This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 497: Battlefield of Hundred Gods! Black Sun Clan!

At this moment.

Hang Yu received a prompt from the will of the stars.

[Ding, the Four Lords Competition is officially open, and your territory has unlocked a new teleportation permission: the Hundred Gods Battlefield! ]

Has it finally started?

The teleportation area unlocked this time is called the Hundred Gods Battlefield, similar to the previous "Eternal Dark Labyrinth".

After Hang Yu Territory obtains the teleportation permission of the area, all authorized units can enter it through any main city-level blessing teleportation.

Of course.

It's still the same.

The lord himself cannot leave the field.

If you want to lead the troops to the battle in person, you can only participate by sending down a clone or projection.

This rule can prevent the lords from being too obsessed and causing a lot of losses.

After all, the Star Lord Competition is just a competition, not a life-and-death war.

When the territory opens the teleportation permission.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Jia Xu and others immediately led the crowd to teleport to this area called "Hundred Gods Battlefield".

"Is this the map for this event?"

"It looks a bit crude!"


After arriving at the "Hundred Gods Battlefield", the four hundred Scourge soldiers immediately observed the surrounding environment.

This place looks like a huge and empty square, with flat land in all directions, and the length and width can reach at least hundreds of kilometers.


Such a large space is empty.

There is only an altar in the center, on which there is a huge blessed light.

When Hang Yu led 500 soldiers to the scene, the transmission light on the square kept flashing.

Various races.

Various territories.

Troops arrived one after another.

No more, no less than fifteen troops.

"Look, isn't that the Ancient Saint Star Spirit, the Devouring Giant Glutton, and the Blazing Angel? They really participated in this event!"

"Everyone, don't mess around!"

"This time we are teammates!"

Lord Cang Yue, Lord Bahuang, and Lord Yi, all intervened in person at this time, leading the troops to the scene in the form of clones.

At the same time.

The starting lineup is strong.

Each territory sent out about 20 hero units, and the combat forces of the other 400 or so territories were all fifth-level super soldiers.

Each force was very powerful!

It was undoubtedly a careful selection of the best.

Among the 15 participating territories, only the human race's troops looked the least impressive, and more than half of them were only fourth-level soldiers.

This made the lords of other territories somewhat dissatisfied.

The competition is so important.

How could it be so careless?

Although it is known that it is not easy for the human race to train high-level soldiers as a lower-level race territory, it is too much for a Saint Cang rising star to not even be able to gather 500 fifth-level soldiers.

This lord competition.

I am afraid that I will be dragged down by the human race!

However, since Hangyu Lord has already participated, although most of the lords are dissatisfied with its lineup, they are also focusing on the overall situation at this moment and will not publicly suppress and exclude it.

Lord Cangyue, Lord Bahuang, and Lord Yi came to the human race's troops.

The three are very strong.

They should have close to first-class epic strength.

Most of the followers they brought with them were top-level Abyss Kings or entry-level epics.

Jia Xu introduced Zhao Yun, "This is the Lord of Shengcang City, Gusheng Cangyue, who lost to our Lord in the Shengcang Rising Star Competition."

So that's it!

Zhao Yun had already made up for his homework before coming.

"Where's Hang Yu?" Cangyue asked directly, "Why didn't he come!"

Dian Wei laughed, "Our Lord is busy with all kinds of things. Why bother him to come out for this little fight?"

When they heard this.

The Lords were even more dissatisfied.

It's okay that the human race has the weakest military camp, but they are so negligent. It's really a drag.

Feng Leiyi said at this time: "Junior Hang Yu is indeed talented, but this competition is different from the Rising Star Competition and is more difficult. It is best to treat it carefully and do your best!"

Shiri Bahuang: "Yes, I was prepared to fight side by side with Lord Hang Yu, but he didn't even come. What's the big deal?!"

Cang Yue was even more dissatisfied: "Human, this battle is related to the honor of Sheng Cang City. I hope you don't drag your feet!"

When he heard his defeated general say this.

Dian Wei was immediately unhappy.

Just about to say a few words.

Zhao Yun said at this time: "Please rest assured, Lord Cang Yue, my human race has absolute confidence and will never humiliate this event!"

