Those Years When I Was at the Pawnshop Appraiser

Chapter 430: The Effect of 9-Turn Golden Elixir

In his view, as long as the strength is strong enough, then naturally all obstacles will not be a problem.

Although the Earth Immortal Realm is his upcoming goal, he is not in a hurry.

The big deal is that he directly breaks the space boundary, and uses the method of space traversal, just crossing the past directly.

Although the spatial turbulence is terrifying, with Chen Shaojun's strength and means, it is not impossible to cross it.

After all, he has a lot of self-defense methods. In martial arts, there is the invincible magic of King Kong, the perfect defense with a perfect physique, copper skin and iron bones, eight treasures, glazed golden light...

These methods are enough for him to deal with general space turbulence and many tiny meteorites straddling the space.

Of course, the best way is to find a suitable and safe passage.

And the one that the old man crossed this world at the beginning is undoubtedly the most suitable one.

Other than that, it was the ancient teleportation array that Mu Yuxian walked in.

Although the teleportation array has been damaged due to time, and the other side can hardly be activated to take over, but inside, it actually contains the spatial coordinates of the location of the Earth Immortal Realm.

Even if there is a problem with the teleportation array, he can use it to reach the earth fairy world just like Mu Yuxian.

As for the space channel provided by the elder of the Demon Dao, he was a little more cautious.

Because, he can't guarantee that that space channel really connects to the Earth Immortal Realm. If it connects to the Demon Realm, wouldn't it make him fall into a desperate situation instead?

After all, the horror of the demon world is well known, and the living environment is harsh, so it is not a place he would like to go to.

In this way, Chen Shaojun continued to appraise the remaining treasures without stopping.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

After half an hour.

Chen Shaojun relaxed his mind, and finally completed the appraisal of all the treasures belonging to Zhou Yilong.

And at this moment, the number of immortal-level high-grade superposition symbols in his hand has reached eleven, which is one more than he estimated.

"Eleven high-grade superimposed symbols of the immortal level,

If all of them are exchanged for Nine-Turn Golden Pills through wishing talismans, it should be able to increase the number of Nine-Turn Golden Pills to as many as one hundred, right? "

Chen Shaojun muttered in his heart.

He is also calculating whether these more than one hundred nine-turn golden elixirs can truly improve his martial arts cultivation to the ultimate level.

Then, he couldn't help but took out the first Nine-Turn Golden Elixir and swallowed it into his mouth.

In other people's eyes, it was just that Chen Shaojun swallowed the elixir to recover because of the continuous appraisal of treasures and consumed too much, but no one felt abnormal.

On the contrary, my heart is full of emotions, this Master Chen's spiritual power is really powerful, his Dao and martial arts are also profound and powerful, he can appraise so many treasures in one go without showing much fatigue, until now, he devoured the spirit Medicine for recovery.

A golden pill was swallowed.

Chen Shaojun immediately felt that a special force was continuously pouring into his body from the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, and then drove the mysterious power in his body to rotate and compress rapidly.

One lap, two laps, three laps...

After a full nine laps, the special power contained in the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir finally dissipated.

But at the same time, Chen Shaojun immediately felt that the mysterious power in his body was a bit more solid than before.

Although the quantity can, the difference is not big. But comparing the two, there is a subtle 'qualitative' difference.

"However, this slight difference is too subtle.

And the mysterious power in my body is too turbulent and thick.

It's just a Nine-Turn Golden Pill, it's really difficult to completely condense my power of the Mysterious God to reach the ultimate level. "

Chen Shaojun couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Indeed, his mysterious power is too strong.

It far surpasses the vigorousness of ordinary martial arts practitioners.

After all, he had ignited 1,296 acupoints to achieve the level of the Spirit Gang Realm, and achieved the level of the Divine Profound Realm, which made him who he is today.

In fact, the ignition of each acupoint is equivalent to opening a dantian.

This is also the reason why it was so difficult for Chen Shaojun to improve every level before.

It is because there are too many dantians in which he can store the power of Shenxuan. If he needs to fill it up, the resources he needs to consume are ten times, hundreds of times, thousand times or even ten thousand times that of ordinary martial arts experts.

A Nine-Turn Golden Pill, although it can help the Mysterious Power in his body to circulate and compress nine times, it is not enough to completely compress the Mysterious Power in his vast star-like acupoints to the extreme .

"And judging from the effect of this Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

I need at least a thousand Nine-Turn Golden Pills to compress the power of the Mysterious God in my body to the extreme..."

Immediately, Chen Shaojun silently compared and estimated, and quickly came to a conclusion.

I can't help but feel helpless in my heart.

Up to now, his strength is too strong. Naturally, every time he improves, he needs to consume a lot more resources.

Then, Chen Shaojun flipped his hand and silently took out a magic talisman.

It is the wishing talisman that he copied using the method of copying.

"Unlock these superimposition symbols, and exchange all treasure appraising rewards into Nine-Turn Golden Pills!"

Chen Shaojun first activated the wishing talisman.

Immediately, all the eleven immortal-level top-grade stacking symbols were activated.

pause time.

One after another, the talismans exploded, followed by treasure appraising rewards.

Eleven Nine-Turn Golden Pills, Thirteen Nine-Turn Golden Pills, Nine Nine-Turn Golden Pills...

Numerous Nine-Turn Golden Pills were immediately rewarded by psychic treasures.

The zero and zero totals add up to one hundred and thirty-three pieces.

"One hundred and thirty-three nine-turn golden elixirs should be able to compress and solidify more than 10% of my Shenxuan power.

It is equivalent to directly increasing my martial arts strength by 10%.

Although the cost of obtaining it is a bit high, it is really worth it. "

Chen Shaojun knew his current level of strength.

Almost at the pinnacle of perfection.

Don't look at this as a small amount.

But compared to his level of strength, it is enough to imagine that this 10% increase in strength is huge.

If there is no Nine-Turn Golden Pill, as far as he knows, apart from some heaven-defying fetishes, there are almost no martial arts that can make his strength improve without breaking through the realm.

The fact that the Nine Turns Golden Pill can do this is enough to prove the magic of this panacea.

"Unfortunately, the number is still too small.

More than one hundred and thirty, but not enough. "

Chen Shaojun thought in his heart, after secretly putting the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir into the space in his sleeve, he immediately removed the isolated space outside.

First he glanced at everyone, then looked at Zhou Yi Nong, and said with a smile: "This is the treasure you took out before, and I have solved it all.

Now, it's back to its original owner, and you can take it all. "

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