This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 452 Amazing harvest! Rare twin soul stones

When the lord sealed the Scarlet Daughter.

There was no suspense in this battle.

Although the following battle was still fierce, the morale of the Scarlet Clan had collapsed.

With the assistance of the three generals Dian Wei, Wen Pin, and Zhang He, and the remote support of 20,000 Black Tiger Guards, it took only half a day to completely end the battle.

Not long after.

The Scourge Army found the Fortune Stone.

Activate the main city-level blessing point in the Scarlet City.

This means that this battle was a complete success. This place will be incorporated into the territory of Hangyu Territory and become the most important frontier position and fortress for the development and conquest of Shouchun area!

"We won!"

"Hahaha, we won!"

"Fuck, I can't believe that we only rely on 40,000 people to take down such a large city!"

"Take a photo!"

"This must be a historic moment!"


The Scourge Army has completely wiped out the Scarlet Clan. There may be a few fish that have slipped through the net lurking everywhere, but they will no longer pose a threat to the territory. It is only a matter of time to clear them all.

For the Scourge Army.

This was a tough battle.

Players started to log in in the morning to participate in the action. When the war ended, it was already night. The battle lasted for more than ten hours!

Because the process was extremely difficult.

So the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after the victory was huge!

This sense of satisfaction was like climbing a mountain that had never been conquered in life after a lot of hardships. However, compared with the spiritual pleasure at the moment of reaching the top, it was not even one percent of this moment.

The Scarlet City is the only one.

This city will not be attacked again.

This battle is a bold stroke in the territory's development of the Shouchun area.

Every Scourge Army member who participated in this battle will leave their own mark on this journey!

Of course.

In addition to the satisfaction of spirit and honor.

There are also rich materials and rewards.

As the main city operated by the Scarlet Clan for nearly two hundred years, the Scarlet City has a large number of spot resources in reserve. Although these spoils will be recovered by the territory, they will also be counted as the Scourge Army's military exploits.

In addition.

Although there are quite a lot of Scarlet Tribe.

They were absorbed and consumed by the Scarlet Daughter.

But most of the Scarlet Tribe monsters and cultists still died in the hands of the Scourge.

The players cleaned up the battlefield in a hurry.

Don't miss any loot.

Generally, the energy dropped by the fourth-level elite is between 70,000 and 80,000, and the magic crystal is about 800 to 1,500, while the energy dropped by the fifth-level elite is between 140,000 and 200,000, and the magic crystal is about 2,000 to 4,000.

The Scourge is in a hurry.

Pick up these high-value loot.

[You picked up the loot, Abyss Essence +84,000, Abyss Magic Crystal +1, Scarlet Guard Spear +1, Scarlet Guard Ring +1! ]

[You picked up the loot, Abyss Essence +85,000, Abyss Magic Crystal +1,170, Low-level Familiar Blood Essence +62, Low-level Familiar Essence +68! 】


【You picked up the loot, Abyss Essence +165000, Abyss Magic Crystal +2450, Scarlet Warlock Robe +1, Scarlet Warlock Staff +1! 】

【You picked up the loot, Abyss Essence +175000, Abyss Magic Crystal +2650, Low-level Familiar Blood Essence +81, Low-level Familiar Essence +86. 】


The loot is too rich!

In addition to a large amount of Abyss Essence.

Naturally, there are an astonishing number of magic crystals, equipment, and materials.

Especially the Abyss materials, the number is quite large, because a considerable part of the Scarlet Clan is transformed from Abyss monsters, so after killing them, they will drop various materials like monsters.

Especially the Abyss Familiar Materials.

Among them, the Elite level drops low-level Familiar Materials, the Commander level drops intermediate-level Familiar Materials, and the Overlord level drops high-level Familiar Materials. The number is huge, mostly in the third and fourth levels, but there are also many in the fifth level.

The resource output of this battle is extremely huge!

And this happens to be what the territory needs urgently for its current development!

The territory has long been opened, and materials can be exchanged for contribution points. All materials can be recycled. The rarer and more precious the materials are, the more valuable they are, or the higher the grade, the more contribution points they can get.

All participating players.

Can get a generous share.

It’s just that because the battle time is too long, more than one-third of the total spirit has dissipated, so the spirit income has declined, which is a very regrettable thing.

Fortunately, the rewards issued by the territory are quite generous and luxurious!

Many top players have obtained almost the top standard spirit, and in addition, they have obtained a large number of skill cards, enlightenment cards, spirit cards and other props from the reward treasure chest.

The spirit warehouses of the major legions have received a huge round of replenishment.

After this battle, I believe that a group of fifth-level players will appear, and this also means that the Scourge Legion has truly entered the fifth-level era.

Although the players have made a lot of money.

