This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 315 Heavenly Order! Achieving the Great Dao!

Chaos is far away and endless, not only in the sense of space, but also in the concept of time.

Therefore, no one knows the changes in the chaos. Perhaps only Da Luo can see through the fog of time and detect the changes in the layout deep in the chaos.

Time flies, and several Yuanhui days pass in the blink of an eye. During this period of time, there is rare peace and quiet.

The only change is the way of heaven.

After the battle at Yujing Mountain, and after several Yuanhui periods, Tiandao fully took over the order of heaven and earth.

Those countless sentient beings with low strength have not yet clearly felt it, but the beings in the Golden Immortal realm can clearly feel that the way of heaven covers all sentient beings, and the laws and orders of heaven and earth are operating in an orderly manner under its constraints.

The Taiyi saints were even more deeply aware of the changes in heaven and earth. To the surprise of the saints, although the changes in heaven had their drawbacks, they also had many benefits.

The heaven and earth have become orderly, orderly, and have their own laws. The saints are vaguely aware that if the origin of heaven and earth is damaged in the future, disaster will come.

After all, they are innate and sacred, and they were loved by heaven and earth in the past, and their laws were friendly. Even if they occasionally fought and fought, they would inevitably harm the origin of heaven and earth, but heaven and earth did not care at all.

It is still loved now, but there is a supreme will moving heaven and earth, and it becomes a selective affinity.

If you destroy the origin of heaven and earth, then I'm sorry, but you are not qualified to be loved.

Although it is still the same practice and enlightenment, you should understand the laws and understand the laws, but in the past, the laws were friendly and the heaven and earth opened the back door for you. Don't even think about it.

This undoubtedly gave the saints a sense of restraint.

But the benefits are not without them. Today's prehistoric era is under the orderly control of heaven, and the laws are extremely active, as if we have entered a prosperous age of cultivation.

The saints clearly feel that the laws of heaven and earth are getting stronger and more perfect, and the aura of heaven and earth is becoming stronger.

And whether it is intentional or unintentional, when the saints understand the law, the law and order seem to be actively opening up the most essential mysteries to them.

Yujing Mountain.

"Raise your eyebrows, it's time."

Over the course of several Yuanhui, Hongjun completely digested the endless insights brought about by the birth of the Heavenly Dao, and polished his own state to perfection.

He stood up suddenly with raised eyebrows, raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. His eyes were confused for a moment, but became determined again the next moment.

"Countless Yuanhui has practiced hard, and today we have finally reached this point. Pushing this threshold, crossing the past, we will witness a new world!"

Da Luo!

All the realms that are innately sacred and that countless creatures dream of will be revealed in front of him at this moment.

No, it should be said that they...

"Now that you're ready, let's start!"

Hongjun's face was no longer calm. There seemed to be two lights shining through the past and present in his eyes, shining with endless brilliance.

In front of the great attainment of enlightenment, endless time and space, eternity and freedom, even he could not help but become excited.

Hongjun held the jade plate of creation tightly with one hand. There was a demon in the chaos, so he had to be on guard against it.

Buzz! ! !

The vast and majestic aura rushed out, overwhelmingly filling the entire prehistoric universe.

In the starry sky, the four seas of the earth, and the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood, you can feel the boundless atmosphere and power in every corner of the world.

Yujingshan, who had been silent for several Yuanhui, announced his existence so brazenly for the first time.

Declare it to heaven and earth, declare it to countless sentient beings!


I, Hongjun, attain Daluo!

I raise my eyebrows and prove Daluo!

At this moment, in the sky and on the earth, in the vast sea, endless creatures and monsters trembled and prostrated to the ground, worshiping sincerely.

Even the Immortal Golden Immortal couldn't bear it and knelt down to worship. Only Taiyi Sheng could barely maintain his figure and looked at Yujing Mountain with dumbfounded eyes.

The Temple of the Early Yuan Dynasty.

Yuan Lian, Zhen Yuanzi and others appeared in the void. Kong Ming, Hong Yun and others who were in retreat also came out of seclusion instantly and stood in the void, all looking at them.

"Hongjun, it's time to prove your truth!" Zhen Yuanzi said in a faint tone, with an uncontrollable look of envy in his eyes.

The great Luo who proves the truth!

This is the ultimate goal of his holy life. Since the dawn of time, millions of Yuanhui has finally ushered in the first person to realize the divine Daluo.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious.

