This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 166: Destruction and creation, this is the calamity! Endless multiverse!

It is destined to be a long process to expel the resentment of most of the universe, but it is also a very short moment.

Because in this universe, Yuanlian is the way, the rules, and the root of everything.

Billions of years are just a moment.

With a wave of his hand, the long river of time rushed, and billions of years flowed by.

The purifying spiritual light instantly covered the entire universe.

Although these resentments are not as strong as those of the Chaos Demon God, they are rooted in this universe and escape in all directions, which is quite stubborn.

Even if the purifying spiritual light swept it thoroughly, it still did not completely clear it out.

Yuanlian was not in a hurry. With a thought, the purifying divine fire spread.

Where the purifying spiritual light washed, the purifying divine fire burned again, and the two-pronged approach completely cut off the remaining resentment.

Just like the darkness was broken by the light, the fog was dispelled.

As the purifying light spread, the domineering divine fire almost filled the entire universe.

Under Yuanlian's control, the divine fire only burns resentment, without damaging the universe.

The place where the resentful black fog lives is getting smaller and smaller, and finally compressed within a radius.

Compared with the previous fog, the resentment at this moment seems to have turned into an abyss. In the constant surging, countless miserable and desperate faces flashed, changing and flowing thousands of times in an instant, accusing the world of their despair and sorrow.

"Born for the stars, and fallen for the stars, I know you are unwilling, embracing the light is the only way to be liberated."

Yuanlian persuaded softly.


The black fog surged more fiercely, and endless despair and unwillingness gathered into it. Its deepest resentment was to drag the universe into the abyss together, and this hatred could not be resolved!

"A creature is as weak as dust, but countless creatures gather together and can burst out such a powerful force. It is really unpredictable."

Yuanlian was a little emotional.

It wanted to destroy the universe with regrets, but Yuanlian would not allow it. This is the cause and effect.

And countless lives died because of Cangtian, which is the cause, so endless resentment gathered to form it and became the result.

Yuanlian wanted to destroy the Heavenly Palace, which was the cause, and Cangtian forcibly broke through, which was the result.

The three days of robbery killed Yuanlian as the cause, and Yuanlian destroyed the Heavenly Palace as the result.

Therefore, from the moment of the first encounter, the cause had been planted, and then the result was produced, and the result was the cause again, and then a new result was produced.

The cause is the result, and the result is the cause.

The cause and effect cycle, endlessly.

In a trance, Yuanlian seemed to understand something, and the movement of his hands paused, "This is the cause and effect!"

Like a thread, every intersection is a thread of cause and effect.

If the cause and effect are clarified at the beginning, then the cause and effect will dissipate, and naturally everything will stop.

But if the cause and effect are not eliminated, they will be entangled, and finally become more and more entangled until it becomes a dead knot.

In the end, when the cause and effect are settled, it is difficult to resolve them. Only by destroying everything can we truly end it.

"Only by practicing and achieving the Great Dao can we avoid the cause and effect and roam freely between heaven and earth."

Yuanlian seemed to understand the true meaning of practice. His Dao heart seemed to be cleansed, his mind was clear, and his thoughts were clear.

Looking at the dark fog that was shrouded by infinite light and gathered into the size of a fingertip, Yuanlian sighed leisurely:

"The reason for your fall is because of my karma. God has the virtue of loving life, so I will not completely purify you."

"You were born in destruction and coexist with destruction."

"But this universe is a new universe with infinite vitality and creation. It is not time for destruction yet."

"Destruction is also the Great Dao, but I must control the scale of destruction. If you are willing, you will drive me. If you are not willing, I will let you be completely free."

After understanding the cause and effect, Yuanlian understood that its birth was also a direct catalyst.

The Great Dao is natural. Since it exists, it is the truth.

Destruction is also a creation, and also a link in the Great Dao.

It already has a spirit, it is the moment of countless creatures and destruction, gathering endless despair and unwillingness to be created, it only has obsession, destroying everything.

The more destruction there is, the stronger it is.

This is its instinct, just like people have to breathe when they are born, it is natural.

The black fog no longer rolls, it is as calm as a drop of black ink.

At this moment, it is a mysterious picture, in a universe, infinite light covers everything, and infinite divine fire covers the sky.

And in this infinite light and infinite fire, a figure stands, in front of him, a drop of black fog like ink floats in the void.

In a moment, on the smooth surface of the black fog, a face like a child appears, it is pure, natural, and only pure destruction.

"In the future, you will be glad for your choice." Yuan Lian smiled and nodded, gently pointing a finger on its forehead.

The soul was imprinted in it, completely refining everything in it, and the purifying spiritual light purified all the resentment, but it did not erase its fragile will.

