This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 488: The Emperor's Might Covers the Sky! Sun Quan's Army Attacks!

blue star.

Special Investigations Division.

Zhou Zhengming received the latest data.

"So far, the number of players worldwide has exceeded 1.58 million, of which 90,000 are level 4 players and above, and the total number of level 5 players has reached 1,321!"

Everyone in the Special Division couldn't help but sigh.

"The Scourge Legion is developing too fast."

"If we continue at this pace, the total number will reach more than 2 million in less than a month!"

"The current level 4 and 5 high-level natural disaster army has actually reached a size of nearly 10 people, and the head strength of the army is rapidly increasing!"


Deputy Director Zhang Wei continued: "The expansion of the scale of the fifth-order natural disaster army has continued to increase the impact of the game on reality. Currently, the exchange of materials between the real world and the territory is becoming more frequent."

"Nowadays, a large amount of weapons, elixirs, and materials flow into the real world every day. We estimate that the average monthly trade value of cross-border imported materials will reach 200 billion by the end of the year!"

"Currently, all sectors of society have formed a new financial, scientific research, and industrial chain around trade between the two sectors, which is expected to be enough to drive an annual output value of several trillion yuan."

About the secrets of the Three Kingdoms.

It’s no secret now.

Although this game has only appeared for less than two years, it has already brought profound changes to the global landscape in the fields of economy, technology, politics and other fields!

But the good thing is.

There was over a year to prepare and transition.

When the secrets of the Three Kingdoms were revealed one after another, although it had a profound impact on the world and inevitably caused a lot of chaos and chaos, there was no large-scale collapse of order.

The Awakened are no longer a secret in society.

Although it is still very rare.

But it is not far away for ordinary people.

In addition, as the barriers between the two worlds are gradually broken down, there will also be business opportunities for Blue Star companies!

There are restrictions on withdrawing game items from the abyss, which not only requires the consumption of contribution points, the number of daily withdrawals and the quality that can be withdrawn, but also is related to the reputation level of the territory.


in turn.

Blue Star is not restricted in bringing items to the abyss.

what does that mean?

Blue Star has strong industrial production capacity.

The abyss territory is equivalent to a brand new overseas market.

Zhang Wei reported: "So far, the population of the territory has reached about 20 million, and it is expected to grow at an alarming rate in the future. Theoretically, there is no upper limit."

"This is an extremely vast blue ocean market for each country. It may directly affect the country's exports in the future and even become the main export growth direction."

"So far, many well-known brands are preparing to launch products and open specialty stores in Abyss."

"From all kinds of electronic products to entertainment and cultural products, as well as hotels, bars, culture and travel industries, etc., there is a huge market for everything!"


Zhou Zhengming and other senior officials nodded after listening to the report.

Compared with the Abyss Territory, Blue Star is not completely useless. It will always find some products or services that are suitable for export, and these can create contribution points for the country and enterprises.

Hang Yu Ling has a population of two million in less than two years of development.

It would not be surprising if the population reaches 2 billion or even tens of billions after ten or twenty years of development.

As long as there is a population, there will be demand.

This will be a huge market in the future.

It is Blue Star’s new engine for global economic growth and getting rid of the economic crisis!

Blue Star countries and various consortium companies are conducting intensive research, hoping to find market demand and launch products that can be exported to the abyss.

For the people of the human race.

Although Blue Star's products do not have extraordinary powers, they can significantly change lives and provide more spiritual entertainment. Generally speaking, it is a mutually beneficial thing where everyone gets what they need.

Zhou Zhengming nodded: "We should put forward more suggestions to the Ministry of Commerce and the economic department, so that relevant decision-makers can fully realize the importance of developing and seizing the abyss market!"

Just when everyone was having a meeting.

Suddenly a member of the Intelligence Department came to report.

"Director, the latest news is that a new round of war has broken out in the territory, and all natural disaster forces are currently being mobilized!"

Is there another war?

Everyone looked at each other.

Hang Yuling has really been doing a small fight for three days and a big fight for five days recently. It has only been a few days since the crusade against the foreign gods' dependents?


This is not a bad thing!

The more level 5 natural disaster armies the better!

And war is the fastest way to grow the Scourge Army!

The more level 5 natural disaster armies the better!

Why in such a short period of time, the number of Tier 4 and higher combat strength of the Scourge Legion was close to 100,000.

