This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 100 The Great Desolation is too dangerous! I want to break through! (Please vote for the thi

The bursting power of the law suppressed Yuan Lian, who only felt a vast sky pressing down, and the boundless power suppressed the void, and his speed paused in vain.

"Purify the void! Zhenhai! Break it for me!"

Yuan Lian shouted, and his move was the strongest magical power, the spiritual light burst out, and the infinite chaotic magic power poured out.

But this is not over yet, he raised his hand and blasted the Dinghai Divine Pearl, smashing it directly on Lingjian.

Boom! !

The violent roar of the starry sky and the universe, the spiritual treasure containing violent magic power burst out with terrifying law power, at that time, the collision of Tao and Tao, the competition of law and law.

With the collision of spiritual treasures as the center, the violent and chaotic laws are surging, the void is twisting, and dense black cracks emerge, spreading from this center, stretching endlessly.

Several tiny stars containing endless creatures were bombarded by the chaotic, violent, and twisted laws and magic power aftermath, and turned into cosmic dust in an instant.

The next moment, Ling Jian shattered the spiritual light, blasted the Dinghai Divine Pearl away, and fell towards Yuanlian.

Yuanlian caught the Dinghai Divine Pearl that fell back, put it on her wrist, and then ran away again.

But soon, Ling Jian, carrying the power of the sky, directly blasted on the lotus platform.


The spiritual light flashed, the lotus platform slowly turned, and endless laws of the Pure World poured out, turning into an indestructible barrier.

Yuanlian groaned, Cangtian was so strong that he could forcibly break through the defense of the Pure World Lotus Platform, using the power of controlling time to shake the laws of the Pure World.

Fortunately, the Pure World White Lotus, as a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, contains the complete Pure World Avenue, which purifies time as well. Otherwise, Yuanlian might really be broken by Cangtian's defense in another way.

It has to be said that Yuanlian is still inflated. Compared with Hongyun, who just entered the half-step Taiyi, Cangtian has undoubtedly gone a long way on this road and is not a little bit stronger.

"It can even block the law of time!" Seeing that his magical power was unsuccessful, Cangtian liked this lotus platform even more.

Just like this, Yuanlian forcibly carried Cangtian's attack and headed straight to the Sun Star without looking back.

Even if the mana was disturbed by the aftermath of the bombardment, he would directly take the Three Lights Divine Water after rapidly consuming the mana.

Yuanlian only lamented that time was so slow, every breath seemed like an extremely long time, and every second was wandering on the edge of life and death.

In this way, I don’t know how long it took, he felt the endless heat waves rolling, and a red star appeared in front of him.

"Sun Star, finally arrived! Damn, there is still a half-step Taiyi!" Yuanlian was happy at first, but he was instantly depressed.

Because in front, another figure came towards him with a majestic and boundless breath.

Time went back to a moment ago.

Outside the Sun Star, Huang Tian, ​​who was continuing to break the formation, was stunned and looked back in disbelief.

"Yuan Lian? Cang Tian didn't take him down?" Huang Tian looked at the two figures running fast outside the endless starry sky in disbelief.

He sensed the mighty roar and the chaotic and vibrating power of the law.

But it was precisely because of this that he was so surprised. He was undoubtedly very clear about Cang Tian's strength.

He was only a hair's breadth away from breaking through the real Tai Yi. How could he not break through the protective spiritual treasure of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal?

The only possibility is that the power of the spiritual treasure is extremely terrifying.

"Could it be a top-grade innate spiritual treasure!" In an instant, Huang Tian's eyes fluctuated sharply, and he immediately ignored this side and directly broke through the void and ran towards Yuan Lian.

Huang Tian's sudden behavior also made many star kings confused.

What's going on?

The Lord of Cang Tian left before, and now the Lord of Huang Tian left in a hurry again, without even a word of explanation.

The star kings were stunned for a moment, but still chose to continue bombarding the formation.

"We really have to fight to the death now! The prehistoric world! It's too dangerous!" Yuan Lian smiled helplessly, with a fierce look in his eyes.

There is a tiger behind and a wolf in front.

There is no way to avoid it, no way to hide, only to move forward bravely!

Yuan Lian hastily took a drop of the Three Lights Divine Water, and his whole body was full of magic power. The Pure World Spiritual Light shone brightly, and the Dinghai Divine Pearl shone with great light.

"Die for me!" Yuan Lian shouted, with endless murderous intent in his eyes.

Facing Yuan Lian's various magical powers, Huang Tian couldn't help but sneer, "It's ridiculous, a gnat shaking a tree!"

A red and yellow war spear emerged in the void, with infinite laws surging on the spear body, and the vast and unparalleled magic power was poured into it, and the extreme edge shone.

Behind him, Cang Tian, ​​who noticed Huang Tian's appearance, frowned slightly, a flash of unhappy eyes flashed, and he also issued a command, like the sky, overwhelming the sky.

Facing the overwhelming killing power of the sky behind him, Yuan Lian did not waver at all, and did not even look back.

Boom! !

In just a moment, the Pure Light of the World bombarded Huang Tian, ​​and the Dinghai Divine Pearl also collided with the red and yellow war spear at the same time.

As expected, facing such a huge gap, the light of the world collapsed in an instant, and the Dinghai Divine Pearl only made the war spear pause slightly, and then directly knocked the Lingbao Divine Pearl away.

Yuan Lian was not surprised at all, and her face was even more resolute and cold. All this was just a cover, and the real killer move was it!

Silently, Yuan Lian did not make a sound, and a palm-sized starlight sword went away in an instant. The starlight flashed and directly shattered the void, which made people overwhelmed.

