This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 237: Stepping on the statue! Declaring war with force!

In a vast land, there are six towering statues standing in the endless territory, and countless creatures gather under the statues to kneel and pray.

As the thoughts of countless creatures gather, the statues are emitting a faint light.

But the strange thing is that these creatures seem to be possessed by demons, praying endlessly, as if they have forgotten everything.

The closer to the statue, the more pious they are. The creatures thousands of miles away still have some spirituality, and the fear, resentment, unwillingness, and helplessness in their eyes are noticed by Fuxi and others.

However, in addition to these kneeling creatures, there are many powerful practitioners guarding them.

Of course, this so-called strength is relative. Creatures that have not reached the level of Golden Immortal are not worthy of being called strong in this land of prehistoric times.

These people are like loyal guards, with pious light flashing in their eyes, watching the endless kneeling creatures.

Anyone who was found praying impiously or trying to escape would be severely beaten and thrown back.

The guards did not kill them because their existence was a tool to contribute mental power. They could not even die before the last bit of mental power was squeezed out.

"Imprisoning living beings, forcing them to pray as tools, and contributing mental power to the statue, such behavior, no wonder there is evil spirit."

Hongyun's face was cold, and his eyes flashed with blazing murderous intent.

"Living beings carry the luck of heaven and earth, although it is meager, but gathering sand into a tower, gathering a little into a lot, should have taken the grand and righteous path to support and strengthen living beings and gather more luck."

"But the sacred here is exhausting the pond to catch fish, forcibly imprisoning living beings, and collecting living beings' mental power in a way similar to sacrifice. I guess they want to refine the luck from it, and they have taken the wrong path."

Bai Ze's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he said in a bad tone.

"Such an evil god is unworthy of the sacred name and should be killed!" Nuwa's eyes were filled with murder. At this moment, she felt that Yuanlian's decision to expel them was too lenient.

Even if they were driven out of the eastern part of the prehistoric world, they would probably still bring disaster to the area and harm living beings elsewhere.

Such an evil god really tarnished the sacred name and brought shame to the innate sacredness.

The innate sacreds were born with part of the laws of heaven and earth. They were supreme and noble, and were the darlings of heaven and earth.

They also highly recognized their own sacred identity. Not to mention repaying heaven and earth, they couldn't bully the weak and kill living beings like this, right?

How could she not be angry and have a great murderous intention.

"The great way is natural. All things and spirits are born between heaven and earth. There is a reason for it. Such behavior should indeed be killed."

Fuxi's face also sank, and he said with a little murderous intent.

Hongyun took a step forward, instantly crossing the void of tens of millions of miles, appeared where the statue stood, and stepped directly on the head of the statue.

Bai Ze, Fuxi and Nuwa followed closely behind, and their figures emerged at the same time.

"Who is it? Dare to insult the gods, you should be killed!"

"Those who insult the gods should be baptized by thunder to wash away their sins!"

"Get down! Get down!"

Seeing someone step on the statue they worship the most, the fanatical and devout guards were furious, and even the devout kneeling and praying at the feet of the statue shouted.

Of course, the creatures thousands of miles away saw this scene, and there was a look of astonishment in their eyes, and then they turned into ecstasy in an instant, emitting a light called hope.

"Kill the evil god!"

"Kill all these executioners who are stained with the blood of my people!"

"Please, kill them all, I am willing to die!"


They shouted and prayed in their hearts.

"Stupid and pathetic, poor creatures who lost their souls in pursuit of power." Hongyun swept these guards indifferently.

If the creatures who kneel down and pray until they become numb are caused by long-term prayers, then these guardians are actively following, abandoning themselves in order to gain more powerful power.

"Thunder from the sky!" The guardians attacked one after another, and thunder gathered and rushed out.

Hongyun smiled, "A mere ant dares to attack me."

He stepped hard, and violent power burst out along his toes.

Boom! ! !

The statue bloomed with brilliant light, and the imprinted magic array patterns burst out one after another, trying to resist this violent power.

But in just a moment, the magic array collapsed directly, the array patterns were directly erased, and the terrifying power shattered the statue into dust.

Hongyun raised his hand and pressed down, and the vast and boundless magic power wiped out all the thunder, and then wiped it horizontally.