Zhou Zhengming then asked: "How big is the scale this time?"

The member of the Intelligence Unit replied: "All of them!"

Zhou Zhengming was stunned: "All?"

The intelligence officer said: "This time, the territory gathered 150,000 natural disaster troops in one go, all gathered in Xunyang City in the west of Lujiang River."

An army of 150,000?

All the special dispatch personnel were surprised!

This is the dispatch of all fourth- and fifth-level combat forces, and it also includes a large number of advanced third-level players.

And the location of assembly.

It’s Xunyang City in Lujiang again.

Zhou Zhengming immediately guessed the reason.

He said: "Are the alien races of the stars going to have a decisive battle with the territory?"

Xunyang is the core town in the west of Lujiang. This city is not far from the Dark Demon Territory and the Star Dragon Territory. Once a large-scale war breaks out in this city, it must be the alien race of the stars.

The head of the strategic department said: "It's not surprising. With the development trend of the human race territory and the aggressiveness it has shown, the other two territories can't keep their composure."

"The star lord will bet everything on it"

"This battle will be the turning point of this round of lord war in the city!"


At this moment.

Xunyang City.

All civilians in the city have been evacuated.

Hundreds of thousands of natural disaster troops have arrived at the scene one after another.

Ye Limeng, Jubei Wangyue, Heitong Ruige and other natural disaster army generals have gathered together and are holding a combat meeting, and they have learned some intelligence through the task prompts.

Ye Limeng said: "Star Dragon Territory and Dark Demon Territory, the two territories have formed a coalition, and the scale of the army dispatched this time is beyond imagination."

Liu Beiwangyue nodded and said: "From the momentum, the two star territories should be ready to go all out."

"This battle will start soon!"

"Let everyone get ready!"

Hang Yu Territory was busy.

This battle deployment is divided into two parts.

150,000 natural disaster troops are stationed in Xunyang, led by Lu Xun, and their main task is to resist the first wave of offensives from the coalition forces of the two territories.

At the same time.

The Shenji giant ship has arrived in Lujiang.

Guan Yu, Zhou Yu, Sima Yi, Dian Wei, Lu Su, Wen Pin, etc.

These territories' strongest generals, as well as the territories' 100,000 elite troops, plus at least 3,000 top-level Canglong Guards, are all deployed on the Shenji giant ship.

There is of course a reason why Hang Yu would deploy like this.

Because according to the intelligence obtained by Hang Yu, this time the Star Dragon Territory and the Dark Demon Territory have fully joined forces.

Even though these two territories are no longer opponents to Hangyu Territory with its current strength, Hangyu still dares not take it lightly.

After all, a fifth-level territory with a long history and strong foundation.

It is impossible that there is no means to hide.

At this moment, the Star Dragon Territory and the Dark Demon Territory are heading towards Lujiang, and their strategic intention is very obvious.

That is to break through Lujiang first to disintegrate the largest and most important territory of the human race in Shouchun.

Once the human race loses Lujiang.

Then the power in Shouchun will inevitably shrink.

The two territories can seize the opportunity to regain the initiative.

Although Hangyu is sure that the strategic goal of the Star Alliance is Shouchun, considering that the Star Dragon Clan and the Dark Demon Clan are both highly mobile races.

Under this circumstance.

Hangyu dare not put all his eggs in one basket.

If Hangyu sends all the elite and top combat forces of the territory to the front line of Xunyang City in one breath, once the Star Dragon Territory in the Dark Demon Realm launches a sudden attack on other areas, even the Jieqiao area.

Then the territory's troops will inevitably not be able to withdraw in time.

This may eventually lead to the territory being in danger.

Nowadays, Hang Yu divides the territory's army into two parts, one of which is deployed on the front line to resist the coalition forces, and the other more elite and powerful troops are deployed on the Shenji giant ship.

Because the Shenji giant ship has been upgraded.

It has changed from a city-level blessing point to a main city-level blessing. The territory's army can launch a delivery to any location in the territory through the Shenji giant ship.

This ensures that there is no risk.

Of course, Hang Yu himself will not go down in person, and must continue to stay in the main city.

After all, the Star Dragon Territory has the ability to seal the territory.

Once Hang Yu leaves the main city, if the enemy launches an elite surprise attack and seals the area shown in the main city, then Hang Yu Territory will be passive.


Hang Yu divides the territory's million-strong army into several branches.

