Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Vol 10 Chapter 88: Jane Foster and Christine and Schiff

Thor wants to establish a standard of care for children (orphans) like Nightingale, but this is not a simple matter. Because many times, a lot of things can't just depend on how you do it. The important thing is to see what you say.

And Thor is not a good shout, so he needs someone to help him to accomplish this.

So Jane Foster volunteered and offered to help Thor.

"You need to write some research reports about the life and behavior of the children in the orphanage, and the feedback that the caregivers get when they take care of them. And the final results that can be obtained. These are all written studies that need to be written." Thor made his own point.

"And this is just the first step. After writing the research report, we need to find a way to publish some papers and attract some attention in the industry. Let more people realize that about the care of children who are not relatives. This is a long-term project, maybe You need to continue to do this for ten years, or even longer to be valued. "

"I don't care about the time, if it can help, ten or twenty years, I am willing to invest this time. But what about writing the thesis?" Thor showed an embarrassed expression.

Well, paperwork has never been good at Thor. Even the battle report sent back to Xiangong during the war was usually written by Luo Ji or Xifu for him. He never handled this kind of writing work.

Jane smiled happily: "If you find it more troublesome to process documents, maybe I can help?" There was a gleam in her eyes.


Since then, Jane will take the time of one rotation to come to the Southern Cross Welfare Home to help Thor in the two weekly rotations. And because she is a woman, Jane can help him with many problems that were not convenient for Thor. After all, there are many girls among the children in the orphanage.

In this process, Jane's understanding of Thor is getting deeper and deeper.

The image of Thor, who is a bit sloppy and sometimes lazy, but will not fall off the chain at a critical moment, slowly fills Jane Foster's mind.

As a very beautiful girl, Jane also made several boyfriends in high school and college. But the final result was blown.

The reason is simple. There are more and more men and women who like to shirk responsibility in this era. There are more and more people who dare not take responsibility when things happen, and there is no decision.

Jane feels that this kind of indecisive man is pretty good. This kind of gunshot doesn't refer to the appearance of a man. Maybe some men are five big and three thick, but Jane still thinks he is a good shot.

Because personality and appearance are completely different. Jane likes the kind of man who has the responsibility and the ability to do it. This has nothing to do with the appearance, of course, it is best not to look too ugly, Jane added in his heart.

Although Thor looks a bit fat, his facial features are not bad. It does not belong to the modern and popular look of a beautiful man, but has a more angular and sharp feeling.

The momentum when he was serious was like a soldier or knight who was charging. This is a temperament that most people in modern society simply do not have. This made Jane deeply fascinated.

For what she likes, Jane Foster is simply neat. After getting along for a month or two, she can be sure that Thor is indeed the type she likes. Although there are some shortcomings, it is completely tolerable.

Jane Foster is an adult woman. Twenty-four years old, she already knows exactly what she wants. And those perfect boyfriends in the fantasy of fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls, Jane Foster knows that this world does not exist.

People have advantages, then there will be disadvantages. Perfect people live only in Disney's fairy tales.

So when a neat lady and a beautiful lady want to capture a man, her method is always simple and straightforward.

On a sunny afternoon, Jane and Thor had a simple lunch at a rural family restaurant not far from Southern Cross. A simple combination of borscht and rosemary chicken drumstick rice.

"So, Thor, you have never talked about your private affairs, do you have a girlfriend?" Jane, who was drinking borscht, asked Thor in a simple way. The tone was as simple as asking Did your friend read the weather forecast last night?

"Cough." Thor, who was drinking borscht, was choked: "How do you ask?"

"It's nothing, I'm curious. I want to know what is the ratio of the average chubby to the average fat house with a girlfriend." Jane said seriously and unpredictably.

Thor took a few sips of borscht and was about to start dealing with rosemary chicken thigh rice: "I don't know if it counts, it's a bit subtle."

He is talking about Christine, he likes Christine. Thor was initially infected by Kristin's personal charm, and then willingly joined the emergency center and began to learn first-aid knowledge.

But at present, his relationship with Christine is a bit subtle. If it is described in one word, it is [more than AUO, the lover is not full]. Thor does not know what to do to improve this kind of thing.

Thor used to have women, but never fell in love. As Thor, as long as Thor ticks his finger, there will be female believers to accompany him. So for a long time, he couldn't figure out why humans spend their time in love.

But really when he fell into it himself, he felt these things were bad.

Where am i? who am I? What should I do? This is something Thor couldn't tell clearly in the love circle.

Christine is waiting for Thor to take the initiative, but Thor does not know what to call the initiative. His former initiative for women ... well, that kind of initiative seems not to be used directly on Christine.

So the relationship between the two is now in a very delicate state. It can go further at any time, and of course it may fall to freezing point at any time.

Jane Foster listened to Thor talking about Christine and found that something was wrong. Does it seem to be a bit late?

Jane does n’t want to be a little three, but Christine has n’t formally established a relationship with Thor. Such an unexplained exit? It seems that he is very unwilling. After all, there is nothing to say between Christine and Thor. Good friends but not lovers.

When Jane and Thor both fell into a strange silence, a magnetic female voice came from the door of the restaurant: "Tor, you really are here, Sophie said you are out for dinner!"

Jane turned her head and saw a charming woman. The long brown hair became a ponytail, a neat lady's suit, an intellectual and capable temperament radiated from the woman.

Thor waved at the visitor: "Hi, Christine, why are you free today? Didn't you say you're busy lately?"

Kristin shook her head helplessly, inner OS: If I am busy, don't you know to visit me at my house? Still waiting for me to come to you!