All the guardians present turned into ashes and drifted away with the wind.

It was easy for Taiyi Jinxian to kill Jinxian, not to mention these ants who had not even reached Jinxian. It was just a thought.

Then, Bai Ze and others also stomped their feet and smashed the statues in an almost humiliating way.

Hongyun kicked the other two statues to pieces at the same time. In an instant, the six towering statues disappeared between heaven and earth.

This was a humiliation, but also a declaration.

They knew that the statues were connected to the original body, and these six innate sacred beings would definitely be able to sense it.

As they thought, there were six more vast statues standing on the earth trillions of miles away, and the statues were also engraved with magic array patterns.

But the difference was that the laws imprinted on these six statues were more complex and vast, and the qi was connected to the spiritual veins of the mountains and rivers. The breath was vast and boundless, which was obviously the peerless formation they used to protect the Taoist temple.

In the magnificent hall, the six sacred beings woke up.

"There are enemies! They destroyed our statues. They have bad intentions!"

Purple thunder eyes surged, and at the moment when the idol collapsed and destroyed, in the universe of Yuanshen, a sea of ​​shining silver surging with huge waves, the sea where pure thoughts gathered at that time.

"The four saints are all in the early stage of Taiyi." There was a glimpse of the destruction of the statues.

In fact, this was something Hongyun and the others didn't want to cover up, and they didn't even bother to cover it up. Otherwise, with a powerful person like Fuxi around, it would have been impossible for them to detect this change in the mystery.

"The four Taiyi masters in their early stages really don't know how to live or die! If they dare to come to our dojo, they will be killed!"

The overbearing holy man said with majestic anger.

They have six sacred gods, and they have the blessing of the Taoist temple. No matter how you look at it, your side has a good chance of winning.

"Don't be careless. Although the opponent only has four Taiyi, they dare to take the initiative to provoke and declare war. They want to rely on their strength and are not afraid of us."

There is analysis of divine openings.

When they saw the six statues, they must have understood that they were at least six Taiyi. Under such circumstances, they dared to openly declare war. If they were really weak, how could they dare to do this?

Unless he is extremely stupid, but a holy person, there are countless Yuanhui cultivators who have achieved the supreme status of Taiyi. Can there be such a fool?

It's impossible, okay?

Zi Lei looked around at everyone, pondered for a while and then said:

"Get ready, this battle is inevitable."

Everyone was silent, adjusting their breaths, maintaining their peak condition, and preparing to face this battle.

On the other side, Hongyun and others watched the statues disappear, but they still knelt down to pray. The endless creatures with empty and numb eyes had a flash of helplessness in their eyes.

"Their will has been eroded. Even if they no longer have the object of prayer, the act of praying has been imprinted deep in their souls and is difficult to change."

Bai Ze said softly.

After the guardians fell, some of the creatures who still maintained their spirituality thousands of miles away fled, while others rushed forward to find their kin and relatives.

They called and begged, but their relatives, friends and comrades were indifferent and continued to pray numbly.

Such a scene made those creatures who were happy to be freed from suffering be filled with grief and cursed the gods.

"Maybe I can help them recover, but after even the soul will has changed, are they still them?"

After a little silence, Nuwa spoke softly.

She carries the yin of heaven and earth, is the representative of yin, and controls the earth.

But in addition, she also has extremely high attainments in the way of creation. Whether it is the reorganization of matter or the study of the nature of the soul and body, in the entire prehistoric period, there are only a handful of people who can surpass her.

She has amazing means to re-create the souls and wills of these creatures and reorganize them.

But as she said, even the origin of the soul's will has been tampered with, all memories have been erased, and then new memories have been re-instilled. Are they still the same?

Living life is not just living.

Bai Ze sighed quietly, "The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, everything has a glimmer of hope."

"Also, don't underestimate the wisdom of living beings. One person's wisdom is limited, but the common wisdom of infinite living beings will collide with infinite sparks and shine the bright light of wisdom."

"They will find the most suitable way to survive."

Everyone was speechless. At this moment, they deeply felt the sadness of being weak and unable to control their own life or death.

When disaster strikes, it is never because of the disaster itself.

"Let's go! I really want to see what kind of holiness can be so despicable." Nuwa said with a murderous intent in her beautiful eyes.

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