This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 402: Strongly wipe out! Return the cause and effect to Luohou!

The devil's way is boundless, a trace of Daluo's will evolves the devil's universe, as if, countless demon gods perform infinite magic, and the devil stains the heavens.

But that is the great power of Daluo. Although it can only show a little under the suppression of the prehistoric heaven, this power still shocks countless sacred watching.

Even the strongest sacred in the late Taiyi period, when they meet in the infinite time and space, they feel a little throbbing in their hearts, as if they are about to pursue great freedom and great freedom.

Even the Taiyi sacred is like this, let alone the creatures in the Xumi Mountain.

At this moment, countless creatures are all crazy, with endless enthusiasm flashing in their eyes, and they want to dedicate everything to the devil, just to enjoy the eternal freedom.

Just when all living beings are possessed by the devil and crazy, a magnificent sound of Taoism is heard.

In the void, the seal shines with infinite rays of light, and trillions of infinite auspicious auras cover the sky.

The rays of light swept across, and the light of the world cleansed the soul, removed all suffering, and solved all difficulties.

All living beings woke up instantly, their eyes were clear, and a faint light flickered in the spirit platform, as if it would be extinguished in the next moment.

This is the self-light of living beings, that light is extremely weak, that trillions, infinite, infinite...

Every living being is like a star in the dark sky, blooming with a faint light belonging to itself, dispelling the boundless darkness, and reflecting infinite time and space.

This is the faint light of living beings, the self of living beings, and the glory of humanity.


At this moment, there are countless living beings blessing, countless living beings gather together, and suppress the devil with humanity!

Humanity is ethereal, and a single individual is like a breeze blowing on the face, but when all living beings gather, the endless breeze gathers, that is the storm that reverses the world and determines the trend.

"How is this possible? How can a mere ant-like creature suppress the will of Daluo?"

Wutian's face changed, his eyes were horrified, and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

The devil was suppressed, and the will of Daluo was imprisoned.

Although it was only a trace of Daluo's will, under the characteristics of Daluo, one is all, and the power is also boundless. There is no resistance under Daluo, right?

Yuan Lian's eyes swept over Wu Tian indifferently, without any intention of explaining.

Yes, only Daluo can deal with Daluo.

It was not Yuan Lian, nor the Merit Spirit Baby, or even the countless sentient beings that suppressed the will of Daluo.

But it was precisely these three who used the Merit Spirit Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor's Seal as a medium, and the will of sentient beings to connect the glory of humanity.

Although humanity has not yet been born, the power of humanity has taken shape in the dark, and it is becoming stronger and stronger.

After suppressing the devil, Yuan Lian stretched out his hand and touched it lightly.


In the invisible dimension of sentient beings, in the time and space where the long river of time is rushing and flowing, a giant palm covering the sky swept by.

In an instant, the past and the future, the infinite time and space, a series of auras were locked, and then... erased!

As Wu Tian said, the gap between the late Taiyi and the late Taiyi is sometimes greater than that between mortals and the sacred.

Now Yuan Lian wants to kill Ji An and others, and he doesn't even need to attack them directly, but directly traces the cause and effect from the root, from the long river of time and space, and erases it from the initial time node, and wipes out all the marks of existence in the present and the future.

Ji An and others were horrified to find that their figures were gradually becoming empty and dissipating, and the root of their existence was being erased.

They wanted to shout for help, but they were powerless, and they couldn't even make a sound, and they only looked at Wu Tian with despair.

Wu Tian was very angry. He was not angry about the fall of Ji An and others, but Yuan Lian's move, trampling his pride under his feet and rubbing it crazily.

"Stop it!" Wu Tian shouted angrily, and a mighty force burst out. A magic hand descended into the long river of time to compete for the time line of the past and future.

Yuan Lian glanced at him with disdain, "Just you?"


The innate treasure Chaos Bell sounded again, and the melodious bell sound carried the irresistible power of heaven and earth, imprisoning time and space, and defining the order of laws.

