Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 29: the term

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Ma Yuan’s refusal this time, she didn’t insist on anything anymore. She knew she loved Inticus because she was her companion and lived together for a long time.

So she can understand Ma Yuan's mood.

In fact, when she and Steele decided to approach Inticus as an assassin at the beginning, she and Steele regretted it. They didn't want to leave any sadness caused by Inticus' amnesia. Memory, but now has more sad feelings.

After all, this is to let them hurt a friend they have always been.

Even after knowing a year's time, she will lose her memory, and then forget all the things she and Stil did, which is also a very difficult day for the fierce.

Her feelings for Inticus, and Stil's feelings for Inticus are more profound than they thought.

So when Ma Yuan said that even if he would forget himself, he was not willing to leave any sad memories in the brain of Inticus, it was easy to understand this mood.

"Then so, I will pick up Inticus three days later."

Divine fiery fierce jumped from the ground, patted the dust on his body, so said to Ma Yuan.

This is the last thing God can do.

Ma Yuan nodded, and he knew that, in such a mood of fierce fierceness, Inticus didn't matter even with them.

It's just that for Ma Yuan, it's just that he is taking a new world adventure in this almost completely strange environment.

"See you in three days."

After knowing all the truth, Ma Yuan turned back, bought some small cakes for Inticus, and then walked towards Yue Yong's family again.

Halfway through, he saw the team of Commissioner Feng Ji, which reminded Ma Yuan of Bai Jing Hei Zi suddenly.

Kuroko Shirai used to help Ma Yuan and Inticus because of his relationship with Inticus. It doesn't matter if Mayuan is still affectionate.

Moreover, it can alleviate the other party's aversion to male instincts.

Thinking about this, Ma Yuan began to walk towards the team of Commissioner Feng Ji, hoping to meet the girl who helped herself and had a perverted double ponytail.

"Eh, isn't this Amano Hara?"

I didn't expect that Ma Yuan didn't meet the girl with double ponytails, but instead met with the electro-optical girl Miyaka Misaka who emits a beeping light as soon as she gets angry.

After seeing Ma Yuan, Misaka Miqin took the lead in saying hello.


Ma Yuan thought about it carefully before pulling Misaka's name out of his mind.

After all, it was just a meeting of Pingshui, and it was too difficult for Ma Yuan to remember everyone's name.

"Misaka Miqin, you can call me Miqin, but... Misaka."

Misaka Miqin originally wanted Ma Yuan to call her own name, but it seemed that she saw something. She suddenly changed her tongue and revealed some headaches on her face.

As if the name is a switch, it will cause very difficult things to happen.

"I see, Misaka Sang."

When Ma Yuan smiled at the next words, how did she know that a very excited call of "Sister Sister~~" instantly attracted Ma Yuan's sight to her behind.

It was a girl with brown hair and double ponytails. Like a 100-meter race, Fei rushed towards Mayuan.

Ma Yuan leaned slightly to the side, letting out a path, and then Kuroko Shirai rushed directly towards Misaka Miqin.

Of course, at the beginning Shirako Shirai's goal was Misaka Misaka.

However, when Shiraoi Kuroko jumped up and was about to pounce on Misaka Miyuki, Misaka seemed to hate this kind of contact very much, and her electric light began to flash on her head.

The next second, an electric light directly attacked his best friend.

"Woo! So dangerous!"

The moment the electric light was about to hit Shiraoi Kuroko, Shiraoi Kuroko disappeared from Ma Yuan's eyes. The next second she appeared in another place and looked at Misaka Miqin with an incredible face.

"My elder sister, I'm so heartbroken, you are so kind to me."

Space ability, which is completely different from Misaka's electric shock ability, can move in space within a certain distance.

What Shirai Kuroko has is such a superpower, but any superpower has certain trigger conditions, or advantages and disadvantages. The triggering condition of her ability is to touch herself, and can only teleport to where she can see or imagine.

Even so, Shiraoi Kuroko is a well-known and powerful person in the academy city (lv4).

"Yo, should I say long time no see?"

In order to avoid the sister battle in front of him, although Ma Yuan knew that this was probably the most unlikely situation, Ma Yuan still greeted Shirai Kuroko.

"Huh, why are you here?"

Kuroko Shirai looked at Ma Yuan and expressed with a very obvious uncomfortable expression how much she did not want to see Ma Yuan at this moment.

Ma Yuanqian took a cake out of his bag with a smile, and handed it to Kuroi Kuroko with a smile.

"I just saw the Commissioner for Discipline here, thinking about whether you are here. Thank you for the previous things. If it were not for you, most of my sister and I would not be able to escape the man's pursuit."

I don’t like Ma Yuan any more. Shirako Kuroi is also a girl. She took the gratitude that Ma Yuan gave her without thinking. Of course, Ma Yuan didn’t forget to give Misaka Miqin. After all, let her do this. It doesn't look good.

"Oh, how is your sister?"

Shirako Shirai didn't see Inticus, so he bit the dessert spoon and began to ask Ma Yuan.

At the beginning, Shiraoi Kuroko helped Ma Yuan for Inticus, so she cared about Inticus.

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