Among them, the more elite 300,000 troops, as well as almost all the main forces of the natural disaster army, are all deployed in the Shouchun area.

Over 150,000 troops were deployed in the Jieqiao area.

In addition, a total of about 200,000 Black Tiger Guards were deployed in Woniu Mountain, Xian Mountain and other places, plus 200,000 second- and third-level intermediate natural disaster troops.

With these forces.

No matter how the two star territories act.

Hang Yu believes that the territories can respond calmly.

"Calculate the time, with the mobility of the two star territories, they should have arrived at the front line by now!"

Hang Yu made a cup of tea.

Entered the viewing mode.


At this moment.

Southwest of Lujiang.

A blessing point controlled by the Dark Demon Territory.

This was originally just an inconspicuous township-level blessing point, but at this moment it has gathered at least 400,000 troops!

400,000 troops.

The two territories each sent about half.

The Star Dragon Territory dispatched 50,000 dragon units and 150,000 elite dragons. The Dark Demon Territory dispatched 50,000 dark demon units, plus 150,000 elite shadow demons.

And these troops.

Almost the core main forces of the two territories.

It is no exaggeration to say that for the next battle, the Dark Demon Territory and the Star Dragon Territory invested most of their savings from the past few decades.

This 400,000-man army.

Not only is the scale huge and terrifying!

What's more terrifying is that 70% of the units are at least level 4, and level 5 super soldiers account for more than 20% of the total. Even the remaining low-level soldiers are auxiliary soldiers with special abilities.

Such a scale!

It can be called terrifying!

Not only that, the two territories have sent a large number of core members, with a total of 60 hero units alone, which almost emptied the territory.

Among these heroic units, the weakest are all fifth-level overlords, and nearly half of them are fifth-level abyss kings.

in other words.

There are about thirty of them who are at least not weaker than the Abyss Kings, and the most powerful ones among them have even crossed the threshold of epics!

The scale is huge!

The lineup is luxurious!

You can imagine!

As for the leader of this force?

This person is none other than Sun Quan, the magic armor who is temporarily attached to the Dark Demon Leader. At this moment, Sun Quan has undergone a completely different change compared to the previous two days.

Sun Quan at this moment.

Dark magic armor all over.

It has now turned golden.

Every inch of his body exudes a frightening aura, and every move of his hands and feet seems to contain the terrifying power to destroy mountains and rivers!

"Lujiang...Zhou Yu..."

Sun Quan looked toward the Lujiang River, "Now, I have gathered thousands of fortunes into one body. This time I want to see what you can do to resist. I will eventually become the only emperor of this land!"

This Sun Quan is extremely ambitious at the moment!

He is just using the two star leaders to deal with the more powerful human leader, and his real goal is to become the only emperor to rule this world!

In Sun Quan's opinion.

Zhou Yu’s structure is too small.

At most, it can only be a corner.

Only he, Sun Quan, can eliminate all external forces and make this world truly belong to mankind, and he will use this immortal merit to become the only great emperor for thousands of years!

So is Zhou Yu!

Even Sun Ce!

All sacrifices are meaningful!

At this time, two more powerful auras suddenly descended on the army, and when these two figures appeared, all the soldiers in the two territories immediately surrendered.

These two are not others.

It was Lord Dark Demon and Lord Star Dragon who came in person!

It’s me who has arrived!

There is no doubt that this is very rare!

Because, unless absolutely necessary, the Star Lords would not personally join the battle.


At this moment.

The two lords don’t care so much anymore!

They were like two high-priced gamblers who wanted to determine the final result themselves no matter what.

Of course, the lords were too important. Although the two lords came to Shouchun, they had no plans to take action personally for the time being.

They stayed behind.

Mainly responsible for supervising operations.

After all, the person leading the army this time was not from the territory, but Sun Quan, who was ambitious and would never surrender to any force.

The two lords have met all of Sun Quan's needs. They not only sacrificed all the human masters with luck in their territory, but also purchased a luck awakening altar for Sun Quan at a high price.

With this altar.

Even if Sun Quan does not become a territorial hero, he can still temporarily activate his luck skills. At this moment, Sun Quan's luck is extremely huge, and the awakening of his luck skills will make him even more dangerous!

Sun Quan's strength is far greater than any of them at this moment.

Therefore, only by joining forces can we control the factory, and this is one of the reasons for coming in person.

