This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 437: Difficult? Then don’t do it!

In the western part of the prehistoric world, the Jieying Divine Court lives in a corner, commanding the surrounding trillions of miles of heaven and earth, as well as the small worlds that evolved from the prehistoric universe.

In this small world, the Jieying Divine Court has absolute dominance.

The two masters of the Divine Court, Jieying and Zhunti, gathered hundreds of Taiyi Gods with great wisdom and laid a foundation in this world.

Countless creatures thrive in this world, gathering into cities and kingdoms.

But without exception, whether it is a city, a kingdom, or even an entire small world, it is controlled by one or several Taiyi Gods.

They spread their own Taoism, educate sentient beings, and guide sentient beings to practice and realize the Tao, so as to strengthen their luck.

This is a prosperous era for practice, and everyone can practice Taoism.

Despite this, there are still very few who can really achieve something. The vast majority of ordinary creatures find it difficult to achieve the foundation of immortality, and those who can achieve immortal golden immortals are even rarer.

Those who have not become Golden Immortals, in their short cultivation life, may not even be able to step out of the sphere of influence of the Guiding Divine Court, let alone appreciate the true wonders of the prehistoric world.

Only by becoming a Golden Immortal can one truly know the vastness of the prehistoric world and yearn for the wonders of the prehistoric world.

As long as one can prove the status of Golden Immortal, he will be absorbed by the Guiding Divine Court and become a member of the Divine Court.

But this small piece of heaven and earth, with hundreds of Taiyi Gods gathered, inevitably caused a lot of friction, and the undercurrents under the calm lake of the Guiding Divine Court were also surging.

After all, the area is so small, there are only so many small worlds, the number of creatures is limited, and the luck is also limited.

The great way needs to be fought for, and the luck must be fought for!

At this moment, dozens of Taiyi Gods gathered in the Supreme Hall of the Guiding Divine Court.

"Lingmu, you have crossed the line!" A Taiyi late stage god said with an unexpected look.

The sacred look called Lingmu said calmly, "Fellow Daoist You'an, this is not my fault."

"Nowadays, the prehistoric world is full of vitality and endless creation. Fellow Daoist's Nine Nether Dao is relatively quiet, which has caused some cultivators to turn to my Qingmu Dao."

"I did not spread the Dao in Fellow Daoist's Nine Nether Realm."

You'an snorted coldly, "Don't think I don't know. Although you didn't do it yourself, you allowed your Golden Immortals to sneak into my territory to preach."

Lingmu sneered and said confidently, "Empty words are not enough. What evidence do you have?"

You'an was furious, "Humph, if you hadn't done it secretly, how could a mere Golden Immortal slip away from under my nose?"

When his own luck changed, You'an noticed something was wrong.

He immediately swept his mind across the Nine Nether Realm he led and tens of thousands of small worlds under his command.

You didn't know until you checked it out. You were shocked when you checked it out.

Someone actually dared to spread other sects in the Nine Netherworld, and even infiltrated dozens of small worlds without leaving any trace.

You'an was immediately furious and made a direct move to capture him.

But unexpectedly, just as he made a move, the golden immortal suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Moreover, the memory traces of all the cultivators who had contact with this golden immortal were modified, and the traces left in the long river of time were also covered up.

To be able to do all this and make myself in the late Taiyi period unable to see through it, the strength of the person who made the move must be no less than myself.

Although there was no clue, You'an still found traces from those creatures who changed their cultivation. The sect they practiced was the Qingmu Dao.

In this way, there was this confrontation in the Divine Court.

"So there is no evidence?" Lingmu said indifferently, "In that case, please don't talk nonsense and slander the innocence of this poor Taoist."

You'an's face was extremely gloomy, "How can this be, you are bullying me too much!"

Before he finished speaking, a surging breath surged, and the mighty pressure of Taiyi Jinxian spread out, as if a dark and deep netherworld universe was pressing down.

"Unreasonable slander, are you going to fight with me!" Lingmu also snorted coldly, took a step forward, and the vast and majestic aura swept over.

At the same time, behind Lingmu, several Taiyi friends also stepped forward together, and the surging pressure was like a wave, instantly overwhelming You'an Sacred.

"Hmph, do you think we don't exist?"

At this time, several Taiyi Sacreds also walked out behind You'an.

Bursts of roars sounded, the void was shattered, and waves of void storms raged in the void.

Although it was only the pressure of Qi, its power was enough to destroy countless small worlds.