Cang Yue's eyes fell on Zhao Yun.

Because Jia Xu's "Eternal Night Curtain" has reached the orange quality relationship, its ability to hide its breath is even stronger.

So even if it is the ancient saint Cang Yue at this moment.

She can't use the means of insight to feel the foundation of the human race leader or see their true status.

Starry Sky Dragon Body?

The Star Dragons are one of the most powerful tribes among the Dragons. It is not easy to obtain this physique while retaining the human essence.

In addition.

Although Cang Yue did not know Zhao Yun.

But she had a very deep impression of Dian Wei.

At this moment, even a powerful demon Dian Wei seemed to respect this person, which shows that this mutant human is not simple!

"Who are you?"

"Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong, the captain of the Canglong Guard under the command of Lord Hang Yu!"

Zhao Yun answered neither servilely nor arrogantly.

Without waiting for the two sides to continue communicating, all the starting soldiers of the fifteen territories arrived.

Lord Shadowless gathered everyone together with an invisible army of Chaos Spirits.

"The key to winning this competition is to capture as many fortresses as possible while holding on to this base camp!"

Zhao Yun, Jia Xu and others learned about it after understanding.

The area they were in now was the lord's base camp of Shengcang City, and the altar and blessing in front of them were the core of the base camp.

If the altar is destroyed by other three lords or abyssal forces, the entire camp will be disqualified and directly eliminated.

So said.

That's the key to the competition.

Be sure to protect your base camp.

So how to protect the base camp or invade the enemy's base camp? The answer is to expand the size of the camp's fortress.

The blessing from the base camp can lead to the twelve nearest fortresses, and each of these twelve fortresses can open teleportation channels to 2 to 3 fortresses.

in other words.

The base camp can enter the fortress map, and the fortress map can enter the new fortress map, thus forming a spider-like and radially expanding fortress group centered on the base camp.

If the four star camps want to protect their base camp, the first thing they have to do is to improve the fortress network to form a comprehensive defense of the base camp.

Continue to expand in depth.

This prevents foreign enemies from entering.

The same goes for attacking the opponent's base camp. You need to tear apart the opponent's defense network and go deep from a certain direction until you reach the base camp.

Ying Wuhen said: "In the beginning, there were only twelve fortresses, but we have fifteen territories."

"I propose that the eight territories with the strongest military strength should be responsible for the eight fortresses alone, and the remaining four territories should jointly capture the other four."

"What do you think?"

When hearing Ying Wuhen's suggestion, most of the lords agreed and immediately allocated the fortresses.

The Human Territory is considered by default to be the weakest territory among the fifteen territories, so it will jointly attack the fortress with the Blazing Thunder Clan Territory where the Wind and Thunder Wings are located.

Dian Wei, Zhou Cang, Wen Yang and others were naturally very dissatisfied with this.

on the one hand.

They do not recognize that the human race is the weakest.

on the one hand.

Jointly attacking the fortress with other lords means that you cannot have exclusive access to loot and resources, which will obviously affect the territory's early development in the event.


The minority obeys the majority.

More than ten lords agreed to this plan.

Even if the human leader does not accept it, it will be difficult to reverse the situation. We can't have internal strife over this matter before the game has even started!

"Generals, calm down!"

Lu Su stepped forward to be the peacemaker at this time: "It's just an initial fortress. Once we win this fortress, there will be many more fortresses that can be expanded."

"I think that instead of wasting time protesting here, it is better to seize the time to seize the fortress and expand as soon as possible. Don't worry about the small profit in front of you."

Although the soldiers were dissatisfied.

But it also makes sense.

Instead of wasting a lot of time, it is better to complete the speed run and prove your strength in the face.

The lords of Shengcang City assigned their respective marching directions, and Zhao Yundianwei led his troops to join forces with the Chilei tribe.

Talk about it.

Wind and Thunder Wings are so far.

The gentlest and most talkative upper lord Hang Yu had ever seen. When other territories refused to accept the human leader's companion, only Lord Chilei took the initiative to take over.

Feng Leiyi said: "The Abyss Fortress in the Evil God's Battlefield is very dangerous. It will be guarded by powerful Abyss Familia. You must be careful!"

