This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 258 Emperor Jun’s ambition to rule the starry sky!

Chapter 258 The Emperor’s Ambition! Dominate the Starry Sky!

A hundred years pass by in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the atmosphere in Ziwei Imperial Palace was solemn and solemn.

On the corridor outside the main hall, tens of thousands of golden immortal soldiers stood holding swords, stretching for thousands of miles.

There are also many Star Lords waiting quietly at the entrance of the main hall. The first row is Tianshu, Tianquan and other seven half-step Taiyi Star Lords, and the rest are behind them, split into two rows.

Even though thousands of people gathered together, the scene was quiet, and everyone waited silently.


boom! ! !

The void shook, and in the endless distance, a blazing fire illuminated the sky, and the vast breath of fire filled the starry sky.

Everyone couldn't help but cast their gazes.

Soon, in just a few moments, they were already close.

"Here we come!" Tianshu's eyes flashed, staring at the flames that were approaching rapidly.

They were said to be flames, but they were actually nine tall fire crows. They pulled a brilliant chariot across the starry sky, approaching Ziwei Star.

Beside the car, dozens of Star Lords were following them like shadows, and their momentum was so overwhelming!

Soon, the car drove under the starry sky, and Emperor Juntaiyi came calmly and calmly, wearing a red flowing cloud brocade robe embroidered with a three-legged golden crow.

Behind him, dozens of powerful Star Lords followed closely.

"I have met the two court masters." When Emperor Juntai and his entourage arrived at the entrance of the palace, Tianshu and other Xingjun all saluted.

"Hahaha, fellow Taoists, you don't have to be so polite. Heavenly Court and Ziwei Palace are countries of friendship." Di Jun laughed heartily and waved his hands slightly.

Taiyi said nothing, but when he saw Ziwei Palace greeting him so solemnly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Two court masters, the emperor has been waiting in the palace for a long time. Please come in." Tianshu turned sideways and made way for the middle passage, signaling to Emperor Jun and Taiyi to go first.

After all, no matter in terms of strength or status, they are of the same class as the emperor, so they must be treated with courtesy.

"You're welcome, fellow Taoists." Di Jun said and walked towards the store.

Everyone rushed into the hall.

"Dijun (Taiyi) has met fellow Taoist Ziwei." As a guest, Dijun Taiyi should be the first to salute.

"We have met Emperor Ziwei!" All the stars behind him also saluted in unison.

"Hahaha, there's no need to be polite to these two Taoist friends. We haven't seen each other for only a million years. It's really gratifying to see these two Taoists making such great progress."

Zi Wei stood up and returned the salute, smiling.

"Everyone, please take your seats."

After everyone took their seats, a female fairy presented them with spiritual wine and spiritual fruits. For a moment, the whole hall was filled with fragrance. Everyone exchanged cups and cups, and the scene was harmonious.

After drinking for three rounds, Di Jun stood up and said: "Fellow Taoist Ziwei, I have been in seclusion a few days ago. After I came out of seclusion, I found out that there was a misunderstanding and friction between my subordinates and Ziwei Star Territory. This is really wrong."

"We have hundreds of millions of friendships between you and me. This glass of wine is just an apology. Please don't blame me, fellow Taoist Ziwei!"

As he spoke, he drank the spiritual wine in the cup.

Zi Wei's eyes paused for a moment, a hint of surprise flashed through her eyes, and she secretly sighed in her heart: "As expected of the Lord of Heaven, he is truly magnificent!"

You must know that with the strength of Emperor Jun Taiyi Golden Immortal and his status as the Lord of Heaven, he is the most powerful person at the top of the pyramid in the entire starry sky.

To put it bluntly, if he chops his foot and stamps his foot, the whole starry sky will shake. With just one thought, the life and death of trillions of creatures can be determined by just one thought.

But at this moment, Emperor Jun could be so humble and toast his sins. Zi Wei asked herself that she might not be able to do it, so how could she not sigh.

The expressions of all the Star Lords were also stagnant, their eyes focused on Di Jun, and their pupils trembled.

Zi Wei stood up, holding the wine glass with both hands, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, it's serious, but it's just a misunderstanding, don't take it to heart."

Taiyi, who was sitting next to him, remained motionless, with no emotion or anger on his face. He just drank glass after glass of wine.

After most of the day, the banquet gradually subsided.

All the star kings retreated, leaving only Zi Wei and Di Jun Taiyi in the huge hall.

"Two fellow Taoists, you must have something important to come here this time." Zi Wei sat upright, looking at the two of them, and said seriously.

The previous round was just a pleasantries and building relationships, but now it is a real negotiation, which is related to the general trend of the entire starry sky pattern.

