This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 192 Fuxi attains the Dao of Taiyi! Yuanlian layout!


The surging and vast breath suddenly burst out, spreading out like an endless wave, sweeping across the endless territory of Yuanchu Temple in an instant.

"This is... Daoist Fellow Fuxi is about to break through!" In the practice room, Yuanlian, who was concentrating on comprehending the way of blood, suddenly woke up.

He was most familiar with this kind of aura, and he didn't care about retreating immediately. He flashed and came to the outside of Fengqi Palace.

"Master Yuanlian, you are here." Nuwa greeted Yuanlian when she saw him.

Yuanlian said "hmm" and nodded, "Daoist Fellow Fuxi is about to break through, how can I not come."

Nuwa wanted to say something, but one after another appeared and interrupted her words.

Zhenyuanzi, Minghe, Bai Ze, Kunpeng, Hongyun, Yaochi, Feilian and others gathered one by one.

Everyone greeted each other and stopped talking. Their eyes were all fixed on the place where Fuxi was retreating.

As the vast breath spread, the momentum became more and more amazing.

Minghe watched all this with bright eyes, and sighed in his heart:

"The sacredness of this Yuanchu Temple is extraordinary, and the aura of this Taoist Fuxi's breakthrough is also magnificent and unparalleled, which is comparable to the time when I broke through."

Just as he was feeling emotional, a magnificent breath bloomed, as if the universe was opened up, the world was born, and the endless power of the law was spreading.

Hua La La~~

The five pine needles that covered billions of miles swayed gently, the clouds were filled, and the endless spiritual energy surged, revealing the joy and excitement.


Suddenly, the void shook, and a sacred Dharma image with a height of billions of feet and a human body and a dragon tail appeared in the void, spanning between heaven and earth.

The Dharma image was drawn in the void, just like Pangu splitting the chaos, a vast universe was evolving and taking shape, and then evolving the world, creating infinite creation.

But in an instant, the universe and the Dharma image disappeared, and the majestic aura that filled the world also converged.

"Hahaha, thanks to all of you for your protection, Fuxi would like to thank you." Fuxi, wearing a yin-yang robe and with a faint smile on his face, walked lightly.

"Congratulations to Fuxi for achieving the Dao of Taiyi."


"Brother, congratulations on achieving the Dao of Taiyi!"

In this era of the beginning of the prehistoric world, most of the innate gods are still wandering in the realm of the Golden Immortal.

Taiyi Golden Immortal is already standing at the top of the pyramid, at least on the surface.

After a round of congratulations, everyone gathered in the hall.

On the first seat, Yuanlian swept across the people present, and a sweet smile appeared on his face.

Looking back on the past, only three forces of the Golden Immortal Innate God have grown to such a point.

Although it cannot be said to be the top force in the prehistoric world, it is also second to none.

Although the members of the Yuanchu Temple today are only a handful of people.

Among them, there are four Taiyi, including Zhenyuanzi, Fuxi, and Minghe.

Including Kunpeng and Yaochi who had recently broken through, there are a total of six innate divine beings who are half-step Taiyi.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I have a few things to say now." Yuanlian coughed twice and said seriously.

"First, in the current prehistoric world, undercurrents are surging. Our strength cannot be fully exposed to the outside world to prevent being targeted by the enemy."

"And the Taoist friends Minghe and Kunpeng have only been in the temple for a short time, and they basically have no contact with us on weekdays, so their foundation is the cleanest."

"So, my opinion is to turn Minghe and Kunpeng from light to dark, or create their own forces, or become divine beings who practice alone."

"In short, on the surface, they have nothing to do with the Yuanchu Temple."

"If we encounter some misunderstandings and calculations in the future, we can intervene if we can't come forward."

"What do you think?"

Yuanlian looked at everyone with a burning gaze.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and as their thoughts flew, they followed Yuanlian's words and evolved endless possibilities.

Fuxi's eyes were full of light, as if he was looking at the long river of time, following the veins of time, calculating the secrets of heaven, and exploring all possibilities.

If Minghe and Kunpeng were to stay away.

Or create a force, or wander in other camps.

And it's not just Minghe and Kunpeng. If they absorb members in the future, if they are arranged properly, they can also hide some of them secretly.

If they encounter enemies who are plotting against Yuanchu Temple in the future, they may miss their own strength, or they may win over helpers and be beaten into the interior by Minghe and Kunpeng.

