This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 494 Purple Talent Stone! Obtain the Star Dragon Relic!

same day.

Blue Star World.

Countries around the world are enveloped in a festive atmosphere.

Regardless of the cloud players watching the battle in real time or the ordinary people who learned about the battle through various other channels, when they learned that Hang Yu led the two major star leaders, they all chose to open the champagne.

Nowadays, almost all major Internet platforms and various TV columns are broadcasting and explaining the process of this war.

Of course, there are also many commentators and analysts.

Bring first-hand analysis to this war.

For example, in the Daxia set, several authoritative experts gathered in the studio. In addition, several famous Scourge Army generals were invited as guests to explain the significance of this battle to the audience.

"After Lord Hang Yu personally defeated the two major lords of the Star Dragon Territory and the Dark Demon Territory in the Battle of the Castle, he has basically established a complete victory in this war of lords!"

The host said this and asked: "This major battle will definitely bring far-reaching changes to the territory, but I don't know what the specific convenience will be."

"We have specially invited a guest in the studio, the famous Scourge Army general of the War Temple Corps and the newly promoted fifth-level player Chenzhong Lixiao to answer our questions!"


At dawn, I was a little nervous facing the camera.

After all, more than a year ago, he was just a street writer living in a rented house. Since joining the Scourge Army to fight in the abyss, his life has changed a lot in less than two years.

Now I am actually invited to participate in a program in the live broadcast room of Daxia 1st Studio. This kind of thing was something I would never have dared to think about before.


He has this qualification.

Although Chenzhong Lixiao can only be regarded as a strong person in the third echelon in the corps, he is already an out-and-out fifth-level player, and is a hot talent even if you look around the world.

The morning bell breaks and we are well prepared.

After all, the offline civilian staff had already summarized it for him and prepared the latest manuscript. All he had to do now was read it.

"This is another exciting milestone. It has been proven countless times that as long as the lord personally goes down, there is never any enemy that cannot be defeated!"

When the morning bell broke, he first praised the lord and the famous generals in the territory, and then entered the topic and said: "After this battle, the biggest change is of course the change in territory and territory."

"According to the latest information obtained by our War Temple Corps, the territories of the Void Star Dragon Territory and the Dark Wing Demon Territory have all completed preliminary surveys."

"We are working hard to activate all blessings."

"If the Shouchun area is not included, the two Star Territories have the same seven territories as the Human Territory."

"The area of ​​Star Dragon Lord City is: Nanping Mountain."

"The six major areas are: Jieqiao, Shanyang, Fuchun, Jingshan, Lecheng and Lushui."

"The city of Shadow Demon Lord is: Surabaya."

"The six regions are: Xizhou, Nanzhong, Jiamengguan, Pingyang, Yong'an City, and Chenliu."


"It won't take a week."

"These fourteen new territories will be completely integrated into the human territory. Each map has a unique ecology, environment, scenery, and various specialties."

"After this territory expansion, we have a wider range of activities, richer areas to explore, and monster resources have been improved as never before."


"Other than that."

"The size of the human race has nearly doubled, and the population capacity is believed to have nearly doubled. A new round of natural disaster army expansion is just around the corner!"

When hearing this.

In front of every TV live broadcast room.

The audience was all excited.

The expansion of the territory this time is really too big. If the Shouchun area is not included and only the fully controlled territory is calculated, it has tripled. How much content will be added?

According to statistics made by some experts on the Internet.

At this moment, the total area of ​​the human race territory, even if the Shouchun area is not included, has exceeded 12 million square kilometers. If the Shouchun area is also included, the visual estimate is 17 million square kilometers.

This area is not inferior to the furry bear country.

Without the blessings of the stars as teleportation nodes, it would take more than several months to visit such a large area of ​​territory!


Compared to the territorial increase.

What makes everyone even happier.

This conquest has gained too many blessings and cities, which is enough to greatly increase the capacity of Hang Yu's leader. It should not be a problem for the number of natural disaster troops to exceed three to five million within half a year.

The more Scourge recruits.

Each reserve in line will have a greater chance of being selected.

Morning Bell and Evening Drum broke another shocking news at this time: "In addition, according to the latest news obtained by our Corps, Zhao Yun, a famous general in the Jieqiao area, has confirmed to join the territory."

when the news was confirmed.

It immediately caused countless netizens to celebrate.

Zhao Yun's fan base is still quite large, and Zhao Yun's performance in the Jieqiao area is also obvious to all. Having such a God of War figure will be even more powerful for the human leader.

from now on.

No matter what kind of enemy you face!

The powerful lineup led by Hang Yu is full of confidence!

At this moment, various interviews, various revelations, and various analyzes are continuing, attracting a lot of eyeballs and attention.

Interesting thing.

It's different from the past.

Among the netizens who are paying attention to territory information this time.

At least there are millions of people from the territory.

Because Hangyu Territory has been fully connected to the Internet through the Xiaoba function, even an ordinary territory citizen can log in to the forum or some social networking sites to participate in the interaction.

