This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 447: In the name of the father, the unfilial son Sanqing is expelled!

Silence! Deathly silence!

In the vast Zixiao Palace, a pin drop could be heard.

Daozu compromised!

In his own Dao field, he was extremely frustrated and compromised.

For a moment, people's hearts were in turmoil.

Hongjun closed his eyes tightly, looking indifferent and indifferent.

The Three Pure Ones were shocked and angry, and their eyes swept over Yuanlian with a cold look, and then fell on Dijiang.

Jieyin and Zhunti remained calm and quietly distanced themselves from the Three Pure Ones.

Randeng didn't know when he was already in a corner of the hall, with his head lowered, as if he had blended into the environment.

As for the many innate gods, they also had different thoughts.

Those who were on good terms with the Three Pure Ones had a trace of worry in their eyes, but deep in their eyes were expectations, excitement, and a little uneasiness!

The gods under the Jieyin Divine Court had shining eyes and were excited.

As for the many free and easy innate saints, they did not hide their joy, secretly hoping that the Three Pure Ones would not become their disciples, so that they would have a chance to replace them.

Yuan Lian ignored all this, smiled and nodded at Di Jiang, indicating that he could just do his own thing.

Di Jiang smiled back, and then looked at the Three Pure Ones with a cold expression, "For the sake of the Father God, I will ask you one last time, do you want the Father God's legacy, the glory of Pangu's authentic ancestry, or do you want to become a disciple of others and receive charity from others to prove your Dao?"

Di Jiang paused slightly, looked deeply at the Three Pure Ones, and then said:

"This is your last chance, don't make a mistake!"

Although it was not said explicitly, Di Jiang's hint was already very obvious.

The prehistoric world was opened up by the Father God. Although the Father God died in the past, he still left a legacy.

Moreover, proving the Dao of Daluo is the way to perfect oneself and perfect oneself, and to reflect the heavens and the worlds with one's own Dao, and achieve eternal immortality.

If you use the ways of others to fill yourself, even if it is barely perfect, is that your own way?

Perhaps it was because they saw that Dijiang's attitude was not as tough as before, or perhaps they felt the kindness in Dijiang's words, or perhaps they were of the same bloodline as Pangu, the Three Purities hesitated.

The Three Purities asked themselves, they can have today's achievements, can become the top batch of the innate sacred in the prehistoric world.

Although it is inseparable from their own hard practice, they have to admit that Pangu's legacy has also helped them a lot.

That is their own foothold, the origin of the Three Purities.

But just when they hesitated, Hongjun on the high platform moved.

I saw him slowly spread his right hand, and several misty purple air flowed between his palms, sometimes colliding, sometimes separating, and the vast and boundless law and Tao rhyme diffused out.

Just one look, it seems that you are about to comprehend the supreme way, understand the laws of heaven and earth, and prove the supreme Daluo Dao fruit.

Instantly, all the innate sacred eyes converged on the endlessly rotating purple air, their hearts were shaken, and the desire and greed in their eyes were not concealed.

The innate sacreds are free from vulgar tastes and far away from the reversal of right and wrong, but they are not without desires.

The pursuit of the great way is the greatest desire of practitioners.

It’s just that some sacreds can face it, conquer desires with great wisdom and perseverance, and turn them into motivation to climb to a higher realm and pursue a deeper great way.

And some people who are not firm in their hearts or have too much desire will suffer the consequences. The more they seek the way, the more they deviate from the way, and finally they can’t get the right result.

Di Jiang glanced at the purple air that faintly exuded the breath of the law of heaven, and didn’t say much, just silently waiting for the Three Purities to make a decision.

"Tsk tsk... Is this the so-called Hongmeng purple air?" Yuan Lian glanced at the Hongmeng purple air in Hongjun's hand, speechless in his heart, "Isn't this the origin of the Heavenly Dao?"

"Sure enough, this guy secretly did something when he opened up the Heavenly Dao, and somehow he got the origin of the Heavenly Dao."