Even the forces they created are openly hostile to Yuanchu Temple, attracting the enemy's attention, and then...

All the saints present are wise and knowledgeable people. Even if they don't think of what Fuxi can think of immediately, they will think about it after a little time.

Of course, what Yuanlian can think of, others will think of it too.

Therefore, the most important key point is the information gap, and then the hidden person must be strong, not easily controlled by others, and have a clean identity.

Minghe undoubtedly has all three items, while Kunpeng is a little weaker at the moment.

But even if everyone is willing, it will ultimately depend on Minghe and Kunpeng's own intentions.

After all, they are not in a superior-subordinate relationship, and everything must be voluntary.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on Minghe and Kunpeng.

Yuanlian's intention, but he didn't know that it was exactly what Minghe wanted. He only saw his mouth corners raised, and he said excitedly:

"Hahaha, Yuanlian Palace Master's intention is very much to my heart!"

Minghe is a killer, so he naturally has to practice in killing, fight with the sky, fight with the earth, fight with the sacred, and understand the mystery of killing.

What's more, he has practiced alone in the Netherworld Blood Sea for countless Yuanhui. Could it be that he came to the prehistoric world and meditated in the Yuanchu Temple again?

What's the difference between this and changing a room to retreat?

It's just that while he gets help from Yuanchu Temple, he must also be subject to some restrictions from Yuanchu Temple.

You can't just use their name to cause trouble after they helped you to kill the Chaos Demon God and eliminate your biggest worry.

This is inappropriate!

But it's different now. According to Yuanlian, he will create a force on his own, secretly cooperate with Yuanchu Temple, and kill all enemies.

Killing gods and saints, killing a piece of heaven and earth, it's so cool!

Even in this short time, he even thought of the name and purpose of the force.

It's called the Netherworld Palace, and the purpose is to prove the truth by killing!

The chaos of the prehistoric world must be ended by killing!

Just as Minghe was enjoying the future, Kunpeng said with a serious expression: "I agree too."

He paused, looked at Yuanlian with bright eyes and said: "Master Yuanlian, the prehistoric world is in chaos now, instead of conquering and killing everywhere."

"It is better to get into the enemy's interior, know yourself and the enemy, and better resolve disputes and calm down the fight. The master really has great love for the world!"

Yuanlian: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Great Yuanlian? Great love for the world?

Do you have any misunderstanding of great virtue and great love?

Are you sure you are talking about the same sacred Yuanlian I know?

Everyone's surprised eyes gathered on Kunpeng, and sometimes glanced at Yuanlian with a calm face.

Even Zhenyuanzi's mouth twitched slightly. He admitted that Yuanlian was not an evil god, but to say that he had great virtue and great love?

Just kidding, he still remembered the first encounter with Yuanlian very clearly.

When Yuanlian calculated people, it was not ambiguous at all.

Look at Jie Yin and Zhunti. If they heard what Kunpeng said, they would definitely show their golden bodies and slap him.

You call Yuan Lian a saint of great virtue and love?

Not to mention the innate saints he killed, the number of innocent creatures affected by him is too numerous to count, and the number of the Hengsha world is also billions.

Everyone also noticed that Kunpeng seemed to have some kind of wrong perception of Yuan Lian, and believed it without a doubt.

The most speechless thing is that Yuan Lian never wanted to correct it.

"Ahem..." Looking at the strange eyes of everyone, Yuan Lian coughed dryly and felt that he wanted to change the subject.

"The first thing is decided, and the other details will be discussed later. The next thing is the second thing."

Yuan Lian waved his hand, and a white jade bottle emerged, with a drop of vast chaotic blood flowing slowly in it.

"This drop of Chaos Demon God's original blood is different from the Chaos Demon God's blood in the bodies of the previous beasts. The Dao perception it contains is completely different."

"Of course, my opinion is that everyone should comprehend it together."

"But I have made it clear in advance that those below Taiyi can only comprehend a limited amount, but it is also very helpful for breaking through Taiyi Dao."

"Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone smiled and shook their heads to indicate that they had no opinions.

The Chaos Demon God was killed by Yuanlian, Zhenyuanzi, Minghe and others, and this blood was also brought back by them.

It has nothing to do with them, and they can comprehend some Chaos Dao perceptions for nothing, even if it is not much, but it is also a resource!

In this case, what opinions can they have.

Even Fuxi felt a little ashamed.

Everyone also recognized Yuanchu Temple and Yuanlian more and more.

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