This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 85 Challenge the Star Demons!

After Brother Heitongrui logged into the game, he walked around the barracks first. He felt that not only the environment and facilities of the dormitory building had been optimized and upgraded, but the recovery function of energy and physical strength also seemed to have been enhanced.

"Brother Rui, what a coincidence."

A big fat man and Scarface came over.

It was my old friend who killed the pig man in the middle of the night and slashed a street.

Both of these two players are level 7 players. Their initial skills have been trained to the full level. Among them, the Qi Gathering Slash, which slashes a street, has been trained to level 9. The Midnight Pig Killer learned the Peaceful Rejuvenation Spell through skill cards and has also been trained to level 8!

The two are very well-equipped. As the first batch of players, they have rich experience in all aspects. They are undoubtedly one of the most representative main members of the Scourge Corps at this stage.

"Old Zhu, Brother Zai, have you just come online too?"

He slashed a street and nodded: "Hahaha, the game has changed a lot. Our new dormitory is much more comfortable to live in!"

"This game is too conscientious!"

The midnight pig-killing man praised: "This kind of update to optimize the experience was completed without saying a word. If it were replaced by some black-hearted game manufacturers, there would definitely be ways to make money from it, such as letting rich players live in big houses and poor players. They can only live in tents.”

"It's entirely possible."

The other two were convinced of this.

"By the way, I heard that the game has a new friend system. Let's add a friend first, so that we can use the chat window to communicate remotely even without going offline."

The three of them tinkered for a while.

It turned out that I couldn't add friends.

Because adding friends requires consuming a prop called "Oath of Bonding".

This thing can be purchased in the Lord's Hall, and each copy requires two hundred contribution points... Everything about this game is good, but the contribution points are always not enough!

Forming a team requires team props, adding friends requires friend props, and the newly added map functions also require special purchase of map props. Although the single cost is not high, the accumulation is not a small number.


Change the perspective.

From a gaming experience perspective.

These props can effectively increase the sense of ceremony.

Brother Heitongrui once again learned about the latest game currency function.

Players can already use contribution points to exchange for physical currency for buying and selling transactions.

This means that contribution points truly have the function of currency. There are currently three denominations of gold, silver, and copper, with the largest denomination of 10,000!

Whether you are converting contribution points into coins or converting coins back into contribution points, you need to pay at least 5%. Although the handling fee is not low, it is within an acceptable range.

From now on, buying and selling transactions and the distribution of spoils will be much easier.

In addition to the optimization and upgrade of game functions, the biggest change in the Three Kingdoms game is the sudden influx of a huge number of new players, which has made the Luoshui base camp much more lively than before.

Brother Heitongrui is the most famous player in the Three Kingdoms.

He was recognized as soon as he left the house.

"Brother Rui!"

"Are you Brother Rui?"

"I am your fanboy"

“I made a reservation for the game after reading Brother Rui’s post!”

"Can the boss help us upgrade? We can't even defeat the nearby monsters!"

"Hahaha, brother Rui, why are you pinching your face? Let's make ourselves look like a goblin!"


Brother Black Eyed Rui has a good personality and is not impatient. It didn't take long for him to quickly get along with the new players. Although it is impossible to guide them to level up, it is not a big problem to give them some guidance on spawning monsters and leveling up.

But at this time.

Rumble, the earth suddenly shook, without any warning, and lasted for more than ten seconds in total!

"what's the situation?"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"I don't feel like it, the sky is shaking!"

"Damn it! Look! The fog barrier in the north has changed!"


The Luoshui base camp is located in a high position and has a wide view. It can overlook most of the area, including the borders in all directions. The so-called borders are a layer of fog wall surrounding the area.

Under normal circumstances, this layer of fog wall is red, like a huge blood-red curtain, covering this area from all directions, making it impossible to enter it in any way.

It's probably similar to the air wall in computer games.

At this moment, the player can clearly see that there is a wall of energy injected into the fog wall in the north, which causes the red mist to be stirred and changed, eventually evolving into a white wall of fog that is completely different from several other places.

The length of the white fog wall is estimated to be tens of miles.

It was like a huge door opened in the center of the red wall.

The players don't know why.

The black-eyed brother Rui's eyes lit up.

He said excitedly: "According to the information disclosed on the official website, today is the day when the new map is updated. It is almost time now. I guess this is a sign that the expansion pack has been loaded and the new area is officially open!"

Upon hearing this.

Several old birds were excited.

Although there are still several areas in the Luoshui base camp that have not had time to explore, even the big boss Ma Yuanyi has been successfully solved. The rest of the areas are not very attractive to the elites of the Scourge Legion. It is better to leave them to new people to develop!