The monstrous magic hand paused first, and then completely collapsed, and with it also dissipated Ji An and his group.

Their aura, life marks, and all traces of existence in the past, present and future all dissipated.

There was no birth of them in the past, no existence of them now, and no trace of them in the future. They never existed in the prehistoric world.

Unless there is a Daluo Supreme in the future, who penetrates endless time and space, and infinite time and years, otherwise, the future will never know that there were them in the prehistoric world.

Wu Tian glared at him, but he was powerless, and anger and powerlessness filled his heart.

After coming to the prehistoric universe for so long, this was the first time he felt this kind of powerlessness.

Yuan Lian ignored what he thought and said calmly, "The one who offended the Netherworld Palace has fallen, and this cause and effect is also settled. You can go back to your demon universe."

He had no intention of killing Wu Tian at all. Just kidding, a mere Wu Tian can be used to repay a cause and effect of the Great Luo Supreme. This wave of blood profit!

Wu Tian was silent.

Yuan Lian's eyes were slightly cold, "Don't want to leave? Or are you unwilling?"

"In this case, then I will suppress you and throw you out of the prehistoric world."

Not killing Wu Tian is because the value of not killing is higher, in order to repay Luo Hou's cause and effect.

He sold Luo Hou's face, but it does not mean that he will be polite to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian and Luo Tian, ​​how can Yuan Lian not understand.

Wu Tian's weight may not be enough to repay a Great Luo cause and effect, but Luo Tian is enough.

"Suppress me, try it!" Wutian was unwilling to fail like this.

Yuan Lian didn't talk nonsense. Just when he was about to activate the innate treasure to completely suppress Wu Tian, ​​a hearty laughter sounded in the void.

"Hahahaha... Little friend Yuanlian, I have only been away for a few Yuanhui, and you have made such great progress in your Taoism. You can look forward to it!"

The void shook, and Rahu appeared naturally, as if he had always been here.

"Fellow Taoist Luohu, you are so complimentary." Yuan Lian smiled and saluted with a very polite attitude.

"Master." Wutian bowed and silently retreated behind him.

Luo Hu said 'hmm', nodded slightly in response, then looked at Yuan Lian and said, "Young friend Yuan Lian is interested, I accept this favor."

Yuan Lian chuckled lightly, "Shan, I will remember the help I received from fellow Taoists in the past. This can be regarded as the settlement of cause and effect."

Luo Hu smiled and nodded. Of course he knew that using Wutian to offset a cause and effect was not worth it to him.

But he didn't care at all, because sometimes, the progression of a relationship does not necessarily depend on arrears of karma. If you give too much favor and owe more karma, it may not be a good thing.

Perhaps like this, a cycle of cause and effect, the effect may be better.

Suddenly, Luo Hu's expression changed, his warm smile just now turned cold, and he looked towards Mingming.

"What are you looking at? The Great Desolate World is not yours. I can come when I want and leave when I want. What can you do to me?"

Yuan Lian: "..."

The corner of Yuan Lian's mouth twitched slightly. Of course he knew who Luo Hu was talking to.

With such an attitude, and the gaze that he could not detect, it was obviously only Hongjun, the Great Luo Supreme.

Dao and demons are not mutually exclusive, so it is normal for Luo Hu's appearance to attract Hongjun's attention.

In fact, Hongjun should have noticed Wutian's appearance a long time ago, but just ignored it.

After the words fell, the world did not change at all.

Luo Hu felt bored, looked at Yuan Lian and said calmly, "Let's go."

After saying that, he waved his hand and directly took Wutian and disappeared into the wild world.

Yuan Lian watched Luo Hu leave, then looked at Zhen Yuanzi and fellow Taoists Ming He, and said with a smile, "Go back and talk."

Yujing Mountain.

Hongjun stood quietly, motionless, his eyes becoming more and more indifferent.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... aren't you angry?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at his old friend in amazement, saying with sincere admiration. (End of chapter)

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