This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 296 Pangu's Soul VS Pangu's Real Body!

Fuxi, Zhenyuanzi and his party came together and stated their positions firmly.

Since the Heavenly Dao has been born, it cannot be changed, but it must not become Hongjun's Heavenly Dao.

Compared with the cause and effect between Luohou and Yuanchu Temple, it is obvious that Hongjun's control of the Heavenly Dao has a more serious impact on them.

At this moment, they chose to fight against Hongjun without hesitation.

"You came so fast!" Yangmei lowered his head slightly, obviously thinking of this situation.

Not only referring to Dijun Taiyi, Fuxi Zhenyuanzi and his party, because one after another figures walked out of the void.

Minghe held Yuantu Abi with both hands, with boundless murderous intent. His eyes swept over everyone, and he did not react when he saw Fuxi and others, looking indifferent.

When he saw Luohou and his party, Minghe said:

"Palace Master Luohou, Minghe is late, please forgive me."

As he said, Minghe took Kunpeng and others to Luohou's side and nodded to Luotian.

After all, they are now members of the Luo Palace. Besides, if the sky falls, there are tall people to support it. With Luo Hou as a pillar of support, the risk is much smaller.

"Good, fellow Daoist Minghe and fellow Daoists have come at the right time."

Luo Hou nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

After Fuxi Zhenyuanzi and the group of people from Minghe arrived one after another, it seemed like a signal.

One by one, the Taiyi Gods broke through the air, some accompanied by two or three, some in groups of three or five, or perhaps came alone. After seeing the familiar Daoists, they consciously came together.

However, in a moment, the number of Taiyi Gods had exceeded a thousand, and the majestic and vast aura was surging and pressing towards Hongjun like a huge wave.

At this moment, their only thought was to stop Hongjun.

Raising his eyebrows and laughing, he took a step forward, like a towering ridge, blocking the huge waves.

On the other side, seeing more and more sacred beings gathering, the Three Pure Ones also separated from the Ancestral Witches, came to Yang Mei's side, and looked at the gods with a solemn face.

The twelve Ancestral Witches gathered, and Di Jiang's eyes swept across the Styx, looked at Zhen Yuanzi and others, nodded slightly and smiled.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and smiled, "Zhen Yuanzi meets the Ancestral Witch Di Jiang, all the Ancestral Witches, the Yuanchu Temple is grateful for your protection of the Dao."

Di Jiang shook his head and smiled, "No need to be so polite, if you don't mind, you can come and join me."

"Good, then thank you very much for the Ancestral Witch Di Jiang." Zhen Yuanzi bowed his head, and the group stood beside the Wu Clan to indicate their camp.

Then, Di Jiang looked at the Three Pure Ones and said in a cold tone: "Three Pure Ones, I advise you to retreat now. Although the innate treasure is good, the path of life is more important."

The grievances between the Wu Clan and the Three Pure Ones are Pangu's own affairs. Now the most urgent task is to stop Hongjun and not let him control the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, if the Three Pure Ones were willing to retreat at this time, Emperor Jiang could ignore them for the time being.

"Big Brother, Second Brother!" Lingbao subconsciously looked at Daode and Yuanshi.

The situation has exceeded their expectations. The emergence of the Heavenly Dao has affected the entire body. At this moment, not to mention that all the sacred beings in the prehistoric world have gathered, but almost nine out of ten have gathered.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are enemies of the entire prehistoric world. As Emperor Jiang said, although the innate treasure is good, the path of life and death is the foundation.

Daode's eyes fluctuated and he remained silent.

Yuanshi glanced at Lingbao, looked at Daode and said, "Big Brother, Third Brother, the cause and effect have been determined, how can we retreat just like that?"

"Besides, big brother, do you see Hongjun in a panic?"

Daode subconsciously looked back and saw that Hongjun was still calm, his eyes were lightly closed, and the Jade Book of Creation was shining with a rosy glow.

In an instant, Daode's thoughts surged in his heart.

Hongjun dared to do this, it is impossible that he did not expect that the whole world would be his enemy, but he still did it.

And he looked unmoved, which seemed to be fearless.

Even if Hongjun failed to control the Heavenly Dao, the thousands of sacred gods present might not be able to do anything to Hongjun.

Don’t you see that Yangmei alone is so powerful, and with Hongjun, what is there to fear?

In such a situation, if the three brothers retreated, it would be tantamount to forming a cause and effect with Hongjun.

After today’s matter is over, Hongjun will definitely settle this cause and effect.

At that time, these sacred gods will not offend Hongjun for the three brothers. At that time, they will be desperate, and that will be the crisis of their death and the disappearance of the Dao.