If there is a new map.

Then you must go on an adventure on the new map!

Of course, for such a big matter, you have to ask the lord for permission!

All the players quickly rushed to the lord's hall. Players who were out, such as Ye Limeng, Gu Zhou, Crazy Blade King, Xianyu Tuxi, etc. also came back to learn about the situation. Soon after, the majestic and domineering lord appeared in front of everyone.

"You must have discovered the latest changes in the territory!"

Hang Yu glanced at the players present: "The abyss dream barrier in the north of our territory has disappeared, which means we can enter another dream through this passage."

It’s indeed a new map!

Everyone showed joy.

Hang Yu continued: "There is also at least one core nightmare pollution source and several secondary nightmare pollution sources. Our mission is to purify nightmares and resist the rule of the will from the abyss for this land!"


"this is what we are supposed to do!"

"We are willing to be pioneers and explore the field of sex!"

"Please rest assured, Lord, no matter how strong the abyssal creatures we encounter this time are, we, the Scourge Army, will do our best and never back down!"


Players can't wait to join.

This includes level 1 newcomers who have just joined the game for two hours.

Hang Yu said: "The situation in the new area is far more complicated than imagined. This place is not only polluted by the nightmare of the abyss, but also shows signs of being invaded by the demon lords of the stars!"


Star Demon?

Most players were confused.

Because this is foreign to them.

Players who like the plot or setting of Chen Xi, Demon Demon Demon, etc. will immediately become energetic.

In fact, as early as when they first entered the game, players had heard a few words about the Star Demons from the lords. However, there was very little information about this aspect, so most players did not pay attention.

The threats to this world of the Three Kingdoms include not only the pollution from the nightmare of the abyss, but also the invasion of the star demons!

Although they are both lords of the Stars camp.

But as the saying goes, those who are not from my race must have different minds!

Only Master Hang Yu, who is also a human being, is the orthodox one.

Those strange alien races are all demon lords who covet the resources of this world!

As followers of Master Hang Yu, the Scourge Legion not only has to shoulder the mission of purifying the abyss, but also faces plunder and competition from other star lords!


"That is to say!"

"We not only want to fight the abyss, but also the stars?"

"Are the other star lords as awesome as Yu Shen?"

"It's impossible. If that's the case, how can we defeat him?"

"Haha, you are so naive. I accidentally learned from the Alchemist NPC that there are thousands of races in the Star Camp, many of which are born very powerful, while the human lords seem to be very weak."

"What? What you want to say is that the enemy lord is stronger than my brother Yu!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"I hope we don't encounter a race that is too strong. Otherwise, with the current strength of the Scourge Army, I'm afraid they may not be able to deal with it!"


The players were talking a lot.

Many people looked worried.

But my heart was already ready to move.

This game is extremely rich in elements and has a lot to look forward to and explore. I just feel like I’m getting more and more excited the more I play!

Hang Yu was not nagging either.

Let Xiaoba issue several new tasks to the players.


[Mission 1: Investigate the Demon Lord! 】

[Mission content: Wanniu Mountain is invaded by demons from the stars, and it is necessary to grasp the opponent's intelligence as soon as possible. 】

[Mission goal: Please enter the Woniu Mountain area within 24 hours to investigate the racial information of the star demons! 】

[Task reward: 3000 energy value, 5000 contribution points, divided equally among participating team members! 】


[Task 2: Find local towns]

[Mission content: The Woniu Mountain area is much larger than the Luoshui execution site, and many indigenous people must have survived. If we can contact the local indigenous people, it will be helpful to quickly understand the local abyss pollution situation]

[Mission goal: Please find and enter an indigenous settlement within 48 hours. 】

[Task reward: 3000 energy value, 5000 contribution points, divided equally among participating team members! 】


[Mission 3: Build an outpost! 】

[Task content: Our territory is in urgent need of occupying a stronghold in the Woniushan area. 】

[Task goal: Please activate a blessing teleportation point in the Woniu Mountain area within 72 hours. 】

[Task reward: 4000 energy value, 8000 contribution points, divided equally among participating team members! 】


Hang Yu issued several related tasks in one go.

In fact, given the current state of excitement among the players, even if they are not issued a mission to drive, they will still think of ways to enter Woniu Mountain to cause trouble, including even a large group of new players who have just joined the game.

There is no point in level 1 players going all the way to die!

Even if you want to cut leeks, you have to wait until the leeks are ripe before cutting!

