This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 352: Visit Buzhou Mountain again! Emperor Jun plots against Taiyin!

You know, there are only a few forces that are dividing the prehistoric sentient beings.

The Wu Clan is one, the Heavenly Court is one, the Netherworld Palace, the Yuanchu Temple, and the Dragon, Phoenix, and Kirin Clan are barely counted, plus some large and small forces.

But there are many sacred beings in the world, and most of them do not form cliques.

Don't they want the luck of the world? I'm afraid not?

Maybe they just don't want to fight and kill, and get involved in the cause and effect, so they concentrate on meditation.

But if they have the endorsement of Hongjun, a Daluo, they only need to spread the way to sentient beings, and they can share a share of the luck. Why not do it?

Moreover, Daluo's preaching is also very helpful to their realm of Taoism, and I believe it will definitely attract most of the sacred beings to come.

But based on his understanding of Hongjun, Yangmei always feels that Hongjun's purpose is not simple, but he doesn't know why.

He raised his eyebrows and saw through it without saying anything. He smiled and congratulated: "Fellow Daoist Hongjun is a blessing for all living beings and the world. He should be the ancestor of all living beings!"

Hongjun smiled indifferently and said nothing more.

"Daluo! Daluo! The late Taiyi Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian seem to be only one step away, but in fact, there is a world of difference."

Below Daluo, everyone is an ant!

After witnessing several Daluo conquests, all the innate saints in the prehistoric world understood this truth, including Yuanlian.

After dealing with the dragon clan, Yuanlian did not continue to sort out the water veins and earth veins in the East China Sea, but left it to other Daoists and returned to the Yuanchu Temple on his own.

"It takes a long time to open up the tunnel, and there is no certainty about reincarnation. We cannot put all our hopes on the tunnel."

"The roots of the Return to Chaos Green Lotus cannot be ignored."

"Now that the five lotus platforms have appeared, the Merit Golden Lotus is in Hongjun's hands. It is basically impossible to take it back from him unless you reach Daluo."

"Two of the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth have been obtained, one is in Hongjun's hands, and the other two are scattered in the world. We must find them as soon as possible."

Yuan Lian's eyes condensed slightly, thinking quietly.

As soon as his mind moved, the origin of the lotus platform and the flag surged in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the Yuanshen.

Yuan Lian connected with the origin of these spiritual treasures, hoping to find a clue, even if it was only in one direction.

Unfortunately, as time passed, the secret of heaven did not fluctuate at all.

"It seems that the remaining few flags are either hidden very deep or in a place where the secret of heaven is isolated."

Yuan Lian's eyes flashed with a trace of disappointment.

"Forget it, maybe I really have to wait until the right time, I can't force it."

"But, now that I have nothing to do, I should make a wish!"

Yuan Lian slowly stood up, his eyes looking across the endless void, looking at the mighty pillar of heaven.

"Buzhou Mountain Range!"

If you come to the prehistoric world, if you don't even visit the Buzhou Pillar of Heaven, what kind of sacredness is it!

He had long wanted to travel Buzhou Mountain, not like the last time, mechanically searching for treasures like a detector, but a real tour.

Measure every inch of land, feel the Dao of Pangu the Great, and feel like a pilgrimage.

Practicing is not just about meditating and retreating, comprehending the laws and the great way, feeling the nature of heaven and earth, and the Dao follows nature is also the truth.

With this thought, Yuan Lian no longer hesitated, and said hello to Wusongzhen when he went out, and directly broke through the void and left.

A few decades passed in a blink of an eye.

Outside the Buzhou Mountains, the void fluctuated, creating a ripple. Suddenly, a dark void crack appeared, and Yuanlian emerged calmly.


Waves of mighty pressure filled the air. That was the natural pressure of the Buzhou Mountains, which forced the cultivators below Taiyi to stop at the foot of the mountain.

This pressure was a bit difficult for him at the beginning, but now it is as easy as walking on flat ground.

He took a step forward and stepped onto the Buzhou Heavenly Pillar easily.