For a moment, the two sides were on edge and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point.


At this time, Jie Yin, the head of the Divine Court, had to speak.

"We are all Taoist friends, why do this!"

Jie Yin took a step forward and stood in the center of the collision of Qi between the two sides, allowing the surging pressure to bombard him with a calm face.

Zhunti on the side also looked at them with an unpredictable expression, and his Qi was not released.

There are hundreds of divine beings in the Jie Yin Divine Court, and the relationships are complicated. Many forces are intertwined, forming small hills.

Although Jie Yin and Zhunti joined forces to suppress the other divine beings, they did not have absolute strength, which also led to the current situation where each of them had their own thoughts.

But no matter what, Jie Yin and Zhunti are still nominally the Lord of the Divine Court and the leader of everyone. In addition, they are powerful and have considerable power.

Seeing the two court masters act like this, You'an, Lingmu and others had to take a step back and calm down the pressure.

Jie Yin nodded slightly and chuckled, "I already understand this matter. It's just a little bit of luck. I don't want to hurt the friendship of fellow practitioners."

After saying that, Jie Yin looked at Ling Mu Taoist, "I believe that the preaching was definitely not instructed by you, or that the evil Golden Immortal used you's name to collect fortune. If you know who the Golden Immortal is, you might as well hand it over to you, and that will be the end of this cause and effect."

"What do you think?" Jie Yin looked at You'an again, his face peaceful.

You'an's eyes moved slightly, and he was silent for a while, then smiled, "Since it is what you said, how can You'an not respect it."

"Good!" Jie Yin put his hands together to salute, smiled and nodded.

In this way, the key to the matter fell on Ling Mu Taoist.

Everyone's eyes gathered together, and they saw Ling Mu Taoist bowed his head slightly, his face solemn, and he didn't say a word.

In an instant, the huge hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

After a while, Lingmu Taoist slowly raised his head, looked directly at the gods, and said firmly: "I don't know about the Golden Immortal who preaches."

When these words came out, all the gods were stunned.

Jie Yin's face was slightly gloomy, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

You'an looked at Lingmu Taoist with a slightly surprised look, but a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

"Good, good, what a good Lingmu Taoist!"

Originally, Jie Yin just asked Lingmu to hand over the person, and he was dissatisfied without any other measures.

But, Jie Yin Court Master spoke, and out of face, this favor had to be sold.

Unexpectedly, Lingmu Taoist refused directly, so the two court masters couldn't say much, and they might even directly become his helpers.

In fact, although Lingmu Taoist's choice surprised him, it was also reasonable.

After all, everyone knew the facts.

That Golden Immortal must be under the command of Lingmu Taoist. If he easily surrenders himself to take the blame at this moment, although the current cause and effect can be resolved, there will be endless troubles in the future.

The Taiyi Sheng of the Lingmu family must be suspicious. Today, Lingmu can betray the Golden Immortal's subordinates. Will you betray us in the future to protect yourself?

Once people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to heal!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the Taiyi Sheng behind Lingmu also has a firm gaze and is united.

Jieyin also wants to understand this point, and then he can only smile bitterly.

The dark eyes are moving, adding fuel to the fire, "Daoyou Jieyin, you see, it's not that I don't want to end the cause and effect, it's that Lingmu bullies me too much!"

Jieyin sighed lightly, silently took a step back, and looked at Zhunti.

The latter nodded slightly, smiled back, and his eyes conveyed the message of "just leave it to me".

Jieyin understood and handed the home court to Zhunti.

Zhunti's eyes turned cold, staring straight at Lingmu and his party, and said coldly, "Fellow Daoist Lingmu, you are making it very difficult for me to deal with you!"


"Then don't do it!"

Suddenly, a cold and ruthless voice sounded in the void, surrounding the magnificent hall.


A burst of brilliant light shone, and the Bodhi formation was triggered.

"Hmph, fellow Daoist, how dare you break into my divine court formation?" Zhunti snorted coldly, looking at the void with a bad tone.

At the same time, except for the Taiyi Shengsheng who was in seclusion, the others were all alarmed, and their figures emerged, looking at the sky together.

"A mere small formation can't stop the footsteps of this emperor." Outside the formation, Fusang, who was wearing a flaming emperor robe, looked down from above, with a little disdain in his calm eyes.

The person who came was Fusang, and behind him were two Taoist children who followed him. They were the water baby and the fire baby among the seven gourd brothers who had just transformed. (End of this chapter)

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