But the territory will only make more.

Hang Yu is also counting the gains of this battle at this moment.

I have never cut such a large area of ​​leeks.

What a pity!

If the Scarlet Twins hadn't come out.

They began to sacrifice the Scarlet Tribe madly to gain power.

Hang Yu had to go down and get rid of her personally.

Otherwise, the battle time would have been at least doubled. If the trend at that time continued, it would not be impossible to cut twice as much!

"That's enough!"


Hang Yu roughly calculated.

In this war, the average number of deaths per person in the Scourge Army was more than five, and the total amount of energy recovered was about 35.5 billion. The energy recovered from the battlefield using the Jubao Lingzhu was about 4.1 billion.

The total energy income from this battle was as high as 39.6 billion.

Of course, this is just the gross income, and the expenditure must be calculated.

Hang Yu reimbursed the players for three deaths, and then paid a large amount of task rewards to the players, and the total expenditure added up to about 6.8 billion.

Calculation can be obtained.

Scarlet City Battle.

The total energy income is 32.8 billion.

If the remaining disposable energy in the territory is added.

Then the total amount of energy that Hang Yu can currently use is about 35 billion!

It takes 10 million for a full-level fourth-level unit to break through to the fifth level.

This amount of energy is enough to break through 3,500 full-level fourth-level units to the fifth level, which is already a very powerful number.

At present, Hang Yu will definitely not use all his energy to train troops like the Canglong Guard. He will increase the training of the middle and lower-level players of the Scourge Legion.

The size of the Scourge Legion.

It is about to break through the 1 million mark.

In the future, as more and more players break through to the fourth level, they only need to further develop the dungeon gameplay, mercenary gameplay, and arena gameplay, and the daily income can easily reach more than tens of billions of energy.

In this battle.

Although there are 40,000 players participating in the battle.

But among these people, more than three-quarters are at the third level.

Even in this case, such a huge amount of energy can be harvested. If all the participants are at the fourth level, or the number of participants reaches more than 100,000.

What kind of scene will it be?

I'm afraid it won't be surprising if the income soars tenfold!

In addition to energy, the income from magic crystals in this battle is also considerable, and it is expected to reach more than 50 million.

The income from equipment materials is amazing.

Just by converting all the materials in the Scarlet City's inventory, the territory can obtain more than 400,000 to 500,000 fifth-level material essences and 300 to 400,000 fourth-level material essences.

What's more.

During this campaign.

A large amount of abyss materials exploded.

If this part is replaced with material essence.

The number is five to eight times more than the former!

This will greatly promote territory construction and equipment manufacturing!

The treasure chest in the Scarlet City is a large purple-quality fortune treasure chest.

Hang Yu only felt a little bit of a pity, because if it could be more than three to five years, the descendants of the outer gods would be officially born.

Because of the successful breeding of epic units.

The quality of the treasure chest is likely to become orange.

Hang Yu regretted it and immediately opened the treasure chest and obtained the reward inside.

[You opened the "Large Fortune Treasure Box (Purple)", Abyss Magic Crystal +7 million, Shining Five-Colored Blessing Sand +5000, Shining Five-Colored Forging Stone +3000, Scarlet Gem +300, "Skill Stone: Scarlet Blood Escape Method" +1, "Blueprint: Blood Sacrifice Temple" +1, "Blueprint: Scarlet Nest" +1! ]

Not bad!

It is also a large purple treasure box.

The items opened by the Scarlet City treasure box.

It is much richer than the Taiyou City treasure box at the beginning.

This is because Taiyou City is only a fourth-level territory, while Scarlet City is a fifth-level territory. Blessing sand, forging stone, and gems are all fifth-level quality, and the value can be said to be extremely high.

In addition.

There is one skill stone and two blueprints.

[Skill Stone: Scarlet Blood Escape Method], purple skill, learning conditions: willpower is not less than 12,000 points, total attribute value is not less than 25,000 points, and it needs to consume 180 million essence!

Another skill stone!

There are already quite a few skills stones in the territory.

However, it is difficult for these skills to spread among the Scourge Army for the time being.

Because the difficulty of practicing purple skills is too great, there is no one in the Scourge Army who can create a purple skill, let alone learn a new set of purple skills from scratch?


High-quality skills resources are abundant.

It has nothing to do with the Scourge Army at this stage.

But I believe that this situation will change soon.

Once the Scourge Army enters the fifth-level era, the level of skills will also increase rapidly. I believe that in the middle and late stages of the fifth-level era, someone will create a purple skill.

In the near future.

Purple-quality skills.

Will spread among the top Scourge Army.

At that time, even the Scourge Army will have the foundation of a top overlord, and even with the blessing of the territory's talent and the Ten Thousand Souls Hall, it will have the opportunity to touch the threshold of the king.

