This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 201 Xuanyuan Pavilion! Strong suppression!

Yuan Lian's soul universe has long been a multiverse. Refining and absorbing it again will only add some mana, which is not very useful.

Moreover, he has realized that the Dao of Taiyi focuses on building a complete set of perfect and self-consistent Dao, not on the superposition of mana.

And the physical universe of the Dao of Bloodline is even more unnecessary. The way of practicing the Dao of Bloodline is to absorb and refine the spiritual energy and evil energy between heaven and earth, strengthen the blood, and open up every drop of blood into a world, and achieve a multiverse in the Dao body.

Therefore, Jiuying's broken universe is just icing on the cake for Yuan Lian and Minghe.

But for Kunpeng, it is different.

Kunpeng, who is half a step away from Taiyi, is opening up the prototype of the universe and preparing to prove the Dao of Taiyi.

Now let him absorb and refine this broken universe, and use it as firewood, maybe he can break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal in one fell swoop.

In this way, they can get the help of another Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"I have no objection, you can handle it yourself." Minghe nodded lightly, saying nonchalantly.

Seeing that Minghe also agreed, Yuanlian no longer hesitated, and a wisp of blood and qi shook the void, and transmitted the sound to Kunpeng's ears.

A moment later, Kunpeng strode into the hall and asked in confusion:

"I wonder what the deputy palace master wants to see me for?"

"For you." Yuanlian smiled slightly and handed the Nine Infants Yuanshen in his palm to Kunpeng.

In an instant, Kunpeng's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said in disbelief: "This, for me?"

In the entire Yuanchu Temple, he knew what his identity was.

Although it is said that the Yuanchu Temple treats everyone equally, regardless of status, there is also a first come first served!

How long has he joined the Yuanchu Temple? Such precious resources are given to him like this. Isn't it not good?

Yuan Lian saw his expression and roughly guessed his thoughts, and said with a smile: "Kunpeng, you think too much."

"Resources are meaningless if they are not converted into strength."

"Who to give resources to needs to be based on the actual situation, not on seniority."

"Give this breakthrough opportunity to you is the most appropriate in the current situation."

"Kunpeng, break through Taiyi as soon as possible, don't let me down!"

Looking at Yuan Lian's seriousness, Kunpeng's eyes were full of emotion. He took a deep breath, resolutely took over the Nine Infants' Soul, and said in a loud voice:

"Deputy Palace Master, Palace Master, rest assured, Kunpeng will not disappoint you!"

"Hahaha, good." Minghe laughed and patted his shoulder.

Yuan Lian nodded in satisfaction and said softly, "Okay, for the next ten thousand years, the Palace Master and I will be out, and this place will be handed over to you."

Kun Peng nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, the two Palace Masters, I will do my best to protect the Palace of God."

Yuan Lian shook his head gently and said, "That's not what I mean. I mean that if you encounter an irresistible crisis, take people and escape first."

Territory is not important, talent is the most important.

This has always been the philosophy that Yuan Lian believes in.

Minghe: "..."

Kun Peng: "..."

"Kun Peng knows, the two Palace Masters, please be careful." After saying that, Kun Peng said goodbye and left.

"We should leave too. If we delay any longer, we will be too late."

"Let's go!"


Xuanyuan Pavilion is located in the remote northwest of the northern part of Honghuang.

In a magnificent hall, more than a dozen innate gods gathered.

On the high platform, the master of Xuanyuan Pavilion, Qin Yuanshen, sat on it, wearing a light blue long skirt, looking at everyone with an indifferent expression.

In a moment, a sacred figure stepped forward, bowed and said:

"Pavilion Master, over the years, the Qilin tribe has repeatedly invaded, and several Golden Immortal Daoists have died. We have also lost trillions of miles of territory, countless lives have died, and our luck has been greatly damaged."

"Yes, please take action and expel the Qilin tribe from the country."

"The Qilin tribe slaughtered our Xuanyuan Pavilion members innocently and invaded our territory. We must fight back!"

Seeing that someone spoke first, several sacred figures spoke up and denounced the Qilin tribe's rude behavior.

You know, they gathered together to form a force, and worked so hard just to gather luck, so as to help themselves improve their Taoism and break through Taiyi as soon as possible.

But what the Qilin tribe did was to destroy their foundation. Without luck, what kind of force can they have? It would be better for them to go back to their own homes, hide in the Taoist temple to meditate, and swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Seeing that everyone was indignant and chattering, Qin Yuan's eyes were cold and his tone was cold: "Okay, stop arguing."

Seeing that the Pavilion Master was a little unhappy, the hall suddenly became quiet.

Qin Yuan looked at the female sacred who had been silent all the time, and said softly: "Shang Yang, you also express your opinion, fight or not?"

Shang Yang raised his head slightly and looked at Qin Yuan, who was also a female sacred but was already a Taiyi Golden Immortal. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Pavilion Master, the Qilin tribe has repeatedly invaded, which is really too much. We must fight, but..."

When everyone heard that Shang Yang had the same idea as them, they were secretly happy, but when they heard "but", they were stunned again.

"But what, but you can say it." Qin Yuan's eyes flashed with a hint of appreciation, and his tone was a little softer.

"But the Qilin tribe is so powerful that we will not be their opponent if a full-scale war breaks out."

"So, we must fight, but we can only control it within a certain range."

