This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 245 Desperate Situation! The Red Lotus Immortal has arrived!


With just one strike, Minghe vomited blood, and the violent and unparalleled magical power bombarded the red lotus.

Three or five may not be a big deal, but there were twenty-one, thousands of magical powers collided, and dozens of laws bombarded.

It drowned and consumed the killing light, broke the defense of the lotus platform, and blasted Minghe away.

"Cough... cough, with this little strength? You are far from killing me!"

Minghe took a deep breath and forced himself to calm the shaking breath.

"Really? Then try it!" Yuanting smiled with disdain.

Before he finished speaking, Yuanting made a move directly, and a ruler-shaped spiritual treasure struck out horizontally, and infinite power bloomed.

"Minghe, do you think we don't know your little tricks? Today, none of you can escape, kill!"

Nightmare sneered, with a very firm killing intention.

The six sacred gods of the Six Gods Palace understood and rushed straight to Kunpeng and others. The peerless immortal light was surging, completely destroying the void that had just been torn apart, and even the turbulent flow of the void was annihilated.

"Fight! Everyone hold on, the Red Lotus Immortal will come to help soon!"

Since there is no escape, then fight, Kunpeng immediately sacrificed the Lingbao Palace and blasted it straight down.

Ji Meng and Qin Yuan also took action, and their magical powers and spiritual treasures bloomed, each facing two sacred gods.

"I hope the deputy hall master can arrive in time, otherwise, just collect the bodies for us!"

"No, but there are no bodies left!"

Ji Meng and Qin Yuan sighed silently in their hearts.

Xuangui, Lei Ze and Shang Yang silently retreated trillions of miles away, surging their spiritual treasures to protect themselves.

As for the Styx... Everyone looked at the Nether Palace Master who was besieged by fifteen Taiyi sacred gods and was almost unable to fight back.

They could only silently bless him in their hearts.

You must hold on!

Why not learn something else, learn from the deputy hall master, now it's good!

Minghe was slightly stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Kunpeng to secretly send a message for help. He was secretly happy and a little disappointed.

At the same time, Minghe's killing intent was even stronger. Yuanlian could fight even the extremely terrifying Chaos Demon God. How could he be afraid of just a dozen Taiyi initial sacred beings of the same level.

"Kill all the ways!"

Minghe roared, and the killing sword shook the universe. The heaven and earth were resonating. The killing laws that permeated the heaven and earth moved in the same rhythm. Two extreme killing lights tore through the sky and locked the nightmare aura.

"Standing stubbornly, no one can save you today, and you will eventually fall to ashes!" Nightmare's eyes surged, and he roared and attacked: "Soul Death Destroys God!"

The strange and inexplicable magical power laws were agitated, silent and breathless, but it seemed like invisible waves rushing out.

This is the soul law, a wonderful law of the great way, connected with fate and connected with creation.

The strange soul law seemed invisible and intangible, and could not be touched. It directly passed by the terrifying killing light, ignored the light of the red lotus, and bombarded the soul of the Styx.


The Styx was shocked, and his soul felt a sharp pain, as if countless steel needles were piercing his soul. The strange and terrifying law was infecting his soul, and even a mist appeared in the soul universe, assimilating the law of the great way, causing the world to sink.

"Master of the Styx, wake up!" Qin Yuan shouted suddenly, and a dazzling killing light cut through the void and pierced his arm fiercely.

"Looking for death!"

The two sacred gods who surrounded Qin Yuan shouted angrily, and while Qin Yuan was distracted, the spiritual treasures bombarded her fiercely, and the terrifying force blasted her away.

The pain of the immortal body spread to the soul, and the confused eyes of the Styx shook in vain, and quickly became clear.

Realizing that he was confused by this strange soul law, Minghe was furious and shouted in surprise:

"Red Lotus Karma Fire, burn it for me!"


In an instant, the lotus platform glowed red, and bright flames ignited on the Yuanshen, and then quickly swept across the entire Yuanshen universe.

