This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 320 Breakthrough! Late Taiyi stage!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, several Yuanhui have passed.

This is another extremely peaceful time, short and long.

For the successful Golden Immortals and Taiyi Saints, several Yuanhui are just a retreat and a period of practice.

When they come out of retreat, it still seems like yesterday.

But for those creatures who have not achieved the immortal Golden Immortal, the time of several Yuanhui is also a long life.

For those who have not achieved the Golden Immortal, their lives will also come to an end and be swallowed by the ruthless power of time.

For those ordinary creatures, it is an extremely long time, passing away generation after generation, and passing on generation after generation.

This vast wilderness seems to have no effect on them, and their short lives are spent in mediocrity.

In the practice room, the air is filled with mist, and the boundless law and Taoism cover the entire secret room palace.

At this moment, Yuanlian, who was sitting cross-legged like a sculpture, trembled slightly, and gradually a magnificent aura emanated from him.

As time passed, he became more and more detached.


In the sea of ​​consciousness of the soul, the light was dazzling, but the originally vast sea of ​​luck was now only a small lake.

At this moment, in Yuanlian's sight, the infinite rules of heaven and earth surged like silk threads, gathering and arranging in an orderly manner, turning into a mysterious painting of heaven and earth, as if the world was reorganizing, and the mystery of the operation of the law and order was clear at a glance.

"It turns out that my universe is not perfect enough! The law is not perfect enough!" Yuanlian sighed and understood clearly.

However, Yuanlian was not surprised.

After all, there is no way to be holy, and everything depends on oneself. It is inevitable that there will be some mistakes when groping for the way. As long as the direction is correct, it is not a big problem.

And at this moment, with the help of luck, he clearly saw the operation of order, the foundation of heaven and earth.

Yuanlian felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and pleasure in his heart.

In the past years, the confusion and depression accumulated while groping in the darkness where the road ahead could not be seen were all washed and washed away in this moment, just like the snow under the sun, melting away silently.

"With the most correct demonstration, I just need to copy it and modify it!"

With a thought, the Yuanshen universe vibrated, and infinite laws appeared, and they moved slightly.

Yuanlian adjusted the Yuanshen universe slightly, so that the laws of heaven and earth were arranged and combined in the most reasonable way, so that it could fit the prehistoric world and also be more in line with its own Dao fruit.

However, after ten thousand years, his Yuanshen universe was completely perfect, the laws of order were in order, and the way of purifying the world governed thousands of laws and interpreted the world.

"The path of the middle stage of Taiyi has come to an end. The next step is to let your own traces run through the long river of time and space, drop the anchor, and lock your own truth and uniqueness in the endless time and space!"

"After reaching this step, you are in the late stage of Taiyi, preparing for the final ultimate transformation and promotion to Daluo!" Yuanlian felt something in his heart, quietly comprehending the mysteries of heaven and earth penetrated by the burning of luck.

After understanding the way forward, Yuanlian stopped burning luck and slowly stood up.

After slightly adjusting his own state, Yuanlian's eyes were firm, and the majestic and vast divine thoughts spread out, and the magnificent breath also swept the world.

In just a moment, everyone in the Yuanchu Temple noticed the change in qi.

"Hey! It's my father's breath. My father is going to break through. That's great!"

"After my father breaks through, he will soon come out of retreat, so I can travel with my father in the prehistoric world!"

The joyful voice of Qinglian came from under the five pine needles.

"Yuanlian, this is, going to break through?" Yaochi, who was also practicing, paused, without any doubt, and took a step forward.

"Is it going to break through to the late Taiyi stage? It's so fast!" Zhen Yuanzi raised his eyes slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he slowly closed his eyes and continued his enlightenment practice.

Hongyun paused, looking at Yuanlian's retreat in surprise.

"Is it going to break through?"

"The gap is even bigger now!"

"But I, Hongyun, will definitely catch up with you!"

Hongyun chuckled, his eyes were firm, and he was already on the verge of a breakthrough, so he no longer distracted himself.

"Late Taiyi stage! Fellow Daoist Yuanlian, you are really extraordinary!"

"Looking back on the past, I was the first to reach the late Taiyi stage, which is a cause for celebration!"

Bai Ze also woke up from his practice and said with emotion. Immediately, his eyes were firm and his tone was firm:

"But I, Bai Ze, will not fall too far behind. The middle Taiyi stage is just around the corner!"

At the same time, Fuxi, Nuwa, Kongming, and Feilian also felt something. While looking at them in amazement, they also strengthened their determination to break through as soon as possible.

As innate saints, who would be willing to fall behind others?

Yuan Lian didn't know that his breakthrough stimulated them instead. At this moment, he was free from distractions and was fully focused on the breakthrough.

Boom! ! !

Above the void of the Yuanchu Temple, the long river of time rushed out, mighty and majestic.

Yuan Lian raised his head and looked at the mighty river. He took a step forward, and stood in the long river of time while the void was shaking. He stood still despite the rolling waves and the endless power of time.

His divine thoughts spread out, exploring in time with the rushing river, leaving his own traces.

From his perspective, in every time and space he had walked through, there were traces of himself, and there were countless Yuan Lians.

But unlike the Great Luo Supreme, those traces only exist and cannot be true. The only real thing is his present.

Yuan Lian uses the current time node as an anchor, runs through the years, and locks in his own uniqueness.

In a moment, in the long river of time, it seems that millions of years have passed.

Yuan Lian's majestic divine thoughts cover all the past time, run through a time axis, use the current time node as an anchor, and lock in the real uniqueness!

Boom! ! !

The long river stirs up waves, and violent roars resound through endless time and space. The waves of time are surging. Since the moment Yuan Lian was born, one Yuan Lian after another has walked out of the long river of time, tens of trillions of them!

All the Yuan Lians, the Qi and Qi are connected at this moment, and converge on the current Yuan Lian, creating the real and unique him.

A transcendent breath is spreading, sweeping across the infinite parallel universe time and space.

At this moment, Yuan Lian seems to become great and glorious, and his breath is endlessly rising!

Yuanlian's Dao fruit manifested here, connecting the eternal supreme avenue, making the prehistoric world resonate, descending endless laws and great power, and fully interpreting between heaven and earth, explaining the origin, inheritance, and end of the universe!

I don't know how long it has been, the strange phenomena of heaven and earth dissipated, the Dao fruit also disappeared, and the long river of time also faded between heaven and earth.

Above the void, Yuanlian raised his eyes slightly, looked at the vast sky, and smiled.

"At this moment, Taiyi late stage!"


Yujing Mountain.

"Taiyi late stage, interesting, can reach such a point in such a short time!" Hongjun's eyes moved slightly, and his tone was indifferent.

"Even we can't see through his footsteps, this Yuanlian is probably an important chess piece of Pangu." Yangmei frowned slightly, and said in an affirmative tone.

Daluo, omniscient, omnipotent.

But they couldn't see through Yuanlian's footsteps. When they insisted on seeing through its roots from the years, a bright axe light cut off their sight.

Although they were unable to find out his whereabouts, they also understood that there must be some connection between Yuanlian and Pangu.

This made them pay more attention to it.

Hongjun was silent, and countless calculations flashed between his eyes.

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