Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 74: Double knife flow

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Two swords?

Misaka stunned after hearing Ma Yuan's request.

She can probably guess what the situation is.

Because the two swords are not uncommon requirements, it is rather a very common situation in comics. The hero who uses Erdao Liu and so on.

Misaka Misaka is a man who likes to read manga very much, but he is also a very realistic person. She still knows the difference between manga and reality.

"Are you kidding me? Don't think you are the man in the comics. Hey! Two lumens is only present in the comics."

Misaka said to Ma Yuan.

She had wanted to say that she was careful not to hurt herself, but before she said it, Ma Yuan blocked her mouth.

"Don't joke, the comics are based on actual things, it can't be made completely blind."

Ma Yuan said so.

"In the current situation, you still give me two knives."

"Give it to you!"

She was originally an arrogant one. Because she was murdered by Ma Yuan, Misaka Miqin became even more arrogant. She grunted her mouth and sucked the iron powder out with her own ability as soon as she stamped her feet. Two Taiji to Ma Yuan.

Because it is made of iron powder from Misaka Misaka’s electricity, even when it is given to Mayuan, in fact, there is still electricity circulating on it, but it is a safe current that humans can accept, which is stronger than bioelectricity, but it will not Any special feelings.

It just makes Ma Yuan feel strange.

Thanks to this current, the two knives are exceptionally strong, so you don’t have to worry about suddenly turning into iron sand because of the electric shock.

After receiving the two knives, Ma Yuan smiled at Misaka Misaki and rushed towards the baby.

Ma Yuan's speed is very fast, but Misaka Miqin looked a bit stunned, as if he saw the scenes in the comics. To know this speed, no one except the comics will really do it.

If you participate in the Olympic Games, you might be able to break the Dinis record.

It's just that Ma Yuan didn't feel fast enough.

When he ran towards the baby at a rapid speed, he borrowed inertia and stepped directly on the "pipe" under the baby's body, and then reached the baby.

The baby's body was soft, which surprised Ma Yuan.

But the action is more rapid than Ma Yuan's thinking. Before Ma Yuan figured out what he was stepping on, he had already scheduled what he had to do to make Ma Yuan's body work immediately.

Next, Ma Yuan reached the shoulder of this huge baby. Because of its huge size, Ma Yuan looked particularly petite on his shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan cut a knife toward its body.

Ma Yuan's plan was to cut off his head, or other parts of his body, but when he reached his body, he discovered that the baby was so huge, it was already able to cut it than his own knife. The scope is even larger.

You know, Ma Yuan used Tai Dao!

This is a knife famous for "long"!

Ma Yuan was only able to retreat and second only to cut a piece of meat on it.

However, even more unexpected things happened to Ma Yuan!

The piece of meat that Ma Yuan cut down, at the speed that Ma Yuan could see with his naked eyes, actually returned to the original appearance again, which made Ma Yuan jump out of the baby quickly.

After jumping down, Ma Yuan knew what he was facing.

This is a collection of thoughts.

Although Ma Yuan rarely sees this kind of existence, it is not common even in other worlds. But Ma Yuan still knows that this is a manifestation of "representation".

An existence is so embodied in front of itself, it has no entity itself, but it becomes "real" because of the embodiment of the concept, which instead gives it a "substance" in a certain sense.

That's why he would step on him and feel the soft feeling, because it is not really "soft and soft", but a kind of situation that often occurs after the embodiment.

The existence of the periphery can always be seen, but it has not yet grown up and formed, so Ma Yuan felt like walking on cotton candy when he stepped on it.

"Where did you learn this? Sword class?"

At this time, Misaka Miqin stepped forward and asked Ma Yuan.

Her focus is still on the bridge that Ma Yuan just showed in front of her in the comics.

It quickly reached the enemy's body, then quickly used his double knives like dancing, and then attacked the other party.

Regarding Ma Yuan's fighting style, Misaka can only use the word "beautiful" to describe it.

However, Ma Yuan's thoughts are somewhat different from hers.

"Oops, this is really bad."

Ma Yuan said.

"If the attack will be recovered, then no matter how you attack, the other party... wait, are they idiots?!"

Ma originally wanted to share with Misaka Miguel his views on this huge baby, but it was at this time that he heard the sound of a machine gun.

Someone seems to be shooting here!

And not only this way, Ma Yuan looked at the gunshots, only to see on the previous bridge, it seemed that there were bursts of gunshots and some flashes.

Ma Yuan still remembers that the people on the bridge seemed to be the guards of the school city. He came to this place only under the leadership of the security team.

It's just... What Ma Yuan didn't think was that the security team was so stupid that they shot in this situation? ! Even if something incomprehensible appears in front of you, it should not be so panic!

"what happened?"

Misaka didn't know what happened, so he asked Ma Yuandao.

"The idiots are actually shooting!"

Ma gasped, and then ran towards the gunshot.

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