"Purple Star Sword!" Huang Tian's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at the starlight sword with extreme sharpness in disbelief, and recognized its origin at a glance.

“Even if Ziwei came in person, I would not be afraid, let alone a mere blow of concentrated magic power.”

The power of Half-step Taiyi was blooming, and time seemed to be rippling in invisible waves. Huang Tian wandered in the years of time, standing in the past and the future, but not in the present when the Star Sword was approaching.

But Huang Tian might have underestimated Ziwei. As a Half-step Taiyi, and an ancient Star Lord who had been immersed in countless Yuanhui, his full-strength attack would not be so simple.

The Star Sword glowed brightly, the void was twisted, time was disordered, the Star Sword penetrated the void, wandered in the years of time, and fell at the time node of the past and the future.


Huang Tian's illusory figure solidified, the starlight dissipated, Huang Tian was stabbed, a trace of golden blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and disappeared in an instant.

That's right, Huang Tian was injured, but the injury was not serious.

This is the absolute gap between Half-step Taiyi. Even if Yuanlian calculated several times and used the Ziwei Star Sword to injure Huang Tian, ​​he could only do so much.

At best, it just made Huang Tian pause and his magical powers dissipated.

But it was this slight pause that gave Yuan Lian a chance. He staggered a little and rushed forward.

And it was at this moment that the Heavenly Treasure Mirror behind him arrived as promised and slammed fiercely on the lotus platform.

The violent and surging power almost made Yuan Lian stagger, but fortunately he stabilized his body and used this mighty impact force to increase his speed.

"Yuan Lian, you have no way to escape. Submit to my Heavenly Palace obediently, and I may be able to spare your life." Huang Tian said confidently.

The Sun Star is in front of him, with an unparalleled large formation for protection. It is in vain for Yuan Lian to escape again.

In fact, Huang Tian didn't need to say that the moment he saw the Heavenly Treasure Mirror, he already knew that they were Heavenly Palace!

Hearing what Huang Tian said, Yuan Lian's murderous intent surged in his heart, but he still didn't say a word.

There is no point in saying more, but at this moment, Yuan Lian has undoubtedly sentenced Heavenly Palace to death.

The Sun Star was in sight, and dozens of Star Lords also noticed the situation here. They were stunned, and then they all attacked.

They looked at the figure rushing over with great surprise, and their eyes were all shocked.

The two hall masters left in a hurry, but they were both chasing and killing a Star Lord in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal?

Ridiculous! Unbelievable!

Yes, their first feeling was subconsciously very ridiculous.

What is the difference between a half-step Taiyi and a middle stage of the Golden Immortal?

It is not an exaggeration to say that a breath can kill it. When does a half-step Taiyi need to use the word "hunt and kill" to kill a middle stage of the Golden Immortal?

Isn't it ridiculous!

But it was only a moment, and they felt incredible!

Because the facts really appeared before their eyes.

The figure who fled in panic was chased and killed by two half-step Taiyi under the protection of a lotus platform shining with brilliant spiritual light.

"Yuan Lian! So, what Yuan Yang Xingjun said is true!"

In just one thought, the Xingjuns understood and attacked tacitly.

Dozens of magical powers or spiritual treasures came overwhelmingly, but Yuan Lian didn't even blink, and rushed forward like a barbarian.

A series of loud bangs, Yuan Lian broke out of the encirclement of the Xingjuns and rushed into the Sun Star without hesitation.

Boom! !

In an instant, Yuan Lian paused, and what blocked him was a primordial white light, which was a peerless formation.

"Yuan Lian, if you are willing to enter my Tian Palace, your status is only lower than the three of us. I will ensure that your road is smooth, and Taiyi can be expected."

During this pause, Cang Tian and Huang Tian approached, and dozens of Xingjuns also lined up on both sides, forming a semicircular encirclement.

In this way, Yuan Lian was blocked by a large formation behind him, and was surrounded by many sieges in front of him, and he was completely trapped.

Cangtian said the same thing as Qingtian, perhaps because he was impressed by Yuanlian's talent and character, or because of other reasons, he had the same idea as Qingtian.

"Heh..." Yuanlian chuckled, holding the Dinghai Divine Pearl tightly in his hand, a drop of Sanguang Divine Water entered his stomach, the lotus platform's spiritual light returned to its most brilliant moment, and the magic power also returned to its peak.

"Heavenly Palace, come and fight!" Without saying much, Yuanlian raised his hand and smashed the spiritual treasure, and the aura locked Huangtian.

In the big formation, Di Jun frowned, and his eyes looked at the battle outside the formation in surprise.

Uh... It can't be said to be a battle, it's more accurate to say that he was surrounded and beaten!

But the one who was surrounded and beaten by two half-step Taiyi and dozens of Golden Immortal Perfect Star Lords was just a middle-stage Golden Immortal.

This is amazing!

"Is it acting?" Di Jun's eyes fluctuated, and his thoughts turned.

After all, this picture was too terrifying and there was no authenticity at all.

"No, it's a spiritual treasure! It's a crime to hold a treasure!" Di Jun looked at Yuanlian who was fighting bloodily, and his thoughts were changing.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, a natural teammate!"

"Should I save him? If it's a trap, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Di Jun wavered and couldn't make up his mind.

Because this thought was related to his and Taiyi's life, he couldn't ignore it.

At this moment, Taiyi's excited voice sounded in his ears, "Brother, I have refined another innate restriction of the Chaos Bell."

But before Di Jun could speak, Taiyi suddenly shouted:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

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