This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 96 The Final Ceremony

But in the next moment, the purple leaf rune on the ground quickly floated up and flew towards Carly not far away at a very fast speed.


The purple leaf rune fused in the palm of Carly's right hand echoed with the flying purple leaf rune, making the latter circle around Carly and finally merged into the palm of Carly's left hand.

The two purple leaf runes echoed each other, covering Carly's hands with a faint purple halo.

"My lord." At this time, the two second-level wizard apprentices including Gagarin took the initiative to help Lucian clean up the battlefield, especially the student of Bennett before, whose attitude seemed a bit flattering.

However, after being roasted by the wicker man, the spoils of the dead wizards were basically burned to ashes. For example, Bennett's storage ring had been completely roasted into a pile of scrap iron at this time, and the space structure inside was completely destroyed. The items stored inside were also swept into the space turbulence as the space collapsed.

There were only a few special badges produced by the secret realm that seemed to be intercepted under the rules of the secret realm. They were now organized into a pile and piled in front of Lucian.

Lucian looked at this small pile of badges and couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

After all, the conflict between him and Lilia was because of the competition for this kind of badges. In the end, the number of badges here was more than the survivors.

"Lord Lucian, we didn't do anything with the silver token in the monster's body before..." Bennett's student was very earnest at this time, and his voice was even softer, for fear that he would say something wrong and be killed by Lucian.

Lucian just nodded slightly, but did not immediately check the token that triggered the full-scale conflict between the half-elf and the wizard apprentice, but looked at several half-elfs on the side.

"Teacher Lucian..." Carly walked out a little embarrassed at this time, lowered her head slightly, and explained what had just happened in a low voice.

Several half-elves were waiting anxiously for Lucian's verdict.

Lucian glanced at Carly, who was looking anxious, and gently stroked his chin.

These half-elves, including the weak half-elves behind them, are a great fortune in themselves.

However, since Carly has been transformed into a half-elf through blood transplantation, it may be a better way to keep these half-elves and let Carly manage them.

If their loyalty can be ensured, in the future, we can even expect Carly to lead a group of elves or half-elves to control the giant war weapon made by ancient elves.

Thinking of this, Lucian gently stretched out his finger and was about to flick Carly's head, but considering that there were other people watching, Lucian withdrew his hand a little embarrassedly and patted Carly's shoulder instead.

"Your own people, then you can deal with them."

Carly smiled.

But Lucian's next sentence made her smile gradually disappear from her face.

"But since you want to study blood and blood curses, I will prepare the relevant courses for you in advance after we return to the academy from here."

"Well, yes, there are also corresponding exercises. Blood books, ancient fairy language books... The basics of curses also need to be arranged. Young man, it won't hurt to learn more."

Carly's head drooped down, and the whole person almost shrank into an invertebrate.

At this time, Gagarin and Brown, who were closer to Lucian, also heard the conversation between Lucian and Carly. Although they didn't dare to say anything or make any exaggerated expressions, looking at the painful expression on Carly's face at this time, the two felt their teeth were a little sour.

When they followed Bennett or Lilia to learn knowledge, they only hated that the knowledge taught by the instructor was too shallow, too little dry goods, and the price was too high. But why did Carly seem to be a little painful because Lucian taught her too much?

It's really a full man who doesn't know the hunger of a hungry man.

The two people complained crazily in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show their expressions.

The half-elves bowed their heads slightly at this time, showing enough respect for Lucian.

"Carly's promise remains unchanged on my side. I will provide you with shelter within my ability, but you also need to make contributions, such as helping me cultivate some magic plants. Of course, these are all paid, and I can trade with you with knowledge or other resources."

Lucian's words made Carly on the side feel certain. Although the half-elves were still a little uneasy, they all smiled on the surface.

After comforting the four half-elves a little, Lucian glanced at the special boy on the side. At this time, he had withdrawn from the muscular state and became extremely thin, even looking a little skinny.

"It's really a special talent. I don't know what kind of innate secrets are contained in it..." Lucian admired in his heart. But now is not the time to satisfy his curiosity, so Lucian quickly shifted his focus and focused his attention on the silver talisman floating quietly in the air.

