This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 80 New Chapter! Second Beta Started! (First Order Request)

Hang Yu couldn't just sit there and watch.

Ma Yuanyi was a commander-level unit after all.

Even if the mechanism was discovered, he still had an overwhelming advantage against dozens of players.

There were still a large number of elite monsters on the scene, whether it was four Abyss Evils or one or two hundred Abyss Elites, they were not vegetarians!

Hang Yu needed to be ready to contain them at any time to ensure that players could create more effective kills, especially Ma Yuanyi, the core boss!

"Don't be so arrogant, you rat!"

"General Ma, I'll help you!"

Feng Chen saw that Ma Yuanyi was suppressed by the Star Lord and was besieged by the players of the Scourge Legion. He immediately released the lightning chain to help clean up the annoying players.


Two flaming arrows fell from the sky.

The first flaming arrow broke the spell shield.

The second flaming arrow hit his body directly.

Bang, an arm was blown off, and Feng Chen's spellcasting was also interrupted.

Who was it?

Such a powerful flaming arrow!

Even the top sorcerers such as Chimei Wangliang and Xiao Lingdang who have cultivated the Flame Arrow Curse to level 9 are far inferior to him.

This could never be performed by a player, and of course it could not be performed by the Lord. Otherwise, with Hang Yu's spiritual attributes and comprehensive strength, it is unlikely that Feng Chen could still stand after being hit by two shots head-on.

Twenty figures were thrown into the battlefield.

They were the guards around the Lord!

The two Flame Arrow Curses were fired by the guards.

Before Feng Chen could be shocked by the strength of these soldiers, several warriors represented by Zhang San and Li Si opened the Iron Armor Skill and rushed up. Zhou Bin and Bao Hong, two Abyss Evils, quickly launched an attack to try to stop them.

Dang! Dang!

The two people's attacks almost did not cause any killing effect, because Zhang San and Li Si not only opened the Iron Armor Skill, but also had a high-level Big Bull Set to assist in defense, so they easily resisted the attack.

The two people fought back fiercely.

The white knife light whistled in.

Zhou Bin and Bao Hong were unable to stop it, and were instantly slashed back several meters and suffered considerable damage.

Full-level Iron Armor Skill + Full-level Concentrated Slash + Full of high-level equipment... The lord's personal guards are not inferior to elite monsters of the same level, and they have all kinds of professions except Ranger.

After Wang Wugang released the Flame Arrow Curse.

Then he launched a stronger Thunder Control Curse.

A flash of lightning directly repelled several Luoshui butchers.

Monk Zhao Liu successively cast the Rejuvenation Curse learned from Hexi Village, applying the skill effect of restoring life and physical strength to the warriors who rushed forward, thereby ensuring survival rate and higher combat efficiency.

"So fierce!"

"NPC soldiers are so strong!"

"We players are all weaklings!"

Players have a new understanding of the strength of NPC soldiers.

When twenty regular soldiers joined the battle, their powerful strength built an unbreakable defense line, making it impossible for several evil and other abyss elites to advance at all.

"Jian Shuo!"

"Why don't you attack!"

When Feng Chen, Zhou Bin, and Bao Hong were beaten back, Jian Shuo, as the only one of Ma Yuanyi's four generals with level 7 elite strength and the strongest comprehensive combat power, was always wandering around and not participating in the battle.

Zhou Bin and Bao Hong were very annoyed.

Feng Chen said coldly: "This beast is not reliable at all!"

Hang Yu noticed that Jian Shuo seemed different from other evil fallen. Although he was highly polluted, perhaps out of personal ambition or dissatisfaction with Ma Yuanyi, he never completely surrendered to the fall.

In this case, there is no need to worry about him.

The defense line of 20 guards is as solid as a rock.

The Scourge Legion quickly divided a part of its forces to join in. After all, hunting these creatures can also get rich rewards. It would be a pity to let them all die in the hands of NPCs.


Ma Yuanyi's angry and crazy roar resounded throughout the battlefield. Although he kept swinging his hammer to kill players, he could not enter the territory. Every time he approached, he would be repelled by Hang Yu's spell, and every time he prepared to brew a big move, he would be interrupted.

