This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 464: Stars Slay Gods and the All Races Market!

【Essence-20 million! 】

[Ding, enlightenment failed! 】

【Essence-20 million! 】

[Ding, enlightenment failed! 】


【Essence-20 million! 】

One hundred times... one hundred and fifty times... two hundred times... three hundred times!

Hang Yu tried again and again.

A lot of energy was burned.

Although he had failed three hundred times in a row, he could clearly feel that he was getting closer and closer to success.

Every failure is not in vain.

Every failure is just a step closer to success.

Failure itself is not terrible. If you can learn from failure and every failure can take you one step closer to success, then this kind of failure is meaningful!

Finally it dawned on me for the 352nd time.

【Essence-20 million! 】

[Ding, enlightenment is successful...]

You have comprehended a brand new skill. Have you named your new skill? 】

Finally realized success!

The moment a new technique is created.

Hang Yu only felt that every cell was bursting with billions of energy like a supernova, which was constantly traveling around the body, and finally gathered in the Dantian, repeating itself endlessly.

this moment.

Most of the skills he has mastered.

All are combined into one systematic exercise on the body.

This set of skills was so powerful that when Hang Yu completed it, not only did various strange phenomena appear in the space within the Enlightenment Tower, but part of its aura passed through the Enlightenment Tower, and incredible changes occurred in the entire Luoshui.

In an instant.

A strong light shrouds the place.

This side of the sky and the earth is like the sun transformed by hundreds of millions of golden crows rising at the same time.

These Sun Golden Crows hovered in the sky of Luoshui City, erupting into bursts of high-pitched and loud roars, surrounded by a large number of dark golden lightning and flames.

Every person from Luoshui City.

Everyone witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Zou Wan, Qiao Shuang, and Qiao Ying were in the main castle, watching TV shows during their break, when they suddenly felt this aura.

"This is……"

"It's the direction of the Enlightenment Tower!"

"You can't be wrong, it's the lord. The lord has successfully retreated!"

"Wow, Lord Lord, you are so powerful. This aura must be at least an epic level skill!"

Guan Yu is practicing at the moment.

So as to awaken more power from Guan Sheng.

When the vision of Luoshui City appeared, Guan Yu looked at the shocking scene of golden crows, thunder, and flames filling the sky, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"As expected of your lord!"

at the same time.

Lu Su stayed in the hotel in Luoshui.

When a strange phenomenon appeared in the main city, he was one of the first witnesses. When he saw this shocking scene, he learned that it was caused by the Lord's breakthrough technique.

He fell into deep shock again.

Although Lu Su didn't know the strength of the human lord, judging from the attitude of everyone from the territory to the Scourge Army to the top powerhouses, they highly respected him.

This human lord.

I'm afraid it's Hang Yuling.

The most core and most important combat power!

The strength of this being is already so strong, and now he has developed such a method that is enough to achieve the epic of the abyss.

Zhou Yu is such a genius.

It will be eclipsed in front of it!

The various phenomena of heaven and earth lasted for about a quarter of an hour before gradually disappearing. During this process, Hang Yu had completely integrated and mastered the new power in his body.

And he felt the will of the stars again.

[Ding, your enlightenment is successful and you have created a unique and epic skill. Do you want to name this skill? 】

This is different from automatically generating names in the past.

Hang Yu can name his own technique this time.

He thought for a moment and then made a decision: "Let's call it "The God-Slaying Technique of the Stars"!"

In the process of creating this technique.

There are two orange quality secrets involved.

Hang Yu named this new set of skills based on these two secret skills, and then checked the status of the skills.

[Stars Killing God Technique]:

Orange quality technique.

Current skill level 5.

The net value of life, mana, and the four major attributes is permanently +100%.

Life +100,000, permanent mana +100,000, permanent strength +40,000, permanent agility +50,000, permanent spirit +30,000, permanent will +30,000!

When the skill is activated.

Will be immune to all critical damage.

Automatically repairs all body damage.

In addition, damage saving throw +10,000, weapon attack, fire attribute attack, attack speed, movement speed +20,000, agility +80%, strength +75%, spirit +68%, will +66%.

The cooldown time of all lower-level skills is -70%, the consumption of all skills is -50%, the effect of all lower-level regular skills is +100%, and the effect of all lower-level special secret skills is +50%.



When you see the attributes of the skills.

Hang Yu is also very satisfied.

It truly is an epic skill!

