Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 58: Lost memory

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The last article was a few days after hemp awoke.

Throughout the entire period, Ma Yuan and Inticus stayed temporarily in the home of Dangdang Dangma. After all, there is no need to lock the door in the student apartment, and the room is enough for two people.

Inticus meant to wake up at the door of the hospital where Dang Dang Ma was waiting, but Ma Yuan felt it was unnecessary. He left his phone to the nurse and they would tell Ma Yuan as soon as the situation improved .

Not to mention the need to rest when the hemp is up, the previous nurses have said that visiting is forbidden until the patient wakes up.

Ma knew this rule, but Inticus didn't know it, so he made a fuss.

Fortunately, Inticus calmed down afterwards. As for the fierce crackle and Steele, they left the city of Japan.

Before leaving, they gave Ma Yuan a letter saying that it was for him.

This made Ma Yuan feel embarrassed and didn't know what it was. If he could not say it in person, he would have to write the letter.

When the letter was opened, Ma Yuan’s embarrassment disappeared. It was a thank-you letter. When Shenhuohuo had already thanked Mayuan when he left, after all, the character of Shenhuohuo didn’t seem to owe people. It's human, but Steele is different. It's really a bit difficult to make him thank you for the formal rules.

So there was this letter.

The content of the letter is to thank Ma Yuan for his help these days, and also hopes to be able to entrust Inticus to Ma Yuan, so that they can be relieved.

The things in the academy city have been known to the British Puritanism, but what I don’t know is the specific details of the whole story, and the nature of the matter. Steele and the fierce fire must return to the UK to clear this thing. Just fine.

At least dispel the concerns of British Puritanism.

If Inticus and Ma Yuan are left, it is better to stay in the academy city. After all, the academy city and the church are two worlds. Only in the academy city can Indix and Mayuan live safely. .

After all, magic and science are almost incompatible in the world.

For this, Ma Yuan raised his hands and feet in favor.

Ma Yuan was exposed to the words "magic" and "science" for the first time. Although it was said that the first contact was a bit over, the form of expression in this world is also not found in other worlds. It is hard to imagine that in a magic faction that has publicly admitted that it cannot use magic if it is superpowered by science, science can tolerate their existence.

This is no different than singing a contradiction.

But if the situation of Inticus and Ma Yuan in the academy city threatens the church, then even the academy city cannot protect them, they will be handed over by the academy city before the church launches a full-scale offensive.

And Steele and Fierce Fierce are also to prevent this situation, so they must return to the British Puritanism.

Of course, for this point, Steele is very unhappy. Simply handing Inticus to Ma Yuan is already very uncomfortable. If you can, Steele hopes to be able to put Intic on your side.

For this, Ma Yuan can only laugh and say "blame me".

As for Inticus, Ma Yuan spent a lot of time to tell her that the fire was broken and the relationship between Steele and her. It was originally thought that Inticus would be difficult to accept this, but unexpectedly, She accepted it in its entirety without complaining.

Probably this is the true gesture of Inticus, as long as she can forgive all the lost lambs.

I got the news from the hospital that, days later, when I knew that the last article could be visited by Ma, Inticus flew out immediately.

This allowed Ma Yuan to follow only behind Inticus.

But soon, Inticus stopped, because she didn't even reach the hospital, she could only look at Ma Yuan and ask Ma Yuan to lead the way.

Ma Yuan sighed, and obediently acted as the guide.

After entering the hospital, a doctor who looked like a frog stopped Ma Yuan. He told Ma Yuan that he had important things to tell him.

It's about the last article.

Ma didn't want Inticus to know, but Inticus had to go in.

"Are you his friend?"

The doctor asked.


"Although if I can, I hope it can be better to tell his parents directly, but in the academy city, friends are generally closer than their parents, so I told you."

"I don't know what kind of life these super-powered bear children live every day, but the situation of Shang Tiaojun seems to be a bit excessive. Did he directly insert the electric rod into his brain, his nerves? The loss situation is not ordinary."

While talking, the doctor showed Ma Yuan a slide.

Ma Yuan can see that what appears above is a crooked brain. But the difference is that there are obvious signs of wear and tear inside the brain, which surprised Ma Yuan.

Before Inticus fell into a coma, Ma originally felt the magical fluctuations of Dawdang Ma, but he did not expect that the impact would be so great.

Ma Yuan, who knows nothing about medicine, can roughly guess the situation after seeing this.

"This patient's brain nerve is seriously damaged, so it is very likely that most of the memory will be lost. However, considering the injured part, some common sense memory storage points are not consumed, but the experience and encounters in recent years, just Not necessarily remember."

The doctor said that, Ma Yuan looked at Inticus.

As can be heard from the doctor's description, the last article Dangma should have replaced Inticus by magic and lost memory, which should have been undertaken by Inticus.

Intix, who was already very kind, did not know how to react after knowing this matter.

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