This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 327: Heaven, Earth and Man! Open up a tunnel!

"The three talents of heaven, earth and man?"

Before Emperor Jiang spoke, Zhu Jiuyin looked at Yuanlian in surprise.

Yuanlian's words seemed to have plucked the strings of fate. Time flowed in Zhu Jiuyin's eyes, and countless pictures flashed by, but no clues could be found.

Dijiang looked at Yuanlian with a meaningful look, and said in surprise: "Yuanlian, you actually know the three talents of heaven, earth and man!"

You know, these secrets of heaven and earth are all inherited from the Father God, and only a few people in the whole prehistoric world know them.

"Brother, what does the three talents of heaven, earth and man mean?" Hearing what Emperor Jiang said, it was obvious that Yuanlian was right, and Ju Mang asked hurriedly.

Dijiang no longer kept the secret and said with a smile: "Yes, the three talents of the prehistoric world, heaven, and man are all the three great ways left by the Father God when he opened up the prehistoric world. The purpose is to allow the prehistoric world to have unlimited development possibilities and truly transcend the way of chaos."

"The way of heaven is the order of law. It governs the operation of heaven and earth, just like a helmsman, leading heaven and earth to a more glorious direction."

"The way of earth is the order of reincarnation, which strengthens the connection between the cause and effect of all beings and heaven and earth."

"The way of man is the order of civilization. The way of man represents all beings. It is a seed left by the Father God for countless beings, and a chance to prove the way of Daluo."

It is true!

According to Dijiang, the three talents of heaven, earth, and man are equal in status, the trinity, and complement each other.

Now that the way of heaven is incomplete, perhaps the way of earth and the way of man should be improved as soon as possible to make the origin of heaven and earth stronger. Perhaps this is Dijiang's plan.

Yuanlian pondered in his heart and said, "What does the eldest brother mean?"

Zhu Jiuyin and Ju Mang also stared at Dijiang closely. This is a major event that concerns the billions of Wu clan members and the prehistoric world.

Dijiang's eyes flashed with brilliant light, and his tone was solemn and firm:

"Now that the Heavenly Dao has come out, we have to deal with the Chaos Demon God, and we must also beware of Hongjun's attempt to control the Heavenly Dao again."

"The first thing we have to do is to maintain the order of heaven and earth, try our best to improve the Heavenly Dao, and enhance the power of the Heavenly Dao."

"Then, we should prepare for the development of underground tunnels."

"As for the civilized order of humanity, the conditions are not yet in place. I am afraid that we have to wait until the world is stable and there is a peaceful soil before the seeds of civilization can grow."

Yuanlian bowed his head silently, and he also agreed with Dijiang's idea in his heart.

It must be said that as the patriarch of the Wu clan, Dijiang's overall view and strategic layout are still very strong.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the civilized order of humanity, Dijiang can perceive the difference in the times and it is difficult to create a civilized order, which makes Yuanlian look at him with new eyes.

It's just the reincarnation of the underground tunnel...Is it really going to be the reincarnation of Houtu?

With this thought, Yuan Lian subconsciously asked: "How should the tunnel be opened?"

"Yes, big brother, how should this tunnel be opened, and what is reincarnation?" Zhu Jiuyin was also confused.

"Big brother, please tell me quickly!" Ju Mang said impatiently with a burning gaze.

You must know that there is no reincarnation in the prehistoric world nowadays. If everything is destroyed and turned into ashes, it will be completely gone.

Unless the Supreme Daluo is willing to take action and reverse the years, and reverse the cause.

But although this is a piece of cake for the Supreme Daluo, not everyone has such great power to make a Supreme Daluo take action.

Dijiang chuckled and said, "According to the information passed down by the Father God, the opening of the tunnel is divided into two steps."

"First, it is necessary to measure the heaven and earth, adjust and sort out the earth veins of the prehistoric world, record the mountains, rivers, and the direction of the spiritual veins of the prehistoric world, and connect them to connect the entire prehistoric world into one."


After hearing what Dijiang said, although they had already expected that it would not be that simple, they were still shocked.

The difficulty is simply too great!

Just talking about measuring the heaven and earth, everyone knows how vast the prehistoric world is.