The Heavenly Dao is the embodiment of the highest order of the prehistoric world, and the gathering of all laws and orders.

And if you achieve the Dao of Daluo, you will be eternally free in endless time and space, and you can instantly penetrate all the laws and orders of the world.

And Hongjun's move is just the opposite, allowing the Three Pure Ones to first penetrate all the laws of the world, instantly perfect their own Dao, and then achieve the Daluo Dao fruit.

What a hand that reverses the cause!

"Brother! The Hongmeng purple air is important. After achieving the Dao of Daluo, you will be eternally free. At that time, what is the meaning of the so-called following?"

Looking at the purple air emitting boundless Dao rhyme, Yuanshi's eyes flashed with a trace of anxiety, and his mind was turbulent.

Although Yuanshi has always been proud of his Pangu authentic origin, in front of Daluo Daoguo, origin and background seem to become less important.

After all, no matter how good the origin is or how strong the background is, it is just a joke in front of the absolute strength of Daluo Jinxian.

The Yuanlian in front of him is the best example.

Daode was silent for a while, as if he had made some kind of decision. The hesitation in his eyes disappeared, replaced by determination.

He looked at his third brother, and just one look expressed everything.

Lingbao looked at his eldest and second brothers, and then looked at the misty purple air full of endless temptation, his eyes full of struggle.

"Third brother!" Yuanshi couldn't help but speak.

"Third brother!" Daode called softly.

Seeing that the two brothers had made up their minds, Lingbao's eyes flashed with a trace of bitterness, his eyes closed lightly, and nodded heavily.

Yuanshi's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Di Jiang, you don't need to say more. We, the Three Pure Ones, worship Hongjun Daozu as our master in order to pursue the great way and to educate all living beings in the prehistoric world. We have not abandoned the glory of Pangu!"

At this time, Daode also took a step forward, cupped his hands towards Dijiang and said, "Fellow Taoist Dijiang, we are sacred. Although we are favored by heaven and earth, you all know how difficult it is to seek the way."

"In the past, Father God Pangu also cut through the vast chaos that gave birth to himself, opened up the ancient world, and created order in order to pursue the supreme road."

"What I am doing today, Sanqing, is also imitating Father God. I believe Father God can also understand our desire to seek the truth!"

Although Lingbao did not speak, it was obvious that the Three Pure Ones were advancing and retreating at the same time, and his choice was self-evident.

As soon as these words came out, all the ancestral witches felt their blood boiling, and the whole witches were about to explode with anger.

If his eldest brother hadn't been present and he was in the Zixiao Palace, he would have definitely risen up and killed him.

Yuanlian watched this scene quietly, with no desire to remind Sanqing.

You have to walk the path you choose even on your knees!

That's how I came here at first.

The corner of Di Jiang's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled angrily, "Okay, okay... you are really a great son of Father God!"

"You have the nerve to compare yourself to Father God?"

"Father God killed three thousand Chaos Demon Gods in chaos, used supreme wisdom to evolve order out of disorder, used supreme magic power to open up the ancient world, and integrated his own Taoism into the heaven and earth, creating you all!"

"You have sacrificed yourself and your feet in order to pursue the Daluo Dao Fruit today. Are you worthy of comparing yourself to God the Father?"

The more Di Jiang spoke, the angrier he became, his tone rising and his blood boiling.

"Moral man, do you think Father God will understand your desire for truth?"

"What you say doesn't count. Let Father God come and talk to you in person. Let's see if God Father understands your evil son's desire for enlightenment!"


What's the meaning?

Sanqing was stunned for a moment and had not yet reacted, but the next moment, his pupils trembled.

Before the words were finished, under the horrified eyes of Sanqing, the twelve ancestral witches moved around, with a small flag appearing in each hand.

Twelve Capital Gods Formation!