Dian Wei: "Don't worry, we think we can still deal with just the Evil God's Familia!"

Not much was said.

Start the base camp to bless.

The human race leads the troops into the first fortress map.

Everyone felt that the nearby environment had changed dramatically again, and they were transported from the giant square to a giant desert.

This desert.

There are ruins everywhere.

Remains of ancient buildings are everywhere.

This shows that in the distant past, there were civilizations and even large-scale urban agglomerations, but now they have turned into dust of history.

Deep in the desert and ruins.

A magnificent city stands in front of you.

The entire city is made of black stones, and the huge wonders clearly reveal the atmosphere and temperament of the Abyss Cult.

"The fortress levels in the Battlefield of the Gods are divided into four types: low-level, intermediate, high-level, and core."

Feng Leiyi introduced to the generals led by Hang Yu.

"The higher the level and scale of these fortresses, the greater the challenge will be to win them!"

"Among them, among the low, medium and high fortresses, it is possible to encounter top-level descendants of the evil god, descendants of the evil god, and projections of the evil god, while the evil god's clones are directly entrenched in the core fortress."

When you hear this.

Everyone was secretly shocked when they heard this.

There aren't really hundreds of evil god forces in the Hundred Gods Battlefield, right? That’s outrageous!

In the core fortress.

Is it even the avatar of the evil god?

You know, so far, the Scourge Army has only encountered two evil gods.

The first one is the End of All Eyes in the Sea of ​​Eternal Darkness.

Of course, the Ten Thousand Eyes End that appeared at that time was just a projection, and players relied on special facilities to barely defeat it.

The second is the incomplete projection of the Lord of Darkness.

Even if it is just a incomplete projection, it still possesses super-class abyss epic combat power. At that time, it would have been impossible to fight it if the lord had not personally come to the rescue.

As for the evil god’s avatar?

There is one in the Huangtian Divine Kingdom where Shouchun is inevitable.

However, the players only learned about this incarnation of the Lord of the Yellow Sky from local forces, and had not personally experienced its power.

It is said that every time Huangtian Divine Kingdom launched an attack in the past.

Be it the Territory of the Stars, the Families of the Outer Gods, or even the indigenous forces of the Lujiang Kingdom, they all had to unite to suppress it.

It can be seen from this.

How powerful is the incarnation of the evil god!

If every core fortress in the Hundred Gods Battlefield was guarded by such an existence, then the difficulty of this event map would be beyond imagination!


When I learned this information.

Instead of feeling intimidated, the players became excited, because the greater the difficulty, the greater the opportunity, and the more benefits and resources they can obtain!

Thunderwing continued.

"This should be a low-level fortress of the Black Sun Family. The Black Sun Clan is not easy to deal with. Everyone must be careful."

The evil god believed by the Black Sun tribe is Dark Sun.

There are some records of this outer god in the land of stars. It is said that he is a very ancient evil god whose followers and influence are spread across hundreds of abyssal planes.

The characteristics of the Black Sun Familia are that they are good at dark-type attacks. In addition, they have extremely strong self-destruction capabilities, and their destructive range and power are terrifying.

Deal with this evil god's family.

Be sure to control the rhythm of the battle.

Otherwise, a few inconspicuous Black Sun Familia clan may destroy a large area of ​​the army, resulting in disproportionately huge losses!


This does not scare Hang Yuling.

It's not just the Scourge who are gearing up.

Dian Wei, Zhou Cang, and Wenyang were all ready to make a move.

Feng Leiyi said: "Our troops are highly mobile and their attributes can restrain the Black Sun tribe. This battle will be fought by us first. All you have to do is skim the formation!"

Jia Xu immediately said: "How can we not appreciate Lord Yi's kindness?"

The battle begins.

Each of the five Blazing Thunder Tribe heroes led twenty fifth-level Blazing Thunder Angels. They flapped their wings shining with holy light and headed towards the Black Sun Fortress from five directions.

The five blazing thunder angels all have entry-level epic strength!

It can be seen that Feng Leiyi and the family behind it have made a lot of preparations for this lord competition.

