Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 27: fury

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This is simply what a standard girl would do. Even an excellent magician such as Fierce Fiery is still a woman. Ma Yuan knows a lot about the weaknesses and characteristics of women.

This time the fiery fissure revealed the flaw. Although Ma Yuan did not have any attack weapons, but behind her, a leg sweep could be done to fall the opponent.

The only difference from Ma Yuan's imagination is that the fiery fiery flame did not fall. Although she was unbalanced by Ma Yuan's leg sweeping, she was blocked by the long scary long knife-seven days and seven blades Stopped her falling tendency and stood up.

However, this also made Shenchaohuo out of the place where she originally stood. Ma Yuan knew that the place where Shenchaohuo stood before was exquisite. After all, the steel wire array method she laid under her, naturally, the place where she stood The most convenient place for her to attack and defend.

This time, even if she can still use seven flashes, her strength can only be greatly reduced.

"It seems that most of you will lose if you fight me."

Ma Yuan smiled and looked at the fiery fiery fiery.

Shenhuohuohu didn't speak, but once again grabbed the seven days and seven blades in his hand, set his driving, took a deep breath, and then looked at Ma Yuan.

Her meaning is very clear and will not be provoked by Ma Yuan.

"Do you know? It seems that Inticus's memory is only one year old, so I will come out, because I deliberately seduce you to appear, because there are some things I must know the answer."

"You people of magical associations, hunt down a little girl with only one year of memory, or a little girl who seems to be only fourteen or five years old, do you really conscientiously go? Or because it is a person who studies magic, So in fact, you have no conscience at all."

Ma Yuan's words made the breezy fiery eyebrows that had just taken a deep breath move, and it seemed that she was poking her thunder.

But this is also strange, after all, if the other party is really like the previous show, it is not so easy to poke the thunder point.

"It's fourteen."

The fiery words made Ma Yuan more puzzled.


"The age of Inticus is fourteen years old"

Divine fiery shivered his seven days and seven blades, so to speak.

Along with her shaking, three wind blades attacked Ma Yuan again. This time, Ma Yuan was an entity, not an illusion substitute he created. He shook his body a little and escaped this attack. .

"You... know her age?"

Ma Yuan was a little surprised. After all, he escaped with Inticus for so long. He didn’t know the age of Inticus. He just knew that Inticus was probably about 14 to 15 years old. At the age of 16, it is not impossible. After all, if you have been running away, malnutrition is normal.

"I don't just know her age."

Suddenly, Fiery Fiery suddenly began to wave the knife in her hand frequently, causing Fengblade to attack Mayuan continuously. Her current situation simply cannot be described as "normal".

It is simply "abnormal."

Even though the tone was not different from when she first appeared, it was as plain as she was calm, but the fierce fissure at this time could not be regarded as "calm" but like a mad animal attacking Ma Yuan.

It seems that I don't want to tell whether Ma Yuan is a phantom or a real entity.

The attack has become unruly. Ma Yuan is not difficult to escape, but the amount of attack has doubled, which makes Ma Yuan feel a little tricky.

"Hey hello... you calm down!"

Finally, let the enemy Ma Yuan begin to remind her to calm down.

"Calm down? Are you kidding me, have I always been calm?"

Shenhuohuo said with a blank expression, while walking towards Ma Yuan, she did not seem to be very calm.

Ma Yuan looked at this situation in a raging fire, secretly thinking bad, where did he die?

"How do you think we are attacking that child? What do you think Steele is fighting against his favorite child?"

"To know the organization we belong to is also a necessary evil church! You just described us like this, have you ever thought about the deeper reason? Don't you think it's strange? Since the other party has an absolute defensive enchantment' Mobile Church's defensive nun suit, why did we never plan to crack that first when we attacked?"

The fierce fierce fire said more and more excited.

"Hmm...because you think it's easy for a little girl to go back without hurting her? Waiting for the necessary evil church?"

The fierce excitement made Ma Yuan almost fail to pay attention to the point. It has to be said that the woman's temper is really ridiculous, not only difficult to deal with, but also easy to let the other party into the cage.

If the necessary evil church Ma had remembered correctly, it was the organization to which Inticus belonged. In this way, the person in front of him was not a magical associate, but a clergyman.

This surprised Ma Yuan a little.

But this surprise did not allow Ma Yuan to successfully escape the fierce and fierce attack. What Ma Yuan said to her just now seems to have caused tons of blows to the fierce and fierce fire. Although she didn't pull out her long blade as she did with the illusion, she did use her seven days and seven blades to cross towards Ma Yuan directly.

Although angry, the fiery fissure still retains a trace of reason.

It was this hint of reason that made the whole thing a turning point, and Ma Yuan began to believe the fiery words.

However, it is imperative to calm down this woman, otherwise there will be no way to communicate later!

While thinking about it, Ma Yuan blocked seven days and seven blades with his hands, resisting the attack.

Bai Bai was hunted down by this "magic association" for so long, and now he knows that the inside story is not like this.

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