Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 43: Inside the church

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When he got up the next morning, Inticus had already finished his morning class.

Although the room was not big, Inticus did not wake anyone up, just sat up from the bed and prayed.

Last night’s layout, although Misaka Miguel was somewhat unhappy, but still proceeded as Shirako Kuroi said, Misaka Miguel and Shiraoi Kuroko slept together, and then Inticus slept in another bed, as Ma Yuan fell asleep The floor is gone.

It is normal for boys to sleep on the floor.

When Ma Yuan woke up, Inticus put his index finger to his mouth, instructing Ma Yuan not to wake up Misaka Misaka and Shirai Kuroko.

Last night, in order to avoid Yue Yong Xiaomeng's worry, at the request of Inticus, Shirako Shirai checked Yue Yong Xiaomeng's mobile phone number-after all, as a teacher, her mobile phone number was still in the self-regulatory organization where the Commissioner for Wind Discipline was located. There is a backup.

Then they sent a message to Yueyong Xiaomeng, hoping that they wouldn’t have to worry about what happened, and about their plans afterwards.

Kuroko Shirai and Misaka Misaka wake up one hour later.

Because Ma Yuan didn't know the situation of Tokiwadai, he could only stay in the dormitory, but he could see from the window that the place was heavily guarded.

Perhaps the word guarded is not suitable for a middle school, but Tokiwadai gives Ma Yuan the feeling at this time that he can only use this word to describe it.

The high walls and the orderly college life is that after 8:30 on the Internet, if there is no special reason to stay in the dormitory, it can effectively make the entire Tokiwadai into an almost safe. The place.

Not to mention that Tokiwadai has their own requirements. As a school pursuing a super ability level, none of the students here has a super ability level lower than lv3, most of them are high ability people (lv4), that is There are only seven superpowers in the academy city, and there are two here.

If those who attacked Inticus came to Tokiwaki last night, let's say nothing else. The students may have enough for them to eat a pot.

If Inticus did not want to trouble others and insisted on going to church, Ma Yuan thought she was a good choice to hide in the Tokiwadai.

After washing, Shiraoi Kuroko took Ma Yuan and Inticus and began to move in the direction of the church.

After sending them out of the school, they basically started to follow the map. After all, Shiraoi Kuroko has never been to the church. If it was not because of the demand of the academy city, probably the "unscientific" things of the church would not appear in the city of a scientific civilization like the academy city.

Eighty percent of the academy city are students, but all students have experienced superpower development and are considered as members of the scientific world, while the remaining 20% ​​of adults also have some superpowers. , But they are all people who have been in contact with the outside world, and many of them have their own religious beliefs.

Although even a few of the students will choose to believe in religion, most of them are adults, and these adults maintain the energy supply and vitality of the rest of the city of the academy, so in order to take care of these people, There is a church like this.

After walking for another hour or so, Shiraoi Kuroko took Inticus and Ma Yuan, and again found the entrance to the church where Inticus took the horse to.

It is a church that cannot be said to be very large, but it is also a church.

Ma Yuan can see that this church is a Protestant church, but the necessary evil church of British Puritanism that Inticus belongs to is also a Protestant denomination, so it feels a little natural.

"Then send you here, do you need to send it in?"

Kuroko Shirai looked at Inticus.

Inticus shook his head, and he was already grateful for being able to deliver it, of course, there would be no further requirements.

Ma Yuan and Inticus began to walk inside the church.

After entering the church, Ma Yuan can feel that the space inside is actually quite large, not as small as it looks on the outside, but a nice place.

After seeing Inticus, some of the nuns in black clothes suddenly froze.

"this is……"

One of the nuns stepped forward and seemed to want to say something, but could not think of what to say. Instead, another nun reacted to the situation and hurried to the nun.

"Hello, I am the Inticus of the Necessary Evil Church, which has a catalog of 13,000 magic ban books. There are some crises in this city that require the help of the church."

Intic didn't hesitate at all, so he gave his whole situation out.

But this is also normal. Ma Yuan knows a little bit about the situation in some churches. As long as the members of the church ask for help, they will basically help. Not to mention the list of 13,000 magic banned books belonging to the necessary evil church.

Upon hearing Inticus say this, the nun nodded. Although she glanced at Ma Yuan, she still put Inticus into the backyard of the church, and wanted to find a room for her to rest in.

"Who is this person?"

While leading the way, the nun asked the situation of Inticus Mahara.

"A person who helped me, but is now homeless, just go together."

Inticus explained it casually.

Ma Yuan always felt that Inticus's explanation made him look pitiful, but the facts were no different.

When walking in the corridor of the backyard of the church, Ma Yuan had another feeling than Inticus, that is, he didn't know why, he always felt that the church seemed a bit wrong, but he didn't know What's wrong

When Ma Yuan thought so, he saw a familiar figure swaying from the side not far away. The man had pink curly hair and brown eyes.

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