This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 94: Annihilate the enemy and kill the general! Huge harvest!

This man calls himself Zhou, and he is so imposing. Could he be Zhou Cang? !

Said Zhou Cang Zhou Cang arrived? That's too much of a coincidence!

Without waiting for discussion or overthinking.

A burly man jumped out of the forest and fell in front of everyone like an iron tower. The bang made the ground tremble slightly.

All the players saw in front of them was a burly man with a height of 1.9 meters, wearing rough leather armor, a black turban on his head, and a beard all over his face. His left sleeve was empty and there was no arm, but his right hand held a sword.

Villager Chen Shi was overjoyed: "It's Uncle Zhou Ji!"

The players now saw the big man's data information.

[Zhou Ji], a level 12 elite unit... Introduction:? ? ?

Although the big man also has the surname Zhou.

Although the big man has a very high level.

But he is not the powerful Zhou Cang that everyone imagined.

After all, according to local villagers who have met Zhou Cang, Zhou Cang was polluted after the arrival of the abyss. He was highly deformed and demonized more than ten years ago, and he has not moved around or seen anyone in the past ten years. See him again.

The monster asked: "Did there be a person like Zhou Ji during the Three Kingdoms period?"

Chen Xi thought for a moment and shook his head: "I have never heard of this character in either the official history or the interpretation."

"Is that an original NPC?"

"Zhou Cang's surname is Zhou, and his surname is also Zhou."

"Is it possible there is a connection between the two?"

The players' discussions were captured by Zhou Ji.

He couldn't help but ask: "You righteous men have actually heard of my foster father?"

All the players were shocked when they heard this.

Zhou Ji is Zhou Cangshou's adopted son?

Although his face looks a bit old with vicissitudes of life, he is probably less than forty years old. He should have been adopted as an adopted son by Zhou Cang after the abyss eroded this time and space.

There is a plot!

The demons, monsters and others became excited.

This kind of original plot and character stories are worth exploring.

It's just that it's obviously not the right time to talk in such a crisis situation.

"It turns out it's you!" Hei Ya recognized Zhou Ji and said, "When the assassination attempt on the Lord Lord failed and he was seriously injured and escaped, we thought you had died somewhere, but we didn't expect you to survive."

Zhou Ji patted his empty left sleeve and laughed and said, "Although it cost a lot, Zhou should not give up before his mission is fulfilled."

"Since you were lucky enough to save a life, you should cherish it and not go out to die again."

"Hahaha, it's hard to say who will live and who will die. Let me see the truth!"

While Zhou Ji was laughing heroically, he slashed out with his sword. The light of the sword was like flames, and the sound of the sword was like the roar of a tiger. The momentum of this move was far ten times greater than the Qi Gathering Slash mastered by the player.

"court death!"

A black spear light and a red sword light collided.

Zhou Ji was shocked and was knocked back three or two steps. Although his level was one level higher than that of Black Fang, it might be due to the equipment gap or the decrease in his attributes after his broken arm became disabled.

Under this attack.

Black Teeth is obviously slightly better.

Of course, although Zhou Ji did not take advantage, the disparity in strength between the two sides was not too great, and it was estimated that the outcome would be difficult to determine within thirty to fifty rounds.

"I'll hold him back!"

"You protect the villagers and leave quickly!"

Zhou Ji obviously also realized that it was difficult to take down Black Fang in his current state. The only thing he could do was to hold back the dragon lizard general so that others could have a chance to evacuate.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

Black Tooth brandished a big gun and continuously attacked Zhou Ji in front of him, and at the same time issued orders to his soldiers.


"Leave no one behind!"

Twenty or thirty dragon lizard soldiers took action decisively. One of the dragon lizard mage quickly condensed a burst of flames and threw it directly into the center of the crowd, which shocked all the players present.

"not good!"

The blasting spell has a huge damage range. If this spell explodes in the middle of a crowd, it will undoubtedly cause area damage and kill at least twenty or thirty villagers.

At this time, the nearest player took action.

"Avenge me!" Ranger Ning Caichen II shouted, activated the Wind Step and jumped directly, using his body to block the path of the explosive fireball.


A loud bang!

The fireball exploded directly!

Ning Caichen II naturally died without a complete body!

All the villagers were shocked, stunned, and shed tears.

They simply couldn't believe that these righteous men could make such sacrifices for ordinary people like them who had no relatives or friends!

It’s not just Ning Caichen II.

Several more players rushed to the front.

They use their bodies to resist spells and arrows.

Even Zhou Ji was extremely moved when he saw this scene and said with emotion: "What a strong man!"

Haiya was full of greetings.

After all, these soldiers are sick.

Or is this human lord mentally ill?

Although the level of these soldiers is not high, they are all about level 7. It is not easy for human soldiers to train to this level. They are actually stupid enough to die to protect some lowly natives.


