Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 49: flame

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Just as his illusion avatar was fighting Xi Ying, Ma Yuan was no longer in the back garden at this time, but began to move towards Inticus' room.

When Xi Yingfei flew out before, Ma Yuan noticed it. It seems that because of the movement of the flower bed, the nuns who guarded the room of Inticus seemed to be attracted attention, although they did not leave the room directly. But the horse has an opportunity.

Ma Yuan approached the room again, but he didn't venture into it.

These nuns are professionally trained and unlike other people, their faith in faith has made their resolution of illusions much higher. After all, they have to resist some magic attacks. Magic attacks are particularly common in magic attacks.

Ma Yuan must let them leave here completely.

Otherwise, even if Ma originally had a way to hide his breath and let himself walk without a sound, he could still be seen walking alone in front of others.

Ma Yuan began to control his illusion body.

Since it's illusion, it's okay to do something exaggerated... Ma Yuan thought of it while controlling his body, and began to emit some flames from the middle.

Ma Yuan did not know what kind of superpowers the superpowers of the academy city should have. The space ability of Shirako Kuroko cannot be used by himself. If he uses electric shock in the same way as the electric shock, there will be fewer gimmicks. So Ma Yuan chose the flame.

But in the final analysis, it is because the big fireball is too brainwashed about his concept.

Seeing Ma Yuan directly start to magnify the fireball behind the church, the nuns were stunned. The nuns ran to the place where Ma Yuan and Xi Ying fought, and asked them what was going on.

"Could there be any misunderstanding? The two of you calm down first and then say that this is the sanctuary of God in the world, and you can't be wild here!"

Ma Yuan smiled when she heard the words of the nun.

"What happened to me? I was attacked by this person last night, and I was attracted to other places with her two friends, and she took advantage of this opportunity to start sending us a very important The man started. That one was considered vicious, and he carried a 14-year-old girl directly and started to jam in the car."

Ma Yuan said while looking at the expression of the nun.

Sister Nun listened to Ma Yuan’s complaints, but there was no obvious emotional change. This surprised Ma Yuan. After all, he was dealing with nuns for the first time. He didn’t expect that nuns could do this... ?

"Speaking of it, if you think about it carefully, if this person is a devout believer, then most of them are instructed by the church. Say, why do you treat Inticus this way, she has already given all her body and mind to trust you! "

At this time, Ma Yuancai looked like a big enlightenment, and looked at the nun and smiled.

This argument is not without reason. After all, the situation shown is the same. The electric shock caused Xi Ying to do these things at the request of the church.

"Mr. Ma Yuan..."

"What is Mr. Mahara, my full name is Amano Mahara, even if you came back from abroad, you should clarify the folk customs of Japan, or did you never know my name at first? After Inticus entered her room, she began to imprison her, so what I call her is just depending on the situation.

Ma Yuan lost his temper again. He was not afraid of stalemate with anyone, but he was sure that his purpose now was to make things bigger and bigger and bigger.

Hearing Ma Yuan saying this, the nun was stunned for a while, and she really did not know what to take.

However, Xi Ying's reaction ability is faster than that of the nun. She reminded her seriously and the nun beside her.

"This person is delaying time. He must have the same party, so he intends to draw all our attention to this side, and then bring Inticus back again."

When Xi Ying said this, Ma Yuan laughed.

"It's a slap? Do I have that need?"

Ma Yuan said this, but instead let Xi Ying froze. She never thought that Ma Yuan had other plans to do.

At this time, Ma Yuan told Xi Ying a reply that he would not believe.

"As long as I have burnt all of this place, I can take the Intic ribbon away. I don't need to slap things to attract your attention."

When Ma Yuan said this, he started to use his "abilities" to set fire.

In fact, Ma Yuan didn't use his "power" to fire, but just looked like it.

Electrical fire itself is not a rare phenomenon. Fires caused by electricity are everywhere, so Ma Yuan still uses the ability of electric shock to make Xi Ying.

For humans, Ma Yuan's illusion can affect the body by directly acting on the brain, which is a normal phenomenon, but if it is for inanimate objects, it is a bit embarrassing. After all, in this world, it is not There will be "illusions" caused by flames or the power of the king.

In this world, Ma Yuan's illusion can only act on the brain, so he decided to do some flexible things.

For example, use magic to conceal the fire, and then use their "abilities" to light them up again.

"What the **** are you?!"

When looking at the flames around, Xi Ying asked.

In a world of superpowers, a person can only have one superpower. Xi Ying has always thought that Mayuan's superpowers should be a kind of inexplicable illusion, and can also attack himself with virtual things, just like " Same as "unmet matter".

But now it seems not so simple, Ma Yuan can use two types of super powers!

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