This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 76 The decisive moment

The lord wants to go down and fight side by side in person!

Let everyone be in high spirits.

But there are also worries.

Hang Yu's performance in capturing Hexi Village was indeed extraordinary, but after seeing Ma Yuanyi's almost terrifying power, he felt that the lord was still inferior in terms of expression of strength, which meant that there might be considerable risks.

This battle cannot be without top combat power like Brother Yu.

But what if the Lord dies in battle?

Everything is over!

Ye Limeng: "We have no way out! We can only block everything and fight!"

Brother Black Eyed Rui: "Although I don't know if the Lord can fight against Ma Yuanyi, but no matter how powerful the Lord is, we are far superior to us. If he personally comes to help in this battle, there is still a chance of winning!"

Chen Xi: "We don't have to defeat Ma Yuanyi. As long as we survive the extremely dark day, we will have completed our mission!"

Demon Demon Demon: "Yes, according to Wei Ji, the extremely dark day will only appear once a month on average. As long as we can survive today's test, we will have a lot of time to develop in the future. Are we still afraid that we will not be able to deal with Ma Yuanyi?"

Everyone was very motivated.

"No matter what the cost!"

"Even if it means using people to fill it with lives!"

"As long as you carry it through, everything will be fine!"

"That's right! I don't have any abilities! The only thing I have is that I'm not afraid of death!"

"Eating and going to the bathroom are all done within half an hour. Don't let anything slip during the battle later!"

"Still eating? The territory is in danger. How can we be in the mood to eat now? Will we starve to death if we don't eat? If we win this battle, I will give you a big red envelope and treat everyone to Michelin!"

"The boss is so angry!"

"We should think about how to use the advantages of the Scourge Legion to make greater contributions to the next battle!"

"You're right! Especially, we must protect our lord! We must never let the lord be in danger!"

"Oh my god! This game is so exciting! I feel like I'm being attacked by monsters and my life hangs by a thread. I'm more nervous now than when I'm taking the college entrance examination or confessing to a goddess for the first time!"

"Follow Brother Yu and fight to the end, rush, rush, rush!"

"Never give up on natural disasters!"



It will take time for the abyssal army to arrive.

You have about a few hours to prepare.

The reason why Hexi Village could survive the extreme darkness in the past was mainly because the luck stone blocked the abyss invasion. Now that the luck stone has been absorbed and transformed by Hang Yu, there is no environment for luck protection.

If the Abyss army were to attack Hexi Village with a portion of its forces during its attack on the territory, it would be difficult for Hang Yu to respond in time, which would eventually lead to heavy casualties among the villagers.

Although the probability of this happening is slim.

There was no need for Ma Yuanyi to disperse his forces to attack an insignificant Hexi Village. After all, every minute and second of extreme darkness was precious to him. There was a high probability that he would concentrate all his forces to attack the core of the Star Lords.

But just in case.

Hang Yu still moved all the villagers to the base camp.

Not only to ensure safety, but also to help out here.

The militia regiment led by Li Niu has certain combat effectiveness and can contain the enemy at critical times.

In addition, the villagers of Hexi Village have also done a lot of work in the territory during the past period, such as farming, construction, and making various tools, daily necessities, etc., and even made two simple trebuchets out of wood.

The players were not idle either.

I heard that the workshop has produced a lot of new medicines.

Immediately spent expensive contribution points to purchase.

Currently, there are only two types of medicines that can be stably supplied by medicine refining workshops.

The first is a blood-replenishing pill made from red moon grass, and the second is a qi-tonifying pill made from blue moon grass.

The seeds of the two herbal medicines are of similar value. According to the current price, 200 magic crystals can buy at least 3,000 seeds. In the end, nearly 3,000 pills can be refined. Players can exchange at most one contribution point for every 10 magic stone fragments, so the cost of each pill is The base cost is 6.6 contribution points.

Hang Yu's minimum price for the Blood-Building Pill and the Qi-Building Pill is 66 contribution points each.

If supply is particularly tight.

The maximum contribution point can be increased to 300.

Even at the lowest guide price, the gross profit of an elixir is as high as over 800%. This hard consumable can become a scythe for recovering contribution points.

The elixirs ran out quickly.

Players purchased an average of four or five elixirs.

This wave directly recovered 20,000 to 30,000 contribution points.

Although the expensive price has caused some complaints from players, everyone feels that it is worth the money, especially the Qi Pill that restores mana, which is enough to greatly increase the combat endurance of individuals and teams.

The player then led the villagers to sprinkle all the remaining concentrated toad oil on the grass outside the territory, and moved some roadblocks or wood from Hexi Village in an attempt to form more obstacles to block the enemy's advance.

The preparations for war are in full swing.

A huge army appeared in sight.


"The enemy is coming!"

"Damn it! What's going on! There are so many?"

Players were surprised to find that the size of the siege force of the abyss creatures was much larger than expected.

There are at least a thousand people in this army. Except for about 300 elite monsters, the other 700 to 800 are undead people from the abyss with dull expressions, ragged clothes, and like walking corpses, shrouded in an aura of chaos, filth, madness and violence!

Players know that there are a large number of undead wandering near the contaminated area of ​​​​Luoshui Execution Site.

These undead people are all villagers from all over the country. They were just ordinary people at first. They became like this because they were polluted by the abyss. If they are high-level, their combat power cannot be underestimated.

Ma Yuanyi's huge body appeared behind the undead army, and everything he passed under his feet was shrouded in blood-colored energy. It turned out that the blood lake in the center of Luoshui execution ground was not a real lake, but some kind of energy emitted by Ma Yuanyi after he transformed into evil. .

There is a huge disparity in the strength of the two sides!

The abyss camp has nearly three hundred elite units at level 3-5 and seven to eight hundred ordinary units at around level 5.

The forces on the Star Lords' side are mainly composed of three corps. They are the largest natural disaster army of 80 people, the lord's direct-controlled regular army of 20 people, plus a militia group composed of 40 young men from Hexi Village.

This battle.

Not easy to fight!

We cannot sit still and wait for death.

Several players quickly came to the lord.

Brother Rui with black eyes: "Lord, there are more enemies than expected. The Scourge Legion requests to go directly to fight."

Ye Limeng also said: "Yes, we can't die anyway, but we can consume them as much as possible before the enemy gets close!"

Nothing wrong!

Players want to die.

Destroy the enemy with your life.

Can such a good thing be stopped?

Hang Yu pretended to be calm and nodded: "That's right!"

Several players were overjoyed and quickly took the good news home.

The soldiers of the Scourge Legion were all in high spirits. Although the previous battles had failed, there were still opportunities for meritorious deeds in this battle. Before the Abyss tribe approached in the distance, they took the initiative to leave the territory and built the first battle with their bodies. line of defense.

Hang Yu stood on the wall of the territory.

When you see the brave performance of the players.

He nodded slightly and looked forward to it. He felt that today was indeed a good day. Not only could he get the core evil source, but he could also take the opportunity to cut a wave of leeks and lay a solid foundation for the next stage of the territory's development!

I received a notice from the editor that this book should be on the shelves at noon on Friday. There will be two public chapters tomorrow. Updates will be greatly accelerated after it is on the shelves.

The plot of this book is about to advance to the second stage. After clearing the initial map, various key settings will come into play. There will also be more novel plots and more interesting characters. It doesn’t matter how good the results are, as long as you can make a living. Eat, the author will never give up on this book, hoping to write down all kinds of interesting ideas.

I hope all the big guys will support me then

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