This makes the discussion content of various forums and social media more interesting.

Although there are many things worth paying attention to on the Internet.

But Hangyu is obviously not interested in these trivial matters at the moment.

Just now.

He has received the notification that the Four Lords Competition has officially started.

This notification not only accurately predicts the time, but also announces the schedule and competition system of the competition.

It is different from the Rising Star Lord Competition.

The competition system of this Rising Star Lord Competition belongs to the survival escape mode, that is, all participating lords enter a map and select the final winner through survival games.

The Four Lords Competition is a camp point system.

What is the camp point system?

Simply put, in this lord competition, the participating lords of the four major star cities will be divided into four camps based on the city for camp battles.

Territory in the same city.

It is an ally relationship.

So it is the same camp.

As for the meaning of points?

In fact, it is also very simple. According to what Hang Yu has learned, all participating territories in this Lord Competition can open a special competition map.

This competition map is very dangerous and full of powerful abyss forces. The participating territories can obtain corresponding points by eliminating and conquering these abyss targets.

Within a limited time.

The camp with the most points wins.

The lord with the most points will be awarded the title of supernova, and naturally there will be more luxurious additional rewards.

It sounds.

It is very simple.

In fact, it will definitely not be so easy.

This kind of star lord competition is not simple. It is estimated that the content of the competition map will be very complicated. You need to cooperate with your teammates to win, and you need to deal with attacks from lords of different camps in the process.

In general.

It is a typical team competition.

There are still many variables.

The news that Hang Yu has received now is only a rough process. As for the details, you will only know it after entering the competition.

"There are still three days."

"We must prepare as soon as possible!"

Hang Yu feels that time is really tight.

The main forces of the territory are currently in the two major star territories.

Although the lords of the two star territories have died, there are still millions of star clans left. These clans are scattered all over the territory and are still resisting stubbornly. It will take a lot of time to clear them all.

Of course.

It's not a big problem.

A super competition of this scale.

The duration must be long.

Hang Yu only needs five or six days at most.

He can take back all the forces, not to mention that Hang Yu Territory is now strong and powerful, with many famous generals. Even if the main force of the natural disaster army cannot participate in time, there are still a lot of other elite troops, right?

Thinking so.

Open the territory map.

Players are in full swing to annihilate the remaining resistance forces.

The fastest progress direction has now reached the Star Dragon Lord City.

Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction. The conquest can be completed in seven days at the latest, but completing the conquest is only the first step.

He estimated that it would take at least one month to govern and rebuild, so that these territories that did not originally belong to the human territory can be successfully digested and integrated into the transportation system and construction system of the human territory.

As for when the high-value buildings and facilities and various resources of the two territories can be fully developed?

From the current point of view, it is probably a long way off!

The main reason is that the territory does not have enough manpower!

The current population of Hangyu Territory is only about 20 million, and to rule such a large area of ​​territory and so many towns and cities, at least 100 million people are needed!

In addition.

After the two territories are taken, everything needs to be rebuilt.

If Hangyu wants to fully develop resources, it has to rebuild these places!

I won’t say much about other things. Just building basic defense facilities such as barrier towers, hundreds or even hundreds of cities together, that is an astronomical figure that ordinary territories cannot imagine!

In other words!

Reconstruction and development.

Resources, magic crystals, and more population are needed!

Among them, the problem of resources and magic crystals is the least worrying thing for Hangyu at present.

Because let’s not talk about the fact that Hangyu Territory currently has a huge amount of resources in reserve, which is enough to cope with the next large-scale infrastructure. In the process of conquering the two territories, there are millions or even tens of millions of alien clans that need to be exterminated.

This can also recycle an astronomical amount of magic crystals and materials!

After completing the capture of the two territories.

It can also be recycled.

The facilities that cannot be used by the human race in the two territories can be restored to materials, and a lot of resources can be harvested in the process.

If all the materials exploded and recycled during the conquest are used back to the construction of the two territories, Hang Yu estimates that even if there is a slight difference, the gap will not be too large and will not be a burden on the territory.

"It seems that I have to speed up again!"

Hang Yu thought so after inspecting the battle situation in various maps.

He took out the Tianyan Treasure Mirror and instantly created a clone, which landed in Xinglong City.

This Xinglong City is the main city of the territory of the Star Dragon Lord. At this moment, the city is besieged by 30,000 Red Lotus Demon Soldiers, and another 50,000 main forces of the Natural Disaster Army are coming one after another.

Although the lord no longer exists.

Although the blessing has completely dimmed.

But the Dragon Clan family members are still loyal and fight to the end.

After the death of the Star Lords, the core of the territory can still be allowed for a period of time, and the dependents of the territory can still survive for a period of time.

This is not surprising!

There have been more than one example in the history of the stars where after the death of a lord, his subordinates led their families to continue fighting, and eventually died together with the enemy lord.

In addition, there were very few cases where the Star Lords prepared backup plans for resurrection in advance, and were eventually successfully resurrected by their dependents despite death.