"From now on, you are a catastrophe! A part of the universe's birth, growth, and destruction."

"It is a catastrophe, it is destruction, and it is also destiny!"

Named as a catastrophe, he sent out a trace of ignorant will fluctuations.

"A catastrophe that can destroy a universe is an extremely powerful killer."

"If Taiyi's universe is regarded as a computer, then the catastrophe is a virus that can corrode the computer, and it is a super virus."

"If you fight with the enemy of Taiyi Jinxian, at the critical moment, send the catastrophe into the enemy's universe."

"That taste must be unforgettable for a lifetime, right?"

Yuanlian showed a meaningful smile, his eyes were bright, and he mourned for the enemies who would be harmed by the catastrophe in the future.

Placing the catastrophe in his own universe, he looked at the broken universe that had been thoroughly purified.

As soon as his mind moved, the boundless laws of heaven and earth covered, absorbing and assimilating the laws of this universe, and transforming them into part of his own universe.

This process was very fast, and in just a moment, he completely controlled this universe.

"Disperse!" Yuan Lian shouted softly, and this universe collapsed in an instant, no, it should be said that it was divided.

The complete universe with the essence of the universe was divided into countless fragments, and each piece of the universe fragment was scattered in Yuan Lian's boundless universe.

The fragments containing the origin of the universe, under the control of Yuan Lian, took shape in space, time was born, laws were reflected in it, the five elements were imprinted in it, and vitality was born, and a world was formed.

This is not just a piece of universe fragment forming a world, but trillions of universe fragments, at the same time, like pasting and copying, forming a creation.

In just a moment, countless worlds took shape, overlapping and inlaid in the infinite void.

"The prototype of the multiverse is born!" Yuan Lian watched the changes in the universe with joy.

All universes have the same foundation. Because the sizes of the universe fragments are different, the imprinted laws of heaven and earth are also more or less, which makes these worlds different in strength.

But because of the same origin, if there are creatures who understand the origin of this world, they will faintly feel the world closest to the time and space of this world.

If it is powerful enough to cross the void, it may be able to enter other worlds.

Yuan Lian did not intend to interfere, allowing the infinite world to develop freely, colliding with the most brilliant fireworks, and evolving different civilizations.

"If this universe continues to evolve, keeps growing, and becomes as powerful as the prehistoric world, then am I the Great Dao?"

Yuan Lian's heart trembled suddenly, and suddenly seemed to think of something terrible.

According to this idea, every Taiyi is a prehistoric universe, so whose universe was the present prehistoric world?

Pangu? Or the Great Dao?

No, it's impossible?

How can a mere Taiyi be compared with the prehistoric world?

The prehistoric world is so vast that countless trillions of Taiyi Jinxian are just a part of it. How could anyone evolve a universe like the prehistoric world?

Abandoning the unnecessary distractions in his mind, Yuanlian calmed down and began to familiarize himself with controlling the skyrocketing cultivation power.

He practiced for a long time until he was awakened by a voice transmission.

"Luo Tian is visiting? What is he doing?"

"Is it Luo Hou who wants to rob the Pure World White Lotus?"

Yuanlian received Hongyun's voice transmission, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Yuanlian knew that he had exposed the Pure World White Lotus.

How could the top bosses in the prehistoric world not pay attention to the battle between the first Qilin and the ancestor dragon?

As long as they pay attention, his possession of the Pure World White Lotus will inevitably be known to others, and if things go wrong, the magical power of opening the sky will be discovered by others.

But he is fearless. As a Taiyi Jinxian, he does not need to hide anymore.

"Shouldn't it be? I just exposed the Pure World White Lotus, but didn't reveal my background. Why did Luo Hou look for me?"

Collecting the lotus platform and spiritual treasures differentiated from the Chaos Green Lotus is Yuan Lian's secret.

Except for Di Jiang, no one knows his background at all, and naturally no one would think that he would covet these spiritual treasures.

Even if he showed his covetous heart, no one would know that he wanted to return to his origin, and simply thought that he wanted more powerful innate spiritual treasures.

After all, everyone wants powerful innate spiritual treasures, which is the most basic common sense in the prehistoric world.

As long as the most fundamental secret is not exposed, even Luo Hou would not think that Yuan Lian coveted his World-Destroying Black Lotus.

Yuan Lian believed that in this prehistoric world, except for himself, no one could merge the origins of these spiritual treasures, and even dared not think about it.

Each of the spiritual treasures transformed by the Chaos Green Lotus contains infinite power.

Even if you only get one, it is a rare fortune. How can you dare to think that you can collect all of them and return to the source?

"Forget it, no matter what, let's meet him first and see what he says." With a firm mind, Yuanlian stood up and took a step forward.

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