This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 458 Shadowy Ma Chao! Luoshui City is in danger!

Jia Xu serves as the general person in charge of the northern defense zone of the territory.

He certainly couldn't sit back and watch Xiping fall, so even though it was troublesome, he still had to end.

And the appearance of Jia Dajiu.

Boost the spirits of the Scourge.

"Who is this……"

Gongsun Zan and other members of the Dragon Slaying Association have not met Jia Xu, and they have only joined the territory for a short time, and they do not know that there is such a number one figure in the territory.

A Xuanhu Guard general introduced: "This is Jia Xu, who has been personally awarded the title of Military Advisor Grand Priest by the lord. He is the chief counselor of the territory and one of the most powerful combatants!"

Hang Yuling is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

The foundation is far stronger than imagined!

It was a wise choice to join decisively at that time!


Zhang He raised the halberd again, gathered thousands of dragon thunders in the air, and finally summoned a huge thunder dragon, which attacked the person in front of him with the power to destroy everything.

Jia Xu floated in the air.

There is no movement.

A powerful energy burst out from the body, instantly condensing a huge thousand-armed demon around the body, and easily blocked the bombardment of the thunder dragon.

"So strong!"

Gongsun Zan looked shocked.

The heroes of the Star Dragon Leader, including Commander Long Zhang He, all looked solemnly at this moment.

Because the power of the attack Zhang He just launched has reached the threshold of an abyss epic, and is enough to instantly level a small city to the ground.


Opposite this person.

Resist easily.

And unscathed.

It means that the other party must also be an epic powerhouse!

He is not only an epic of the abyss, but also an epic with strong strength. He is by no means as qualified as the Dragon Commander Zhang He at this moment, who can even reach the threshold of epic status.

Purpose achieved?

Long Shuai Zhang He thought to himself.

The reason why he appears here.

In fact, it is used as a bait to lure the human lords or the top masters of the territory to go down, so as to create better opportunities for the Great Elder's surprise attack.


Although the human lord has no end.

But he successfully attracted an epic hero.

In addition, the human race leaders deployed many powerful masters in the Xiping and Xianshan areas, including Zhou Cang, Wen Yang, and Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan of the Dragon Slaying Society.

These are all powerful human beings known to the Star Dragon Territory.

Without this force to rush to the main city's aid.

The great elder has a great chance of succeeding.


Don’t be careless yet!

If we can continue to attract more masters, and even the human lord himself, that will naturally be the best result.

Let’s give it a try.

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect that a mere human leader would produce an epic powerhouse like you."

Zhang He smiled coldly and continued:

"Although you are strong, you alone are not enough to stop us. I advise you not to seek death, and let your lord come in person!"

Jia Xu sat cross-legged among the thousand-armed demon statues.

He looked calmly at the dragon general in front of him.

He shook his head and said: "This friend of the dragon clan, there is no need to show off in front of me. Let's not say whether you are worthy of the lord's action. Don't you really think that we will be fooled?"


Longshuai Zhang He and the three elders Xinglong all looked at each other.

Jia Xu yawned and continued: "Stop acting. This is not the target you really want to attack. Otherwise, why would you be so showy and pretentious? It's just a little trick to attack the east and attack the west!"

Zhang He: "Nonsense!"

Jia Xu: "Haha, I can see this little trick, and the lord can certainly do it too, so you don't have to have too many fantasies, just let me come down and have fun with you!"

Has the plan been discovered?

This human leader is more difficult to deal with than imagined!

However, it doesn't matter, this battle has already restrained so many high-end combat forces from the human race.

Lord Star Dragon didn't believe it.

There are other top powerhouses in the main city.

As for the human lord himself? This person is indeed worthy of being feared, but as a human being, he may not be that strong!

after all.

Humans are too weak.

Star Lords may have two brushes.

But he himself must not be much stronger.

As long as there is no strong person around, it must not be difficult to deal with.

Star Dragon Main City.

When Star Dragon Lord thought about this.

He no longer hesitated and took out a bead.

This bead is one of the abyss relics controlled by the Star Dragon Territory.

It's called the "Death Star Orb", and its effect is to create a Death Star field on a designated map.

This is a powerful area that can cover the entire map. If the territory of any Star Territory is covered, it will not only fall into the environment created by the Star Dragon Territory, but at the same time, all the abyss gates will be temporarily closed and the blessing points will lose their transmission. Effect.

in short.

The biggest ability and effect of the Death Star Magic Orb is that it can temporarily seal a territory so that local territorial units in this territory can neither enter nor exit!


Sealed territory.

The greater the scale, the greater the cost!