As for the two blueprints.

[Blueprint: Blood Sacrifice Temple], fifth-level rare blueprint, construction conditions: 7 million magic crystals, 1 million material essences.

[Blueprint: Scarlet Worm Nest], fifth-tier rare blueprint, construction conditions: 8 million magic crystals, 1.4 million material essences.

These are all expensive fifth-tier blueprints.

The Blood Sacrifice Temple is a facility for sacrificing territory units.

The lord can temporarily increase his own strength by sacrificing a large number of territory citizens.

The more citizens are sacrificed.

The stronger the citizens are sacrificed.

The more power the lord can increase.

For most territories, this is not a good building. It is purely a loss of 3,000 people and killing 800 enemies.

After all, the loss is the population of the people, and the exchange is only temporary power. No lord will use this facility unless it is extremely necessary or a matter of life and death. The cost and return are too disproportionate.

And for Hang Yuling.

This blueprint is very practical.

It may also be completely useless.

It's useful because the special nature of Hang Yu's collar allows Hang Yu to block bugs and sacrifice large quantities of the Scourge Army to enhance his own strength, and the cost is almost negligible.

As a trump card and a trump card.

The situation can be reversed at critical moments.

It may be completely useless because, with Hang Yu's strong strength and background, the probability of him encountering a threat is really low. After it is built, it is likely to be just a decoration and will not play much role.

But no matter what.

Facilities with this kind of functionality are rare.

And if the side effects are too great, it may not be worth the money if sold.

Having one more trump card in the territory is not a bad thing after all.

As for the "Scarlet Insect Nest", it is a fifth-level strength spiritual animal facility that can summon mounts like a stable.


Compared to stables.

The Crimson Nest can summon hundreds of different mounts from level one to level five.

These special mounts are all kinds of giant monsters, among which the advanced mounts of level three or above have their own abilities and considerable combat power.


No upper limit!

Just after the summons.

Maintaining requires consuming magic crystals.

Abyss materials need to be consumed during the summoning process of advanced mounts.

"It's a good facility. There are not many summoning facilities with no upper limit!"

There are currently more than a dozen stables of various sizes in the territory, but the highest-level stables are only level three. As the population of the territory grows wildly, there are often not enough horses in the territory and they cannot be rented.

After all, not everyone has a high-end mount like the Black Dragon Spirit Horse.

The vast majority of ordinary territory citizens, middle and low-level players.

They still have to rent horses from stables when traveling.

The construction of the scarlet worm nest can solve the problem of insufficient horses in the territory. In addition, when players get tired of riding horses, they can also get a few big bugs, which is an interesting and special game experience.

Hang Yu then decided.

Both pictures remain.

for your own territory.

In this battle, the city attacked was a city created under the influence of foreign gods.

There will definitely be a powerful special pollution source in such an area. All the dependents are born around this pollution source, so they will be regarded as sacred objects by the dependents of the outer gods.


So far.

Players have already captured the city.

But the source of the pollution has still not been found.

Then there is only one possibility.

It is no longer in the city.

Hang Yu speculated that there was a high probability that this special source of pollution was integrated with the Scarlet Children, the Scarlet Twins, the big BOSS of this battle, during the birth process.

Then there is only one way to remove this source of pollution.

After the battle.

Hang Yu held an execution ceremony.

The four scarlet kings and the scarlet twins of the Scarlet City were all on the fifth-level execution ground, executed by the Scourge Army selected by lot.

The four scarlet kings revealed trophies worthy of their status as fifth-level kings.

This includes 40 million abyss essence per capita, two to three million magic crystals, plus corresponding fifth-level materials, gems, etc.

In addition, because it was executed in the execution ground.

Several purple-quality secrets were also revealed.

It didn't disappoint, but it didn't surprise either.

The drop of Scarlet Daughter is undoubtedly the most important loot drop in this battle.

[You executed the "Scarlet Twins", abyss essence +54.1 million, abyss magic crystal +6 million, scarlet heir essence +1000, scarlet heir flesh and blood +1000, Big Joe's scarlet soul stone +10, twin scarlet gems +25 , Twin Scarlet Forging Stones +40, Scarlet Mother’s True Blood +1! 】

When Hang Yu saw these materials.

He couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

Among these materials, there are both purple and orange qualities, which is very rare.

Among them, the flesh and blood essence of the scarlet heir is a fifth-level purple abyss material, which is very precious!

If the fifth-level materials in the territory are not enough.

These four thousand materials can be converted into 2 million fifth-level material essences in minutes, which is enough to meet the needs of territory construction at critical moments.

The soul stone material is also purple.