Shang Yang is very clear about the strength of the Qilin tribe, and everyone present is also aware of it.

But there are always some gods who only care about themselves, and urgently need luck to improve their strength, and completely ignore other things. This is also the reason why Qin Yuan is unhappy.

Shang Yang was right. The Qilin tribe was powerful, and even if they were oppressed, they could only fight back to a limited extent.

This prehistoric world was so terrible.

In fact, Shang Yang was the one who wanted to fight the most. After all, his enemy, Tiangou, was among the Qilin tribe.

But even though she was already at the level of half-step Taiyi at this time, she could do nothing.

Qin Yuan agreed with Shang Yang's words very much, and immediately decided: "Shang Yang will be responsible for this matter. You all should cooperate with her arrangements and expel the Qilin tribe."

"I will follow the order of the Pavilion Master."

Seeing that Qin Yuan had made up his mind, everyone had to say yes.

Qin Yuan wanted to give more instructions, but the magic suddenly changed, his eyes looked beyond the void, and whispered: "How is it possible, two Taiyi Golden Immortals?!"

The next moment, Qin Yuan's figure flashed and disappeared in the hall.

The gods were also shocked and hurriedly followed.

"Not a bad formation." Yuan Lian looked at the formation in front of him.

This is a killing array. Yuanlian and Minghe directly broke into the array. As soon as they entered the array, the array was shining.

Endless spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathered and compressed, forming a series of needle-sized auras, which gathered into rain in an instant and shot out.

Each needle-like aura carried a terrifying sharp edge, enough to destroy a cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. The continuous attack was so severe that even a Taiyi strongman had to be carefully resisted.

But for Yuanlian and Minghe, it was just a drizzle.

Two twelve-grade red lotuses with almost the same appearance emerged, and endless needles bombarded the red barrier, and even the slightest ripple was burned by the bright flame.

In the storm, the two stepped on the lotus platform, broke through the array directly, and entered this area.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my Xuanyuan Pavilion? Are you from the Qilin clan?"

As soon as Yuanlian and Minghe entered the array, they heard a cold rebuke.

Looking up, I saw a congenital god in a long green dress with a cold face, his eyes flashing with dangerous light, staring at them intently.

"You are Qin Yuan, I am Minghe, the master of the Netherworld Palace, and I have come to invite fellow Daoist Qin Yuan to join us and participate in the Great Dao."

Time is tight and the task is heavy, Minghe did not waste words and went straight to the point.

Yuanlian was even more ruthless, maintaining the character of Honglian Xianzun who was ruthless, taciturn and powerful, and coldly reported his name: "Honglian Xianzun."

Qin Yuan heard their intention, and his face became even colder, and he directly refused: "Thank you for your kindness, but don't mention the matter of joining. Please go back, fellow Daoists."

Minghe smiled, and a brilliant killing light bloomed in his eyes, and the surging killing intent swept the sky, "Do you think I am asking for your opinion?"

"If you don't join, leave the northern part of the prehistoric world, or perish!" Yuanlian also burst out with all his strength, and the violent and boundless blood and energy shook the void and stirred the wind and clouds.

Qin Yuan's face suddenly froze, and a surge of anger was steaming in his heart.

This scene fell into the eyes of those half-step Taiyi who rushed over, and they were all shocked, looking at the two Taiyi Golden Immortals who suddenly rushed out with astonishment.

What's going on?

How come I was holding a meeting in the Taoist temple to discuss important matters, and two Taiyi Golden Immortals came to kill me?

And they were not my enemies, the Qilin clan, so it was very sudden.

Yuan Lian glanced at these people, and didn't care at first, but his eyes suddenly fell on a figure, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that he would meet an old friend again.

Shang Yang?

Why is she here?

She joined the Xuanyuan Pavilion.

On the other side, Qin Yuan, who had been silent for a few breaths, spoke with a cold tone, "If you want me to join, it's not impossible. Let's fight first."

In this situation, she has no more choices.

If she admits defeat and leaves, how can she be willing to give away the foundation she built with her own hands?

But he agreed to it after being threatened, which made him feel uncomfortable!

In this case, he had to fight and then make a final conclusion.

"One strike!" Yuan Lian was very frugal with words, and his rebellious intention was evident in his words.

Before he finished speaking, waves of roaring sounds resounded through the world, as if the universe was roaring, and as if the long river was rushing and surging.

This was Yuan Lian's physical universe stirring, and this was a bloodline magical power that he imitated Di Jiang and realized by himself. He called it "Punch Breaking the Universe".

It was a very simple and direct name. As the name suggests, it means to break the universe of Taiyi Jinxian with one punch.

In this strike, Yuan Lian burst out with all his strength.

"Hahaha, that's good, so as not to waste time." Minghe laughed, and with a thought, he had two swords in his hands.

With the appearance of the two spiritual treasure killing swords, boundless murderous aura surged, and infinite killing intent permeated, and the law of killing became active at this moment.

The two swords of Yuan Tu and Abi were connected, the laws complemented each other, stirring up the beautiful killing light, pushing the power to the peak, and the killing sword power belonging to the top-grade innate spiritual treasure was blooming.

Minghe did not hold back in this attack.

Qin Yuan wanted to test Minghe Yuanlian, so why didn't they want to understand her bottom line? If she couldn't even stop their swords and punches, she would fall.

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