Lord Xinglong would choose the Xiping area as the entry point, because the area in the Xiping area is not large, it is the easiest to seal, and the price to pay is also the lowest!

When the Star Dragon Lord summons the Death Star realm.

The Scourge Army and the people of the territory inside and outside Xiping City all witnessed an incredible change.

The whole world.

The light faded rapidly.

The light seemed to be sucked into one place.

Thus forming an accretion structure similar to a black hole, the entire Xiping area is shrouded in a certain force.

[Ding, the Void Star Dragon Territory has descended the Death Star Demon Realm on your territory "Xiping". Your territory "Xiping" is affected and has fallen into a sealed state for 180 minutes! ]

Hang Yu is in the main city of Luoshui.

When he received the prompt of the will of the stars.

He was also surprised.

The Star Dragon Lord actually sealed an entire territory of the human race!

At this moment, the abyss fog gate leading to the Xiping area of ​​the territory was closed. At the same time, all the blessings of the stars in the Xiping area were affected and lost their ability to transmit.

The projection of the Tianyan Treasure Mirror or the projection of the Lord's will will be blocked or interrupted under the influence of the Death Star Demon Realm!

In other words.

At this moment, the Xiping area has completely become an enclave.

Even Hang Yu, as a lord, can only watch but not interfere. None of the territory units can come out and are all trapped in this area.

Not only that.

The Death Star Demon Realm is a super-large domain.

It will also affect the people of Hangyu Territory in Xiping, making them weaker and greatly affecting their combat effectiveness.

"Good tricks!"

This is the first time that Hangyu has encountered such a thing!

This must not be the power of the Star Dragon Lord himself.

He must have used a powerful abyss relic.

Fifth-level lord!

It's not simple at all!

These great lords generally hold powerful abyss relics in their hands!

They have grown up to this point, at least experienced no less than two or three lord wars, so there is a high probability that they hold more than one abyss relic in their hands!

The ability and intelligence of these relics.

It is an important bargaining chip in the game between high-level territories.

Fortunately, Hangyu withstood the temptation and did not personally come to Xiping, otherwise he would have been sealed with the entire map at this moment.

"What a tricky trick!"

Hangyu did not expect that the Star Dragon Territory had mastered such a powerful field control relic. In the future, he must be more prepared for this. At no time can the territory's strong men and the army be concentrated in one place.


Once the intelligence leaks out.

The Star Dragon Lord will launch a seal control.

Then the territory may face a systemic crisis!


At the same time.

Shouchun Scarlet Desert.

A troop gathered secretly.

This troop has only about 800 people.

They look like cavalry but have no flesh. Under the hideous molten armor, the body is a shadow burning with black flames, like a death army just walked out of hell.

This is a dark-winged shadow demon!

"Dark-winged shadow demon" is a secondary race of "dark-winged sky demon". Although the racial talent is not as good as that of dark-winged sky demon, it is also a very powerful race.

This "shadow demon" cavalry has a special origin.

Their status in the Dark Demon Territory is actually similar to the dragon people's troops in the Star Dragon Territory. All shadow demons are not native, but are forcibly transformed by human elites and human strongmen.

At this moment.

This shadow demon army.

It is undoubtedly the core elite of the Shadow Demon Corps of the Dark Demon Territory.

Because every shadow demon present at least has the rank of commander, and among them, there are forty or fifty who are even the overlords of the abyss.

Of course.

The first two.

The most eye-catching.

If there are natural disasters here.

They will definitely be surprised.

Because the information of these two shadow demons is as follows.

[Dark Wing Shadow Demon: Pang De], a level 50 abyss king... Introduction: The top shadow demon general of the Dark Wing Sky Demon Territory, has the powerful strength to fight against a legion on his own.

[Dark Wing Shadow Demon: Ma Chao], a level 50 epic unit... Introduction: The most powerful shadow demon commander of the Dark Wing Sky Demon Territory, has the terrifying power to strike thousands of miles in an instant and destroy a country with one horse!

It is Ma Chao and Pang De!

This is the strongest combat power of the Shadow Demon Legion!

Especially the shadow demon Ma Chao, his strength is second only to the lord even if he looks at the Dark Wing Sky Demon Territory!

The Dark Wing Sky Demon Territory is a fifth-level territory that is decades older than the Void Star Dragon Territory!

The Dark Demon Lord has obtained Ma Chao for many years.

After he forcibly turned Ma Chao into a clan, although Ma Chao's own luck disappeared, he also gained a lot of new racial talents and territory talents!

Over the years.

The Dark Demon Lord cultivated Ma Chao as the core combat power of the territory.

