Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 9: Unlucky

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Inticus was still eating, which was the opportunity for Ma Yuan to take a good look at this.

The home of this hedgehog-headed teenager seems to be a very simple one-bedroom, unlike an ordinary apartment, but like a single-room student dormitory.

There is nothing special or high-tech products. Compared with what Inticus said before coming here, it actually overturned Ma Yuan's fantasy.

Ma Yuan thought what modern city would be called by Inticus as a "scientifically supreme" city.

After Indyx had almost eaten, Indyx looked at the hedgehog-headed boy with an expression of "you are asking me a question".

The teenager scratched his head, and the things he encountered this morning made him feel a stronger sense of his misfortune. He simply didn't have any idea of ​​"less one thing is one thing" and began to ask Inticus.


"My name is Inticus, how about you?"

Before waiting for the teenager to ask a question, Inticus simply reported his name.

"Hey, hello, you should know you are running away? Is it really okay to tell the other person your name?"

Ma Yuan instantly looked at Inticus with a black line. Although he didn't know the origin of the magical associations that hunted Inticus, it was still prudent to do such things.

"He gave me food for free, so it is a courtesy to report his name."

Inticus answered Ma Yuan seriously.

Ma Yuan sighed and didn't know what the girl was thinking, so he followed Inticus and reported his name.

"My name is Tian Ye Ma Yuan, just like what you see, for some reason I have to die with this girl to the end of the world."

Ma Yuan sneered Inticus while speaking.

Instead, Inticus was very popular with Ma Yuan, and didn't feel that Ma Yuan had any problems with him.

"My name is Niao Tiao Dang Ma... But to say, Inticus is a pseudonym no matter how you look at it. Hey, don't you feel weird with such a pseudonym?"

Although the other party is a little girl, the last time is a direct vomiting, without any intention to take into account the mood of Inticus.

"Although Inticus sometimes does not know what he is thinking, I will not let you just say that a girl still thinks that nothing happened!"

Ma Yuan patted the table and was so scared that he took a step back when he couldn't help but put his hand on the mobile phone he placed on the ground.

This time, the pitiful and unfortunate nap, the phone was immediately broken by himself.

Seeing this scene, Ma Yuan couldn't help thinking. When he first came here, it seemed to be the same.

Obviously it should be able to land normally, but somehow started to accelerate, even if he can stand up well, but do not know why it is necessary to dance for a while to get up from the ground.

This seems to be a problem between magic and Ma Yuan itself, but now Ma Yuan feels that this may not have anything to do with magic or himself.

It should be related to this person in front of you!

Because he is so unfortunate.

"After all, isn't Index the meaning of a directory?"

In the last article, Dangma didn't notice how Ma Yuan looked at him, but wanted to continue this topic.

"Yes, the list of banned books on magic. I have 103,000 banned books on magic books, so it doesn't matter if you call me Inticus (directory). If it's a magic name, it's Dedicated545."

Hey, what is this setting?

Ma Yuan had not yet decided what was wrong with the name of Inticus. When asked by Ma when the last article, and after Inticus answered, Ma Yuan found out that something was wrong.

Although I knew that Inticus was being hunted down by a magic association with a red-haired magician, I did not expect that things were more complicated than I thought.

"Did you just say you were chased and killed? Do you need to call the police? It's not that I said that there are still a few brushes in the school discipline committee and the police department, which should be able to help you."

Dangma Dangma suddenly felt that it was useless even if he cared about it, so he calmly began to help Inticus and Ma Yuan think about it.

Indeed, if someone needs help, Ma Yuan and Inticus's dilemma will be improved to a certain extent.

However, Inticus refused to be stern.

"It's no use, it's the magical associates who are killing us."

Inticus said that, Ma Yuan knew what she meant.

"Indeed, if it's a commissioner or guard, most of them are ordinary people, especially in this scientific and civilized city... If you let magic appear on the road, or stop a magician, it's not only very tricky, And there is no way to follow up."

Ma Yuan analyzed it.

"What the **** magician! Hey! You said the magic name from the beginning, the magician, and there are 13,000 magic ban books or something, I really don't know what you are talking about. Although there are indeed supers in this world Ability is right. Through drug guidance or ability stimulation, people will produce all kinds of superpowers, but the magic is too much."


When Ma Yuan heard the last article, he began to understand this school city.

For this young man called Niao Tiao Dang Ma, super power is the most common thing. Just like the magic of Inticus, he lives in a super power world.

Moreover, most people can use drugs and some other ways to guide the superpowers. In this way, Ma Yuan is somewhat curious about these "superpowers".

After all, the red-haired magician and Inticus treated their illusions as superpowers.

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