"Kill them!"

Although players are not afraid of death, they cannot always be human shields. With the dragon lizard general Heiya being held back by Zhou Ji, more than forty players can still barely fight against twenty or thirty dragon lizard soldiers.

Of course.

This is under fair circumstances.

The main problem now is that there are too many villagers on the scene. They have no time to evacuate in time. Players cannot concentrate on dealing with the dragon lizards, so the battle situation is still not conducive to the Scourge Legion.

At this time, a dragon lizard warrior broke through the player's defense line and quickly attacked the fleeing villagers, stabbing two of them over in one encounter.

"Damn it!"

The player saw that the villagers were about to suffer a large number of casualties, but they were powerless and could only roar unwillingly.


at this time.

A figure appeared out of thin air.

He stopped in front of the dragon lizard man.

The dragon lizard warrior raised his spear and was about to stab the opponent.

Unexpectedly, this man struck faster, and a white sword light roared over, cutting the dragon lizard man in half on the spot.

"Isn't this third brother?"

"It's third brother!"

"Damn it! Why is third brother here!"

The man who suddenly killed the dragon lizard warrior was none other than Zhang San, the lord's personal guard who often followed the lord and was responsible for maintaining order in the territory.

At this moment, Zhang San was wearing a complete skeleton bull suit. Every part of the armor shimmered, indicating that the level of enhancement was very high. The weapon in his hand was a blood shadow knife.

That's right.

This set of equipment.

It's the suit Hang Yu changed into.

After Hang Yu opened the Huang Tian Commander's suit with more powerful attributes from the abyss treasure chest, he gave Zhang San a level 7 Great Barbarian Bull suit and a blood shadow knife enhanced to level 9.

Zhang San has already practiced Iron Armor and Qi Gathering to the full level, and also learned ranger skills such as Hidden Shadow Step. Now with this equipment and second-level attributes, his strength is not inferior to that of the top peers. Elite.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that a dragon lizard soldier can be killed instantly.

Almost at the same time that Zhang San appeared, the guard warlock Wang Wu came out from the other direction. He raised the white staff that had been strengthened to level 8 in his hand and enveloped the six dragon lizards with a lightning chain.

These six dragon lizards were either warlocks or priests. At this moment, they were suddenly attacked by a powerful electric current. Not only did it cause considerable damage, but they also fell into a state of paralysis.

Spellcasting interrupted!

Greatly reduce the pressure on players.

Only then did Zhang San speak calmly: "The lord knows that you are in trouble, so he sent a few of us here to help!"

All the players were moved when they heard this.

The lord is too kind to his people.

As expected, he had a way to pay attention to the situation of the Scourge Legion, so he could send reinforcements at this moment.

The appearance of Zhang San and others was crucial, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it came in time, laying the foundation for the victory of this mission.


"The Scourge Army will surely win!"

"We have Third Brother and other big guys to raid the formation for us."

"If you can't win this fight, you should go back to your hometown and dig out the shit!"


Several personal guards helped withstand the dragon lizard's attack, and the player successfully launched a death-defying counterattack, and finally succeeded in wiping out more than twenty dragon lizards at the cost of most of the casualties.

[You killed the dragon lizard people and received a reward of 700 contribution points! 】

[You killed the dragon lizard people and received a reward of 700 contribution points! 】

[You killed the dragon lizard people and received a reward of 800 contribution points! 】


Players can receive additional contribution point rewards for every dragon lizard soldier they kill. The cumulative total is at least 15,000 contribution points. This additional reward alone is already very generous.

[You picked up trophies, magic crystal +30, abyss essence +5000, cold iron spear (dragon lizard) +1, refined breastplate (dragon lizard) +1, bear bone helmet (dragon lizard)...]

[You picked up trophies, magic crystal +30, abyss essence +5000, flame stone staff (dragon lizard) +1, Huilu robe (dragon lizard) +1, mithril ring (dragon lizard)...]


The value of the trophies dropped by dragon lizard soldiers is not inferior to that of elites of the same level, and even has more experience than most of the same level.

Assisted by two lords' personal guards.

Twenty-four dragon lizard people were effectively killed.

The income from magic crystals alone is as high as 720, which is equivalent to 720,000 magic stone fragments. This is an astronomical figure that was unimaginable before.

Although magic crystal is the core hard currency of Abyss and Stars, under Hang Yu's management and long-term guidance, players have recognized the value and currency status of contribution points.

Magic crystal magic stone or something.

You can't buy this thing in the territory!

Not only can't you buy anything, but everything will explode if you die.

Because of this, as soon as players obtain magic crystals and magic stones, they will immediately get the territory to exchange for contribution points. This trip has yielded about 900 magic crystals.

