Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 38: strength

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As the electric shock defeated the attack on Ma Yuan, the electric shock made his face look surprised. Obviously he seemed to be experiencing this for the first time, and he had no idea what should be done.

However, in this momentary gap, Shirako Kuroi seized the opportunity, and she did not know what method Ma Yuan used to make herself disappear.

Mostly it is Ma Yuan's ability.

Shiraoi Kuroko didn't care too much about this. The status of Commissioner Feng Ji had taught her how to face an emergency, that is, to focus on the things in front of her.

If the electric shock in front of him is at least lv4 or higher, Shirai Kuroko needs to put more energy on him. After all, this person's ability should not be much worse than Misaka Mitsuki.

It is likely that Misaka Misaka himself.

After seeing the attack by Shirako Kuroko, her first reaction was to use her electric shock again, and use the ability of electromagnetic waves to resolve all the attacks by Kuroko Kuroko. The iron rod became a magnet again. attract.


The electric shock made a slight hum when she looked at the scene in front of her. She seemed to be somewhat disdainful of Shiraoi Kuroko's ability. After all, as a commissioner of style, she couldn't even defeat herself.

But the arrogance caused by the electric shock can only stop here.

Ma Yuan appeared behind the shocker.

When Shiraoi Kuroko saw Ma Yuan, she was stunned. She didn't expect that Ma Yuan just appeared behind the shocker, without any sound.

It is difficult for the average person to do this.

Perhaps Ma Yuan showed a little bit of his strength just now, but what Shirai Kuroko did not expect was that Ma Yuan's strength actually reached this point.

She began to wonder what Ma Yuan's superpowers were and how high her rank was.

"That, Bilibili, you seem to be a bit powerful."

Ma Yuan said a word deliberately behind the shocker, and a person suddenly appeared behind him to make this shocker a little surprised, and the panic caused by this surprise made her action stand still again for a while.

It was at this moment that Ma Yuan found the gap and attacked the electric shock.

This blow was not light. Considering that the opponent looked like a girl, Ma Yuan didn't use all her strength, but hit it on her neck. Generally, this kind of attack can make people faint.

But not this time.

When Ma Yuan attacked the electric shocker, it was obvious that the electric shock brought static electricity on his body, as if protecting his master, and suddenly began to skyrocket.

The conditioned reflex ability caused by the electric shock was slightly stronger than Ma Yuan's imagination, which caused Ma Yuan's attack to deviate and hit her on the shoulder.

However, because of this attack, the electric shock caused the hat to cause Ma Yuan to knock it out in the next attack.

Although the electric shock made him want to avoid it and avoid this situation, Ma Yuan's attack was still successful.

The electric shock from the falling of the hat immediately revealed his true appearance.

This is indeed a girl with red curly hair and good-looking brown eyes. The face value is not low, even the long and dense eyelashes, so Ma Yuan began to praise this beauty.

But obviously, this electric shock is not Misaka Misaka.

Seeing the "older sister" who is not her own, Shiraoi Kuroko breathed a sigh of relief. She teleported to the front of the shocker, and her iron rod and the shocker had a bad compatibility, which made Baijing Kuroko have to decide to use the near Come and subdue this thief in an attacking manner.

"Although I don't know why you are stealing things, as a superpower, you should be a student of a certain school. Isn't the scholarship enough?"

Kuroko Shirai asked so.

"busy body……"

The electric shock kicked a foot towards Shiraoi Kuroko. I don’t know why. The ability of the electric shock is not only the content of super powers. Her fighting skills are also much more powerful than the average person.

Among the several moves with Kuroko Kuroko, Ma Yuan discovered this.

This seems to have another hidden meaning?

Ma Yuan couldn't help but notice this situation. Generally speaking, if it weren't Shirai Kuroko, a normal superpower would rarely have such a powerful fighting ability.

They just developed super powers just for the better development of science, and this super power does not make their physiques stronger, so in many cases, when super powers are not available, those Superpowers are like tigers without teeth, and they have no effect.

But this person is different.

It seems to have been specially trained for something.

Ma Yuan also took a step forward, stopping Shirako Kuroko from an attack she hadn't escaped, but if it was just a fight between the fists and feet, Ma Yuan wouldn't mind it.

Shirako Kuroko rescued by Ma Yuan was somewhat uncomfortable, but she still gave up. Even if she had been trained by the Commissioner for the Discipline, but there were very few times when she really needed to use physical skills, Shirako Kuroko's physical skills were still not Ma Yuan So powerful.

After her physical skills were fundamentally suppressed by Ma Yuan, her brows were frowned by the electric shock, and her limbs began to be filled with the sparkle of electro-optic stone fire, as if it was a rush.

After seeing this, Ma Yuan froze for a moment. He was separated from the electric shocker, but he still made up his mind. He wanted to see how powerful the electric shock used by the electric shock was.

Although Shiraoi Kuroko felt that the electric shock made him at least a powerful player of lv4, Ma Yuan did not think so.

From the beginning of electricity usage, I always felt that there was a lack of strength. Ma Yuan did not know how to calculate the ability level of the academy city, but he decided to try it.

Try to see how strong the electric shock is.

Thinking of this, Ma Yuan drew his hands directly into his sleeves and clenched his fists.

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