This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 426 Daluo's Taoism! Those who learn from me will live, those who imitate me will perish

Time is long, and for the prehistoric world, ten thousand years is too short, and it can be said to be fleeting.

At this moment, outside the Heavenly Palace, millions of Golden Immortals are sitting cross-legged, or closing their eyes to concentrate, or chatting...

At this time, in the main hall, a group of high-level Heavenly Palace officials are also gathered inside.

Except for the Queen Mother of Yaochi sitting at the top, the Heavenly Palace Princess Qinglian standing beside her, and the Emperor Ziwei and the two Taiyin Star Lords sitting on the left and right, the rest are all excited and full of expectations.

Ten thousand years of time is so short, but for them, it is so long.


A loud bell sounded in the starry sky, announcing that this grand era belonging to the starry sky is about to begin.

Above the void, a magnificent palace emerged.

In the expectant eyes of millions of Golden Immortals, the magnificent gate opened, and one of the Taoist platforms could be vaguely seen standing, with a tall figure sitting cross-legged on it.


The starry sky roared, and the infinite starlight surged, turning into a starry avenue.

At this moment, Yao Chi and Qing Lian took the lead in walking out of the hall, followed by Emperor Ziwei, Taiyin Star Lord, Twelve Ancestral Witches, Zhen Yuanzi and other Taiyi Star Lords.

"We greet the Queen Mother, Emperor, and Star Lords!"

The Golden Immortals bowed and greeted.

Yao Chi waved her hand and smiled, "No need to be polite. Today is the day when the Emperor of Heaven will give a lecture on the avenue. You don't have to be restrained."

After that, she took the lead and stepped into the hall on the starry avenue.

But in a moment, all the Taiyi sacred gods and star gods entered the hall, and then millions of Golden Immortals entered in an orderly manner.

Until the last Golden Immortal entered the hall, the starlight surged and turned into a Milky Way, and the door closed with a bang in the brilliant Milky Way, turning this place into a time and space beyond the universe.

At this time, everyone noticed that on the hall, three supreme spiritual roots were located on each side, and the freely stretched branches and leaves covered the dome.

They were the three supreme innate spiritual roots of Huangzhongli, Wusongzhen and Fusang Shenshu!

The gods just glanced at them and then sat down.

Although there were millions of people, there was silence!

At this moment, all eyes were focused on the figure on the Taoist platform, becoming the only one in this world.

He is the light, the Tao!

"I will start from the Tao of Golden Immortal to explain its origin and evolve the Tao. How much you can gain depends on your own understanding."

Yuanlian's eyes swept over everyone, and his tone was as calm as water.

"The Tao of Golden Immortal is to observe the way of heaven, so it follows the way of heaven and earth. The five elements of heaven and earth are the foundation of all ages, and also the foundation of the Tao..."

A mysterious and ancient Taoist sound lingered in the silent hall, and the plain Taoist sound was showing the most magical changes.

The laws are moving. The five most basic laws are given different colors. They are intertwined and combined, mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and then they fuse and derive new laws, and then continue to combine and extend, endlessly...

Every Golden Immortal has his eyes intoxicated, his face shows silent joy, and his heart is an unprecedented sense of exhilaration.

The confusion accumulated in the past years, the confusion and unknown about the future, are all washed away by the sound of Tao at this moment, like spring snow, melting into the invisible.

Not only the Golden Immortal, but even the Taiyi Golden Immortal also benefited greatly, silently adjusting his foundation to be in harmony with Tao!

The Great Luo Supreme, omniscient, omnipotent, and familiar with all laws, his vision is far-sighted, how can the Taiyi Golden Immortal compare?

Even the twelve ancestor witches were greatly shocked, and their blood seemed to be pulled by a kind of mysterious rhythm, evolving with the Tao rhyme!

Dijiang's calm eyes were moved, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face, looking at Yuanlian with a meaningful look.

The other ancestor witches also paused, and there was a moment of surprise, followed by an unexpected surprise.

They looked at each other and understood that everyone had the same blood changes.

Dijiang looked back and shook his head at his brothers and sisters, indicating that they should not disturb everyone's enlightenment.

The ancestor witches nodded silently and began to carefully experience the changes in their own blood.

Zhulong and Dijiang looked at each other, and in an instant, it seemed that thousands of thoughts converged.

Zhulong looked at Yuanlian on the Taoist platform, and his eyes showed a look of realization.

So that's it!

Yuanlian is a Daluo Jinxian, but also an ancestor witch!

Time is long, and years are fleeting!

In a blink of an eye, a multi-dimensional meeting passed, and the magnificent vision with no beginning and no end gradually faded, until the last wisp of the five elements law dissipated, and the magnificent sound of Tao sounded again in everyone's heart.

"The way of the Golden Immortal is here, and next I will evolve the way of Taiyi!"

Boom! !

Suddenly, millions of Golden Immortals were shocked, and the Dao heart that had just woken up from the intoxication became excited and hot again.

Preaching the way of the Golden Immortal is to consolidate the cultivation and improve the Dao, to let them see the way forward clearly, eliminate the drawbacks, and consolidate the foundation.

And the next Taiyi Dao is their opportunity to break through and the direction of the Great Dao.

The Taiyi Golden Immortals are even more focused, their eyes are shining.

Even the twelve ancestor witches are solemn and listen attentively.

"The way of Taiyi is to hold the way of heaven, which is called acting on behalf of heaven. Taiyi is like the world in one body, and it is one, that is, all..."

The sound of Tao rumbles, evolving endless wonderful appearances in the void.

A most core and fundamental law gives rise to three thousand laws, which are interconnected, create vitality, and derive matter... just like pieces of bricks and stones that fit together perfectly, constructing a vast and boundless real universe.

Three thousand laws are taking shape, rules are being formulated, they are interpreting to their heart's content, explaining the origin of the universe...

At this moment, the supreme mystery of Taiyi opening up the real world is displayed in front of everyone.

Especially for millions of Golden Immortals, at this moment, their eyes are fanatical, and their minds are filled with great joy!

The Taiyi Golden Immortals are also greatly shocked. Under the eternal and endless perspective of the Supreme Daluo, the universe that is interpreted is the Tao itself, a perfect and complete road that leads directly to the other side of Daluo.

It turns out that the universe can be like this!

It turns out that my universe still has so many flaws!

At this moment, their Yuanshen universe follows the rhythm, making subtle adjustments, making their own universe more perfect and their own path towards perfection.

At the same time, the physical universe of the twelve ancestor witches is also undergoing magical creation.

In the physical universe, every drop of blood is boiling, and the vast and endless blood is undergoing endless permutations and combinations.

Under the unnoticed robe of the ancestor witch, countless patterns of laws appeared on the skin, which intertwined with each other, outlining an ancient and vast picture of the universe.

Even the three top-grade spiritual roots were swaying their branches silently. Unknowingly, their bodies were compressed little by little, and their breath became heavier and heavier.

Everyone was immersed in the boundless Dao rhyme. The Golden Immortals were extremely active in their minds, unwilling to miss any changes, and imprinted everything as much as possible.

The Taiyi Golden Immortals were confirming each other, confirming themselves with the flawless universe of Daluo, and making fine adjustments little by little.

They did not copy it completely to change their own way, because this was a big mistake!

After all, this was Yuanlian's Daluo way, not their Daluo way. If they really developed their own way towards Yuanlian's way, then in the end, they would lose their true self... The consequences were unimaginable!

The Dao was speechless, only the infinite Dao rhyme filled the vast hall. (End of this chapter)

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