Red Lotus Karma Fire feeds on sins and uses karma as fuel, burning everything.

In just a moment, the strange law and the fog were completely burned.

Everything was just between the lightning and the volcano, but in just such a moment, Yuan Ting and others took action.

Several sacred figures wiped out the killing light of Minghe, and several sacred figures attacked him when he was confused by the magic power. The colorful spiritual treasures shot out, and the surging mana was like a huge wave, which blasted down the moment he woke up.


Minghe had no time to think about it, and could only activate the lotus platform to protect his body, but there was no doubt that the terrifying and surging power knocked Minghe out, smashing a gully of thousands of miles.

Boom boom boom!

The gods didn't give Styx any chance to react. The next moment, their magical powers swarmed out like washing the ground, smashing the gullies into dust.

The space was blown up, and the void was completely turned into nothingness. Everything was annihilated, and time did not exist. It was completely a gray mist, and even the soul could not penetrate it.

"Oh no! Styx, you have to hold on!" Kunpeng's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, and he said in his heart.

The whole process, from the attack to the end, was only a few breaths, and the battle situation formed a one-sided trend.

The Nether Palace was completely crushed. If it weren't for the powerful magical powers of the people and the protection of the spiritual treasures, they would have fallen into ashes long ago.

But even so, no one was much better.

Qin Yuan was injured, Kunpeng and Ji Meng were just struggling to hold on. This was just facing two Taiyi. If Styx died, they would also be dead.

Just as everyone's eyes were focused on the void, a faint red light appeared.

"Ahem! Hahaha, is this all your strength?"

A figure slowly emerged from the void, Minghe stepped on the lotus platform, his whole body was covered by red light, and the red lotus fire was steaming and burning around him.

He was wearing a blood-red robe, and the color of his chest was three points darker, emitting a faint golden glow.

"Nightmare, this sword, I wonder who dares to help you block it! Kill!"

The Styx shouted, and the two killing lights of Yuan Tu and Abi gathered together. The terrifying sword light carried an unparalleled edge, and the endless killing laws gathered in it, as if to destroy all the ways and the universe.

Although the two swords of Yuan Tu and Abi were both top-grade innate spiritual treasures, they had the same roots and the same origins, and the great ways complemented each other. The combined attack of the two directly caused a qualitative change.

"Fellow Taoists, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person after all. He cannot be defeated one by one!"

Nightmare was also shocked. He knew this sword best.

It was this sword that killed the sacred under his command.

Everyone's eyes flickered when they heard the words. They clearly felt that this sword was enough to kill an ordinary Taiyi initial sacred.

It was for this reason that they must destroy the Netherworld Palace and kill the Styx.

Because this is too shocking, it is a fatal threat to any of them.

You know, there may be a gap between the gods of the same level as the initial stage of Taiyi, and they can decide the winner.

But it is not easy to completely kill them. At least, they ask themselves if they have the strength to kill the gods of the same level alone.

Don’t you see, the two gods surrounded and killed Kunpeng and others, although they had the upper hand, they still failed to kill them.

It is because Taiyi is the universe itself, and it is difficult to completely kill without overwhelming strength.

But Minghe is different. He can kill the gods of the same level alone, which means that Minghe threatens the life of each of them.

With this thought, everyone no longer hesitated, and they all took action to resist the extremely sharp sword of Minghe!

Boom! !

Although this sword of killing that burst out with some power of the best innate spiritual treasure is strong, it is not at its peak after all.

Under the joint efforts of the fifteen Taiyi gods, it was gradually wiped out.

Minghe paused, and secretly said:

"I will clear the way for you, you go first!"

The situation was like this, Minghe was unwilling but had no other choice.

"Let's go together!" Kunpeng responded with a flash of light in his eyes.

Minghe shook his head slightly and said: "I have a spiritual treasure to protect me, so it's not so easy to fall. Moreover, no one can leave without me stopping them."

