Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 68: weird

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That is a woman.

To be precise, this woman is Mushan Chunsheng.

Mushan Chunsheng fell from such a high place, did not seem to fall on the broken tiles, even a little bit of tile ash on his body, only there were some traces of electric burns.

Even the traces of this kind of burn were also abnormal. Ma Yuan saw Misaka Megumi attacking Mushan Chunsheng, so he could know that under that kind of power, Mushan Chunsheng could never be the case now.

At the moment, Mushan Harusheng's feeling seems to be that he was only receiving less than one-tenth of the electric waves emitted by Misaka Mitsuki, which made Ma Yuan feel awkward.

Can Mushan Chunsheng's superpower library have superpowers that can transfer other people's attacks?

After seeing the superpowered world of the academy city, Ma Yuan didn't think it was impossible.

"Don't hinder me!"

Mushan Chunsheng shouted.

Her situation is a bit wrong. Ma Yuan noticed that at the beginning, Mushan Chunsheng seemed to be just an ordinary researcher. Although it was a little crazy, it seemed to be just an ordinary human no matter where he was from. But now this "ordinary" has disappeared, she looks a little crazy.

Not only that, but her left eye also turned to a red color, as if the blood was red, and the bloodshot eyes were all red.

Ma Yuan rarely sees this. Although he has also seen people with red eyes, it is usually the color of the pupils, not the eyes. It is impossible that the entire eyeball is of this color.

"What's hindering you! Do you know how many people are trapped in a coma by your fantasy master!"

Ma Yuan shouted at Mushan Chunsheng.

"Ten thousand people."

Anyway, Mushan Chunsheng answered Ma Yuan without hesitation. As if this number had no special meaning to her.


Ma Yuan froze. Was that 10,000 people? ! Why does the other party seem to say "Oh, the data is like this, do you mean to understand it"?

Does this person have no heart?

"Ten thousand people have gained power through fantasy imperial hand, and then the number of people who fell into a deep sleep is not too bad. It just happens to be ten thousand people."

Mushan Chunsheng sighed, as if the teacher looked at the child who didn't like to study, and looked at Ma Yuan.

"You don't know the principle of the operation of the fantasy master, so simple to tell you. The ability of the fantasy master is to use the brain as a node, and then use a fixed electromagnetic wave to connect other nodes that use the fantasy master. Get up and form a network."

"Under this network, their superpowers are common, so it is natural to increase the superpower level. And thanks to this network, I can also calculate something I have to calculate."

What must be calculated, Ma Yuan realized that this thing was extremely important for Mushan Chunsheng.

It seemed that she was willing to sacrifice 10,000 individuals. The same Ma Yuan also knew why Mushan Chunsheng can use compound super powers, and it is still in the case that she has not undergone any super power development projects.

Because these superpowers are not Mushan Chunsheng, but the ability of those who have passed the fantasy master and hope that their superpower level is up to the low ability or the incapable.

Then, because these abilities passed through the network of fantasy masters, the level of superpowers also increased a lot.

"If you know it, don't hinder me. After my calculation is completed, those people will naturally wake up. I have to complete that calculation."

"If you want to calculate something, you can submit an application to the tree designer! He can help you calculate anything! There is no need to use anyone's brain to form any network!"

When Misaka heard this sentence, she became angry.

But this time she controlled her urge to use electricity. There was no flash of electricity on his head.

"Tree designer?"

Ma Yuan froze for a moment, who is that? Can you calculate everything?

"That's the supercomputer of the school city, it can calculate everything that can be calculated, even the weather. Don't you think the weather forecast of our school city is accurate?"

Misaka Misaki said to Ma Yuan at a glance.

Ma Yuan knew the weather forecast for the school city. In addition to the approximate weather that will occur every day, there will also be an airship with some real-time conditions looped on it, as well as some weather forecast content.

The weather forecast above is accurate to the second. Ma Yuan always thought it was an incredible thing.

If these are all done by the tree designer, then as long as it is possible to apply, no matter what the content can help Mushan Chunsheng calculate it.

"Are you talking about tree designers? Don't be kidding. That stuff is useless at all. I have applied countless times, and I have rejected the calculation application, otherwise why should I do this."

Mushan Chunsheng said so.

However, for Ma Yuan, Mushan Chunsheng's situation seemed to be that the government did not do what she thought, so she began to blame the feelings. This is not a good situation. Ma Yuan didn't like it.

"Even if you can't take the life of 10,000 children to take risks, right? You are definitely wrong."

"Even if it is wrong! It is the best way!"

Mushan Chunsheng refuted Ma Yuan’s words without thinking. Her words were indeed reasonable, but not all things that were reasonable were correct. Ma Yuan knew that.

What I didn't know was Mushan Chunsheng.

The roads were different, and Ma Yuan glanced at Misaka Miqin, instructed Misaka Miqin to cover himself, and then picked up a steel rod made of reinforced concrete on the ground, and flew directly to Mushan Chunsheng in front of him.

Anyway, stop this woman first.

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