This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 270: Being a chess piece, I want to win everything!

Yujing Mountain.

"It seems that you really value him. I didn't expect that you, who always only take in and never give out, would so easily give out a flag this time."

As soon as Hongjun appeared, a distant and deep voice sounded, with a vast and vast atmosphere.

Hongjun tilted his eyebrows, which had been a little floating recently, and said in a bad tone:

"Yangmei, please pay attention to your words. I think you have a big misunderstanding of me!"

Yangmei: "..."

You are strong! I won't say it!

"I was wrong. You, Hongjun, are great and sacred. OK?" Yangmei reluctantly said something against his conscience.

Hongjun glanced at Yangmei, and his eyes conveyed the meaning of "you are sensible".

"Let's not talk about these. Do you think he will believe you so easily?" Yangmei said seriously.

Hongjun's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't care at all: "How firm is the sacred will? How can a few words change his heart?"

"Then why did you give him the Five-Directions Flag so easily?" Yangmei said puzzledly.

"A mere top-grade innate flag is nothing." Hongjun said lightly, as if what he gave was not a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, but a piece of wild grass picked by the roadside.

As he said before, Taoism is the foundation, and strength is the kingly way.

Taoism is thousands of times higher than yours, so what if there is one more defensive spiritual treasure.

Yangmei was speechless, you are a rich man, you are amazing.

Hongjun ignored his strange eyes and continued: "The sacred will is extremely difficult to shake, only he himself can change his decision."

"I only need to plant a seed in his heart, wait for a long time to water it, and it will naturally grow into a towering tree."

"By then, he will understand that all the gifts of fate have already been secretly marked with a price."

Yangmei lowered his head silently, and as his thoughts surged, he thought of something and said: "But if it is still not as you think, then what?"

The innate sacred, born free, is not so easy to calculate.

Hongjun chuckled and said, "If they can't become chess pieces for you and me, and they don't hinder my great cause, then forget it. I'll just give them the spiritual treasure as a gift, just consider it as a good relationship."

"But if they really become ants that block me, then I can just kill them at will, what's the big deal!"

"This Yuanlian is just an idle chess piece, and they are not the real chess pieces for you and me."

"Oh~~~" Yangmei's eyes surged, and in an instant, his thoughts came to him, and he suddenly realized, "Did Daoyou choose them as chess pieces?"

Yangmei paused, and looked towards the eastern part of Honghuang.

There is a vast sacred mountain there, stretching across an infinite territory, gathering the beauty of heaven and earth, and it is the most top-level sacred mountain Taoist temple in Honghuang.

"Three Pure Ones!"

Yangmei realized instantly that the chess pieces Hongjun liked were the Three Pure Ones.

That's right, what is the origin of the Wu clan? They are the essence and blood of Pangu, and can be called Pangu's biological sons, direct bloodline, and Pangu's authentic.

The only one who can deal with Pangu is Pangu, and it is best to be Pangu.

That is naturally the three parts of Pangu's soul, which can also be called the authentic three pure ones of Pangu.

"Plain Cloud Realm Flag, I didn't expect that I didn't find any clues, but I got a Xiantian Five Directions Flag directly!"

In the practice room, Yuanlian looked at the misty flag with a complicated expression.

"Pangu, Wu Clan! Hongjun! It's really a shocking vortex!" A trace of deep helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He is not stupid, how can he not understand that he has been drawn into an extremely dangerous vortex. If he is not careful, he may die and his billions of years of hard work will turn into ashes.

In this high-end game, he, a little Kara, became a chess piece of the big guys on both sides of the game.

But what can he do?

He is also helpless!

As if it was destined, his footsteps made him embark on this path, and now he can't retreat even if he wants to.

In this case, then don't retreat!

"No matter how I think about it, I am not in danger of falling now." Yuan Lian breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his eyebrows. "If I am also in the late stage of Taiyi now, why should I worry about these?"

"In the final analysis, it is still a question of strength."