There is nothing that can be done about it, after all, the Scarlet Daughter has not broken through to the epic level, and the quality of the soul stone formed directly from her soul is limited.

But the 25 twin scarlet gems and 40 twin scarlet forged stones are of fifth-level orange quality, which are really rare!

Although there are not many.

But it's worth more than ten times the purple gem of the same level.

These advanced materials can greatly increase Yan Ling's success rate in building epic equipment.

And besides that.

There is also a special item.

[True Blood of the Scarlet Mother], a fifth-level orange pollution source... Introduction: The blood flowing directly from the body of the Outer God Scarlet Mother contains the divinity of the Scarlet Mother, which can directly create high-level Scarlet Familia, or give birth to evil gods. Heir!

found it!

It is a fifth-level pollution source!

And it’s orange quality!

Guan Yu needs a very active purple pollution source.

Within a short period of time.

It is difficult to find so many special purple pollution sources in the territory.

But the divinity contained in this orange pollution source is only high!

If we could extract the divinity from the source of pollution.

That would be enough to cut off the connection between Guan Yu and the main body.

This allowed the corpse Guan Yu to exist independently.

Thus getting rid of the effects of pollution!

Of all the materials dropped by the Scarlet Girl this time, the one that surprised Hang Yu the most was the soul stone that seemed relatively ordinary.

Soul stone material.

Hang Yu has a lot of them.

There are more than 20 soul niches lit up in the Hall of Ten Thousand Souls.

The names of these soul stones are usually prefixed with their names, and the soul stone that appears at this moment is really very special.

It can be said that.

Never seen before.

[Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao's Scarlet Soul Stone], a fifth-level treasure, purple top grade... Introduction: The soul stone condensed by the souls of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, produced by the incompletely developed descendants of the evil god, contains a strong breath of the outer god, and is an extremely rare soul stone material.

What is special about this soul stone?

First, one stone has two souls, which contains two souls, and the two souls are fused together in a perfect way.

Second, it contains the power of the outer god, because it originally burst out from the scarlet descendants.

You can say that.

This soul stone is a special soul stone that was born miraculously under extremely special circumstances, due to the collision of various extremely low probability factors by chance.

If it was killed earlier.

Since the souls of the sacrificed Xiao Qiao and Xiao Qiao have not yet merged in the embryo of the evil god, it is highly likely that only their respective soul stone materials will be exploded.

If it is killed a little later.

The offspring of the evil god has already grown to maturity, and the souls of Xiao Qiao and Xiao Qiao have long disappeared at this time, and it is impossible to explode the soul stone of Er Qiao.

That is just right.

The Scarlet Daughter is in a state of premature birth.

And because the Scarlet Mother has a special way of nurturing offspring.

The two Qiaos are perfectly matched from soul to luck, so such twin soul stones can be bred.

So rare.

There must be a special use.

Hang Yu couldn't help but think.

He still has a mother tree egg in his hand.

If the twin soul stones are used, placed in the mother tree egg, and incubated as the main soul, what kind of existence can be created in the end?

This idea just came into being.

Hang Yu himself thought it was too crazy!

Such a rare variant soul stone, which has two different souls of Xiao Qiao and Xiao Qiao at the same time, and the mother tree egg comes from the mother tree of the Outer God Abyss, and the soul stone contains the power of the Scarlet Mother.

Two special souls.

Two evil gods' powers.

What kind of effect will it produce in the end?

Hang Yu felt that it was completely unpredictable. Not to mention his current knowledge, any knowledgeable star scholar would probably not be able to give an answer!

"It feels interesting!"

"Do you want to give it a try?"

Hang Yu couldn't help but hesitate.

The main reason is that the mother tree egg and the twin soul stone are extremely precious and rare things. This behavior is no different from gambling.

There may be unexpectedly good results.

Of course, it is not ruled out that a deformed freak with two heads and four arms will be hatched, twisted by two conflicting evil gods' powers, and neither human nor ghost.

But think about it.

The mother tree egg has been refined into a prop by the will of the stars.

No matter how high the status of the abyss mother tree is, it can never be compared with the will of the stars.

Therefore, the things hatched from it, whether they are freaks or something else, will be affected by the will of the stars and become Hang Yu's most loyal family servants.

In theory.

There is no need to worry about losing control.

Even if a demonized monster is hatched, as long as this monster has the power of two evil gods, as well as the luck of Xiao Qiao and Xiao Qiao, plus other soul stone materials, it can also be used for the territory.

Thinking of this.

Hang Yu no longer hesitated.

It is estimated that in a short period of time, no better soul stone can be obtained, and the mother tree egg will not play an unexpected value if it is kept in hand.

It is better to use it earlier.

Add a top hero.

(PS: Please vote for the monthly ticket!) (End of this chapter)

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