This technique is only a basic increase in attributes. It is not inferior to at least one extremely purple talent, and its functions and effects are even more powerful.

the most important is.

After Hang Yu combined multiple sets of full-level skills and two orange secret skills, this new set of skills has only reached level 5, and there is still room for at least double the growth!

So far.

In order to create a new technique.

Hang Yu has consumed a total of seven billion amounts of energy, and if he wants to practice this set of skills to the full level, he will need at least eight to nine billion more energy.

You can imagine how difficult it is to practice this set of exercises!

Not to mention ordinary practitioners, even the top lords of the stars, after they obtain this skill, it is difficult to cultivate it to the highest level.


Hang Yu has no worries in this regard.

Since you have already practiced, you can simply practice to the full level.

[Abyss Essence-8.8 billion! 】

[Your "Stars Killing God Technique" has reached the full level! 】

When the magic is accomplished!

Hang Yu's aura has improved to a higher level!

With his powerful lord talent, the territory behind him, and the orange-quality epic skills, Hang Yu is a top-notch existence even in the abyss epic.

If a battle breaks out on the boundary of the main city of Luoshui.

As long as the opponent does not break through the abyss epic, it is unlikely to pose a threat to Hang Yu.

The Abyss Epic must be the upper limit of this abyss area. It is almost impossible to break through the strength above the Abyss Epic, so it is almost impossible to find an existence that can threaten Hang Yu.

Hang Yu left the Enlightenment Tower.

He found that five days had passed outside.

Because there is a twenty-fold time difference in the Time Enlightenment Tower, it actually took up to a hundred days for this retreat to achieve enlightenment.


Hang Yu was satisfied with the efficiency.

Even with the assistance of the fifth-level Enlightenment Tower.

In addition, it will take hundreds of days to achieve enlightenment by burning billions of essences.

With normal understanding, even if you have top-level talent and understanding, you will never be able to create an epic technique even if you don't think about it for a thousand years!

Even if created.

Not even eighteen hundred years.

Don't even think about cultivating it to perfection.

Why can the Epic of the Abyss be called an epic?

Nature is an existence that can withstand the test of time and precipitation.

If cats and dogs can understand and learn from the streets, and practice to the highest level casually, can it still be called an epic skill?

Hang Yu: "What changes have occurred in the territory in recent days?"

Xiaoba immediately replied: "Let me tell you, Master, during the five days you were in seclusion, there were no unexpected situations in the territory. All developments and recruitment were within Master's plan."

Hang Yu asked: "There is no movement in the Huangtian Kingdom in the south?"

Xiaoba: "Although there have been some harassments, there are no signs of large-scale invasion yet."

"Really? This is weird!"

It has been three weeks since the protection period of the stars ended. Although it encountered a wave of joint invasions from multiple forces at the end of the protection period, it has been too calm since then.


The most feared Kingdom of Huangtian.

It didn't actually launch a decent-scale attack.

Could it be that something happened to Zhang Jiao, so he couldn't launch an attack for the time being?


Don't be careless.

It cannot be ruled out that the Huangtian Clan is brewing a big wave.

Hang Yu next checked the situation of the Scourge Legion.

These days, the Scourge Army has made significant progress. Its size has reached 1.15 million, and is currently increasing at a rate of at least 10,000 people every day.

The number of level five natural disaster troops has exceeded 60.

The total number of Tier 4 natural disaster troops will hit the 10,000 mark in a few days!

During this period, a lot of investment has been made in cultivating the legion. As the saying goes, no pain, no gain, the leek field is now not only huge, but the growth rate of these core leeks is also very gratifying.

Now that raising leeks has achieved initial results.

Then it’s time to step up your efforts in cutting leeks!

Because these days, they are practicing skills, training legions, and providing benefits to the people of the territory. At the same time, the Jingqi Pill invented by Zhang Zhongjing is also in the stage of gradual mass production.

According to Xiaoba's report.

The team of alchemists led by chief alchemist Bai Mu have been working overtime recently to refine the essence pills. In ten days, they have prepared approximately 600 million essence pills.

Mass production of Jingqi Pill has begun.

This elixir will become the latest core product of the territory!

Because of all aspects.

They are all constantly consuming energy.

Leeks harvested from war.

It's almost spent by now.

Although the territory can generate more than ten to two billion energy income every day through duel fields, dungeon gameplay, plane mercenaries and other projects.

Just rely on daily income.

It can also cover normal expenses.

Even enough to generate quite a bit of surplus.