Dark Demon Lord: "How is it? Now you are sure!"

Lord Xinglong said: "According to the agreement, if we can break through the Lujiang River, then the entire Lujiang River will be yours. From now on, we will stand as three pillars, non-infringement on each other, and jointly fight against the human territory!"

"Two lords, don't worry!"

Sun Quan said with confidence: "With the support of the two lords and the elite soldiers and generals of the two major territories, I am absolutely sure to recapture Lujiang!"

"In that case!"

"Don't waste any more time!"

"After all, the longer it takes, the more prepared the human leaders will be, which will only increase the difficulty and casualties!"

Sun Quan: "I have this exact intention!"

After the three parties discussed tactics, Sun Quan formally led the territorial army and entered the battlefield.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Sun Quan came to the vicinity of Xunyang City.

This city is the western gateway to the Lujiang River and the center of most defensive formations to the west of the Lujiang River. Only by destroying this city and forming a stronghold can it better pose a threat to the castle castle.

And at this moment.

Sun Quan noticed.

Xunyang City is almost an empty city.

Almost all the residents and defenders were evacuated, but hundreds of thousands of natural disaster troops were stationed here, and the commander-in-chief was Lu Xun, who was specially transferred back by Hang Yu.

"It's actually you?"

Sun Quan saw Lu Xun on the city wall.

He couldn't help but show disdain: "You are no longer qualified to compete with me at this moment, so let Zhou Yu come down and fight me in person!"

Lu Xun: "What qualifications does a traitor have to ask for an audience with the Pavilion Master? Sun Quan, I advise you not to be stubborn. It's still too late to step back from the brink and turn back!"

All the natural disaster troops also shouted one after another.

"Sun Shiwan, stop it, you are not the material for fighting at all!"

"Now is the time to surrender!"

"If you can surrender and join the human race, accept reform and admit your mistakes, you may be able to become a big boss in the future!"


Sun Quan ignored the clamor of the Scourge Army.

He said calmly: "The outcome has not yet been determined. There is no point in talking nonsense at this moment. In that case, let's use our fists to speak!"

"That's exactly what I meant!"

Lu Xun activated his Qi Luck Skill without saying a word.

First, the majesty of heaven and earth quickly enveloped the three armies, allowing the 150,000 natural disaster army to gain strong recovery capabilities in order to better cope with the protracted war that follows!

The Scourge Army is good at attrition!

At this moment, with a strong city behind and a resurrection point within easy reach, there is Lu Xun, a super nanny.

This 150,000-strong army.

It can produce the effect of an army of half a million people!

Lu Xun also used his second air movement skill "Bingsheng Sword Formation". This air movement skill can absorb the vitality flowing on the battlefield!

Both the enemy and us!

The more you consume, the stronger the sword array becomes!

When it accumulates to a certain level of strength, even the top epic units can be killed in one fell swoop through the sword formation, thus achieving the effect of directly reversing the situation of the battle and establishing the outcome!

It can be said!

under the current environment.

Lu Xun and the Scourge Army are a perfect combination!

The Scourge Army is not afraid of injury, bloodshed, or sacrifice, and every bit of their loss can increase the strength of the human camp!

All Scourge Legion commanders, be in good spirits!

With the help of a top-notch coach like Lu Xun, no matter how strong the enemy is, he is sure to fight to the end!

Just then.

Sun Quan also activated his Qi Movement Skill.

[Your territory has been affected by the luck skill "Emperor's Might Covers the Sky", and the Xunyang Blessing Point has been sealed for 1 hour! 】

In the main city.

When Hang Yu got the prompt.

He suddenly looked surprised.

On the one hand, Sun Quan used his Qi movement skills.

On the other hand, the effect of Sun Quan's luck skill actually extinguished the blessing points in Xunyang City!

Although it is only temporarily extinguished!

But this is undoubtedly more thorough than the pollution of Jingguan Bodhisattva!

A blessing that is contaminated will only lose part of its function, but once a blessing is extinguished, it will completely lose its effect!

Start now!

All building facilities in Xunyang City have lost their effect!

At the same time, the Scourge Army also lost the nearest resurrection point. Once they are killed, they cannot immediately rejoin the battle!

"This is at least... the ultimate purple energy movement skill!"

Hang Yu didn't expect Sun Quan to be able to conceive such a method. It seems that in the next battle in Xunyang, the human race will fall into absolute passivity!

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