It's so frustrating!

How can we fight like this?

The Scourge Army is as tenacious as cockroaches.

They launched a fearless attack one after another.

As soon as a player fell, a new player would take over. Even the dead players would soon return to the battlefield. It only took two minutes. With such a wheel loss, it was only a matter of time before they were defeated.

At this time.

Feng Chen cried out in grief.

Xianyu Suo took advantage of Feng Chen being suppressed by his personal guards and sneaked around his back with a spear to successfully penetrate him, hitting a beautiful critical damage, making him the first evil fallen on the battlefield.

Zhou Bin and Bao Hong also gradually lost their strength and retreated step by step.

Although the evil fallen were not weak, they were only at the level of Xu Feng at the beginning.

The players had once joined forces to defeat Xu Feng. Now that their skill levels and equipment have greatly increased, and with the help of the lord's elite guards, the outcome of the battle is not too suspenseful.

"How hateful!"

"We were defeated by your hawks!"

Zhou Bin and Bao Hong also fell under the attack one after another.

Of the four small BOSSes, one was still paddling, and three had been defeated, leaving only a hundred elites.

Although the elites were still strong, they were only level 3-5 after all. Attacking again and again, not only did they not play any role, but their number was constantly decreasing. The overall outcome of this battle seemed to be decided.

"Almost done!"

Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Ma Yuanyi's health was only about one-third left.

If the deadlock cannot be broken in time, the Abyss camp will definitely lose this battle.

He let out an even more hysterical roar, and the bloody energy gathered under his feet boiled quickly like lake water, then quickly flowed into his body, and was injected into his body in one breath.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Ma Yuanyi's ugly skin made of pale human face stitched together turned red.

The countless stumps and broken arms filled in this bloated body began to burn like firewood, as if boundless karmic fire was brewing, and it could destroy everything as long as it broke out.

Ma Yuanyi transformed into a blood-red internal combustion giant, and his already hateful appearance became even more ferocious. The Thousand-Skull Giant Hammer was instantly filled with energy, and the destructive aura emanating from it became increasingly violent and eager to be vented.

"not good!"

"The BOSS is furious!"

"It's probably entering the second stage!"

When Ma Yuanyi directly absorbed all the energy with his body, he lost the ability to recover quickly and even continued to burn his vitality, but undoubtedly became more violent, dangerous and terrifying.

"Quickly retreat!"

It is not difficult for Brother Rui with black eyes to find out through observation.

After Ma Yuanyi is in a violent state, there is a high probability that he will have unlimited mana, no forward swing, and even no skill CD!

He can now directly skip the charging stage and launch a large-scale attack with the Thousand-Skull Hammer. The danger level has increased by more than an order of magnitude? It is simply an existence that is impossible to fight against at this stage!

"Let's all die!"

Ma Yuanyi raised the Thousand Skull Hammer to launch a large-scale shock wave. To deal with these players who couldn't kill them all like cockroaches, the efficiency of killing them one by one was too low. This was the only way to solve them all at once!

"not good!"

"Too late!"

"This guy was shot too fast!"

The players had no time to retreat.

Suddenly a figure appeared like a ghost.

Hang Yu activated the full-level Wind Step + the full-level Hidden Shadow Step and came to the front.

Ma Yuanyi was horrified when he saw this. He obviously didn't expect the human lord to be so fast. He immediately changed the angle of the giant hammer's attack, preparing to kill the lord with this powerful blow.


Hang Yu's knife is faster.

A huge white sword light cut through the sky.

Ma Yuanyi's arms were cut off instantly.




"So handsome!"

"Brother Yu is awesome 666!"

Players are once again overwhelmed by the powerful strength of the lord!

If it weren't for the purpose of tempering the Scourge Legion and allowing players to earn more military merits, I'm afraid the lord would have killed Ma Yuanyi long ago!

The Lord's good intentions.

The players were very moved for a while.

Hang Yu suddenly cut off Ma Yuanyi's arm, which naturally interrupted his next attack. Ma Yuanyi reacted very quickly in his violent state and kicked Hang Yu hard.


