Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Vol 12 Chapter 127: Lack of social beatings

? "Did you say that you want to have two girls, Mindy and Laura?" With a cold tone, a plasma high-speed rifle was heavily shot on the table. A touch of sound. The original bulging Sam was trembling like a quail.

It is not surprising that Sam was afraid. Even if he has obtained key training in the Nova Squadron College, even if he has become the head of his grade, even if he is already the leader of this internship, leading hundreds of internship members . But he still felt scared.

Because in front of him is the unrecognizable but terrifying strength of the earth, the extraordinary father-venger alliance.

When the four uncles Damon, Frank, Logan and Mike rushed into the room with guns and various weapons. Sam couldn't help but recall the scene when he was beaten by these four uncles. That experience left a deep psychological shadow in his life.

Sam once thought that he had overcome such fears. After all, after training in the Nova Army for so many years, he also became a small leader. He felt that he had forgotten the fear of being dominated by this group of uncles, but when this group of people held He was still counseled when various weapons with long spears and short cannons faced him directly, and questioned him fiercely.

Sam found himself not as brave as he thought. At least in the face of this group of fathers and enemies, he was not as brave as he thought.

Anyway, he can only shrink like a quail right now. I dare not move. The coercion of the Avengers, Sam thinks he is a child.

Sam is indeed not experienced enough, he lacks some social beatings on his way to becoming a man. And today he owes these experiences, and everyone in the Father-Avenger League intends to help him to complete them kindly.

Frank was playing with the gun in his hand, Wolverine was grinding his claws, Damon was playing with a butterfly knife, and Mike was counting the number of bullets with a caliber of 12.7 mm.

"Talk about it."

During the panic, Sam didn't know who said this. He could only swallow a spit: "Say, what to say."

"Tell me about your ambitions! Ah! Wasn't that just a big breath?" Frank pointed his gun at Sam.

Sam waved his hands again and again: "Uncle, you made a mistake. I didn't say it!"

Facing a possible threat to his life, Sam panicly explained. And his argument is to make the father and enemies ridiculous. Logan even said outspokenly: "Do you think we are all deaf? Have we not heard what you just said? Do you think you used this sophistical means to help us, are we stupid or you stupid?"

"I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm the most stupid. I was just scared, I was talking nonsense, and uncles took more care." Sam said immediately. Although Li Jie personally videotaped Sam, let him learn his magic. However, Sam's skill in wrestling pot didn't even learn one-hundredth of Li Jie's skill, but he learned two or three points with no face and no skin.

Sam's performance can be regarded as cheering father and enemies. Damon even said a little helplessly: "Who did you learn this child's shameless attitude? Does your school also offer courses to teach you how to shameless?" Dad Damon didn't know that the school of the Nova Army This course is not available, but the Nightcrawler did make up for Sam in private. Unfortunately, Sam did not understand the core of Li Jie's course.

"Your child is cheap, and lacks social beating." The old man Mike opened the mouth to teach Sam: "Do you know the end of the cheap mouth?"

After hearing this, Sam immediately squatted and hugged his head: "As long as you don't hit your face."

Father Enemies:

Why does Sam seem to be bullying like this? This seems a bit wrong. Uncle D feels like something is wrong. Instead, Sam's attitude made them uncomfortable.

David, who had been watching the lively side by side, felt very disappointed because he wanted to see Sam experience a social beating. As for the two girls, Mindy and Laura, they were put on the side to eat well. According to the uncles, if they do n’t eat on time, it will affect their development. This kid is just nineteen and hasn't passed the developmental stage yet.

As for whether these two boys eat or not, it is not the concern of the uncles. Anyway, if you do n’t eat two meals, you wo n’t starve.

Just when David felt disappointed, the fathers and enemies transferred the firepower to him: "David!"

Haibian King David felt that goose bumps had all risen. Because the expressions of these uncles are not very kind now.

Logan waved his paws so that the king of the sea came closer, and David moved slowly with his feet. Logan slipped him over impatiently. After David stood obediently, Dad Damon looked at him and asked, "Are you just preparing to confess to Mindy?"

"Me? No no no!" David's head shook like a rattle. He was also afraid & he would n’t see the sunrise tomorrow morning if he did n’t answer well! But he was broken, and Mindy, who had been eating with Laura in the distance, sneered, and then whispered to Laura: "No kind!"

Laura nodded: "That's right, neither of these two guys are planted. Sam still wants to soak us two. Look at him as a hamster, what can he do? This is also true for David. Like you, but dare not say anything. What is the use of such a man ?! "

The two girls reached a very unanimous view on this, that is, they felt that the two boys were too spineless and responsible. So the two hurriedly finished their meal and left. I originally planned to see how these two boys were going to help their dad. Now the two are completely uninterested ~ ~ And the two boys do not know that their performance has just been judged by themselves. The death penalty. But then again, in the face of these fathers and enemies who can show that they are not humble or too humble, that is too little too little. Their performance is also a very normal situation.

The fathers and enemies glanced at each other. The two boys still lacked social beatings. At the age of 5, Mindy and Laura were so big that they did not actually forbid the two to fall in love. But the object they are looking for cannot be so cowardly and timid! Faced with people like us, it is empty, what should we do if we encounter more serious problems since then?

The old dad looked at the crowd and said, "What do you think of them?"

Logan suggested: "Give it to the Nightcrawler, if not, let them both follow me to learn Vajra. It ’s a waste to stay anyway!"

The other fathers and enemies all gave thumbs up.

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