And this kind of measurement is not the kind of running a circle, but also to sort out the earth veins and spiritual veins little by little, and connect them into a whole.

The difficulty is rising rapidly again. It is not difficult, but the time it takes is exponentially increasing.

And this is just the first step.

Hongjun, he is really abnormal!

When thinking of this, Yuanlian, Zhu Jiuyin, and Ju Mang all had such a thought in their minds.

The underground tunnel is so difficult. I am afraid that even with the power of the Wu Clan and the Yuanchu Temple, it will take at least dozens of Yuanhui time to complete the first step.

But Hongjun alone sorted out the three thousand laws of heaven and earth and successfully gave birth to the Heavenly Dao. How terrifying!

It is true that laymen watch the excitement while experts see the doorway.

Without in-depth understanding, you will never know how difficult it is.

However, after careful consideration, Yuanlian and the others were relieved.

It is right that it is difficult. The world will of the Heavenly Dao and the Underground Dao is directly comparable to the existence of the Daluo Supreme. How can it not be difficult!

"Measure the heaven and earth, sort out the veins of the earth, record the mountains and rivers, and connect the spirit veins... It is exactly the same as Hongjun sorting out the three thousand laws of heaven and earth." Zhu Jiuyin's eyes lit up and he suddenly realized.

"Yes, although it is a little troublesome, it is just a matter of spending more time. It is not difficult. Brother, what is the second step?"

Ju Mang also nodded.

Yuan Lian looked at Di Jiang, his eyes paused slightly, his heart was in turmoil, he thought of something vaguely, and remained silent.

Di Jiang looked at the expectant eyes of his brothers, shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Actually, I don't know what the second step is."

He paused, and then said: "It should require a reincarnation, but I don't know what this reincarnation is."

Zhu Jiuyin and Ju Mang flashed a trace of disappointment when they heard this.

They knew that the eldest brother would not lie to them. If he couldn't say it, he would just not say it. Since he said he didn't know, then he really didn't know.

"Then we'll talk about it later. Anyway, it takes a lot of time to measure the world. Maybe there will be new opportunities by then."

Zhu Jiuyin said indifferently.

"Second brother is right. When the boat reaches the bridge, it will be straightened. After measuring the world, it won't be too late to find the way of reincarnation." Ju Mang echoed.

Only Yuan Lian remained silent and bowed his head silently, but a storm was set off in his heart.

"Reincarnation! Is it really necessary for Hou Tu to become reincarnation?"

"Not necessarily, maybe not?"

Emperor Jiang looked at Yuan Lian and asked, "Yuan Lian, what have you thought of?"

Yuan Lian paused slightly and smiled helplessly: "I am thinking that for such a huge project as measuring the heaven and earth, I may need to call on fellow Taoists from Yuanchu Temple to join me. I wonder if big brother has any objections?"

"Hahaha..." Emperor Jiang laughed, "The Wu Clan is really grateful for the help of fellow Taoists."

"Moreover, opening up the underground tunnel is a contribution to the heaven and earth, and there may be unexpected gains!"

Yuan Lian's eyes moved slightly. Contribution to the heaven and earth, could it be...

Heavenly Merit!

The Heavenly Merit that he has been thinking about, could it be that he will really have it this time?

At the beginning, he was still thinking about hunting fierce beasts and earning merits to sacrifice a post-natal merit spiritual treasure.

Now that I think about it, the Heavenly Dao was still being perfected at that time, so there was no so-called Heavenly Merit at all.

But now, the Heavenly Dao has already had trouble, and maybe there is really merit!

In this case, it makes sense to ask Zhen Yuanzi and the others for help. Although he should be able to ask them for help with his own connections, it is better to have some benefits than nothing.

"If that is the case, I think the Taoist friends from the Netherworld Palace will also lend a hand to the Wu Clan, which will also speed up the progress of measuring the heaven and earth."

Yuan Lian thought for a while and said.

Others don't know the relationship between Minghe and himself, but Dijiang knows it very well.

Opening the tunnel is crucial, and there may be merit rewards. It would be unkind not to ask Minghe and the others.

"Good, you can arrange it." Dijiang nodded and agreed.

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