Lucian tried to use his mental power to pick it up, but he failed after several attempts.

Lucian, who didn't believe in evil, tried to take it with his hands again, but he still couldn't pick it up. Every time he stretched out his hand to touch the silver token, the token would move slightly to avoid his grasp.

"Carly, you try it." Finally, Lucian gave up this unnecessary attempt and turned his attention to Carly, whose hands were slightly emitting a purple halo.

Carly walked forward very obediently, stretched out her hand and easily grabbed the silver token in her hand, and then showed it to Lucian for inspection. On both sides of the token, there were engraved a giant wolf howling to the sky and a black two-headed dragon with its wings spread out and diving.

Obviously, the token was engraved with the Moon Wolf and the Moon Dragon, two powerful monsters worshipped by the Moon Spirits. As Carly picked up the token, the light purple halo emitted by her hands at this time also covered the surface of the token with a layer of light purple.

Then the talisman trembled slightly, and with its trembling, the entire Judgment Flower began to vibrate greatly, and the floor of the core cabin where Lucian and his companions were located shook violently.

In this shaking, a lifelike giant wolf statue slowly rose from the ground, and the pattern characteristics of the giant wolf were exactly the same as the Moon Wolf on the silver talisman.

However, the giant wolf in the sculpture seemed to be baring its teeth in protest, as if it would tear the enemy in front of it to pieces in the next moment.

"Awoo..." When Lucian was looking at this giant wolf sculpture, a loud wolf howl came to his mind in a trance.

The next moment, time and space changed, and all the survivors suddenly came to a void space, and the "floor" under their feet kept shaking, causing the seriously injured half-elf to almost fall into the bottomless abyss.

"Is this... a scale?" Lucian soon discovered that the ground under their feet was actually a huge metal scale, and at this time all of them were standing on a tray on one side of the scale. The weight of several people caused the scale to slowly tilt. If they did not do something, they would probably fall into the endless darkness below.

In front of them, a huge wolf head appeared, as if a great being in an endlessly distant place cast a ray of light in this direction.


The terrifying pressure made Lucian tremble in his heart, and his legs couldn't help but feel a little weak. Some of the weak-willed half-elves or wizard apprentices fell into a coma at this time, and some of them were limp all over, obviously losing their ability to move.

"Moon Wolf... Rite." Lucian had an idea in his mind. He quickly took out the badges he had just collected from the space ring, and then threw them to the other end of the scale with all his strength.

Ding, ding, ding...

When the badges collided with the scale tray, a crisp sound was made, but the next moment, the badges exploded all of a sudden and turned into a series of somewhat illusory human figures.

Not long after, many people appeared on the other side of the scale. They crowded on the other side of the scale, not only preventing the scale on Lucian's side from falling, but also slowly lifting the end where Lucian was.

Lucian looked sideways and saw the human figures transformed by the badges. At this time, they also turned their heads to look at him, their mouths opening and closing, as if they were silently roaring at them.

However, at this time, the balance of the scale had been thoroughly diagnosed, and the face of the huge wolf head in front of the scale showed a satisfied look. It slowly opened its mouth and then took a light breath.

Under the gaze of Lucian and others, a series of somewhat illusory human figures began to fly uncontrollably towards the giant wolf's mouth.

Then, the giant wolf Tuso's mouth opened and closed slightly, as if he was chewing.

As it chewed, the figures inside seemed to let out extremely shrill screams and shouts.

But soon, these sounds disappeared.

"Awoo..." Perhaps satisfied with this sacrifice, the giant wolf Tuso raised its head slightly and let out a long howl.

Amid its howl, the scale tray where Lucian and the others were located began to slowly rise upwards. When they were about to leave, the giant wolf Tuso looked at Lucian, and its huge green eyes were like two strange stars, constantly affecting Lucian's consciousness.

Lucian stared at the giant wolf Tuso's eyes, but he only felt that these eyes kept expanding in his vision, and then expanding...

Boom - the next moment, Lucian felt that his vision and consciousness completely turned into a dark green color, and then it seemed that he had suffered a heavy blow, causing his consciousness to fall into darkness.

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