The Abyss Familia in Black Sun Fortress were quickly alerted, and monsters carrying wings on their backs flew into the sky.

"The stars... are seeking death!"

The images of these Black Sun monsters vary. Some look like giant bats, and some look like insects or birds.

However the same thing is.

The body of each Black Sun tribe is pure black, and at the same time there are many ring-shaped lines similar to solar eclipses, and each line exudes a powerful aura.

The Black Sun Familia currently coming out.

There are about five hundred of them, and the strength among them is generally no less than that of the commander. There are dozens of overlords, ten kings, and an epic!

The Black Sun epic headed by.

This is a being with a body made of rock, roughly in the shape of a human, with solar eclipse rings covering its entire body, and holding two giant blades.

Although it has no wings, it can fly in the void, and its speed is much faster than other Familia.

[Epic of the Dark Sun: Zhao], a level 50 epic unit... Introduction: This is a high-level family member who has served the Dark Sun, and has the terrifying power to level a country in an instant!

"Epic monster?!"

"Give it to the epic monster as soon as it comes up!"

“There are too many resources for this event!”

After seeing this black sun epic, Xianyu Tuqi, Demon Demon, Niu Shisan and others were all shocked.

To know.

Even now.

Epic-level units are still hard to come by, and players have never defeated any epic without relying on external forces.

Is the map of Shouchun big?

This scale is already huge!

There are only a few epic units in total!

There are nothing more than the three great descendants of the Outer Gods, Zhou Yu of the Tianshuge Pavilion, and the rebellious Sun Quan, the two Star Lords, and the other two territories each have four epic heroes, plus Ma Chao, Zhao Yun, etc.

That's a lot of money.

Among them, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun have become their own, and Sun Quan is still imprisoned and sealed in the territorial prison.

Several others appeared on large-scale battlefields and were eventually killed with the help of the top powerhouses in the territory.

It’s too difficult for the Scourge Army to hunt down the epic BOSS!

On the one hand, the strength is not enough, and on the other hand, the number is too scarce, giving the Scourge Army no chance at all!

At this moment.

This special event.

Let the Scourge see the possibility of hunting epics!

On the one hand, after the end of the Lord's War, the strength of each Scourge Army has been greatly improved, and the top one among them has a chance to attack the king.

On the one hand, judging from the current situation, even in a low-level fortress, you can encounter epic-level entities, which shows that there will be no shortage of epic BOSS in the event.

"This is really great!"

"What a great benefit!"

"Now some top bosses have made purple equipment. Maybe it won't be long before we, the Scourge Army, can also have epic weapons!"

"Kill, kill, kill! We must kill quickly!"


At this time, the heroes of Black Sun Epic and Seraph Angel had already fought against each other.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Jia Xu and others gained a general understanding of their strength by observing the combat performance of these strong men.

How to say it?

It feels quite weak!

Is this the top high-ranking family?

The five epic angels sent by Fengleiyi are just stepping on the line and entering the epic status.

This strength is not to mention compared with the territory generals like Zhou Cang and Wen Yang, even Lu Su is stronger than them.

If he faces Dian Wei.

One against five can easily crush!

As for the strength of the Black Sun Epic, it is only slightly stronger than the five epic angels, and it also belongs to the lowest fifth-level abyss epic.

The two sides fought fiercely!

When the Black Sun Clan is dying, they will transform into a black sun, and the energy erupted by this black sun is extremely terrifying and has a large range.

The most difficult thing is!

This power has no harm effect on other Black Sun Clan members, but can instantly restore a large amount of health, while it can cause a huge amount of damage to non-Black Sun Clan members!

It is worthy of being the evil god's family!

This ability is indeed very difficult!

The ability of the Black Sun Clan is a bit similar to that of the Filthy Clan, but it is more violent and direct in performance, and the damage caused is very explosive, which makes people have to guard against it!

In this case.

It will be very difficult to fight.

Therefore, the Seraphim dared not fight head-on, and could only fight and retreat and gradually destroy them. In the process, several super soldiers of the Seraphim also died accidentally.

"What a waste of time!"

"What a waste of time!"

Dian Wei couldn't stand it anymore: "Let me do it!"

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