Kristin raised a bag in her hand: "I recently joined a first-aid doctor and I can take a break. Did n’t Jason like to eat my baking last time? Although he knows how to cook , But can only be regarded as average in baking desserts. I think I have time today, why not go to your home and do some baking. "

Christine, wearing high heels and a suit, strode toward where Tor was. Only then did she discover that it was not the female nursing staff colleague who was sitting diagonally across from Thor who was eating with him.

It's a pretty young girl. Long black hair draped to the back, brown-black eyes are deep and attractive, and full and full lips have a different **** taste.

When the two women met, there was a different atmosphere in the air. An intangible, intangible, but real thing permeates the air.

Thor felt as if he had inexplicably heard the sound of electric current, and he secretly felt it. There is no place to leak electricity. All the current flowing in the restaurant is in the wire. Did you hear it?

Just when Thor was puzzled, Christine smiled at Jane and asked Thor, "Is this?"

"She is Jane Foster. It's also our hospital staff. I used to help her on the subway. Now it's her turn to help me. Jane, this is the Christine I just mentioned with you." Er is not yet clear what happened, he just introduced Jane to Christine.

"Hello Jane." Christine reluctantly shook hands with Jane and asked Thor, "What are you doing?"

"Help Thor complete some research on the behavior of the children in the orphanage and things that help these children grow up healthily." Jane said generously to Christine.

Christine looked at Jane slightly, and she felt like she was too busy during this time. When did such a beauty appear around Thor? Thor provokes himself? Christine didn't believe it.

This man is really not a master who can attract bees. This woman posted it yourself? But Thor is so fat and he doesn't look like a handsome guy. How can someone post it?

Christine's eyes narrowed slightly, and she persuaded Thor to give up on losing weight. She felt that she found Thor's flash point, Thor is a big treasure belonging to her alone.

In case Thor is thin and handsome, there will be a group of little girls who only look at the man's face and flesh. Kristin is already thirty-three, and she can't do anything about letting her and the little girl in her early twenties fight for face value and youth invincibility.

Anyway, she doesn't mind Thor's fat, let Thor continue to gain weight. In short, Christine thought so.

But what she was most afraid of still happened. The sudden appearance of Jane Foster seemed to be her rival for whatever reason. What have I done with Thor yet.

If Thor started to interact with Jane now, he would not even have the right to object. Do n’t be too face-conscious before you know it. It ’s time to shoot. Now hesitate and get caught!

Christine complained that she was slow to start.

Both women found something strange about each other, don't ask why, there is only one reason, the woman's intuition.

Thor didn't notice the weird atmosphere, but helped Kristin also order a borscht and rosemary chicken leg rice.

The waiter who delivered the meal lowered the tray and couldn't help but look at the mature, elegant and intellectual Kristin and the young and beautiful Jane Foster.

Then there was a secretly disgusted glance at Fatty Thor. After swearing a few swear words in his heart, he left.

"It should be your turn off this afternoon, Thor. We can go home and cook." Christine now wants to get Jane out of Thor.

But Jane said, "Tor, you seem to have said that your roommate is called Jason. He cooks very delicious food, didn't you say you want me to come to your house as a guest? Would it be better to be together today?"

As a Thor who can sleep in a serious meeting at the Illuminati to discuss how to eliminate the dark history of the Illuminati, this kind of major event conference can be sleepy. He is keen in some aspects but still a bit dull in some aspects.

Thor, who was a little unaware of all this, has only tasted it now, although it is not very clear why. But there seems to be a smell of gunpowder between the two women. What should I do?

Thor opened his mouth and laughed dryly: "I called Jason. See if he is home."


Li Jie Villa.

Li Jie, who was accompanying the fairy goddess Xifu playing backgammon to help her pass the time to wait for Thor to return from get off work, heard his phone ring.

As soon as I picked it up, I heard Thor's voice over the phone: "Jason, I seem to have a problem."

"Did you lose your power again?" Li Jie apologized to Schiff and went to the side to answer the phone.

"No, but worse than that!" Thor at the end of the phone sounded eager.

Li Jie touched his chin and guessed: "Did you just go to the hospital for a medical examination, and then the doctor told you that you have high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high blood sugar? I have said it many times, you need to lose weight! You are extremely heavy. Unhealthy. "

"I tell you, if you become Asgard's first warrior suffering from diabetes, if you have to live on insulin every day ~ ~ then you will become a big joke!"

"Shut up! It's not that!" Tor on the other side of the phone asked Li Jie to stop cursing herself: "Jane came to help me today, and Christine also appeared. But strangely, the atmosphere between them seemed very stiff . "

Thor made a long story about Jane and Christine, and said that they will come to Li Jie's villa together later.

Li Jie pondered for a while before saying, "You haven't set off yet."

Thor was silent for a while: "Actually Kristin drove fast today, and we have already walked halfway."

"Poof, good luck Thor." Li Jie glanced at the curious Schiff who was playing with the TV in the living room.

"What's wrong?" Thor heard Li Jie's voice not right.

"Because a valkyrie from Xian Palace has just arrived," Li Jie said strangely.


"Not her, it's a Valkyrie named Shiv."

"It doesn't matter, she is one of my knights."

"Really? If I tell you, your father Odin has already made her your fiancee?"

There was a silence on the other side of the phone, and Li Jie could only hear Thor's thick gasps on the phone.

In Christine's car, Thor looked at the road signs, and now there are only four streets away from Li Jie's villa.

Christine and Jane Foster are looking at him with a smile. But Tor felt inexplicably felt his cold sweat was constantly leaking from behind.

This feeling is like the first time he faced the **** three-headed dog alone in his childhood. Although in the end he killed the three-headed **** unscathed, he could not guarantee that this time he would be equally lucky.

PS: There are too few tickets recently

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