With this thought, the eyes of morality began to firm up.

"Third brother, your second brother is right. We have no way out."

Then, Daode looked at Dijiang and said solemnly:

"If we are on different paths, we cannot make plans together. Please forgive me, Daoist friend Dijiang."

Dijiang's eyes turned cold, a flash of cold light flashed, and he sneered: "If you are stubborn, don't blame me."

"Start the formation!"

Time is running out. Hongjun may successfully control the way of heaven at any time. Since the Three Pure Ones are unwilling to retreat, there is no need to care about many things.

Originally, the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons evolved the phantom of the Father's true body to deal with Hongjun, but now, we have to cut off the Three Pure Ones first.

Before Dijiang finished speaking, the other ancestors moved one after another, each standing in their own position, and the twelve blood-soaring flags were unfurled.

Boom! ! !

The blood laws rushed one after another, intertwined and converged, evolving infinitely.

In an instant, the breath of Pangu in the world surged from the four poles of heaven and earth, spanning endless time and space, leaping through endless years, responding to Pangu's call.

The boundless and boundless aura gathered and finally merged into a vast and boundless figure.

"Not good!" Daode's pupils shrank slightly, and the hand holding the Tai Chi diagram suddenly tightened, and the boundless Dao rhyme bloomed, turning into an endless river of void:

"Second brother, third brother!"

Yuanshi's eyes shone with brilliant light, and he took a step forward, and the way of opening up the world surged out.

Lingbao was helpless, but he chose to respond without hesitation, and the end of the road interpreted the vastness of the end of the world.

In an instant, three illusory rivers of the road surged, intertwined, and merged.

Opening up, explaining, and ending, the three roads interpret the complete birth and death of the universe.

At the same time, the Yuanshen of the Three Pure Ones was resonating, and the breath belonging to Pangu was blending, and the vast Pangu breath of the world also gathered towards the Three Pure Ones.

Rumble! ! !

In an instant, another boundless Pangu figure appeared.

And unlike the real body evolved by the twelve ancestors, the real body phantom gathered the essence and blood of the twelve ancestors, the twelve blood laws, and evolved the phantom of Pangu Axe.

The Yuanshen Pangu figure had a Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda on his head, and endless Xuanhuang Qi fell, as if covering Pangu's figure with a layer of gorgeous armor, holding a banner in one hand and a map in the other.

It must be said that the two innate treasures have greatly enhanced the combat power of the Three Pure Ones.


Di Jiang roared, and the sound waves rolled out. The void was like a mirror being shattered, turning into crystal fragments flying.

But before it could be dissipated, a beam of axe light passed by, and the space fragments turned into powder.

"Di Jiang, I, the Three Pure Ones, are the authentic Pangu!"

Yuanshi's roar roared out from the shadow of the Yuanshen, and the giant banner in his hand danced, and the chaotic sword energy surged and surged.

The axe light was an illusory axe, containing the power of Pangu's blood and blood, and its power was infinite.

Although the chaotic sword energy was only one-third of the Pangu axe, it was real. Under the urging of the Yuanshen Pangu, it was unparalleled in power.


The extreme sharp edges collided, time and space were cut off, years were cut off, and the sound was annihilated at the moment of collision.

The violent aftermath swept out, as if the horn of a war was blowing, ready to break out.

"Yangmei, die!"

Luohou roared, the four swords of Zhuxian were surging, and the infinite sword energy gushed out, rushing directly towards Yangmei.

"Killing is boundless!" Minghe held two swords, killing light bloomed, and the two swords struck out horizontally.

"Yangmei, make way!" Kunpeng roared, and the vast and boundless magic power urged the Lingbao Palace to suppress it.

"Yangmei, make way!" Ji Meng, Guiche, Qinyuan and other sacred gods roared together and attacked brazenly.

"Yangmei, make way!" Fuxi drew his sword, and Hongyun roared.

Zhenyuanzi, Bai Ze, Fei Lian, Kongming, and Nuwa Yaochi all performed magical powers or sacrificed innate spiritual treasures.

"Yangmei, make way!"

Dijun and Taiyi roared, the Hetu Luoshu was across the sky, and the sound of the chaos bell resounded through the void.

The purple sword shines with starlight, Xihe and Changxi also surge with magic power, the spiritual treasure strikes out, and the law of the moon lingers.

"Yangmei, make way!"

Thousands of sacred roars, countless magical powers bloom with brilliant brilliance, like meteors passing by, countless spiritual treasures are agitated, and various laws suppress it.

Yangmei looked solemn, and sighed helplessly: "It seems that I have to be serious, Hongjun, you have to be faster!"

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