This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 500: Fortress Defense and Millions of New Soldiers!

Hang Yu observed and found out.

Among the players of the Scourge, there are many players with peak Overlord strength, and there are more than 20 of them at present.

In fact, they have reached the peak Overlord combat power.

It is only a matter of time for them to attack the King.

However, at this stage, only six or seven of these people have really taken action.

Different people choose different ways to break through.

For example, the leader of the Free Wing Corps, Brother Hei Tong Rui, chose to improve his strength by breaking through the skills, so he entered the Enlightenment Tower and began to comprehend skills crazily.

Another example is Xiao Lingdang of the Divine Feather Palace. She chose to build a full set of purple equipment. If she could get a set of purple suits, she would definitely not be lower than the Abyss King.

And Ye Limeng.

He chose talent.

At this moment, he walked into the Hall of Ten Thousand Souls.

Almost without any hesitation, he went to the altar to wash off the two soul powers blessed on his body.

The old does not go, the new does not come!

Wash off the old soul power, so that you can bless a new and stronger soul power!

Talent is enhanced.

Isn’t strength enhanced?

Ye Limeng was only half a step away from the status of the Abyss King. As long as his talent could be improved a little bit, it would be enough to complete the breakthrough before others.

[Do you accept the blessing of "Ma Chao's Soul"? This enhancement will consume 40 million essence and 20 million contribution points! ]

Ye Limeng did not hesitate.

He chose to activate Ma Chao's Soul Shrine!

This is the soul power that no one in the Scourge has ever used so far.

The reason is simple.

It's just too expensive!

Most of the top Scourge troops have soul power, and it takes courage to let them give up the soul power they have paid a great price.

The use of the Ten Thousand Souls Hall.

It is never free.

Each activation will cause a lot of resource consumption to the territory.

Generally, each activation of the purple soul shrine consumes 5 million essence and 50,000 magic crystals.

The territory will certainly not bear this expenditure for the players.


There are so many players.

How can the territory bear it?

But what if the players can't come up with 5 million essence points? After all, the total amount of energy in the player's experience slot is unlikely to exceed 5 million!

There are two solutions.

First, the Ten Thousand Souls Hall can directly consume the Corps' energy pool and use the Corps' collective energy reserves to cultivate individual top powerhouses.

Second, the Ten Thousand Souls Hall can gather the energy of everyone to help one person gain talent, so players can help each other.

In addition.

Players can also use contribution points instead of energy. Of course, the number of requirements will be very exaggerated, which is conducive to the territory harvesting players and recycling contribution points.

For example.

Purple Soul Niche.

Each time a player uses it, 8 million energy + 5 million contribution points are required. If all contribution points are paid, 35 million contribution points are required.

Unless it is the top rich player.

Otherwise, there is no way to get so many contribution points.

The orange soul shrine is even more expensive!

Ye Limeng prayed silently.

"It must succeed!"

"It must succeed!"

Ma Chao's soul shrine began to work. Without other soul power, the success rate of the first blessing is still quite high.

[Blessing Success! ]

[You have obtained the "Power of Ma Chao"! ]

Ye Limeng breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, nothing went wrong, otherwise the resource loss would be too great.

Even for a large army.

It is not a small number!

Although the consumption is very large, the moment the "Power of Ma Chao" is successfully blessed, Ye Limeng can clearly feel the huge increase in strength.

This soul power.

The effect is better than the previous two combined.

Ye Limeng feels that he is at the critical point of the Abyss King. As long as there is a little more improvement, he will definitely be able to enter the ranks of the Abyss King.

Without saying anything.

Bless the second soul.

This time, choose Xu Chu who has been blessed.

Because Xu Chu can greatly increase attack power and critical damage, which is very consistent with Ye Limeng's fighting style.

[Soul power blessing failed! ]

[Soul power blessing failed! ]


[Territory talent activation successful! ]

[You have obtained the "Power of Xu Chu"! ]

Five times.

Finally succeeded.

Every time, 8 million essence + 5 million contribution points were consumed, which made Ye Limeng feel very distressed.


When the fifth time.

The moment when Xu Chu's soul power was successfully blessed.

Ye Limeng could clearly feel that he had successfully crossed the critical point without any suspense.

When the new power was integrated into the body.

It caused a certain transformation and sublimation of the body.

[Ding! ]

[You have broken through to the status of "Abyss King\

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