Seeing this, Mo Xinghe and Fairy Hongchen naturally helped Chen Shaojun deal with it, recording the treasures provided by each strongman.

As for Chen Shaojun, after retaining some of the treasures, he once again laid out the space in his sleeves and began to appraise treasures wholeheartedly.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

After half an hour.

Chen Shaojun saw that there were ten more fairy-level high-grade superposition symbols in his hand, and he didn't choose to unlock them directly.

On the contrary, they took some treasures and continued to appraise them.

As for the other strong men, they were completely relieved of Chen Shaojun at this time, and they continued to explore in Old Man Jian's cave.

As for the current owner of Dongtian Paradise, Zhou Yinong, because he had actually been seriously injured in the fight with Chen Shaojun before, and he was a little afraid of Chen Shaojun in his heart, so he didn't dare to stop him directly, but secretly ordered his subordinates to take the same quick action to destroy the cave mansion. Put away the relatively precious treasures inside.

Because of this, in Chen Shaojun's hands, a steady stream of treasures were delivered to him for identification.

So, a day later.

Chen Shaojun finally appraised the last treasure.

Although his mental power was always full because of the free mental particles rushing towards him from the sky and the earth, such continuous appraisal still made him feel a little tired.

However, in his heart, he still felt a little joy.

Because, with such continuous identification of treasures, he finally added to one hundred the fairy-level high-grade superposition symbols in his hands that were perfectly stacked by him.

A hundred stacking charms should be enough for him to pass the wishing charms, continuously rewarding nine-turn golden pills, and let his martial arts strength truly rise to the ultimate peak level.

In other words, the current him is not far away from formally promoting his martial arts to the realm of immortality.

He was naturally delighted and happy.

And, on top of that.

After appraising so many treasures in a row, he finally discovered the address and method of the space channel where Old Sword Master left this world from the treasure appraising screen.

That was the appraising picture that appeared when he appraised a wooden sword.

The owner of the wooden sword is not the old man Jian, but one of his apprentices.

He is also the sword boy who grew up with him since he was a child.

That sword boy didn't have his kendo talent, let alone Taoism practice talent, so he could only practice martial arts.

Although he is practicing martial arts, in terms of the use of swordsmanship, in fact, different routes lead to the same goal. With the guidance of the swordsman, the old swordsman, and years of observation, his swordsman's swordsmanship is not weak.

In terms of martial arts practice, he has also reached the seventh level of the Divine Profound Realm, and is a high-level martial saint.

In terms of kendo practice, he also has his own insights. This can be seen from the sword boy's use of the sword.

At first, he used a sharp sword, then a heavy sword, then a soft sword, and finally a wooden sword...

And the wooden sword that Chen Shaojun appraised was the weapon used by the opponent after he had reached a relatively advanced level of kendo practice.

Through the treasure appraisal screen of Mu Jian, Chen Shaojun clearly 'saw' that after the old man Jian broke through to the state of distraction, he drank a lot of wine and talked with his apprentice, Shutong, and an old friend who grew up with him. Among the many words, it is mentioned that he will go to Broken Star Island, intending to walk out of this world and enter the earth fairy world by climbing the ladder.

The so-called sky ladder in the ladder of climbing to heaven is not actually, there is a so-called sky ladder on the Broken Star Island.

According to legend, the Broken Star Island is the closest place to the Earth Immortal Realm in this realm, and there is a weak space node connected to the Earth Immortal Realm in the sky.

As long as the strength reaches a certain level, if you can break that space node and then step in, you will be able to enter the earth fairy world from this world smoothly.

"That is to say, as long as you can reach Broken Star Island, fly to the sky, find that space node, and break it, can you use this to enter the Earth Immortal Realm from this realm?"

Chen Shaojun was slightly excited.

Although, he knows it's hard.

In addition to the harsh environment around the Broken Star Island, and a lot of various beasts, there are also a lot of lightning, thunder, and all kinds of wind and rain around the Broken Star Island. It also has to go through a great test.

After all, any practitioner is very clear about the power of thunder and lightning, and it is extremely dangerous.

Even the old man who is as strong as a sword, when he proposed to climb the ladder, he had a dignified look at the beginning, and his confidence was not very sufficient.

In addition to climbing into the sky and resisting possible thunder and lightning attacks, there are also two difficulties that need to be faced.

The first one is to find that spatial node.

After all, the space nodes are hidden in the normal space. If they are not strong enough and have a relatively deep understanding of the space rules, how can they detect the location of the space nodes?

And the second difficulty is to break the spatial nodes and form the corresponding spatial channels.

This difficulty is actually better than the previous point.

Because, to break a space node, the attack strength required is often extremely high, at least at least, it must be more than ten times the limit, plus it needs to make the space fellowship stable enough to last for a certain period of time, then its attack strength must be at least 10 times the limit. More than ten times the limit of ten times...

And being able to achieve this is not something that ordinary distraction-level powerhouses can do.

In other words, the actual strength of the old sword man back then has actually surpassed many old-fashioned distraction-level powerhouses.

Otherwise, there is no confidence to embark on the road to heaven.

"And for me, these difficulties are not a problem.

It is true that he can walk on the road to the sky just like the old sword man. "

Chen Shaojun breathed a sigh of relief.

In terms of strength, when he raised his magic power to a thousand years and reached the level of distraction, his strength was already at the peak of the world.

Coupled with many supernatural powers, the general powerhouse in the distraction state is really no match for him.

As for the so-called lightning threat and the difficulty of finding space nodes, it seemed simple to him.

After mastering the supernatural power of a hundred times space-time, his comprehension of various time and space rules between heaven and earth has actually reached a relatively profound level, and it is naturally not difficult to find various space nodes hidden in space.

In this way, what he needs to consider now is actually simple.

That is to break through his own martial arts strength as soon as possible, and reach the realm of martial arts and immortals.

In this way, he can naturally let go of everything and leave this world without distraction.

In the most peak state, to climb the higher mountain... to see the more beautiful scenery that belongs only to the strong.


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