These situations are extremely rare.

Under normal circumstances, the death of a lord in battle is equivalent to the end of the lord war, and there are almost no variables or accidents.

Hang Yu took action personally.

Breaking through the defense of Star Dragon's main city.

Tens of thousands of red lotus demon soldiers suddenly swarmed in and started killing.

The lifespan of these red lotus demon soldiers has been counted down, so they naturally cherish the fighting opportunity even more.

After all, good things like this come only by chance. I don’t know when I will encounter them next time. I just want to kill one more before the state ends.

Kill each additional one.

The reward is one more point.

I guess after this war is over.

Many of these middle and low-level players can go straight to the fourth level, and some can even go straight to the fifth level!

Hang Yu is naturally invincible.

Fight all the way to the core.

Without saying a word, he touched the core and completed the occupation.

[You have occupied Star Dragon City! 】

[Skill tower construction limit +10! 】

[The maximum construction limit of the weapon refining workshop is +10! 】

[The maximum construction limit of the alchemy workshop is +10! 】

[The construction limit of the Abyss Canteen is +10! 】

[Abyss Workshop construction limit +10! 】

[You defeated the Star Dragon Lord and obtained the "Star Treasure Chest (Orange)" +1! 】


The moment the core of the territory is also captured.

Even if the lord is resurrected by the dependents, he will become a landless lord. The best outcome is to retire with some of the dependents and return to the land of stars to retire.

When Hang Yu occupied Xinglong City.

He got an epic star chest!

This star treasure chest is different from the Luck Treasure Chest. The former cannot be synthesized. Each star treasure chest is a unique trophy in the war of lords.


Hang Yu didn't hesitate.

First open the treasure box in your hand.

[You opened the star treasure chest, "Abyss Magic Crystal" +80 million, five-color epic blessing sand +10,000, five-color epic forging stone +10,000, epic weapon refining stone +20, "Talent Stone: Diamond Dragon Body" +1! 】

[Please choose a relic. 】

[1, Guiyi Divine Bead! 】

[2, Death Star Seal! 】

【3, Holy Crystal! 】

The rewards in this group of star treasure chests are still very generous.

20 pieces of epic weapon refining stones, these were the key materials that Hang Yu was looking for to create an epic set.


Get 20 bucks at a time!

This is enough to forge more epic equipment for the territory!

If in the future the top combat power of Hang Yuling is equipped with an epic piece of equipment, they will definitely further improve their strength based on the current basis.

Other than that.

Explode a talent stone!

This can be said to be a truly priceless treasure!

Each talent stone can give the territory talents with self-declared authority, and the value it can exert is unimaginable!

So far.

There are only two talent stones in the territory.

One is the self-healing from the Dragon Lizard Territory, and the other is the Disaster Eye from the Corpse Witch Territory.

Unlike these two talents.

What Hang Yu got this time was a purple quality talent stone!

And what does this mean? As long as Hang Yu uses this talent stone, all 20 million people in the territory will gain the ability to awaken this purple talent!

Although the purple talent threshold is higher.

It is estimated that in order to awaken and exert its full power, it needs to reach the fourth or even fifth level.

But no matter what.

It is self-evident how valuable and meaningful a purple talent can be in all territories!

It can be said!

The human race led by Hang Yu!

At this point, it has been separated from the category of ordinary human beings!

With this current talent base in the territory, Hang Yu leads the human race to surpass most of the middle-ranking stars and has touched the threshold of the upper-ranking stars!

The value of this purple talent stone.

More than all other rewards combined!

Even more than all the resources and loot obtained in this war combined!

Other than that.

Hang Yu defeated the Star Dragon Lord.

Naturally, you can inherit the abyss relics held by the Star Dragon Leader.

However, no matter how many abyss relics a territory holds, the victor can only obtain at most one of them.

Hang Yu needs to choose one of the three major relics.

After some weighing and deliberation.

Hang Yu finally decided to choose the Death Star Seal.

Although the other two relics have extremely powerful military synthesis and even fusion capabilities, the limitations and side effects during their use are too great.

In comparison.

The Death Star Seal is much easier to use.

With this thing in hand, Hang Yu can block any map of the territory at any time, and can also seal the enemy's territory in lord wars.

It is undoubtedly a self-protection tool.

When the territory is threatened by various external forces.

Hang Yu only needs to activate the Death Star Magic Seal to cut off the key arteries of the territory, and then the threat can be blocked.

It can also play a huge role in lord wars.

For example, when a lord war breaks out again, and the enemy lord's army is lured to a small map without the knowledge of the enemy lord, the gathering is instantly sealed and loses its military value.

It can be seen from this.

This relic of the abyss.

What a role it can play!

Therefore, although the other two relics of the Star Dragon Territory are also very powerful, the Hang Yu Territory does not lack top-level combat power, and it lacks strategic means to determine whether this kind of territory can equal others' territory.

With this relic in hand.

Hang Yu Ling will undoubtedly become more terrifying! (End of chapter)

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