Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 11: Hood

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Forcibly follow Inticus's thoughts, and took a long break at Dangma Dangma.

Ma Yuan feels that no matter how to stay, it is estimated that the magician with red hair can also find a way to enter the academy city.

From the magician's point of view, Ma Yuan can know that the man's concern for Inticus is not something that can be explained by simply "recycling".

It's not Intis.

If the name of Inticus is index, that is, the catalog, then she is the person who owns the catalog of 13,000 magic ban books, and naturally becomes the object of the crazy pursuit of magicians.

"Well, do you have any clothes that she can wear at home? After all, you have broken other people's clothes, but you are responsible."

Ma Yuan asked.

Although it is said that boys should not have clothes that girls can wear, but if it is only a shirt, it can support for a while, so Ma Yuan planned this from the beginning.

"not at all……"

Dangdang Dangma shook his head, but there was no clothes for girls in his house.

"Hum, rest assured, I have solved this matter."

When Ma Yuan was about to lose his temper, Inticus threw away the sheets on his body and stood up proudly.

The clothes that should have been torn apart were forcibly pinned up by Inticus. She looked at Ma Yuan with a smug look, as if she had done something terrible.

"Are you ok?"

Ma Yuan asked Inticus with a black line.

He didn't know how deep a nun's attachment to the church was, but what he knew was that now Inticus's attachment to his clothes was beyond the scope of Ma Yuan's understanding.

"Of course it's okay! Hey, hello, do you think I'm an exhibitionist! This is a very important dress that the church gave me, even if the above "mobile church" performance is gone, I can't lose it like this. ."

Inticus said righteously, then looked at the noodles.

"Thank you again for your hospitality. We are leaving now. May the glory of the Lord shine on you."

Inticus was talking, and like a real nun, he kissed Dangdang's head lightly as if it were a blessing.

Shangdang Dangma seemed to be frightened by this gentle voice and benevolent gestures. He didn't say a word, just looked at Inticus.

"Although, your right hand will block these things out."

At this time, Ma Yuan sneered sneeredly, making him feel like he was trying to beat him.

But immediately, when he looked at Indix's naive face, he didn't say anything, just said goodbye to them, and then sent them out of his room.

As he walked to the street, Ma Yuan glanced at the place where Diaotiao Dangma was located. Although he said that this person didn't believe in magic but only "science" and was very unfortunate, there were some things he didn't say wrong.

"If there is a local organization, maybe it would be better for us to seek help."

Ma Yuan suggested so.

"If you ask for help, it's enough to find a church. There is no need to pull others into the water. After all, it's not a good thing to follow a stranger you know to the depths of hell."

Inticus said so.

"If I want to hurt someone who kindly reaches out to us, I still can't bear it."

"Wait, you should remember that I was inexplicably pulled into the thief ship by you?"

Listening to Inticus's seemingly very kind and full of Halo's speech, Ma Yuan couldn't help but interrupt her again.

Isn't he someone who was inexplicably pulled into her own affairs by her? And it wasn't those good people who pulled her into the depths of hell, but herself!

"Aren't you always there?"

Inticus began to pretend to look at Ma Yuan.

"Wait, are you sure? I have been with you from the beginning and have been escaping with you?"

Ma Yuan made sure that there was no problem with his memory. Although he has encountered this situation before, even if he has traversed himself, he has some "double body" like existence in this world, and he has entered. In the body of his double body, he wants to continue his story in this world.

But this time it was obviously not the case

He was airborne. Although he said that there was no sense of perception or touch for this world for a long time after the airborne, he was able to remember everything he came over.

"Probably not?"

Inticus stuck out his tongue, like a naughty girl.

"In short, you are now my partner. No matter where you go, that person will not only chase me but also you."

Inticus' words made Ma Yuan not want to admit it at all.

"Forget it, it's important to find the church first. Do you know where the church is?"

Ma Yuan asked.

"This way."

Inticus pointed to one of the directions and began to lead the way towards Ma Yuan.

At least after arriving at the church, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief and even ate delicious food. I was relieved at the thought of Ma Yuan.

However, things did not go as smoothly as Ma Yuan thought.

When she finally reached the entrance of the "church" that Inticus said, Inticus did not enter, but stood at the door and said to Ma Yuan in horror.

"I think I forgot to take something."

Inticus' expression scared Ma Yuan.


"My hat!"

Inticus said that, Ma Yuan realized that Inticus in front of himself was not the same as before. If you want to ask why, of course, it was because her hat was not on her head. on.

And her hat can only fall in one person's house.

That's the last article that Inticus didn't want to involve in his own affairs. When he was at home, after all, when she landed, her hood was still there.

Looking at Inticus's expression, Ma Yuan reacted, and they seemed to go back.

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