack.

He was the first to break into enemy lines.


A fourth-level scarlet commander tried to stop him, but was slashed with dozens of swords in an instant. Each sword fell on his body and produced a violent burning effect.


2032 (Critical hit!)


1953 (Critical hit!)


2214 (Critical hit!)

Sword critical strike!

The Scarlet Commander seemed to be tortured by Lingchi, and he didn't even have the chance to fight back. His health bar reached the bottom at a very fast speed.

When his life reached zero.

The Scarlet Commander's body quickly decomposed and turned into a pool of scarlet blood.

Probably because he was attacked by too many fire attributes, the amount of scarlet blood that came out of his corpse was very small.

Guzhou was well prepared.

The Bloodstain Sword suddenly burst into flames.

He turned into a fire dragon with his sword, and before the scarlet blood entered the desert, he instantly pierced through it and completely evaporated into nothingness.

When the scarlet blood evaporated.

A green trophy light ball fell out.

This means that the Scarlet Commander has been completely killed and it is impossible for him to be resurrected.

"Well done!"

"As expected of Guzhou!"

As soon as the two sides fought.

The general of the Scourge Army.

He killed a general of the Scarlet Clan first.

This scene greatly boosted morale, and other soldiers of the Scourge Army also fought with the scarlet monsters, and the battle between the two sides entered a white-hot stage in an instant.

In terms of numbers.

The Scourge Army has the advantage.

Although three-quarters of them are level three combat forces.

But about 10,000 level four units are by no means a small number.

Especially after being strengthened by multiple luck skills, the combat power and offensive of the Scourge Army are still very sharp.

The Scarlet Tribe rushed to meet the enemy.

Naturally, it seemed that they were a little distracted.

However, the Scarlet Tribe's defense line was not easily broken.

Because although more than half of the units in the Scarlet Tribe were only high-level level three combat forces that were not too strong, there were also more than a dozen level four overlords or level five commanders.

Under this situation.

The high-end combat forces obviously have an advantage.

It is by no means an easy task for the Scourge Army to quickly break through and sweep across in one fell swoop, and the reinforcements of the Scarlet Tribe are constantly arriving.

In addition.

Although the Scourge Army has mastered the method of destroying the Scarlet Tribe.

However, many scarlet tribesmen were killed or turned into scarlet blood when they were dying and successfully escaped, and then were resurrected by the scarlet priests in the rear, which increased the difficulty for the Scourge Army to break through the front line.


Hang Yu paid attention to the battlefield.

The news of a large number of players' deaths began to fill the screen.

When he saw this information.

He was obviously satisfied and relieved.

In fact, as long as Hang Yu gave an order, Sima Yi stationed in Taiyou City of Shouyang Mountain and Jia Xu stationed in Heyin City in the north could be teleported to the battlefield at any time.

With their fate.

This battle will become much easier.

But Hang Yu did not send the two to the battlefield.

After all.

The territory is currently quite short of vitality.

With the development of vitality pills, vitality reserves are even more necessary.

Such a battle is very rare, and it is a good time to hone this group of high-level Scourge Army. I believe that the scarlet tribe's sickle will not disappoint Hang Yu.

"This group of scarlet clans... is definitely not so easy to deal with!"

Hang Yu believes that through this large-scale battle, it is enough to accumulate enough energy reserves for the next period of time.

(PS: Please vote for me!) (End of this chapter)

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