Kunpeng was silent, Minghe was right.

If you can't gain a moment of time, then escaping is a luxury.

But with twenty-one Taiyi sacred gods, can Minghe do it?

Kunpeng and others burst out in vain, attacking their opponents, and appeared beside Minghe in a flash.

And the people of the Six Gods Temple also returned to the main force.

"Don't think about it, you won't have a chance."

Nightmare sneered, how could he not see the secret plan of Minghe and others.


Twenty-one sacred auras vibrated, and the surging and vast aura completely blocked this world. Countless chains of laws intertwined, turning into a net that locked the sky and trapped the earth, covering this world.

Want to break the void?

Sure! Break their soul blockade first, and then slip away from them.

The murderous intent surged in the eyes of the Styx, and the tone was cold and murderous:

"If we really fight to the death, even if we die, we can at least kill more than half of you. Who is willing to die?"

Kunpeng, Ji Meng, and Qin Yuan also burst out with boundless murderous intent at the same time, staring at each other with their eyes.

There is really no way to retreat, so the only way is to fight to the death!

Perhaps it was because they saw the powerful strength of the Styx, or they were unwilling to fight to the death and sacrifice themselves.

When the Styx said this, all the gods were silent.

Nightmare, Yuan Ting, and the leaders of the Six Gods looked at each other.

Although they didn't believe what Minghe said, it was too exaggerated, but it was undeniable that if it was really as he said, fighting desperately, at least a few sacred figures could be taken away for burial.

Who is willing to die?

To cultivate the Tao, what you cultivate is your own Tao. None of the gods present are noble enough to sacrifice themselves for others.

As the saying goes, the arrogant are afraid of the stupid, and the stupid are afraid of the desperate.

At this moment, the atmosphere was completely frozen.

After a moment, Yuan Ting's eyes flashed, and he laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, Minghe, you are wrong!"

"We don't need to fight with you, we just need to seal the world, then entangle you, kill you one by one, and finally join forces to kill you."

"You can only watch them fall one by one in front of you, helpless, and die in despair!"

The eyes of Nightmare and the gods lit up when they heard the words, and they suddenly understood.

Yes! We are numerous and have an absolute advantage. There is no need to fight for our lives.

We only need to eliminate the weakest Taiyi first, weaken their strength bit by bit, and finally kill Minghe in one fell swoop.

Minghe's eyes paused, and his fierce eyes shot out. He no longer hesitated and struck out with two swords. His target was not them, but the blocked sky and earth.

"Hahaha, a dying struggle! Don't even think about breaking the blockade!"

Nightmare laughed sarcastically, and his magic power surged, stopping Minghe's attack.

At the same time, Yuan Ting and others also took action. Two sacred figures entangled Ji Meng, and two sacred figures stopped Kunpeng.

Six sacred figures of the Six Gods Temple rushed straight to the injured Qin Yuan to kill him in the shortest time.

The rest of the people held Minghe back, and the situation became critical in an instant.

In just a moment, Qin Yuan fell on the edge of falling.

Kunpeng roared, wanting to help Qin Yuan, but was stopped by the enemy.

Ji Meng's magical power was surging, and boundless wind and rain were sweeping across, but they were blocked in a small space.

The killing light of the Styx surged, and the killing path of the Yuanshen Universe resonated, but it was useless. Under the joint suppression of more than ten sacred beings, there was nothing they could do.

"You forced me to do this!" Qin Yuan roared, his killing intent was earth-shattering, and the terrifying aura swept across the sky.

The sacred never feared death. If it really came to a situation where death was inevitable, then naturally, they would do everything they could to give the enemy the most painful blow.

At this moment, Qin Yuan had reached the moment of decision.

Without a doubt, she chose to die rather than live in disgrace.

"Alas! Why do you have to burn the Yuanshen and destroy the foundation of the Great Dao!"

At this moment, a calm voice resounded through the void.

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