But if Hang Yu wants to continue to integrate and create epic-level skills, or to mobilize large-scale troops, cultivate Canglong Guards on a large scale, and mass-produce Essence Pills on a larger scale, he will be unable to do so.

Unless Hang Yu launches a large-scale mission or activity to incite players to participate in battles or fights, thereby creating large-scale casualties and replenishing the inventory in one go.

The leeks are ripe.

It was meant to be cut.

How to cut requires careful planning.

During this period, not only was the consumption of energy very high, but the expenditure on magic crystals was also extremely staggering, and there was not much left in reserve.

It’s not just about replenishing the inventory of essence and energy.

Magic crystal income also needs to be improved.

Maybe you can consider cashing out part of the Jingqi Pill.

After all, Jingqi Pill has a short shelf life and cannot be stored for a long time.

After Hang Yu weighed it slightly.

He felt that it was not urgent to realize the matter!

Currently, the territory relies on the Wood Saint's weapon refining industry to sustain its finances.

Although the Jingqi Pill developed by Zhang Zhongjing has started mass production, the scale is not too large. The maximum limit is to prepare 100 million Jingqi every day, which should be used to exchange for other precious resources!

Hang Yu put his attention back on himself.

Talent and skills are difficult to improve in a short time.

If he wants to go further at this moment, he can only continue to work hard on the equipment level.

The problem is.

Epic equipment creation.

It is not so easy.

Yan Ling tried twice in the past month and failed.

This not only led to the loss of a lot of precious resources, but also seriously injured the equipment refiner himself.

Refining epic equipment!

The price is too high!

This is not a solution!

Even if a set of epic equipment can be created.

It will take at least a year and a half.

It is estimated that it will cost most of the life of Yan Ling, the equipment refiner.

Because of this, Hang Yu has ordered Yan Ling to suspend refining and wait for the right time to start!

Recently, the leader of Hangyu has been purchasing a special material called "Epic Refining Stone". This is a rare special gem that can be used with other gem materials.

It cannot improve the quality of equipment.

It can increase the success rate in the process of refining epic equipment and greatly reduce the loss of vitality of the refiner.

As early as two weeks ago, Hangyu heard about this material from the knowledgeable predecessors such as Beichen Guang, and then ordered Xiao Ba to mobilize his connections to start purchasing it from all accessible channels.


Ten days have passed.

There is no news at all.

There is no way. The epic stone is too rare. Even if a top lord has it, it is generally not easy to take out such a treasure to cash it out.

Hangyu realized.

It is because his bargaining chips are not enough.

In this case.

Then increase the chips.

Hangyu said to Xiao Ba: "Release the news of the essence pill. If there is anyone willing to exchange, I can exchange it with essence."

When Xiao Ba announced it.

All the forums of Hangyu exploded immediately.

The lords of all parties were shocked and incredulous.

"Essence Pill?"

"A pill that can directly increase the essence?"

"How can there be such a good thing in this world!"

"Boss, please accept my greeting. Although I don't have the epic divine stone, I have other good things. Can I exchange them?"


Hang Yu has 500 basic markets.

There are 10,000 lords in each basic market.

When Hang Yu announced the official Essence Pill, his private chat channel exploded immediately.

Hang Yu couldn't handle it.

Let Xiao Ba handle it.

Xiao Ba handled thousands of private messages in an instant. Although there were many lords who came to inquire, no territory could produce epic divine stones or provide clues.

There was no way.

The low-end market is like this.

Each basic market has at most three or four fifth-level lords.

Although the number of markets in Hang Yu is huge, even if all the fifth-level lords are pulled together, it is estimated that there are only a little over a thousand.

These thousand are still human lords.

The quality of human lords is definitely not high.

So the value is limited.

The probability of Hang Yu buying the material "Epic Refining Stone" in such a market is very small.

Of course.

The result is disappointing as expected.

But the process is not without gain.

When the territories saw the good stuff like Jingqi Dan, they took out the blueprints or resources at the bottom of the box for exchange, which allowed Hang Yu to get several good blueprints, several skill stones, and even a third-level trial core.

A total of more than 150 million Jingqi was spent!

At this time.

Another private message.

Appeared on Hang Yu's communication panel.

The lord said: "My friend, you want to buy the 'Epic Refining Stone' in the ordinary market. It is not expected to succeed. Although I don't have such materials, there is a good thing that may help you!"

Xiao Ba did not report directly to Hang Yu at first.

After all, there are many cases of claiming to help Hang Yu find the magic stone, but it turns out to be just a gimmick or a scam.