Hang Yu was protected by iron armor and did not suffer much damage. He was just kicked and flew dozens of meters away.

The BOSS has temporarily lost his arms and cannot use powerful skills. Isn't that just being manipulated casually? It’s time to kill the BOSS!

The players immediately launched another attack.

Ma Yuanyi's life was losing rapidly, and he could not recover quickly from his violent state. It seemed that he could no longer bear it... But this time, I am afraid that the situation is really over!

Not willing to give in!

Extremely unwilling!

In a daze, he fell into the deep sea again.

The figure in yellow flashed before his eyes again.

The Great Master is calling, but I fall in this place... my subordinates are incompetent! I have failed my great sage!

This star lord is by no means simple. He will definitely become a big trouble in the abyss in the future, and even hinder the great virtuous master from preaching in the abyss. As the generous leader of the Yellow Turban Army, he should sacrifice his life and do his best to open the way for the great virtuous master!

"I am Ma Yuanyi, the general who protects the Tao!"

Ma Yuanyi shouted hysterically again.

The terrifying mental energy impact makes surrounding players dizzy.

And he had undergone new changes in the process. The flames in his body were burning more and more, causing his body to expand and proliferate out of control, and it was quickly turning into a huge, distorted piece of flesh.


Hang Yu knew what he wanted to do when he sensed the destructive energy contained in the distorted meat ball.

Although Ma Yuanyi's self-destruction is not enough to threaten himself, once all the energy is completely released, it will be enough to cause considerable losses to the territory and the army, and this is what Hang Yu does not want to see!

Hang Yu was just knocked away.

The players of the Scourge Legion were even more dizzy.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Yuanyi turned into a ball of flesh with thousands of faces. Countless firelights seeped out from the seams in the skin and from the eyes and mouths of the faces. The devastating self-destruction seemed unstoppable.

Something no one expected happened.

A knight in a spiritual state suddenly passed through human walls and obstacles.

Jian Shuo arrived in front of the deformed Ma Yuanyi at an extremely fast speed, and then instantly manifested his entity and swung a big halberd, piercing Ma Yuanyi's heart. He used his ability to suck blood to cause the deformed flesh ball to suddenly stop expanding and quickly shrink. Come down.

"Why betray me!"

The deformed flesh ball asked angrily.

Jian Shuo laughed loudly: "I am a close servant of the Emperor of Han Dynasty. I am ordered to kill thieves. How can I talk about betrayal?"

At this time, the player also woke up. When he saw this scene in front of him, he would not let go of the opportunity. He quickly used various attacks and landed on Ma Yuanyi, finally making Ma Yuanyi's health bar completely bottom out.

"Then let's destroy it together!"

Although Ma Yuanyi was extremely angry and unwilling to give up, he was unable to save himself. As his life was cleared, his body completely lost control, and powerful energy burst out in an instant, covering Jian Shuo and twenty or thirty players who were close to him.

[The player "One Sword to the West" is dead, with energy +1250! 】

[Player "Ning Caichen II" has died, energy +1250! 】

[The player who "slashed a street" has died, and his energy is +1250! 】

[The player "Tsing Yi Fox" is dead, energy +900! 】


Hang Yu dusted himself off and stood up. When he looked towards Ma Yuanyi's position, he saw that the deformed thousand-faced sarcoma had disappeared, leaving only a large crater with a diameter of dozens of meters.

This battle is over here.

Ma Yuanyi, died!

He died without a body and no last words.

Wei Ji was in tears when he saw the whole battle in the territory.

He could not equate the abyss monster that appeared in front of him with the once passionate and heroic hero, but no matter what, Brother Ma's soul was finally freed from the abyss.

"we won?"

The surviving players at the scene stared at this scene blankly.

It took them a long time to dare to believe what was happening before their eyes.

Ma Yuanyi was defeated.

They really defeated Ma Yuanyi!

Such a crazy, twisted and violent monster died in front of everyone like this!

This battle is of great significance!

This is destined to be a historic moment!

Because killing Ma Yuanyi means that the second test can be started smoothly.

New players, new maps, and new content will all arrive smoothly!

The history of the Three Kingdoms is about to open a new chapter!

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