As soon as he stepped onto the Buzhou Mountains, his bloodline true body began to operate involuntarily, the physical universe was mighty, and the long river of blood was surging.

"The true body of the ancestor witch! Is it sensing the breath of Pangu the Great, and the skills are running automatically?"

"No wonder Brother Dijiang and other ancestor witches have improved so quickly. It seems that in addition to the help of the Netherworld Blood Sea, the Buzhou Mountains also contributed greatly!"

"Moreover, in addition to being able to stimulate the true body of the bloodline, the Buzhou Mountains have a magnificent Dao, which is also very helpful for comprehending the laws and great ways."

"It is worthy of being the pillar of heaven that was transformed from the spine of Pangu the Great, suppressing the prehistoric world!"

Yuan Lian's eyes were bright. This Buzhou Pillar of Heaven was better than any fairy mountain and blessed land. It was the place closest to Pangu.

Yuan Lian was not in a hurry. He measured the world step by step and comprehended the laws of heaven and earth that were everywhere.

After the battle in the East China Sea, the prehistoric world seemed to fall into a strange calm again, but the subsequent impact of the witch clan combing the tunnels did not decrease at all, but accumulated more and more.

In the sky and the stars, in the heaven, all the gods gathered.

"Heavenly marriage? You two fellow Taoists want to become Taoist couples with Taiyin Xingjun? This..." Ziwei said softly with a gloomy face.

After the battle in the East China Sea, the starry sky returned to the sky. After a period of seclusion, Dijun and Taiyi invited him to the heaven to talk, saying that they had important matters to discuss.

But he didn't expect that it would be such a thing.

You want to find a Taoist partner, what do you want to tell me? What does it have to do with me?

Dijun chuckled, bowed and said: "The emperor is the elder of the starry sky, with a noble status. I hope that fellow Taoists can help my two brothers in this matter. It is most appropriate for the emperor to come forward."

One of them is the Emperor of Heaven and the other is the Emperor of the East. It is not reasonable for them to ask for a Taoist partner.

But if they send subordinates, it would be rude. Besides, the two Taiyin Star Lords are of extremely noble status. Sending subordinates to act as matchmakers would be a waste of the status of Taiyin Star Lord.

Ziwei Emperor is different. His status is equal to Taiyin Star Lord. He is also a strong man in the middle stage of Taiyi. Moreover, they have known each other for countless Yuanhui, so it is easy for them to ask for a talk.

After the battle in the East China Sea, Di Jun and Taiyi deeply realized the gap between the starry sky and the earth.

In the past, Taiyi had planned to use the Taiyin Origin to merge himself with the Taiyin Sun and make himself go further, but Taiyin Star Lord seemed reluctant and postponed it several times.

But Di Jun thought of Taiyin Star Lord's extraordinary strength and planned to give him more time to slowly resolve it.

But now, he also felt a little urgent in his heart. On the road to the great way, one step slow means every step slow. They can't wait any longer.

They must obtain the Taiyin Origin as soon as possible, no matter what means.

Ziwei sighed slightly in his heart, obviously aware of their determination. He was afraid that even if he refused, he would not be able to dispel their idea.

Then in the end, there would probably be a fight.

"Since the two Taoist friends asked, Ziwei should go to Taiyin Star, but..."

Ziwei paused slightly, pondered for a while and said: "But, whether this can be accomplished depends on the intentions of the two Taiyin Star Lords."

Dijun smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter, the emperor just needs to convey the message. My two brothers really love the two star gods, and we should promise them the title of emperor and empress, and jointly rule the heaven."

Taiyi also bowed and said: "No matter what the result is, the emperor is willing to help, Taiyi appreciates it."

Emperor and empress! Rule the heaven together!

Ziwei's heart sank, it seems that Dijun and Taiyi are really determined!

Ziwei paused for a moment, then stood up, "If that's the case, let's get going without further delay."

Di Jun stood up, "Good! I'll trouble you, Your Majesty!"

Tai Yi also bowed and said, "My brother and I are waiting for good news from Your Majesty."

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