Since crossing into the prehistoric world, I have never been so eager for strength as I am now, hoping that my realm and cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

As long as I can also prove the Daluo and my strength is strong enough, I can get rid of the identity of a chess piece and jump out of the chess game.

If I am stronger, I can also be a chess player, and even overturn the chessboard!

The decision has been made, so there is no wavering.

Yuan Lian's soul shook, directly covered it, and began to refine it.

When Hongjun gave the plain cloud world flag to Yuan Lian, he had already erased his own soul imprint.

So there was basically no resistance for him to practice, and with his current magnificent cultivation, the speed of refining was also extremely fast.

However, after ten thousand years, the plain cloud flag has been refined with thirty-six innate spiritual restrictions, and it is still the pinnacle of the power of the upper grade, and it is only one step away from showing the power of the best grade.

"Sure enough, it seems that it is necessary to break through to the late stage of Taiyi to truly refine the thirty-seventh innate spiritual restriction."

"However, it can also be regarded as a great improvement in defense, and this flag has the same mysterious power as the northern Xuanyuan water control flag."

"The Xuanyuan water control flag is to cover the qi, and has a powerful effect of self-defense, hiding, and resisting others' calculations."

"But the plain cloud flag has the ability to confuse the perception of the soul and can directly act on the powerful help in fighting."

After thinking for a while, Yuanlian decided to give the plain cloud flag to the identity of Honglian Xianzun.

After all, Yuanlian has many spiritual treasures and explosive defense, while Honglian only has a few karmic fire red lotuses now.

As for being discovered by Hongjun, Yuanlian is not worried at all.

Because it has already been discovered, and the target of his deception is not Hongjun. In this case, what is there to worry about.

"But I still have to go to the Wu clan!"

Yuanlian's thoughts are surging. He has to think carefully and consider every step he takes when he is caught in such a high-end situation.

He accepted the spiritual treasures given by Hongjun and formed a cause and effect with Hongjun, but did he really believe in Hongjun completely?

That is naturally impossible. After all, he is an innate sacred who has lived for hundreds of millions of years and is not stupid.

Pangu and the Wu clan have plans for him, so Hongjun doesn't have any.

Planning is not murder. Although being used makes him a little unhappy, it is also the reason why he was eager to repay the Wu clan's favor before.

He knew that what Hongjun said was true and false, half true and half false, and it was difficult to distinguish the truth from the false, but it was undeniable that his way of cultivation did have great hidden dangers.

But no matter what, Brother Dijiang had saved him many times and taught him the way, so how could he be fooled by just a few words?

Moreover, if Hongjun wanted to set up a game, then let him directly face the Wu Clan.

As a chess piece, although I can't influence the chess game, I can disrupt the situation.

Since I am so important, then I will make it clear that you can win me over as much as you want, so that neither side will offend.

After making up his mind, Yuanlian came out of retreat directly, tore through the void, and headed straight for the Buzhou Mountains.

In just a few hundred years, Yuanlian came to the depths of the Buzhou Mountains.

"Hey! This is..." But the scene in front of him surprised Yuanlian.

In the depths of the Buzhou Mountains, the trillions of miles of area that was originally completely covered by the formation was no longer covered by the formation.

The magnificent Pangu Temple stood on the earth.

Around the Pangu Temple, there are eleven ancestral witch tribes, and the boundless blood breath covers the boundless territory.

Each tribe is located in a mysterious and strange location, forming a vast and magnificent pattern.

There are twelve strongholds in total, with the Pangu Temple as the link, the breath is connected, the land veins and mountains converge, and it is faintly like a shocking formation, hidden but not released.

"Is it no longer necessary to hide?" Yuanlian pondered in his heart.

But at this moment, Dijiang's heroic and unrestrained laughter shook the void.

"Hahaha, Yuanlian, you are here, come quickly."

Yuanlian suddenly realized that it seemed that the witch clan was really born and there was no need to hide, so Dijiang invited him in this way.

You know, he used to directly open a void path and bring himself into the Pangu Temple.

With this thought, Yuanlian did not hesitate, and took a few steps to come to the outside of the Pangu Temple.

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