The incarnation of Yuanlian Yuanshen's eyes were blazing and he said softly: "Not only Hongjun, but also Yangmei!"

"Raising eyebrows? Is he going to become Da Luo too?"

"This, you can prove two Daluo Golden Immortals at once?!"

"Honghuang, things are going to change!"

After hearing what Yuan Lian said, Hong Yun, Bai Ze Fuxi and others couldn't help but speak one after another.

Yuan Lian said no more, her eyes swept across the endless void, staring at the center of the storm.

Buzhou Mountains, Pangu Palace.

The twelve ancestral witches gathered together. Except for Di Jiang, all the ancestral witches looked heavy.

Hongjun and Yangmei's testimony is a good thing for the prehistoric world, which means that the entire prehistoric world has entered a new level.

The two Daluo Dao Fruits are undoubtedly of great help to the way of heaven.

But their testimony is not necessarily a good thing for the Wu clan.

After all, the Wu Clan was on the opposite side of them at the beginning, even though Hongjun himself said that if he kills once, all cause and effect will disappear.

But if someone really cares about you, there are countless ways to plot against you and make you fall silently without even realizing it.

"Brother, Hongjun and Yangmei want to prove their truth. How should we and the Wu clan deal with themselves in the future?" Zhu Jiuyin's eyes flashed with countless images at a rapid speed.

Each scene is a corner of the future of a timeline, and in an instant, there are trillions of infinite numbers.

But no matter how Zhu Jiuyin exerts the power of the bloodline law, the corner of the picture about the future of the witch clan is hazy, shrouded in fog, and cannot be seen clearly.

"Yes, brother, this Hongjun has stolen the way of heaven before, and I am afraid he has other plans for the prehistoric world opened up by the Father God!"


"Okay, everyone is quiet." Dijiang waved his hand and interrupted them:

"You don't have to worry too much. Although the Supreme Daluo is invincible in the prehistoric world, you still have to follow certain established rules in this prehistoric world."


Prehistoric established rules?

But Hongjun is about to prove the way of Daluo. What rules can restrict the Supreme Daluo?

Below Daluo, everyone is an ant.

Zhu Jiuyin and others were a little puzzled, but suddenly, their pupils were shocked.


The only one who can deal with Daluo is Daluo. Although there are Hongjun and Yangmei who are about to achieve Daluo in the prehistoric world, there is also the Heavenly Dao.

Isn't the Heavenly Dao a Daluo without self-will?

And the Heavenly Dao, as my elder brother said, was left by the Father God on purpose.

That means that some of the established rules were left by the Father God, so that Daluo can have to abide by them.


You said Pangu incarnated the world, so what if he doesn't abide by them?

Hehe...Pangu incarnated the world when the world was created.

It should be noted that Daluo, once he has achieved it, he will always achieve it, and he will occupy all timelines of the past, present, and future.

Although Pangu incarnated the prehistoric world with a fearless heart, and the Dao fruit was also integrated into the world, it was equivalent to cutting off the present and making the future confusing, but the past is still there!

At the beginning, Dijiang could forcibly bring a chaotic demon god to the time line of the past, and in the final battle of the chaotic era, he used Pangu's axe light to kill the demon god.

So if Hongjun and Yangmei dared to openly violate the rules set by Pangu, who knows whether a brilliant axe light would fall from the chaos, or Hongjun would blink his eyes and appear in the endless chaos when he opened them again.

Seeing the sudden realization of his brothers and sisters, Dijiang smiled and said nothing more.

But the ancestor witches looked at their eldest brother Dijiang seriously, and couldn't help complaining in their hearts:

"I knew that the father god had passed on more secrets of heaven and earth to you than us, but I didn't expect that you knew so much, brother?"

"And you didn't tell us anything, it's really unreasonable!"

Dijiang knew them very well, and saw through what they were thinking at a glance, and glared at them with a smile, "Well, some things, you will naturally know after you prove the Daluo."

The ancestor witches were helpless and their eyes fell back on Yujing Mountain.

In the Kunlun Mountains, three figures with connected auras stood silently. Above their heads, the Xuanhuang Pagoda dropped billions of Xuanhuang auras that were indestructible and invulnerable to all kinds of attacks, easing the vast and powerful pressure.

They stared into the distance, unable to hide their shock.

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