He invested a lot of resources in Shadow Demon Ma Chao, so that his skills and equipment were fully upgraded, plus his own high qualifications, and finally he became an epic powerhouse!

Between the Abyss Epic and the Abyss King.

Although only one step away, there is a world of difference!

Even an entry-level epic powerhouse can easily crush the top-notch Abyss King!

Not long after Shadow Ma Chao and Shadow Pound arrived at the designated location.

The Dark Demon Lord's Great Elder Ying You and the Star Dragon Lord's Great Elder Ji Yan also arrived, and the Star Dragon Lord sent an additional 100 fifth-level dragon elders, each with the combat power of a fifth-level commander!

The battle plan of the two major star leaders this time is not complicated.

The protection of the stars in the human territory has just been lifted.

The abyss forces will surely launch a test.

The two territories took this opportunity to plan a surprise attack.

First, Zhang He, the dragon commander of the Star Dragon Territory, led a large army to attack the northern part of the human territory to attract the attention of the human territory, forcing the human territory to exclude the strong and elite to block it.

Then Ma Chao, the shadow commander of the Dark Demon Territory, led a cavalry to attack the main city of the human territory as the main force.

The human race has no depth.

Shadow commander Ma Chao also has a strong shadow penetration ability.

Because of this, it is almost impossible for the human race to have time to set up defenses along the way, and the shadow elite can easily attack the main human city.


As long as it's fast enough.

You can take down the core in one fell swoop.

As long as the core of the territory is captured.

No matter how much background and trump cards the human race has, it will be meaningless. This territory will directly become a gluttonous feast for the Star Dragon and the Dark Demon.

In terms of strategic division of labor.

The Star Dragon Lord is mainly responsible for luring the enemy.

The Dark Demon Leader is the core offensive force.

The risks required for the latter are obviously higher than those for the former.

Why is the Dark Lord still willing to participate in this operation?

On the one hand, the Dark Demon Lord is very confident. He has enough assurance and enough back-ups.

On the other hand, although the Dark Demon Leader will take greater risks, once the plan is successful, the Dark Demon Leader will also gain greater benefits. After all, the Dark Demon Leader is equivalent to directly seizing the core of a fifth-level human leader!

As for the Star Dragon Leader, they naturally have their own plans.

Although the Star Dragon Lord and the Dark Demon Lord have formed a tacit strategic understanding, it does not mean that the Star Dragon Lord is willing to give in.

In fact.

Once the human race territory is captured.

Although most of the resources will be taken away by the Dark Lord.

However, the Xinglong Territory is near the water and the towers are on a first come first served basis. They can take advantage of the direct bordering of their territories to seize most of the land in the Human Territory as quickly as possible.

Who takes advantage.

It’s also hard to say.

The Great Elder of the Dark Demon Territory Yingyou said in a deep voice: "Zhang He in your territory lured the enemy to a disadvantage, and the human lord did not end up in Xiping."

Xinglong Grand Elder Ji Yan said: "Although the human lord did not end up, he also attracted an abyss epic."

Another epic hero!

When the two star leaders heard the news, they were shocked.

Because epic-level powerhouses are no big deal, and a mere human leader actually has more than one abyss epic!

No wonder this territory has made it this far!


This territory is extremely dangerous!

The Terran leader's background exceeds expectations, and the risk of this surprise attack is not small. So should we continue with the plan?

The Dark Demon Lord weighed it up a bit.

He still gave the order to the Great Elder and Shadow Ma Chao to continue executing the plan!

the reason is simple!

This human race poses quite a threat.

Since he can conquer beings like Dian Wei and Jia Xu.

If they join forces with Zhou Yu, the master of the castle tower, in the future, doesn't it mean that they will have three abyss epics? Such top-level combat power itself is enough to be feared.

What's more, Lujiang Kingdom is one of the main forces in the Shouchun area and has a deep foundation. Once it is used by the human territory, the advantage of the human territory in the Shouchun area will be too great!

At that time.

Star dragon collar is also good.

The Dark Demon Leader.

Its activity space and development potential will be inhibited!

Just because the subordinates of the human lord are powerful does not mean that he is powerful. After all, he is just a human!

think carefully.

There was no end for the human lord.

That's not necessarily a bad thing.

There are only two ways to completely defeat a territory.

The first is to capture the core.

The second is to kill the lord.

The core of the territory must be the most heavily guarded place. It will take a lot of effort to get in, and it will also take some time to seize the core.

If you encounter a lord, you can directly assassinate the lord, and you can achieve your goal quickly and neatly!

It’s been decided.

Don't hesitate!

The two Star Leader elders immediately set off with their troops. When they passed through the fog gate of the abyss and arrived in the Luoshui area.

