Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 6: Hallucination

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But the stupidity of the other party also gave the red-haired magician a chance.

He grabbed Inticus directly, his task was only to "recycle" Inticus, then he just needed to recycle the little girl.

As for Ma Yuan, it doesn't matter what he and his strange superpowers are.

"This little girl, I took it back with me~~130,000 magic ban books~"

The red-haired magician grabbed Inticus with a smug look.

Inticus looked at the red-haired magician, still an expression that didn't know what was happening, no panic, no disappointment, just looking at the red-haired magician.

wait? !

The reaction of Inticus made the red-haired magician stunned. He suddenly felt that the Inticus in front of him seemed to be a bit wrong.

The red-haired magician wants to take his hands away from this Inticus. After all, if it is a trap, leaving the trap is the best option anyway.

But he was still one step late.

When he was going to do this, the red-haired magician found that his hand could no longer be removed from Inticus, as if it was stuck by something, locked firmly in On Indix's shoulder.

"Huh? What the **** is going on?"

At this time, Inticus's voice came from behind the red-haired magician. She was standing beside Ma Yuan at this time. She had no idea why there was a self in front of her and why her shoulders could stick to the red. Magician.

Ma Yuan just smiled and did not answer Inticus. If the secret of illusion is known to Inticus, it will be meaningless.

The next second, countless vines appeared on the shoulder of the Inticus created by the illusion, directly binding the red-haired magician and tying him into a ball.


Seeing this scene, Inticus jumped directly.

"Look, Ma Yuan! Look! I turned into a tentacle monster!"

"I know……"

Ma Yuan looked at Inticus with a black line, not knowing how to answer her excitement. After all, this thing was made by himself. Of course he knew what happened to the "Inticus" of this matter.

Not to mention... Ma Yuan can see even if he has long eyes.

"Speaking of Ma Yuan, why is this? Why is it like this?"

"This is my superpower."

Ma Yuan answered Inticus vaguely.

"Superpower looks like a good thing~"

Inticus almost jumped excitedly.

"Okay, you are calm."

Ma Yuan patted Indix's head, and at this time, although the red-haired magician was once in a confusion, he immediately reacted. This superpower is, at best, an illusion.

Perhaps for yourself, the real sense of this "illusion" is very real, but it is only an illusion. The illusion is called an illusion because it is not true.

These are all fake.

After understanding this matter, the red-haired magician came out of the bundled play of this tentacle, and then walked towards Ma Yuan.

"Are you going to fight me with this fake thing?"

The red-haired magician was a little angry, and at the same time he began to read words. Through his "prayer", a circle of fire appeared at the foot of Ma Yuan, which directly forced Ma Yuan to the scene of the fire.

Inticus, watching Ma Yuan surrounded by flames, almost screamed.

"Then, just recycle you."

The red-haired magician looked at Inticus. Inticus froze for a moment and planned to run away, but did not want to be caught by the red-haired magician.

The red-haired magician is not stupid enough to use magic on Inticus. No matter what kind of magic, it will be wiped out by her strongest defense. This red-haired magician still knows, but direct Physical attacks are not necessary.

The red-haired magician grabbed Inticus and stunned her, resting it on his shoulders, leaving only the scorched body of Ma Yuan beside him.



What happened just now is actually not true.

At this time, Ma Yuan and Inticus were on the same house. They reached the edge of the academy city and the ordinary city.

Very fringe edge zone.

Once you have crossed this house and reached the next roof, you can go to the academy city.

Ma Yuan knew from the beginning that the red-haired magician would not be trapped by his own illusion for too long under the premise of knowing that his ability was nothing but illusion.

The kind of illusion that can be achieved through the increase of the flame or the power of the king can be compared to the reality. After losing the increase, Ma Yuan can’t bet on it, so he just created an illusion at the beginning, and then brought it Inticus fled as originally planned.

The only problem now is that the distance between this house at this time and the next one seems to be somewhat far away.

Um... not some, but very distant.

About ten meters? Twenty meters away? Ma Yuan is not an anthropometric device, so he cannot know the specific distance, but he can still see that it is far away.

This will make it difficult to jump over...

Ma Yuan thought about it. If his illusion was too far away from him, he would still be unable to maintain it in the end. After about ten minutes, the red-haired magician would find out that the Inticus he took was fake.

If you walk in from the main entrance, although some procedures need to be done, it takes some time. Under these circumstances, it is easy for the red-haired magician to find out that the truth is chasing over.

"Let's just go past it...?"

Despite this, Ma Yuan didn't feel that he could make a great jump of the century, jumping from one roof to a roof far away.

However, Inticus rejected Ma Yuan's proposal, she shook her head, indicating that she must follow her map and jump from here to another roof without making any changes.

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