Theoretically speaking, 90,000 contribution points can be redeemed. Unfortunately, after picking up some of the magic crystals, the players died and exploded in subsequent battles, so the actual redemption amount is definitely not that many.

But even so.

This income is also amazing.

Not to mention the energy income of around 100,000 yuan.

This is no less than a battle to defend the Darkest Sun.

"Stupid big lizard!"

"You finally understand!"

"This is what happens when you go against the players!"

"There is another BOSS here, and the rewards for killing him will definitely be richer!"

"Go together!"

"Letting the tiger return to the mountain will cause serious trouble!"

"Yes! Nothing can be done today to let him go!"


Although there are not many surviving players on the scene, the top combat forces including Black Eyed Brother Rui, Xianyu Tuji, Guzhou, Niu Shisan, Demon Demon, and Crazy Sword Old King are all still there, and they may not be unable to compete with them. war.

Although the dragon lizard general Black Fang was strong, he always had the upper hand in the battle with Zhou Ji, and even completely suppressed Zhou Ji.

It only takes ten rounds.

The winner can be decided.

At this time, more than ten elites of the Scourge Army rushed up, which put him in an extremely passive situation.

Cold arrows, flaming arrows, thunder talismans.

All kinds of attacks were directed at Black Fang.

Although Black Fang was well-equipped and powerful, he could not stand being besieged like this. In addition, all the soldiers he brought had been lost, and there was no hope of turning the tables at this moment.

Damn it!

I underestimated this human lord!

He obviously only developed an abyss area, but he actually cultivated a second-level soldier. It was too outrageous!

There was no way!

Save your life first!

Black Fang burst out with an attack and repelled Zhou Ji in one fell swoop. Then he used his strange body skills to easily dodge the attacks and went to the nearby woods, and by the way, he killed a player who tried to block his way.

"Not good!"

"He wants to run!"

"Stop him!"

After all, Black Fang is a second-level dragon lizard. His attributes have reached the level of top elites, and he has mastered a large number of skills. If he wants to break through and escape, it is difficult for players to stop him.

But at this moment.

Wang Wu cast a thunder control talisman, which not only caused damage to Black Fang, but more importantly, caused the effect of paralysis control, causing his body to lose balance and fall to the ground.

Zhang San pulled the bow and shot an arrow directly into the knee.

Greatly weakened his mobility.

"Where are you running!"

"Today it's either you or me!"

"Brother San, don't interfere, let us deal with him!"

Gu Zhou and Hei Tong Rui Ge opened the Swift Wind Step and directly blocked Black Fang. Crazy Slashing a Street, Crazy Knife Lao Wang and others followed closely behind.

Black Fang just stood up and found that he was surrounded, and his vitality at this moment had lost more than half, and he couldn't help but roar hysterically,


As a member of the Star Dragon Lizard.

He didn't expect that he would be forced to this point by humans.

What qualifications do these weak humans have to fight against the dragon lizard?

For a moment, reluctance, humiliation, anger, and hatred all surged in his heart.

"A trapped beast still fights?!" Zhou Ji knew that although Black Fang had been seriously injured, he was still dangerous and even more dangerous than usual, and was about to continue to help.

But Zhang San stopped him.

Zhou Ji asked: "Why stop me from joining the battle?"

Zhang San said lightly: "This is a battle between the soldiers of the Scourge Army. They don't want others to intervene. Please respect the will of these soldiers!"

Zhou Ji was a little confused.

You said that this group of people have martial ethics, but they chose to fight in groups.

You said that this group of people do not have martial ethics, but they refused strong external aid. Even if the opponent is much stronger than themselves, they will kill the enemy personally even if both sides are injured.

Of course.

Although Zhou Ji did not understand the players.

But the players' fighting spirit of sacrificing their lives and even dying generously made him admire and feel inferior from the bottom of his heart.


[Player "Kuang Dao Lao Wang" has died, Essence +1600! ]

[Player "Guzhou" has died, Essence +2000! ]

[Player "Crazy Slashing the Street" has died, Essence +1600! ]

[Player "Chi Mei Wu Liang" has died, Essence +1600! ]


Hang Yu was like watching a live broadcast of a real-time strategy game. From beginning to end, he did not make any operations, but he could see the situation on the battlefield at a glance.

Black Fang's dying counterattack was really powerful.

More than a dozen core combat players joined forces, and finally knocked down this tenacious guy after dying.

For such a result.

Hang Yu was also very surprised.

He thought that the Dragon Lizard Lord would send pursuers.

But he did not expect that the Dragon Lizard Lord would send a general.

Before the battle between territories and lords began, the Dragon Lizard Lord had already lost a general. I don't know how he would feel.

Anyway, for Hang Yu, this battle was a huge win.

Of the four second-level guards he deployed, only two played a role on the scene in the end. The other two second-level guards and other guards were hidden to preserve their strength.

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