Regarding the Wu Clan's peerless formation, no matter whether it is Sanqing or everyone here is innately divine, they all know it very well.

In this Zixiao Palace, under the nose of Taoist Hongjun, although they felt safe and secure, the saints still retreated tacitly and gathered around a corner of the high platform.

Jie Yin, Zhunti and Ran Deng silently retreated behind Hongjun.

In an instant, in the huge hall, in the most conspicuous middle area, only the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Sanqing were left.

In just an instant, a large array formed, the boundless blood surged, the twelve sets of laws shone brightly, and in an instant, the immeasurable and vast Pangu's true form suddenly emerged.

Fortunately, Zixiao Palace is also infinitely vast, so it can accommodate this Pangu figure who stands tall on the sky and the earth.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches activated the formation to gather Pangu's true form, but not for a fight. Pangu's figure spoke, and Di Jiang's majestic and vast voice came out.

"Father, God above, I have Di Jiang, a descendant of the Pangu bloodline, to tell you. God, please listen!"

boom! ! !

The mighty sound of the Tao swept through the heavens and resounded throughout the entire prehistoric world.

Boom! ! !

In the center of the prehistoric earth, the Buzhou Mountains that had stood for countless years shook violently, as if responding to the call of blood.

Between the heaven and the earth, the vast aura spread out, sweeping all living beings in an instant, sweeping across the endless land, and then spreading throughout the starry sky.

At this moment, it seems as if the world is resurrecting and Pangu’s will is returning!

"Dijiang, stop!" Daode Wuwei's heart was shaken, his eyes were about to burst, and his past image was completely destroyed.

"Di Jiang Zhuzi! How dare you do this!" Yuan Shi's eyes were blood red, filled with endless killing intent.

Lingbao's eyes were horrified, and a terrifying aura surged, as if the universe was coming to an end, everything was destroyed, and everything had come to an end.

They never expected that Di Jiang could awaken Pangu's will from the dark side.

Pangu fell in the past years, transformed into heaven and earth, and his will naturally dissipated between heaven and earth. However, Dijiang's move was actually to use Pangu's bloodline to connect with the remaining Pangu imprint of Buzhou Sacred Mountain, to gather Pangu's breath in heaven and earth, and to condense the energy in the dark. Pangu’s will.

Although this is still not Pangu's original will, it is just a trace of the instinct that remains in the world, which makes Sanqing panic.

Boom! !

The next moment, the boundless Pangu will descended from Zixiao Palace.

At the same time, the will of Heaven was also awakened, and the light of Heaven covered Zixiao Palace, watching all this.

Di Jiang didn't pay any attention to Sanqing's incompetent rage. He controlled Pangu's real body and bowed down.

"Di Jiang, a descendant of Pangu's bloodline, is now the descendant of God Father. Pangu Sanqing, as a descendant of Pangu, does not want to create the world and does not abide by the dignity of God Father. Now, in the name of Pangu Authentic Sect, he has changed into the Xuanmen Taoism."

"This kind of behavior makes God angry and people resentful. I hope my father will see to it!"

Di Jiang's words were resounding, but in Sanqing's eyes, they were like a heavy hammer that shattered their Taoist hearts.

Sanqing wanted to argue, but the boundless Pangu aura surged and shook, and the endless pressure made them kneel on the ground, without even the strength to speak.

Although Pangu's will could not speak, this situation had already explained everything.

Pangu's real body trembled slightly, as if he felt the message conveyed by God Father's will, and nodded softly: "I understand!"

Following the guard, Di Jiang looked at Sanqing and his tone was extremely cold:

"My Emperor Jiang, inheriting the will of Father God, in the name of Father God Pangu, expelled Taiqing Daode, Yuqing Yuanshi, and Shangqing Lingbao from Pangu's portal, and took back the names of Pangu's authentic sects!"

"From now on, there will be no more Pangu and Sanqing, and the Sanqing and Pangu will no longer have anything to do with each other!" (End of this chapter)

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