This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 251: The battle begins! Break the formation!

Buzz! ! !

The void shook, the sky and the earth roared, and a bloody flying boat spanning thousands of miles cut through the void and traveled through the sky and the earth.

This is a gadget refined by Styx. It is just an acquired spiritual treasure. It has no function other than being magnificent and capable of breaking voids and flying.

According to Ming He's words, when traveling to the Netherworld Palace, how can there be no substitute for the sacred dharma frame of Lord Taiyi.

The flying boat paused, and in front of it was a bright brilliance, a mighty light curtain covering the sky and the sun, endless Tao rhyme filling the air, and endless laws flying.

"Huang Ting Mansion should not be underestimated!" Ming He looked at the mighty formation with piercing eyes and smiled softly.

Yuan Lian also nodded slightly and agreed: "It's a very strong formation. I can even faintly feel its oppressive power. The ordinary Taiyi Initial Saint can't even break the formation."

"Ghost Che, come up and say hello!" Styx motioned him to come forward. After all, this time he was doing it in the name of Nightmare Pavilion.

Gui Che nodded, took a step forward, and looked at the many saints who had already gathered.

"Sixth Temple, Huang Ting Mansion, you and others are plotting against the former master of the Nightmare Pavilion. As the current master of the Nightmare Pavilion, I, Gui Che, will destroy you and others to avenge the Nightmare Pavilion!"

Gui Che finished his speech with an expressionless face and took action immediately without waiting for them to argue.

It's just obvious that this blow hit the barrier of the formation, only rippled slightly, and then disappeared into nothingness.

"Gui Che, I will kill you!" You Sheng glared at him.

Arguments are no longer important. The merits and demerits are ultimately written by the victors.

"It's ridiculous to think that a large formation can stop the Netherworld Palace!"

Styx smiled disdainfully, and his two swords emerged, killing everyone and tearing apart the void for eternity.

At the same time, Kunpeng and others also took action one after another, boundless magic power surged, and every magical attack was like a boundless universe rushing down.

What's even more ingenious is that everyone's magical power attacks at the same location.


Violent roars resounded through the void and spread towards the entire northern part of the wilderness.

The formation fluctuated violently, and the light was distorted. Outside the formation, at the beginning of the collision of mana, the void shattered inch by inch, turning into crystal fragments flying.

"Styx, although you had the upper hand last time, do you think you can cover up the sky with one hand?"

Yuan Ting's eyes flashed with a cold light and he sneered.

Styx was silent, but the killing light was even more dazzling. Each sword light could tear the sky of the universe and destroy thousands of laws.

Yuan Lian chuckled when he heard this, "It's a very mysterious formation, sharing the damage, no... it's not sharing, it's a forced balance."

"Forcibly balance all the power bombarded on the formation and distribute it to every part of the formation, making the strategy of using Arrancar completely ineffective."

Yuan Ting looked at the other party in surprise, but he did not expect that this so-called Red Lotus Immortal Lord could actually see the mystery of the formation at a glance.

But so what, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not. What's important is that the great formation is here, and it's not strong enough to break even the great formation.

Seeing the confident faces of the saints in the formation, Yuan Lian smiled and said:

"The Avenue of Balance is indeed extraordinary, but it is not without its weaknesses."

As soon as Yuan Lian said this, Yuan Ting's expression froze slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Found out so quickly! !

The formation was built by himself, relying on his Balanced Way, and he knew very well whether there were any weaknesses.

But soon, he settled down again and mocked in a cold voice: "Hahaha, that's ridiculous. The formation is right here. Now that you have found the weakness, what are you waiting for?"

Yuan Lian's expression remained indifferent and he said unhurriedly:

"Do you think I am deceiving you? It's a joke. With the blessing of the Avenue of Balance, the defensive power of the formation can be increased several times, even dozens of times."

"But this is its strength and its fatal weakness."

"As long as the power of the attack breaks through the peak of the formation in an instant, once it exceeds the defensive limit after equilibrium, even just a little bit, the formation will immediately collapse completely."

Yes, the Avenue of Balance can allow the formation to forcibly distribute the damage, but as Yuan Lian said, as long as the power in an instant exceeds the load limit of the formation, the formation will be broken.

Yuan Ting was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he looked at Yuan Lian and said:

"The Red Lotus Immortal Lord is really extraordinary. I didn't expect that he could detect the secrets of the formation with just a short blow."

He paused slightly, laughed loudly and said:

"Hahahaha, you are right, this is indeed the weakness of the formation, but so what?"

"If you can't do it, then there's nothing I can do!"

The method of breaking the formation is difficult to say and easy to say.

But if you want the power to exceed the limit of the large array load in an instant, unless it is a strong person in the middle stage of Taiyi, it will be about the same.

You know, even if they join forces and attack at the same time like before, even if their combined power exceeds the limit of the formation, it will still be useless.

As long as the limit is not broken with one blow, even if there is only one thought, the interval of one billionth of a thought, the formation will be unbreakable.

Because they are still blessing the formation, the time of a thought, under the interference of the time law of their own universe, will be stretched out for an extremely long time. Under this long time, the formation will be repaired and blessed.

Yuan Lian was silent, and he admitted that Yuan Ting was right.

If he takes action in his prime, the formation can be easily broken.

But now, it's difficult, but... it's not impossible.

"Kunpeng, you protect me." Yuan Lian looked at Kunpeng and others and said softly.


Everyone nodded and formed a semicircle to surround Yuan Lian.

Afterwards, Yuan Lian looked at Ming He and secretly transmitted a message: "Please give me a helping hand, fellow Taoist."

A trace of doubt flashed in Styx's eyes, "How can I help you."

Yuan Lian smiled indifferently, and with a thought, the top-quality innate Karma Red Lotus appeared under her feet.

Then, two more red lotus platforms appeared on the chest, rotating around Yuan Lian.

"The red lotus of karma has the same root and origin, and yours is also a lotus seed. You only need to pour all your magic power into the lotus platform to connect the spiritual treasure restrictions."

"Then it is connected with my three lotus terraces. Under the connection of the origin, we can use the subtle connection between the lotus seeds and the main body to pour all the magic power into the red lotus of karma."

"By then, with the combined strength of you and me, we will definitely be able to break through the defense formation with one blow."

Ming He's eyes fluctuated when he heard the words, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised in response to Yuan Lian's words.

"Okay, you can try this method."

After saying that, the same red lotus appeared immediately, and then the universe of Yuanshen shook, and boundless mana poured into the lotus platform.

Buzz! ! !

In an instant, the lotus platform glowed with red light, and the innate spiritual forbidden light surged.

The same is true for Yuanlian. Endless mana is poured into the three lotus platforms, stirring up the laws.

Seeing the actions of Yuan Lian and others, Yuan Ting had a bad premonition in his heart and immediately said:

"No, I'll take action quickly, don't let it accumulate power."

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