This group of level 1 players has no profit at all. It is better to let them stay nearby to farm monsters and level up. On the one hand, they can slowly raise the leeks, and on the other hand, they can continuously contribute materials to the territory.

to this end.

Hang Yu made a rule.

The minimum entry level for the Woniu Mountain map is level 5.

In other words, do you want to die in Wanniu Mountain? At least please reach level 5 first!

As for why Hang Yu releases tasks, on the one hand, he wants to take the opportunity to train players, and on the other hand, it can also play a guiding role, allowing players to have a clear goal, thereby improving efficiency.


"So many tasks at once!"

“The new expansion pack is really exciting when it opens!”

"Stop saying anything and act quickly. I can't wait!"

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUmnot worthy of taking risks with the bosses, so don’t say anything and I’m going to level up quickly!”

"Come on guys!"

"Kill the demon lord!"

"Waiting for your good news!"


After the meeting.

The players dispersed in a hurry.

Senior players such as Ye Limeng, Brother Heitong Rui, Xianyu Tuji, Xiaomei Xiaoshi, and Artist Mr. Pai immediately formed several Woniushan reconnaissance teams and started taking action hastily.

As for the more than 400 new players who had just joined the game, or low-level players whose level was less than level 5, they also took the time to go to various places to start leveling up monsters.

So far.

Face new challenges.

The Scourge has taken action!

Hang Yu only needs to wait for good news at the base camp.

He returned to the lounge and opened the abyss map again.

I saw that more than 99% of the unlocked areas were unlocked, and only three areas of the map were lit up.

The first grid is the Luoshui base camp, which is the initial area where it is currently located. About half of the area has been explored.

The second grid is the Woniushan New Area, which is the new area that has just been activated. Although it is lit, the exploration progress is currently zero.

The name of the third grid is unknown. Its location is one grid to the right of Woniu Mountain. You can neither directly view the map information like Luoshui Execution Ground or Woniu Mountain, nor is it completely dark like the unlocked map. Instead, there is a very eye-catching red.

No need to guess.

This is the base camp of the hostile lord.

It is not difficult to see from the map that the enemy lords are not very powerful.

Hang Yu is the lord of two maps, and the opponent only has two maps. The second map of both sides is Woniu Mountain. Because of the overlapping territory, it automatically enters the state of lord war!

When the lords were in the process of developing territory in the abyss, they met on a narrow road.

There is almost no possibility of reconciliation.

There is only complete conquest and destruction.

In the process of opening up the abyss world, the star lords not only have to face all kinds of crazy abyss creatures, aberrant monsters, and even more taboo and terrifying evil gods, but they also have to fight against the law of the jungle and the winner with the other lords of the stars.

Lordship has always been an extremely high-risk industry.

There are countless defeated lords like Shiraki.

He was very lucky to be able to save his life. Most of the lords fell directly into the abyss, and there may even be an ending and fate even more tragic than falling.

There is too little information.

No information about the enemy lord is known yet.

But what is certain is that when he expands his territory to Wuniu Mountain, the other party will also receive a warning from the consciousness of the stars, so at this moment he must have entered a state of high alert and will take action.

In addition, this lord must have arrived at Woniu Mountain much earlier than him, giving him a considerable first-mover advantage, so Hang Yu triggered the protection of the consciousness of the stars.

within the next seven days.

Hang Yu's troops and men can enter Woniu Mountain.

Abyssal creatures or star troops in the Woniu Mountain map cannot enter the Luoshui base camp for the time being.

Other information is unknown. Hang Yu doesn't know the level of the enemy lord, the size of the enemy lord's territory, or what race the enemy lord is, so he will inevitably feel some pressure.

But the good thing is.

Will of the Stars has its own matching mechanism.

Unless there are no other lords in this world.

Otherwise, the general lords whose strength is too disparate will not encounter them.

But considering that this is the abyss world of the eternal night layer, the lords who can survive in this place must not be simple. Human beings are inherently weaker than most races and must not be taken lightly!

The top priority is to find out the opponent's race as soon as possible.

Although the unexpected triggering of the lord war made Hang Yu feel some pressure, he knew that this was a challenge that he would definitely experience in his career as a lord. It was just a matter of sooner or later. Since he encountered it, he could only face it head on.

There is the Fourth Scourge.

There is nothing to worry about.

Now I hope players will bring good news as soon as possible!


(PS: Three chapters are expected today, and the other two chapters will be updated in the evening... By the way, the first order was just around 1,000, which is not worth mentioning to someone who has ordered thousands of orders, but it is already slightly higher than the author's expectations. Thank you very much for your support. Support, I will strive to update every day and write this book down)

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