And this lord.

He didn't say anything.

He immediately showed a blueprint.

[Stars of the Ten Thousand Races Market], a fifth-level rare building... Construction conditions: 3 million magic crystals, 500,000 material essences, and a fifth-level hall.

Xiao Ba reported the news.

Hang Yu immediately showed a look of surprise.

This building called "Ten Thousand Races Market" is an extremely rare market building, and its effect is somewhat similar to that of the auction hall!

This type of building itself does not have any function.

But it can add additional markets to the territory, or provide additional trading channels for the territory.

This type of blueprint.

Very rare.

It is also the type that Hang Yu has been purchasing.

Hang Yu immediately asked in person: "How much do you want to sell?"

The lord replied: "I don't want magic crystals, I want essence pills, a price of 200 million essences, and I won't exchange it for less!"

200 million essences!

It is not a small number for a fifth-level lord.

But for Hang Yu, it is really nothing. After all, the current territory has a daily net income of more than 100 million essences.

This expenditure is only a fraction of the daily income.

Even if Hang Yu agrees directly, it will not cause any burden to the territory at all.

But if we can build a "market of all races", it will be of great help to the territory!

The value of the two is fundamentally different.

Even so, Hang Yu did not agree immediately. After all, bargaining is almost a rule in the world. Being too straightforward may make the other party feel that they have suffered a loss and may regret it.

Hang Yu then replied: "200 million is too much. You also know how difficult it is to earn essence. Refining essence will not only consume the essence reserves, but also cause part of the loss during the refining process itself."

Hang Yu: "I am only willing to pay 100 million doses of Jingqi Pill."

The other lord: "No, I want 200 million, no less!"

The two sides immediately engaged in bargaining.

The deal was finally sold for 160 million yuan.

After getting the drawings.

He was immediately overjoyed.

I just feel that this wave of transactions is really profitable!

If this blueprint were auctioned at the Star Auction, it would probably fetch 18 million magic crystals.

Hang Yu only used a mere 160 million essence to get it.

Even if the energy loss during the refining process is included, the energy expenditure will only be around 200 million at most.

And 200 million means nothing to Hang Yu Ling.

It is nothing more than ten realizations from the Tower of Enlightenment.

Every time Hang Yu systematically cultivates Canglong Guard, the energy expenditure incurred exceeds this mere 200 million.


Get the drawings.

Hang Yu didn't have time to build it yet.

Xiaoba suddenly reminded him again: "Master, Lu Su is here. He is asking for an audience outside the palace!"

"Let him in!"

Hang Yu put the drawings away.

Anyway, the stuff is already in hand.

Then it only takes a few minutes to build the "Market of Ten Thousand Nationalities".

Lu Su once again came to the lord's hall and faced the lord in front of him again. However, compared with the beginning, his mentality had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Greetings to the lord!"

Lu Su respectfully bowed his hands.

Hang Yu nodded slightly: "Well, it seems that it has been a while since Lu Zijing came to lead the human race. Because of my busy schedule, I have not been able to entertain him in person. I have been used to it recently."

"Don't dare!"

Lu Su quickly bowed his hands again.

He then said: "I am really ashamed. What I have seen and heard these days has made Su realize the narrowness of his vision and the lord's great talent and strategy."

Hang Yu nodded: "Then what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

Lu Su said: "I've been out for too long, and it's time to go back to the castle. Today I'm here to say goodbye to the lord."

Got to go?

Hang Yu didn't stay either.

He just said: "The environment near the territory is very dangerous now. I, the lord, will send a blue dragon guard to escort you out of the country!"

"Thank you Lord!"

Lu Su cupped his hands and then said: "However, if possible, I hope that the lord will send an envoy to follow me to Lujiang Kingdom to meet with the Pavilion Master to discuss the alliance."

Hang Yu showed a hint of surprise: "Oh, listening to your words, it seems that you have accepted my lord's plan."

Lu Su said: "The lord and the human race are leading the way. Lu Su is naturally convinced and dare not stop it. It's just that it's not easy to convince others!"

very good!

It seems that the work during this period was very successful!

Of course, Hang Yu knew that conquering the local indigenous people would not be achieved in one day.

But as long as there is a breakthrough like Lu Su, the next work will be much easier.


Who would be a better ambassador to send?

Hang Yu expected that there would be a strong opposition force in the castle tower, so if he wanted to form a sufficient deterrent and show the power of the territory, the person himself must be strong enough!

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