"General Ma Chao!"

"Act now!"

Shadow Horse Chao didn't say much. He immediately activated his skills, releasing a stream of shadow energy from him and every Shadow Rider.

This energy soon enveloped everyone.

Next, the shadow quickly collapsed to a point, and all the main troops disappeared into thin air.

Ma Chao led the troops into a shadow raid state.

It was easy for him to lead his army in person and march tens of thousands of miles a day. However, the Luoshui area was relatively small and there were no decent towns along the way. He arrived near the main city in a short while.


The human leader is obviously alert.

Sirens sounded throughout the city.

Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people quickly stopped what they were doing and went to the nearest shelter to escape. At the same time, various barriers, spell towers, and enemy traps were also activated.

As the core main city of Hangyu Territory.

There are twelve fifth-level barrier towers in Luoshui City alone, and there are hundreds of other barriers or defense facilities. Even the defenses themselves can withstand a hundred thousand elites for a long time.


These are powerful defenses, wards or traps.

They were useless in front of Shadow Ma Chao. He launched a shadow attack ability and broke through all the defense lines in an instant, leading the crowd directly to appear in the main city.

Lock the core!

Arrived at the castle!

Just when they were about to break in!

Suddenly, powerful forces, like a dragnet, came from all directions. These forces were so strong that they could directly act on the shadow state.

It is the various facilities of the Lord's Castle.

In addition, hundreds of Canglong Guards intervened to stop him.

Shadow Ma Chao and Shadow Pang De had to release their shadow state. More than a hundred dragon elders and five hundred high-level shadow demons appeared directly at the core of Hang Yu's territory.

Ji Yan and Ying You faced the Canglong Guards' blockage, especially after feeling the aura on their bodies.

His expression also changed slightly.

"A mere human race!"

"Can you actually create such a powerful family?"

"Leave them alone!"

"Go right in!"

"Otherwise it won't take half an hour!"

"We will be completely surrounded by the army!"



at this time.

Several powerful auras descended.

Three women were the first to flash in front of them.

The leader among them is a woman with a gentle and intellectual temperament holding a spear. The one on the left is tall and cool, and the one on the right is petite and cute.

Not someone else.

It was Zou Wan and Xiao Qiao who had just joined the team.

It has been less than two days since Xiao Qiao joined the territory. Although his level has been improved, the equipment has not yet been refined, and the skills and other resources have not yet been fully loaded.


even so.

With super terrifying talents and qualifications.

Their current strength is not inferior to that of a second-rate king.

"Hmph, you dare to sneak attack on Luoshui City, you are so brave!" Qiao Ying's eyes widened and she was very angry.

Qiao Shuang's face was like an iceberg and she said coldly: "You are seeking your own death!"

"There are masters too!"

Ji Yan and Ying You looked at each other.

Yingyou ordered: "General Ma, General Pang, leave these minions to us to block, you quickly enter them and kill the lord!"


Because time is precious.

Every minute and every second contains variables.

Shadow Ma Chao and Ying Pang De didn't waste any time. The shadows broke out immediately and broke through various defense lines again. While Canglong Guard, Xiao Qiao and others were restrained, they went straight to the core.


Just two people.

When we are about to approach the core of the territory.

A majestic voice sounded in their ears.


This sound is not loud.

But it contains some kind of shocking spiritual power.

Could it be a lord? Shadow Ma Chao and Shadow Pang De were afraid, but they were not afraid of a mere human lord.

But after all, this is the base camp of the human race!

Even if the human lord himself is not too powerful, when he fights in his main city, his combat power will be greatly improved.


Don’t underestimate it!

Yingma Chao immediately locked the direction from which the aura came: "Don't waste time, no one can escape from my hands!"

"Escape? Haha!"

A figure appeared in front of the shadow commander.

This is a tall, oppressive being, made of blood-golden bones, both ferocious and majestic.

Shadow Commander Ma Chao couldn't help but be stunned.

From this appearance, he looks like a demonized human being.

Lords will not be demonized by the abyss, so this is 100% not a lord.

Under the effect of the eternal night curtain.

The information of Hang Yu’s people has been hidden.

Therefore, the other party does not take action.

It is also difficult for Ma Chao to judge his strength.


You don’t have to think about it!

Appear in this kind of place.

How could he be a weakling?

Alarm bells were already ringing in Ma Chao's heart.

As a top powerhouse, he has a keen sixth sense. At this moment, he has realized that this person is not only very powerful, he is even the strongest opponent he has ever encountered!

Pang De: "I advise you to stay out of the way so as not to fall victim to my sword!"

Guan Yu said lightly: "Really?"

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