This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 312 Listen to your words! This will never be returned to God!

In a bright palace, Yuan Lian's mouth is full of lotus flowers, he is good at teaching, and gives full play to his eloquent speech ability.

What makes a person alive is fundamental, and dead means nothing.

Some deaths are as light as a feather, while others are heavier than Mount Buzhou!

Why should you risk your own life for someone else's?

Sacred silence, eyes rising and falling slightly, finally sighed: "Fellow Taoist, there is no need to say these polite words. Failure is defeat. That is the path I chose, and I am willing to bear the cause and effect."

"I appreciate Fellow Daoist Honglian's kindness."

"But let me just surrender and forget the cause and effect of the past, I can't do it."

He can accept his failure and admit his own lack of strength, but he cannot deny the past, because that would be denying himself.

Every power group can come together not only because of their interests, but also because they share the same three views and a common philosophy.

Yuan Lian's eyes were dim and she used her final trump card.

"I understand what my fellow Taoist said, but..."

"When Ji An retreated, he chose to abandon you without hesitation. Didn't he abandon the previous path?"

"You became prisoners, and they fled far away. When you arrived in a new area, you were once again the overlord."

He didn't believe the person Yuan Lian was looking at. There was no complaint in these sacred hearts.

Perhaps they were looking for excuses to rationalize extremely dark actions.

The situation is critical and there is no way to save us. We will find various ways to rescue them later.

But in fact, if they become one of the abandoned ones, wouldn't a thought arise in their minds?

Why can't it be me who saves you?


Sheng Sheng fell silent again, his eyes fluctuating violently.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he was indeed unwilling.

I am afraid of comparison in everything. On the one hand, I am reduced to a prisoner, unable to control my life or death. On the other hand, I continue to be free and easy, and continue to pursue the avenue in another place.

In an instant, this feeling of extreme imbalance filled his mind.

Seeing this sacred expression change, Yuan Lian secretly thought something funny, and immediately looked more solemn and said:

"Fellow Taoist, sometimes life and death are just a matter of thoughts. I hope you will think twice!"

Silence, silence again.

Yuan Lian was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

After a while,

He slowly opened his mouth and poured out his thoughts word by word, "I am a sacred person. I understand the Tao, understand the Tao and have a clear mind. The Tao heart is clear. I don't take pleasure in things and don't feel sorry for myself."

"The so-called life and death are just changes from one form to another. Life is the way, and death is also the way." The saint sighed, paused slightly, and then said:

"I am sacred. The meaning of life is to pursue the avenue, to pursue and explore the mysteries of heaven and earth. I am not afraid of the threat of death."

"Even if the Styx wants to kill me, I will be speechless. It's just a pity that the avenue is cut off and I can't go to Daluo in person to see the true splendor of the avenue!"

For the innate holiness, birth is the Tao, existence is the Tao, and death is the Tao. Wandering on the Tao all your life, what is there to be afraid of?

Yuan Lian listened quietly, with an undetectable smile on her lips.

Got it!

Those who are innately holy are never afraid of death. I will not compromise because of the threat of death, but...

I just don’t want to die without any meaning and cut off the path of the great road!

"Hong Lian naturally understands what Fellow Taoist means." Yuan Lian nodded in agreement, "We are innately sacred. Except for the Dao, everything else is foreign. Life and death have long been ignored!"

"It's just that we are all innate saints born from the creation of heaven and earth. The great road lies ahead, and we haven't seen it yet. The stage of the ancient world is so gorgeous, and we have not yet bloomed. To fall and pass away like this, isn't it the vastness of the ancient world? loss?"

Yuan Lian said more and more, his expression became more solemn and slightly excited, "Because of this, I did not hesitate to go against the orders of the Lord of the Styx Palace and find a way out for us and other innate gods."

"I will withstand the pressure from the Lord of the Palace of the Netherworld for you fellow Taoists. I just want you to give in, accept my kindness, and integrate into our Netherworld Palace."

"Of course, this does not mean that fellow Taoists must surrender immediately. At least we can get to know each other for a period of time. I promise that I will not let fellow Taoists participate in the attack, let alone let fellow Taoists and former colleagues fight each other."

There are so many places that need people, and even if they want them to conquer the Netherworld Palace, Styx and the others are not at ease. They just use it to arrange some trivial tasks such as maintaining order and building cities.

As time passed, it gradually integrated into the Netherworld Palace.

Of course, these are all secondary and an excuse. The innate saint itself represents a part of the destiny, and it is greater than the destiny of trillions of living beings.

These are all resources and wealth!


Sheng Sheng wanted to say something else, but Yuan Lian didn't give him a chance and struck while the iron was hot:

"Fellow Taoist, I know what you want to say. The path you chose before was good, but the general trend is rolling forward, so why should you stick to the past?"

"Fellow Taoist, I think back to the time when there was no road ahead. We, the saints, cut through the thorns and thorns to open the way. Now that the road is wrong, will it continue to be wrong?"

"Why not use great perseverance, great wisdom, and great determination to correct the path and try to find a new smooth road instead of following the wrong path and burying everything!"

Yuan Lian said a lot, and he could see that he was already shaken in his heart, but he was still a little hesitant, unable to let go of his dignity and face.

"Fellow Daoist, please consider it carefully. I have said everything. It is up to you to choose." Yuan Lian smiled meaningfully, and then said:

"This palace will be your temporary resting place. See you next time. I hope to walk with you on the road!"

After that, Yuan Lian left.

The sacred looked at Yuan Lian's leaving figure, and his lips slightly opened, but in the end, Nana was speechless, and sighed helplessly in his heart:

"What he said makes sense, but I have nothing to say!"

Soon, Yuan Lian returned to the original place. When the five sacreds saw Hong Lian coming back alone, their eyes suddenly surged, and they were full of thoughts.

Why did Hong Lian come back alone? Could it be...

Yuan Lian saw their expressions change and smiled without saying anything.

This is the effect we want. They are separated one by one, and no one knows whose choice and thoughts.

No one dares to guarantee whether any of them has chosen to surrender.

In this way, they either firmly prove their own way by falling, or Yuanlian plants a seed of thought in their hearts.

If you can surrender, why can't I surrender?

If we lose face, we will lose it together. We are all the same, so there is no difference.

Yuanlian looked at another Taoist friend and smiled softly, saying: "My Taoist friend, come here, Honglian has something to say from the bottom of my heart, and I want to discuss it with you."

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