Di Jun gently put down his wine glass and said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist Ziwei, what do you think of the starry sky today?"

Taiyi also looked at Ziwei with burning eyes.

The purple eyes are deep and dark, as if containing the endless starry sky, shining with infinite brilliance.

After he pondered for a while, he smiled softly and said: "Today's starry sky is full of vitality and great luck, which is a sign of great prosperity."

As time goes by, the world develops, and the overall strength of the starry sky is also rising rapidly.

Especially after the destruction of the Heavenly Palace, most of the star kings in the starry sky gathered under the command of Heavenly Court and Ziwei Palace. Countless stars surrounded Ziwei Star and Sun Star, forming two vast star fields.

When strong people gather, luck also gathers, and practice becomes more effective with half the effort, thus forming a virtuous cycle.

How could he not be happy with such a grand scene as Ziwei Xingjun? After all, his foundation was all in the starry sky.

Di Jun and Tai Yi also smiled and nodded.

The stronger the overall strength of the starry sky, the stronger their destiny as the overlord of the starry sky, and the greater the help they will have on the road to spiritual cultivation.

Otherwise, how could they succeed as latecomers, prove Taiyi in one fell swoop, and establish themselves as the overlords of the starry sky?

Emperor Jun spoke again: "Daoyou is right, then how about the prehistoric land?"

When these words came out, Ziwei paused, and a trace of yearning flashed in his eyes.

The prehistoric land!

Although he had never been there in person, the vastness of the prehistoric land, the number of strong men, the strength of the strong men, and the several battles that swept through the prehistoric land also shocked him.

The strong aura of those battles made him extremely excited, and he still remembers it.

Ziwei stood up, and said with deep emotion: "The status of the prehistoric heaven and earth is comparable, but it must be said that the earth seems to be the real inheritor of most of the legacy of Pangu the Great, and the creation is full of divine beauty."

"The starry sky is not as good as many!"

Taiyi's eyes flashed with light, and he stood up suddenly, saying in a firm tone: "The prehistoric earth is strong, but our starry sky is not weak either. The sky is above and the earth is below. As long as we work together, we may not be unable to control the earth with the sky!"

"Taiyi is right, fellow Daoist Ziwei, the starry sky needs to grow, so we must unite and gather the supreme luck."

Di Jun slowly stood up, his eyes shining, and said with heroic spirit.

"The strong in the prehistoric land are strong, but because of this, they are divided and divided."

"But our starry sky is different. As long as you and I join forces, we can unify the starry sky. At that time, we can defeat the scattered and dominate the earth. In the future, we can dominate the world and use our supreme luck to prove the great way!"

Emperor Jun was describing a grand scene. In his eyes, there was the future of the evolution of the universe. It seemed that he saw the unification of the starry sky, leading countless creatures, and descending on the earth with peerless and magnificent momentum.

Ziwei was silent, as if there was a hint of movement in the eyes described by Emperor Jun.

Proving the truth! It is his lifelong pursuit!

But after a while, his mind was shocked.

The blueprint is beautiful, but can the starry sky really rule the earth? He doesn't know.

However, at this moment, Emperor Jun Taiyi has the world in his heart. No matter what, he wants to rule the starry sky. His will is firm and it will never change.

Ziwei's expression returned to calmness, and he said softly: "I wonder what plans the two Taoist friends have?"

Di Jun smiled slightly, and did not hide it, and said directly:

"In the name of the Lord of Heaven, I formally invite Taoist Ziwei to join Heaven, and be called Ziwei Emperor, with the same status as my two brothers."

"The power of Ziwei Palace is still under the command of Taoist, and he will obey orders but not announcements."

This was decided long ago. Although he gave a huge price, it was worth it for the great cause.

After all, the strength of Ziwei Palace should not be underestimated. If it fully joins Heaven, Heaven will be the first power in the starry sky, and it will have the confidence to rule the sky.

Only by making the cake bigger can you get more profits.

Ziwei was also stunned when he heard this, and looked at Di Jun in disbelief.

Good guy! So willing?

To put it bluntly, this is nominally joining Heaven. Not only did his original Ziwei Palace's power not decrease, but he also shared the fortune of Heaven for nothing.

Although the Heavenly Court has grown and their luck has increased, they are not at a disadvantage.

But it must be said that Di Jun is indeed very bold and more like an emperor than Taiyi.

"It is not impossible to join the Heavenly Court, but I have said in advance that I have no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of the Heavenly Court. Except for major events related to the survival of the Heavenly Court, I will not take action."

Ziwei said calmly.

"Good! I will do as you say, fellow Taoist!" Di Jun smiled happily, and what he wanted was for you to ignore it.

Taiyi also nodded happily, which was very good!

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